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TitleDateCreatorPublication TypeInstitution
C*-Algebras of Infinite Real Rank2002Chigogidze, A. "Alex"FacultyMathematics and Statistics, UNCG
C*-Envelopes for Operator Algebras with a Coaction and Co-Universal C*-Algebras for Product ...2023Katsoulis, E. StudentECU
C*-Envelopes for Operator Algebras with a Coaction and Co-Universal C*-Algebras for Product ...2023Dor-on, A. StudentECU
C*-Envelopes for Operator Algebras with a Coaction and Co-Universal C*-Algebras for Product ...2023Kakariadis, E.T.A. StudentECU
C*-Envelopes for Operator Algebras with a Coaction and Co-Universal C*-Algebras for Product ...2023Laca, M. StudentECU
C*-Envelopes for Operator Algebras with a Coaction and Co-Universal C*-Algebras for Product ...2023Li, X. StudentECU
The C-terminus of Troponin T Modulates Calcium Regulation of Actin-Myosin Interactions2019Johnson, Dylan JamesStudentECU
C02 Investigations: An Open Inquiry Experiment for General Chemistry.2016Stout, Roland P.FacultyChemistry and Physics , UNCP
C5a Receptor Enables Participation of Mast Cells in Immune Complex Arthritis Independently o...2010Kepley, Christopher FacultyNanoscience, UNCG
Ca2+ and Ionic Strength Dependencies of S1-ADP Binding to Actin-Tropomyosin-Troponin: Regula...2011Chalovich, Joseph M.StudentECU
Ca2+ and Ionic Strength Dependencies of S1-ADP Binding to Actin-Tropomyosin-Troponin: Regula...2011Chen, Yi-Der StudentECU
Ca2+ and Ionic Strength Dependencies of S1-ADP Binding to Actin-Tropomyosin-Troponin: Regula...2011Gafurov, Boris StudentECU
Cabaret: a historical and musical perspective of a struggling era2010Burrows, Candice S.StudentMusic, UNCG
Cadillac Desert Revisited: Property Rights, Public Policy, and Water Resource Depletion2003Holland, Stephen P.FacultyEconomics, UNCG
Cadmium2016Holland, Ashley StudentECU
Café Americana2000Welsh, Dianne H.B.FacultyBusiness Administration, UNCG
The Caged Bird Still Sings: A Phenomenological Inquiry Into The Sustaining Elements Of A Bla...2021Poole, Jr., Clifford OdellStudentEducation - Student, ASU
Caged Voice2008Labadie, Margie FacultyStudio Art, UNCP
CAIRSS for Music in arts medicine.1992Hodges, Donald A. FacultyMusic Education, UNCG
Calcineurin regulation of GLUT4 transcription2023Jensen, Ellis B.StudentECU
Calcium and chloride as cofactors and their binding in photosystem II2018Beravolu, Shilpa StudentChemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG
Calcium and chloride function in oxygen evolution by photosystem II through bisubstrate enzy...2013Tai, Henry StudentChemistry, UNCG
Calcium and phosphorus retention in frozen okra and spinach cooked in a steam jacketed kettl...1967Shah, Ranjana KanchanlalStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Calcium balances of premenopausal women consuming cheese- compared to spinach- and tofu cont...1987Landis, William HathawayStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Calcium Dependent CAMTA1 in Adult Stem Cell Commitment to a Myocardial Lineage2012Jin, Jian PingStudentECU
Calcium Dependent CAMTA1 in Adult Stem Cell Commitment to a Myocardial Lineage2012Woon, Woohyun StudentECU
Calcium Dependent CAMTA1 in Adult Stem Cell Commitment to a Myocardial Lineage2012Aldina, Rob StudentECU
Calcium Dependent CAMTA1 in Adult Stem Cell Commitment to a Myocardial Lineage2012Esch, Gwyn StudentECU
Calcium Dependent CAMTA1 in Adult Stem Cell Commitment to a Myocardial Lineage2012Anderson, Page StudentECU
Calcium Dependent CAMTA1 in Adult Stem Cell Commitment to a Myocardial Lineage2012Hutson, Mary StudentECU
Calcium Dependent CAMTA1 in Adult Stem Cell Commitment to a Myocardial Lineage2012Kirby, Margaret L.StudentECU
Calcium Dependent CAMTA1 in Adult Stem Cell Commitment to a Myocardial Lineage2012Malouf, Nadia N.StudentECU
Calcium Dependent CAMTA1 in Adult Stem Cell Commitment to a Myocardial Lineage2012Shepherd, Neal StudentECU
Calcium Dependent CAMTA1 in Adult Stem Cell Commitment to a Myocardial Lineage2012Maeda, Nobuyuo StudentECU
Calcium Dependent CAMTA1 in Adult Stem Cell Commitment to a Myocardial Lineage2012Hiller, Sylvia StudentECU
Calcium Dependent CAMTA1 in Adult Stem Cell Commitment to a Myocardial Lineage2012Muller-Borer, Barbara StudentECU
Calcium Dependent CAMTA1 in Adult Stem Cell Commitment to a Myocardial Lineage2012Bursac, Nenad StudentECU
Calcium Dependent CAMTA1 in Adult Stem Cell Commitment to a Myocardial Lineage2012Fox, Raymond StudentECU
Calcium distribution and function during anther development of Torenia fournieri (Linderniac...2008Kirchoff, Bruce K.FacultyBiology, UNCG
Calcium distribution and function in the glandular trichomes of Lavandula pinnata L2010Kirchoff, Bruce K.FacultyBiology, UNCG
