Campbell, Harrison


There are 3 item/s.

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
The economic impact of spatial income inequality 2009 1508 Spatial income inequality refers to the unequal distribution of income across communities. This study broadens the concept to include residential segregation, central city-suburban income disparity, and government fragmentation. Combining the complem...
Cluster requiem and the rise of cumulative growth theory 2009 826 Industry cluster theory has been the predominant model guiding economic development policy throughout the world for nearly two decades. As appealing as the cluster approach has been to regional scientists and policy makers it suffers from a number of...
The effects of space and scale on beta convergence testing in the United States, 1970-2004 2012 316 Convergence theory stems from neo-classical growth theory and hypothesizes that regional incomes will converge over time. Beta convergence, the idea that regions of initial poverty will grow faster than regions of initial wealth, has received a great...