Fan, Jianping


There are 4 item/s.

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
Large-scale image collection cleansing, summarization and exploration 2012 1685 A perennially interesting topic in the research field of large scale image collection organization is how to effectively and efficiently conduct the tasks of image cleansing, summarization and exploration. The primary objective of such an image organ...
HIERARCHICAL LEARNING OF DISCRIMINATIVE FEATURES AND CLASSIFIERS FOR LARGE-SCALE VISUAL RECOGNITION 2014 266 Enabling computers to recognize objects present in images has been a long standing but tremendously challenging problem in the field of computer vision for decades. Beyond the difficulties resulting from huge appearance variations, large-scale visu...
Structural learning for large scale image classification 2013 511 To leverage large-scale collaboratively-tagged (loosely-tagged) images for training a large number of classifiers to support large-scale image classification, we need to develop new frameworks to deal with the following issues: (1) spam tags, i.e., t...
A stochastic segmentation method for interesting region detection and image retrieval 2009 3157 The explosively increasing digital photo urges for an efficient image retrieval sys- tem so that digital images can be organized, shared, and reused. Current content based image retrieval (CBIR) systems face multiple challenges in all aspects: image ...