Calculable fire : a collection of poems1968Settlemyre, Susan MorrisonStudentEnglish, UNCG
Calculating and Coaching School Organizational Health2018Jethro, Jakki SStudentECU
Calculating Edge Length Bias and the Relative Size of a “Neighborhood” in Spatial Social Net...2010Bunch, Rick L.FacultyGeography, UNCG
Calculating the Initial Energy Density in Heavy Ion Collisions by Including the Finite Nucle...2023Mendenhall, Todd StudentECU
Calculating the Initial Energy Density in Heavy Ion Collisions by Including the Finite Nucle...2023Lin, Zi-Wei StudentECU
Caldesmon Ablation in Mice Causes Umbilical Herniation and Alters Contractility of Fetal Uri...2023Putz, Sandra StudentECU
Caldesmon Ablation in Mice Causes Umbilical Herniation and Alters Contractility of Fetal Uri...2023Barthel, Lisa SophieStudentECU
Caldesmon Ablation in Mice Causes Umbilical Herniation and Alters Contractility of Fetal Uri...2023Frohn, Marina StudentECU
Caldesmon Ablation in Mice Causes Umbilical Herniation and Alters Contractility of Fetal Uri...2023Metzler, Doris StudentECU
Caldesmon Ablation in Mice Causes Umbilical Herniation and Alters Contractility of Fetal Uri...2023Barham, Mohammed StudentECU
Caldesmon Ablation in Mice Causes Umbilical Herniation and Alters Contractility of Fetal Uri...2023Pryymachuk, Galyna StudentECU
Caldesmon Ablation in Mice Causes Umbilical Herniation and Alters Contractility of Fetal Uri...2023Trunschke, Oliver StudentECU
Caldesmon Ablation in Mice Causes Umbilical Herniation and Alters Contractility of Fetal Uri...2023Lubomirov, Lubomir T.StudentECU
Caldesmon Ablation in Mice Causes Umbilical Herniation and Alters Contractility of Fetal Uri...2023Hescheler, Jürgen StudentECU
Caldesmon Ablation in Mice Causes Umbilical Herniation and Alters Contractility of Fetal Uri...2023Chalovich, Joseph StudentECU
Caldesmon Ablation in Mice Causes Umbilical Herniation and Alters Contractility of Fetal Uri...2023Neiss, Wolfram F.StudentECU
Caldesmon Ablation in Mice Causes Umbilical Herniation and Alters Contractility of Fetal Uri...2023Koch, Manuel StudentECU
Caldesmon Ablation in Mice Causes Umbilical Herniation and Alters Contractility of Fetal Uri...2023Schroeter, Mechthild M.StudentECU
Caldesmon Ablation in Mice Causes Umbilical Herniation and Alters Contractility of Fetal Uri...2023Pfitzer, Gabriele StudentECU
Calendar Scale, Environmental Variation Preserved In The Skeletal Phenotype Of A Fossil Bryo...2011Hageman, Steven J. FacultyGeology, ASU
Calibrating TrueBeam jaws by considering collimator walk out to improve the dose uniformity ...2023Corns, Robert A.StudentECU
Calibrating TrueBeam jaws by considering collimator walk out to improve the dose uniformity ...2023Zhao, Yingli StudentECU
Calibrating TrueBeam jaws by considering collimator walk out to improve the dose uniformity ...2019Corns, Robert A.,Zhao,YingliStudentECU
Calibration of computer-monitored running wheels with adjustable drag1997Wahlsten, Douglas FacultyPsychology, UNCG
Calibration of Rotational Acceleration for the Rotarod Test of Rodent Motor Coordination2009Wahlsten, Douglas FacultyPsychology, UNCG
Call and Response: SEM President’s Roundtable 2018, “Humanities’ Responses to the Anthropoce...2020Allen, Aaron S.FacultyGeography, Environment, and Sustainability, UNCG
The call experiences of Baptist women in ministry2017Boberg, Sarah ElizabethStudentEducational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG
Call Me By My Real Name: An Honors Play2020Rhodes, Anna NicoleStudentTheatre and Dance - Student, ASU
Call me by your name : the Orisha as mirrors for the BlackTransQueer divine2021Powell, Aries StudentWomen's and Gender Studies, UNCG
A Call to Remember: Documenting American Service and Sacrifice in the Great War [Poster]2019Smith, Kathelene McCartyFacultyUniversity Libraries, UNCG
Calling All Academic Music Library Reference Desks: A Follow-Up Study2008Newcomer, Nara L.StudentECU
Calling All Academic Music Library Reference Desks: A Follow-Up Study2008Hursh, David StudentECU
CALM CARPE Diem Gatekeeper Training For Resident Assistants2020Wilson, Michaela StudentPsychology - Student, ASU
The CALM Gatekeeper Training Is Associated With Increased Confidence In Suicide Prevention S...2017Rosen, Melanie RaeStudentPsychology - Student, ASU
CALM Gatekeeper Training Is Associated With Increased Confidence In Utilizing Means Reductio...2020Rosen, Melanie RaeFacultyPsychology - Student, ASU
CALM Gatekeeper Training Is Associated With Increased Confidence In Utilizing Means Reductio...2020Jameson, John PaulFacultyPsychology, ASU
CALM Gatekeeper Training Is Associated With Increased Confidence In Utilizing Means Reductio...2020Michael, Kurt D.FacultyPsychology, ASU
Calmodulin inhibitors from the fungus Emericella sp.2009Figueroa Saldivar, Mario FacultyChemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG
