Chen, Shen-En


There are 6 item/s.

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
WEB-GIS BASED BRIDGE INFORMATION DATABASE VISUALIZATION ANALYTICS AND DISTRIBUTED SENSING FRAMEWORK 2013 5178 The national bridge system plays very important role in society operations ensuring mobilities that can sustain social and economic growth. Recent increasingly growing concerns about the safety of existing bridges are shared by highway agencies at ...
Advanced considerations in LiDAR technology : application enhancement, inspection workflow implementation and data collection quality management 2012 717 Bridge inspection is a critical topic in infrastructure management and is facing unprecedented challenges as the public is concerned more about bridge safety after a series of bridge failures. LiDAR based remote sensing is recommended as a way in sup...
Dynamic performance of transmission pole structures under blasting induced ground vibration 2009 12283 Structural integrity of electric transmission poles is crucial for the reliability of power delivery. In some areas where blasting is used for mining or construction, these structures are endangered if they are located close to blasting sites. Thr...
STUDY OF CO2 INJECTION AT CITRONELLE OIL FIELD USING LUMPED MASS MODELING AND FIELD DATA VALIDATION 2014 527 Carbon sequestration in geological formation is an ongoing effort of the research community to address the issue of curbing excessive anthropogenic CO2 emissions. This dissertation focuses on the development of a theoretical framework in establishing...
Terrestrial LiDAR-based bridge evaluation 2010 5508 Considering the over half million bridges in the US state highway system, more than 70% of which were built before 1935, it is of little wonder that bridge maintenance and management is facing severe challenges and the significant funding scarcity ...
MODE I FATIGUE AND FRACTURE OF THE CARBON FIBER REINFORCED POLYMER TO CONCRETE BONDED INTERFACE 2010 1427 As wet, lay-up fiber reinforced polymers (FRP) continue to gain popularity in the redesign and retrofit of reinforced concrete structures; it becomes imperative to fully define the interaction between these materials. Until recently, the main body of...