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TitleDateCreatorPublication TypeInstitution
Gifted Women Who Underachieve: A Study of Mathematics and Gender2007Hudgins, Jane CraftStudentEducational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG
God-Talk and Kin-Talk in the Survival Epistemology of Liberian Refugee Women: A Radical Chal...2008Nsonwu, Maura BStudentSocial Work, UNCG
The Greening of Historic Places: Finding Common Ground Between Historic Tax Credits and LEED...2008Taylor Wells, Gisele StudentInterior Architecture, UNCG
The Gathering--Tiger, Rice, Orange, Fish2008Saxena, Garima StudentStudio Art, UNCG
GIS as an investigative tool: groundwater contamination and private wells in Guilford County...2008Wolfe, Kathleen M.StudentGeography, UNCG
Gender and the grotesque in the short fiction of Joyce Carol Oates2009De Nittis, Elizabeth StudentEnglish, UNCW
Gill Na+, K+-ATPase as a function of size and salinity in the blue crab, Callinectes sapidus...2009Li, Tiandao StudentBiology and Marine Biology, UNCW
A genetic analysis of the fission-fusion roosting behavior of tree-roosting maternity coloni...2006Metheny, Jackie DawnStudentBiology, UNCG
The geography of household computer waste management 2007Amankwah, Evans KwameStudentGeography, UNCG
The geography of technopoles : computer and electronic product manufacturing by MSA, 2005 2007Miller, Jason C.StudentGeography, UNCG
Grotesque beauty2007Ryono, Izumi StudentStudio Art, UNCG
A genetic assessment of population connectivity in mutton snapper, Lutjanus analis2009Shulzitski, Kathryn StudentBiology and Marine Biology, UNCW
Growth of natural phytoplankton populations of Wilson Bay : a nutrient bioassay approach2009Brousseau, Jennifer PetersonStudentMarine Science, UNCW
Growth survival and resistance to hypersaline stress in larval black sea bass (Centropristis...2009Carrier, Joseph K.StudentMarine Science, UNCW
Geology and petrology of the Fletcher Limestone Company Quarry, Fletcher, Henderson County, ...2009Kaltenbach, Kelley J.StudentGeography and Geology, UNCW
Growth, reproduction and survivorship responses to food enhancements for two species of estu...2009Owens, Meredith Q.StudentBiology and Marine Biology, UNCW
"A grand bloodbath" : the western reaction to Joseph Stalin's 1930s show trials as foreign p...2009Achterhof, Jeffrey LStudentHistory, UNCW
The gross morphology and histochemistry of respiratory muscles in bottlenose dolphins (Tursi...2009Cotten, Pamela B.StudentBiology and Marine Biology, UNCW
Genetic identification and phylogenetics of Lake Waccamaw endemic freshwater mussel species ...2009Sommer, Kristine StudentBiology and Marine Biology, UNCW
"Good wares and modest manners:" the Salem store entrusted to merchant Traugott Bagge, 1775-...2009Culler, Lola LangdonStudentInterior Architecture, UNCG
Geology and terrane relationships of the Tar River Area, Franklin and Granville Counties, No...2009Robitaille, Kenneth R.StudentEarth Sciences, UNCW
Geophysical investigation of the tectonic and volcanic history of the Nauru Basin, Western P...2009Murphy, Michael J.StudentMarine Science, UNCW
A genetic algorithm for the vehicle routing problem with time windows2009Cheng, Lin StudentMathematics and Statistics, UNCW
Genomic synteny and comparison of recombination between Apis mellifera (the European honey b...2009Meznar, Emily RachelStudentBiology, UNCG
Geographic information systems and spatial analysis of market segmentation for community ban...2009Parrish, Jason S.StudentGeography, UNCG
The genetic architecture of reproductive differences in workers of Africanized and European ...2009Graham, Allie MarieStudentBiology, UNCG
Gold nanoparticle enhanced capillary electrophoresis separations for Alzheimer's disease bio...2009Wambua, Dickson M.StudentChemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG
Grape powder extract (GPE) attenuates markers of inflammation in human macrophages.2010Overman, Angel StudentNutrition, UNCG
The geography of air freight and metropolitan economies: potential connections2010Al Kaabi, Khaula AbdullaStudentGeography, UNCG
Guide our feet: teacher education and servant-leadership in a Children's defense fund freedo...2010Davis, Joyce H.StudentEducational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG
Geospatial Analysis of Lake and Landscape Interactions within the Toolik Lake Region, North ...2010Pathak, Prasad A.StudentGeography, UNCG
The geography of industry specialization: tourism development strategies within the Appalach...2010Gallaway, Suzanne StudentGeography, UNCG
A Geographic Ontology and GIS Model for Carolina Bays2010Turner, Jacob RichmondStudentGeography and Planning - Student , ASU
The Growth of Form2010Morrisey, Jesse StudentECU
Gender Differences in Written Expression Curriculum-Based Measurement in Third Through Eight...2010Parker, Patricia D.StudentPsychology - Student, ASU
A genetic and behavioral analysis of intraspecific variation in mating behavior of deer mice...2007Wright, LaToya C.StudentBiology, UNCG
Generalized identity matching-to-sample in rats using olfactory stimuli2009Pena, Tracy M.StudentPsychology, UNCW
Gender Differences in Aerobic and Work Capacity During Plantar Flexion Exercise2009Stagner, Lindsay StudentECU
A guide to performance practice: Sonnets from the Portuguese by Libby Larsen2011Cornelius, Polly ButlerStudentMusic, UNCG
Geographic information systems in the social sector: trends, opportunities, barriers, and be...2011Edwards, Stephanie JaneStudentGeography, UNCG
Geospatial analysis of mean sensitivity in Pinus strobus2011Laxson, Thomas A.StudentGeography, UNCG
Good vs. evil: the role of the soundtrack in developing a dichotomy in "Harry potter and the...2011Morgan, Catherine P.StudentMusic, UNCG
German Vergangenheitsbewältigung, 1961 - 1999 : selected historiographic controversies and t...2010Nugent, Christine RichertStudentHistory, WCU
Group covers with a specified pairwise intersection2011Penland, Andrew DanielStudentMathematics and Computer Science, WCU
Get On Board, Children: The Story of Integration in Yancey County, North Carolina2011Brewer, Ashley ColeStudentAppalachian Studies - Student, ASU
Goldenseal: a case study on LC-MS profiling to identify synergists2011Junio, Hiyas A.StudentChemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG
Grape polyphenols attenuate inflammation and insulin resistance in human adipocytes and obes...2012Chuang, Chia-Chi StudentNutrition, UNCG
Gender dichotomies in the kitchen: feminine and masculine qualities in spaces and artifacts2012Johnson, Margaret StudentInterior Architecture, UNCG
A geospatial analysis of racial segregation in North Carolina's major metropolitan areas2012Morse, David DavisStudentGeography, UNCG