Calmodulin inhibitors from natural sources: An update2014Figueroa Saldivar, Mario FacultyChemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG
Calmodulin inhibitory activity of the malbrancheamides and various analogs2008Figueroa Saldivar, Mario FacultyChemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG
Calnexin association with major histocompatibility class II molecules in Ictalurus punctatus...2023Fuller, James R.StudentECU
Caloric restriction, physical activity, and cognitive performance: A review of evidence and ...2016Slutsky, Alexis B.FacultyKinesiology, UNCG
Caloric restriction, physical activity, and cognitive performance: A review of evidence and ...2016Etnier, Jennifer L.FacultyKinesiology, UNCG
A Calorimetric and Spectroscopic Study of the Interactions Between Model Lipid Membrane Bila...2023Pennington, Edward RossStudentECU
Calorimetric and Spectroscopic Tools Used to Study Pb2+ Binding to Human Cardiac Troponin C:...2023Zia, Raazia StudentECU
Calorimetric Investigation of Copper Binding in the N-Terminal Region of the Prion Protein a...2015Spuches, Anne M.StudentECU
Calorimetric Investigation of Copper Binding in the N-Terminal Region of the Prion Protein a...2015Burns, Colin S.StudentECU
Calorimetric Investigation of Copper Binding in the N-Terminal Region of the Prion Protein a...2015Gogineni, Devi PraneethaStudentECU
Calpain inhibition rescues troponin T3 fragmentation, increases Cav1.1, and enhances skeleta...2016Zhang, Tan,Pereyra,Andrea S.,Wang,Zhong-Min,Birbrair,Alexander,Reisz,Julie AStudentECU
Calponin interaction with alpha-actinin-actin: evidence for a structural role for calponin.2011Chalovich, Joseph M.StudentECU
Calponin interaction with alpha-actinin-actin: evidence for a structural role for calponin.2011Leinweber, Barbara StudentECU
Calponin interaction with alpha-actinin-actin: evidence for a structural role for calponin.2011Stafford, Walter F.StudentECU
Calponin interaction with alpha-actinin-actin: evidence for a structural role for calponin.2011Tang, Jay X.StudentECU
Calvin Henderson Wiley and his educational policy in North Carolina2023Wooten, Charles SpringerStudentECU
Camaraderie of writers : a quality enhancement plan (QEP) for cultivating excellence in stud...2010Oxenreider, Anne LouiseStudentEnglish, WCU
Cameo Role: Now Casting the Future of Film through the Library — Presented by Tom Humphrey (...2018Fischer, Christine M.FacultyUniversity Libraries, UNCG
CaMKII Protein Expression and Phosphorylation in Mouse Skeletal Muscle Following Atrophy and...2012Williams, Brett StudentBiology, ECU
Camp No and soldier-writers: disidentification and ethical remapping in post-9/11 narratives...2021Armstrong, Matthew C.StudentEnglish, UNCG
Campaign Finance Limitations As Protections Of Free Speech2016Sasser, Timothy StudentCommunication - Student, ASU
The Campaign for a National Park in Western North Carolina, 1885-19401973Lankford, Jesse R. StudentHistory, WCU
Campers with disabilities: Encouraging positive interactions1995Bedini, Leandra A.FacultyCommunity and Therapeutic Recreation, UNCG
Campus to counter: civil rights activism in Raleigh and Durham, North Carolina, 1960-19632017Suttell, Brian WilliamStudentHistory, UNCG
Campus Voter Initiatie2023Bryan, Avery StudentECU
Campus Voter Initiative2023Urban, Alex StudentECU
Campus Voter Initiative Abstract2023Almasri, Amr GhiathStudentECU
'Can,' Compatibilism, and Possible Worlds1981Zimmerman, Michael FacultyPhilosophy , UNCG
CAN-DOO: Climate Action Network Through Direct Observations And Outreach2011Neufeld , Howard S. Faculty Biology, ASU
CAN-DOO: Climate Action Network Through Direct Observations And Outreach2011Sherman, James P.FacultyPhysics and Astronomy, ASU
Canadian Public Library Service to a Multicultural Society: An American Praises Canadian Dis...1991Jones, Plummer AlstonFacultyECU
Cancer mortality in Native Americans in North Carolina.2011Horner, Ronnie D.StudentECU
Cancer Needs Assessment For Breast Cancer Survivors in Eastern North Carolina2017Haley, Clare StudentECU
Cancer-related fatigue, depressive symptoms, and functional status: a mediation model.2006Dudley, William N.FacultyHealth and Human Sciences, UNCG
A Candidate Gene Study: Finding Associations between Recurrent Stroke and Genetic Variants o...2019Mitchell, Nicole R.StudentECU
Candidate genes, quantitative trait loci, and functional trait evolution in plants2003Remington, David L.FacultyBiology, UNCG
‘Candidatus Mellornella Promiscua’ n. gen. n. sp. (Alphaproteobacteria: Rickettsiales: Anapl...2023Blakeslee, April M.H.StudentECU
‘Candidatus Mellornella Promiscua’ n. gen. n. sp. (Alphaproteobacteria: Rickettsiales: Anapl...2023Bojko, Jamie StudentECU
