Fang, Howie


There are 3 item/s.

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
Study of hybrid strategies for multi-objective optimization using gradient based methods and evolutionary algorithms 2013 1595 Most of the optimization problems encountered in engineering have conflicting objectives. In order to solve these problems, genetic algorithms (GAs) and gradient-based methods are widely used. GAs are relatively easy to implement, because these algor...
Constitutive modeling of aluminum foam and finite element implementation for crash simulations 2012 9562 In the past decades metallic foams have been increasingly used as filler materials in crashworthiness applications due to their relatively low cost and high capacity of energy absorption. Due to the destructive nature of crashes, studies on the perfo...
FINITE ELEMENT MODELING AND SIMULATION OF OCCUPANT RESPONSES IN HIGHWAY CRASHES 2014 14353 Roadside barrier systems play an important role in reducing the number of fatalities and the severity of injuries in highway crashes. After decades of work by researchers and engineers, roadside barriers have been improved and are generally effective...