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TitleDateCreatorPublication TypeInstitution
Non-passaged muscle precursor cells from 32-month old rat skeletal muscle have delayed proli...2013Zwetsloot, Kevin FacultyHealth and Exercise Science, ASU
Note on Hit-And-Miss Topologies2000Zsilinszky, Laszlo FacultyMathematics and Computer Science , UNCP
Nutrient Input Influences Fungal Community Composition And Size And Can Stimulate Mn(II) Oxi...2015Zorn, Bryan Thomas FacultyBiology - Student, ASU
Nemasket river myths2010Zinkowski, Michael C.StudentEnglish, UNCG
Negligence and Moral Responsibility1986Zimmerman, Michael FacultyPhilosophy , UNCG
Nuclear progestin receptor (Pgr) knockouts in zebrafish demonstrate role for Pgr in ovulatio...2015Zhu, Yong,Liu,Dongteng,Shaner,Zoe C.,Chen,Shixi,Hong,Wanshu,Stellwag,Edmund J.StudentECU
Nuclear Progesterone Receptors Are Up-Regulated by Estrogens in Neurons and Radial Glial Pro...2011Zhu, Yong StudentECU
Nuclear Progestin Receptor (Pgr) Knockouts in Zebrafish Demonstrate Role for Pgr in Ovulatio...2015Zhu, Yong StudentECU
Numerical solutions of nonlinear parabolic problems using combined-block iterative methods2009Zhao, Yaxi StudentMathematics and Statistics, UNCW
Nonparametric and Parametric Survival Analysis of Censored Data with Possible Violation of M...2008Zhao, Guolin StudentMathematics and Statistics, UNCG
Narrowing but Persisting Gender Pay Gap among Employees of the US Department of Health and H...2023Zhang, Yihong StudentECU
Nanoparticle toxicity in Drosophila melanogaster: a case study with nickel, nickel oxide, an...2018Zhang, Tian StudentBiology, UNCG
A note on processes with random stationary increments2014Zhang, Haimeng FacultyMathematics and Statistics, UNCG
A null model of community disassembly effects on vector-borne disease risk2010Zhang, Haimeng FacultyMathematics and Statistics, UNCG
A note on the generalized maximum likelihood estimator in partial Koziol–Green model2006Zhang, Haimeng FacultyMathematics and Statistics, UNCG
Narrowing but Persisting Gender Pay Gap among Employees of the US Department of Health and H...2023Zhang, Donglan StudentECU
Non-Ionic Surfactants Antagonize Toxicity of Potential Phenolic Endocrine-Disrupting Chemica...2023Zhang, Baohong StudentECU
Nicotine exposure and transgenerational impact: a prospective study on small regulatory micr...2014Zhang, Baohong StudentECU
Nicotine exposure caused significant transgenerational heritable behavioral changes in Caeno...2013Zhang, Baohong StudentECU
Nanoscale reactions in opto-magneto-electric systems2017Zeng, Zheng StudentJoint School of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering, UNCG
Neuron-derived transthyretin modulates astrocytic glycolysis in hormone-independent manner2017Zawiślak, Alina,Jakimowicz,Piotr,McCubrey,James A.,Rakus,DariuszStudentECU
The novel dual PI3K/mTOR inhibitor NVP-BGT226 displays cytotoxic activity in both normoxic a...2015Zauli, Giorgio StudentECU
Non-State Ambassadors: Ngos' Contribution To America's Public Diplomacy2009Zatepilina-Monacell, Olga FacultyCommunication, ASU
NOTCH3 expression is linked to breast cancer seeding and distant metastasis2018Zammataro, Luca StudentECU
Nutritional status of a group of Bolivians living in the state of Cochabamba1982Zahran, Effat Abdel-KaderStudentHome Economics, UNCG