‘Candidatus Mellornella Promiscua’ n. gen. n. sp. (Alphaproteobacteria: Rickettsiales: Anapl...2023McCoy, Krista A.StudentECU
Candy mockup2021Williams, Michael StudentMusic and Visual Arts, ECSU
Cane: A Critical Analysis2021Lunde, Peter S.StudentEnglish - Student, ASU
Canine Aggression: Understanding Owner Beliefs about the Biological Locus of Origin for Reha...2016DeHart, Destiny M.StudentECU
Cannabinoid exposure during zebra finch sensorimotor vocal learning persistently alters expr...2011Soderstrom, Ken StudentECU
Cannabinoid exposure during zebra finch sensorimotor vocal learning persistently alters expr...2011Lichtman, Aron HStudentECU
Cannabinoid exposure during zebra finch sensorimotor vocal learning persistently alters expr...2011Poklis, Justin LStudentECU
Cannabinoid ligands targeting TRP channels2019Reggio, Patricia H.FacultyChemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG
Cannabinoid receptor 1 signaling in cardiovascular regulating nuclei in the brainstem: A rev...2013Abdel-Rahman, Abdel A.StudentECU
Cannabinoid receptor 1 signaling in cardiovascular regulating nuclei in the brainstem: A rev...2013Ibrahim, Badr M.StudentECU
Cannabinoids Modulate Neuronal Activity and Cancer by CB1 and CB2 Receptor-Independent Mecha...2017Soderstrom, Ken,Soliman,Eman,Van Dross,RukiyahStudentECU
Cannabis entrepreneurship: A guide to core concepts, resources, and research strategies2022Cramer, Steve FacultyUniversity Libraries, UNCG
Cannabis use, schizotypy and personality : associations with cannabis-related problems and e...2013Blanchard, Brittany ElizabethStudentPsychology, WCU
Cannibalism And Infant Killing: A System Of "Demonizing" Motifs In Indian Captivity Narrativ...1994Ramsey, Colin FacultyEnglish, ASU
The Canoe House in Traditional Hawaii1998Magunuson, Coral StudentECU
Canonical variates of post abortion syndrome1990Vaughan, Helen P.StudentHuman Environmental Sciences, UNCG
The Canopus by Capt. E.L. Sackett, U.S.N.2017Jones, Amanda M. StudentEnglish, WCU
The Canopus by Capt. E.L. Sackett, U.S.N.2017Mangum, Alexandra StudentEnglish, WCU
The Canopus by Capt. E.L. Sackett, U.S.N.2017Ellwood, Crystal StudentEnglish, WCU
The Canopus by Capt. E.L. Sackett, U.S.N.2017Worsham, Charlie StudentEnglish, WCU
The Canopus by Capt. E.L. Sackett, U.S.N.2017New, Diana E. StudentEnglish, WCU
The Canopus by Capt. E.L. Sackett, U.S.N.2017Smith, Kellie StudentEnglish, WCU
The Canopus by Capt. E.L. Sackett, U.S.N.2017Woodburn, Kelsey StudentEnglish, WCU
The Canopus by Capt. E.L. Sackett, U.S.N.2017Chandler, Melody StudentEnglish, WCU
The Canopus by Capt. E.L. Sackett, U.S.N.2017Adams, Randi StudentEnglish, WCU
The Canopus by Capt. E.L. Sackett, U.S.N.2017Redman, Michael StudentEnglish, WCU
Can't go home2011Nguyen, Hao M.StudentEnglish, UNCG
Cantankerous creativity: Honesty-humility, agreeableness, and the HEXACO structure of creati...2011Silvia, Paul FacultyPsychology, UNCG
Canvas modules as a follow-up to in-person instruction [Slides]2018Olsen, Rachel FacultyUniversity Libraries, UNCG
Cap and Trade: The New Boogeyman In America2009Brod, Andrew C.FacultyEconomics, UNCG
Cap-Independent mRNA Translation in Germ Cells2019Keiper, Brett D.StudentECU
Cap-Independent Translation Promotes Germ Cell Apoptosis through Apaf-1/CED-4 in a Caspase-...2011Contreras, Vince StudentECU
Cap-Independent Translation Promotes Germ Cell Apoptosis through Apaf-1/CED-4 in a Caspase-...2011Morrison, J. KaitlinStudentECU
Cap-Independent Translation Promotes Germ Cell Apoptosis through Apaf-1/CED-4 in a Caspase-...2011Hao, Enhui StudentECU
Cap-Independent Translation Promotes Germ Cell Apoptosis through Apaf-1/CED-4 in a Caspase-...2011Keiper, Brett D.StudentECU
Cap-Independent Translation Promotes Germ Cell Apoptosis through Apaf-1/CED-4 in a Caspase-...2011Friday, Andrew J.StudentECU
Capabilities, competitive advantages, and performance of apparel import intermediaries in a ...2007Ha-Brookshire, Jung E.StudentConsumer, Apparel, and Retail Studies, UNCG
Capability, Quality and Performance of Offshore IS Vendors: A Theoretical Framework and Empi...2010Palvia, Prashant FacultyInformation Systems and Supply Chain Management, UNCG
Capability, Quality and Performance of Offshore IS Vendors: A Theoretical Framework and Empi...2010King, Ruth C.FacultyInformation Systems and Operations Management, UNCG
Capable and Committed Children: A Successor-Centric Theory of Family Business Succession2011Jiang, David ScottStudentBusiness - Student, ASU
Capacha: Una Cultura Enigmática del Occidente de México1994Mountjoy, Joseph B.FacultyAnthropology, UNCG
Cape Fear's Forgotten Fleet: The Eagles Island Ships' Graveyard , Wilmington , North Carol...2007Seeb, Sami KayStudentECU
Cape Fear's Forgotten Fleet: The Eagles Island Ships' Graveyard, Wilmington, North Carolina2023Seeb, Sami KayStudentECU
Capillary isoelectric focusing and affinity capillary electrophoresis approaches for the det...2004Chiu, Norman H.FacultyChemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG
Capital flows and the liquidity of landscapes2023Sheehy, James A.StudentECU
The Capitalization Rate of Commercial Properties and Market Returns.1995Winkler, Daniel T.FacultyAccounting and Finance, UNCG
The Capitalization Rate of Commercial Properties and Market Returns.1995Jud, Gustav D.FacultyBusiness Administration, UNCG
Capitalizing On Taboos In Advertising: The Cigarette Card Series Of W. Duke, Sons & Co.2018Hammond, Janet KatelynStudentHistory - Student, ASU
The Capitate and Peltate Glandular Trichomes of Lavandula pinnata L. (Lamiaceae): Histochemi...2008Kirchoff, Bruce K.FacultyBiology, UNCG
Capnography Monitoring In The PACU: Improving Patient Safety Through Education2024Mueller, Robert StudentNursing, UNCG
Capstone courses and projects2020Houk, Amanda "Amy" HarrisFacultyUniversity Libraries, UNCG
Capstone courses and projects2020Olsen, Rachel FacultyUniversity Libraries, UNCG
Capstone courses and projects2020Murphy, Maggie FacultyUniversity Libraries, UNCG
Capstone Portfolio2002Watkins, Sandy StudentEnglish Education, UNCP
Capture of heat-killed Mycobacterium bovis bacillus Calmette-Guérin by intelectin-1deposite...2011Hoffman, Donald R.StudentECU
Capture of heat-killed Mycobacterium bovis bacillus Calmette-Guérin by intelectin-1deposite...2011Tsuji, Shoutaro StudentECU
Capture of heat-killed Mycobacterium bovis bacillus Calmette-Guérin by intelectin-1deposite...2011Yamashita, Makiko StudentECU
Capture of heat-killed Mycobacterium bovis bacillus Calmette-Guérin by intelectin-1deposite...2011Shibata, Yoshimi StudentECU
Capture of heat-killed Mycobacterium bovis bacillus Calmette-Guérin by intelectin-1deposite...2011Shinohara, Tsutomu StudentECU
Capture of heat-killed Mycobacterium bovis bacillus Calmette-Guérin by intelectin-1deposite...2011Nishiyama, Akihito StudentECU
Capture of heat-killed Mycobacterium bovis bacillus Calmette-Guérin by intelectin-1deposite...2011Ohtsu, Takashi StudentECU
Capture of heat-killed Mycobacterium bovis bacillus Calmette-Guérin by intelectin-1deposited...2023Tsuji, Shoutaro StudentECU
Capture of heat-killed Mycobacterium bovis bacillus Calmette-Guérin by intelectin-1deposited...2023Yamashita, Makiko StudentECU
Capture of heat-killed Mycobacterium bovis bacillus Calmette-Guérin by intelectin-1deposited...2023Hoffman, Donald R.StudentECU
Capture of heat-killed Mycobacterium bovis bacillus Calmette-Guérin by intelectin-1deposited...2023Nishiyama, Akihito StudentECU
Capture of heat-killed Mycobacterium bovis bacillus Calmette-Guérin by intelectin-1deposited...2023Shinohara, Tsutomu StudentECU
Capture of heat-killed Mycobacterium bovis bacillus Calmette-Guérin by intelectin-1deposited...2023Ohtsu, Takashi StudentECU
Capture of heat-killed Mycobacterium bovis bacillus Calmette-Guérin by intelectin-1deposited...2023Shibata, Yoshimi StudentECU
Capturing the antimicrobial profile of Rosmarinus officinalis against methicillin-resistant ...2023Cech, Nadja B.FacultyChemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG
Capturing the antimicrobial profile of Rosmarinus officinalis against methicillin-resistant ...2023Oberlies, Nicholas FacultyChemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG
Capturing the diversity of English language learners' cultural and linguistic backgrounds an...2015Gilbert, Carolyn AnneStudentEducational Research Methodology, UNCG
Capturing the essence of change: a study about change in Rockwell schools2013James, Jeff StudentEducational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG
Capturing a Factory’s Final Days1998Brod, Andrew C.FacultyEconomics, UNCG
Capturing Insects And Student Interest: First Graders Learn About Unusual Plants In Their Ar...2016Wilson , Rachel E.FacultyCurriculum and Instruction, ASU
Capturing knowledge: Private gains and public gains from university research partnerships2015Link, Albert N.FacultyEconomics, UNCG
Capturing "Science Everywhere": Get into nature with iNaturalist [slides]2021Klein, Jo FacultyUniversity Libraries, UNCG
Capturing "Science Everywhere": Get into nature with iNaturalist [slides]2021Carlton, Megan FacultyUniversity Libraries, UNCG
Capus Miller Waynick : New Deal administrator and politician2023Pontinen, Michele Jan KellerStudentECU
A Car of Her Own: Volvo’s “Your Concept Car” as a Vehicle for Feminism?2008Schwartzman, Roy FacultyCommunication Studies, UNCG
Caravans of Gold, Fragments in Time: Art, Culture, and Exchange across Medieval Saharan Afri...2019Perrill, Elizabeth A. FacultySchool of Art, UNCG
Carbohydrate Ingestion Influences Skeletal Muscle Cytokine mRNA And Plasma Cytokine Levels A...2003McAnulty, Steven FacultyHealth and Exercise Science, ASU
Carbohydrate Ingestion Influences Skeletal Muscle Cytokine mRNA And Plasma Cytokine Levels A...2003Nieman, David FacultyHealth and Exercise Science , ASU
A Carbohydrate/Lipid Research Project for Organic and Analytical CURE Laboratories: Reaction...2023Hagwood, Abigail MStudentECU
Carbon Accounting: Issues of Scale2014Marland, Gregg FacultyGeology, ASU
Carbon Accounting: Issues Of Scale2015Kowalczyk, Tammy FacultyAccounting, ASU
Carbon Accounting: Issues Of Scale2015Marland, Eric FacultyMathematical Sciences , ASU
Carbon Black Risk Assessment Comparison Is Flawed1997Schulz, Mark R.FacultyPublic Health Education, UNCG
Carbon Budget of an Eastern North Carolina Pocosin Following Nutrient Gradient Manipulation2018Law, Sydni LStudentECU
Carbon dioxide-induced amnesia in the cockroach Periplaneta americana1968Wahlsten, Douglas FacultyPsychology, UNCG
Carbon Integration in Plantago Aristata (Plantaginaceae): The Reproductive Effects of Defoli...1994Horton, Margaret L.FacultyBiology, UNCG
Carbon Integration in Plantago Aristata (Plantaginaceae): The Reproductive Effects of Defoli...1994Lacey, Elizabeth P.FacultyBiology, UNCG
Carbon Integration in Two Plantago Species1992Lacey, Elizabeth P.FacultyBiology, UNCG
Carbon nanodot cellular uptake and modulation of Tumor necrosis factor-alpha-induced endothe...2018Chavez, Jessica StudentBiology, UNCG
Carbon nanodot uptake and their effects on macrophages upon challenge with oxidized LDL and ...2019Smith, Lena M.StudentBiology, UNCG
Carbon nanodots (CNDs): a comprehensive study of the photoluminescence, antioxidation and ce...2019Zhang, Wendi StudentJoint School of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering, UNCG
Carbon nanodots (CNDs): tuning structures and functions in oxidative radical interactions2020Ji, Zuowei StudentJoint School of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering, UNCG
Carbon nanodots in endothelial cells and C57BL/6 mice: a study of toxicity and anti-inflamma...2018Khan, Safeera StudentBiology, UNCG
Carbon nanodots interference with lactate dehydrogenase assay in human monocyte THP-1 cells2014Jia, Zhenquan FacultyBiology, UNCG
Carbon nanodots: potential applications in biosensing, drug delivery and free radical regula...2020Arvapalli, Durga ManjariStudentJoint School of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering, UNCG
Carbon Nanotube-Induced Pulmonary Granulomatous Disease: 1 and Alveolar Macrophage M1 Activa...2013Thomassen, Mary JaneStudentECU
Carbon Nanotube-Induced Pulmonary Granulomatous Disease: 1 and Alveolar Macrophage M1 Activa...2013Kavuru, Mani S.StudentECU
Carbon Nanotube-Induced Pulmonary Granulomatous Disease: 1 and Alveolar Macrophage M1 Activa...2013Dobbs, Larry StudentECU
Carbon Nanotube-Induced Pulmonary Granulomatous Disease: 1 and Alveolar Macrophage M1 Activa...2013Jacob, Mark StudentECU
Carbon Nanotube-Induced Pulmonary Granulomatous Disease: 1 and Alveolar Macrophage M1 Activa...2013Marshall, Irene StudentECU
Carbon Nanotube-Induced Pulmonary Granulomatous Disease: 1 and Alveolar Macrophage M1 Activa...2013McPeek, Matthew StudentECU
Carbon Nanotube-Induced Pulmonary Granulomatous Disease: 1 and Alveolar Macrophage M1 Activa...2013Malur, Anagha StudentECU
Carbon Nanotube-Induced Pulmonary Granulomatous Disease: 1 and Alveolar Macrophage M1 Activa...2013Huizar, Isham StudentECU
Carbon Nanotube-Induced Pulmonary Granulomatous Disease: 1 and Alveolar Macrophage M1 Activa...2013Barna, Barbara P.StudentECU
Carbon Quantity And Quality Drives Variation In Cave Microbial Communities And Regulates Mn(...2017Brauer, Suzanna FacultyBiology, ASU
Carbon storage of headwater riparian zones in an agricultural landscape2012Meyer, Gregory FStudentECU
Carbon storage of headwater riparian zones in an agricultural landscape2012Brinson, Mark MStudentECU
Carbon storage of headwater riparian zones in an agricultural landscape2012Rheinhardt, Richard DStudentECU
Carbon storage of headwater riparian zones in an agricultural landscape2012Miller, Kevin HStudentECU
Carbonate petrology and sedimentology of the Miocene Pungo River Formation, Onslow Bay, Nort...2023Stewart, T. Lori.StudentECU
Carcass processing intensity and cutmark creation: An experimental approach2003Egeland, Charles P.FacultyAnthropology, UNCG
Carcinogen Exposure In Firefighters2020Miller, Madeline G.StudentHealth and Exercise Science - Student, ASU
Cardiac amyloidosis: A case report and review of literature2019Taiwo, Adeyemi Adedamola,Alapati,Lavanya,Movahed,AssadStudentECU
Cardiac and Mitochondrial Adaptations in Response to Aging and Doxorubicin in Rats Bred for ...2012Larion, Laura StudentBiology, ECU
Cardiac Monitoring with Smartphones: MobileECG Usage in ICD Patients2018Kropp, Caley MStudentECU
Cardiac Surgeons' Concerns, Perceptions, and Responses During the COVID-19 Pandemic2023Boyd, Douglas StudentECU
Cardiac tamponade and pericardial disorders in connective tissue diseases: case report and l...2011Langley, Ricky L.StudentECU
Cardiac tamponade and pericardial disorders in connective tissue diseases: case report and l...2011Treadwell, Edward L.StudentECU
The cardiac training effect of selected college men as measured by three heart rate intensit...1972Whiteley, Thomas MonroeStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
Cardiac vagal regulation and early peer status.2007Graziano, Paulo A.FacultyPsychology, UNCG
Cardiac vagal regulation and early peer status.2007Keane, Susan P.FacultyPsychology, UNCG
Cardiac vagal regulation and early peer status.2007Calkins, Susan D.FacultyHuman Development and Family Studies, UNCG
Cardiac vagal regulation to emotional challenge differentiates among child behavior problem ...2007Calkins, Susan D.FacultyHuman Development and Family Studies, UNCG
Cardiac vagal regulation to emotional challenge differentiates among child behavior problem ...2007Keane, Susan P.FacultyPsychology, UNCG
Cardiac vagal regulation to emotional challenge differentiates among child behavior problem ...2007Graziano, Paulo A.FacultyPsychology, UNCG
Cardiometabolic health of Chinese older adults with diabetes living in Beijing, China.2009Jones, Ellen D.FacultyNursing, UNCG
Cardiometabolic health of Chinese older adults with diabetes living in Beijing, China.2009Hu, Jie FacultyNursing, UNCG
Cardiometabolic health of Chinese older adults with diabetes living in Beijing, China.2009Wallace, Debra C.FacultyNursing, UNCG
Cardioprotective mechanisms targeting thiol redox homeostasis and mitochondrial bioenergetic...2023Alleman, Rick J.StudentECU
Cardiorespiratory fitness and mortality in diabetic men with and without cardiovascular dise...2009Blue, Carolyn L.FacultyNursing, UNCG
Cardiovascular adaptations to aerobic exercise in obese pregnant women : the ENHANCED by mom...2023Parks, Lauren StudentECU
Cardiovascular And Autonomic Responses To Resistance Training In Individuals With Down Syndr...2018Rushing, Caroline StudentHealth and Exercise Science - Student, ASU
Cardiovascular disease in women: A nurse practitioners guide to prevention2013Davis, Leslie LFacultyAdult Health Nursing, UNCG
Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors Profile Among Australian Vegetarian and Nonvegetarian Te...2023Pawlak, Roman StudentECU
Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors Profile Among Australian Vegetarian and Nonvegetarian Te...2023Vos, Paul StudentECU
Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors Profile Among Australian Vegetarian and Nonvegetarian Te...2023Grant, Ross StudentECU
Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors Profile Among Australian Vegetarian and Nonvegetarian Te...2023Bilgin, Ayse A.StudentECU
Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors Profile Among Australian Vegetarian and Nonvegetarian Te...2023Berg, Jade StudentECU
Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors Profile Among Australian Vegetarian and Nonvegetarian Te...2023Pearce, Robyn StudentECU
Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors Profile Among Australian Vegetarian and Nonvegetarian Te...2023Morris, Margaret StudentECU
Cardiovascular disease-related miRNAs expression: potential role as biomarkers and effects o...2018Ultimo, Simona,Zauli,Giorgio,Martelli,Alberto M.,Vitale,Marco,McCubrey,James A.,Capitani,SilvanoStudentECU
Cardiovascular effects in patrol officers are associated with fine particulate matter from b...2011Williams, Ronald W.StudentECU
Cardiovascular effects in patrol officers are associated with fine particulate matter from b...2011Riediker, Michael StudentECU
Cardiovascular effects in patrol officers are associated with fine particulate matter from b...2011Herbst, Margaret C.StudentECU
Cardiovascular effects in patrol officers are associated with fine particulate matter from b...2011Griggs, Thomas R.StudentECU
Cardiovascular effects in patrol officers are associated with fine particulate matter from b...2011Bromberg, Philip A.StudentECU
Cardiovascular effects in patrol officers are associated with fine particulate matter from b...2011Cascio, Wayne E.StudentECU
Cardiovascular effects in patrol officers are associated with fine particulate matter from b...2011Devlin, Robert B.StudentECU
The cardiovascular effects of neuropeptide Y2023Leach, Sandra McCarter.StudentECU
Cardiovascular Emotional Dampening, Heart Rate Variability, and Emotion Regulation2023Loveless, James P.StudentECU
Cardiovascular issues in older adults2014Davis, Leslie LFacultyAdult Health Nursing, UNCG
Cardiovascular Outcomes Following Xenobiotic Pulmonary Exposures2017Holland, Nathan A.StudentECU
Cardiovascular reactivity and the role of anxiety sensitivity in posttraumatic stress disord...2021Campbell, Allison AnnStudentPsychology, UNCG
Cardiovascular Regulation Profile Predicts Developmental Trajectory of BMI and Pediatric Obe...2011Keane, Susan P.FacultyPsychology, UNCG
Cardiovascular Regulation Profile Predicts Developmental Trajectory of BMI and Pediatric Obe...2011Calkins, Susan D.FacultyHuman Development and Family Studies, UNCG
Cardiovascular Regulation Profile Predicts Developmental Trajectory of BMI and Pediatric Obe...2011O'Brien, Marion FacultyHuman Development and Family Studies, UNCG
Cardiovascular risks and physical activity in middle-aged and elderly African-American women...2007Crane, Patricia B.FacultyNursing, UNCG
Cardiovascular risks and physical activity in middle-aged and elderly African-American women...2007Wallace, Debra C.FacultyNursing, UNCG
The Care & Keeping of Demons2016Churchwell, McKinley StudentLiterature, UNCA
A Care Guide for Successfully Educating Patients2003Hu, Jie FacultyNursing, UNCG
A Care Guide for Successfully Educating Patients2003Jones, Ellen D.FacultyNursing, UNCG
The CARE Resource Center at the University of North Carolina at Pembroke2014Doughty, Ashlee StudentSchool of Business, UNCP
Career anchors of North Carolina principals1996Puryear, Paul J.StudentEducation, UNCG
Career and college planning needs of ninth graders - as reported by ninth graders.2006Wiles, Mark E.FacultyCounseling and Educational Development, UNCG
Career and college planning needs of ninth graders - as reported by ninth graders.2006Borders, L. DiAnneFacultyCounseling and Educational Development, UNCG
Career and earner wives' preferences for the use of time and use of strategies for coping wi...1986Hiatt, Ann RenigarStudentHome Economics, UNCG
The Career Choices of Workaholics : An Investigation of the Relationship Between Workaholism...2023Eason, Timothy R.StudentECU
Career Commitment of Postprofessional Athletic Training Program Graduates2015Goodman, Ashley FacultyHealth and Exercise Science, ASU
Career Concerns of Master's-Level Community and School Counselor Trainees2006Wester, Kelly L.FacultyCounseling and Educational Development, UNCG
Career Counseling for Women Preparing to Leave Abusive Relationships: A Social Cognitive Car...2009Morris, Carrie A. WachterFacultyCounseling and Educational Development, UNCG
Career counselors’ perspectives on social justice advocacy2015Fickling, Melissa StudentCounseling and Educational Development, UNCG
Career Decision Making from and Information Integration Perspective2007Butler, Beth StudentPsychology, UNCP
Career development assessment of at-risk students : implications for a dropout prevention mo...1991Enzor, Harriett LeighStudentEducation, UNCG
Career Employment and Job Stopping1991Ruhm, Christopher JFacultyEconomics, UNCG
Career Implications of Having a Female-Friendly Supervisor2018Gicheva, Dora FacultyEconomics, UNCG
Career networks : the use of personal and professional relationships by women administrators...1985Cannie, Mary RuthStudentEducation, UNCG
The career of the CSS Rappahannock2023Bray, William J.StudentECU
The career of Herbert R. Hazelman : public school bandmaster1988Jeffreys, Harold LeonStudentMusic, UNCG
Career orientation and perceived professional competence among clinical research coordinator...2019Walters, Katherine FacultyLibrary and Information Science, UNCG
Career readiness of individuals obtaining an accredited personal training certification and ...2024Sutton, Brian G.StudentKinesiology, UNCG
Carefully Research Meat Alternatives2023Skwara, Morgan MStudentECU
Carefully Research Meat Alternatives2023Kolasa, Kathryn MStudentECU
Caregiver Oral Health Literacy, Pediatric Oral Health: A Systematic Review2023Fogarty, Luke EdwardStudentECU
Caregivers Of Older Adults With Cognitive Impairment2009Bouldin, Erin FacultyHealth and Exercise Science, ASU
Caregiving behaviors and coping skills of caregivers to people with Acquired Immune Deficien...1991Gabbay, Sarah G.StudentHuman Environmental Sciences, UNCG
Caregiving in Social Context1994Rosenberg, Ed FacultySociology, ASU
Caribbean faculty perceptions of online education in kinesiology field : a case study2022Villalobos Solís, Mairym StudentKinesiology, UNCG
Caribbean Tourism and Development2002Sonmez, Sevil FacultyMarketing, Entrepreneurship, Hospitality & Tourism, UNCG
Caribbean Tourism and Development2002Apostolopoulos, Yorghos FacultyPublic Health Education, UNCG
Caring : a nursing administration phenomenon2023Fogleman, Kathi B.StudentECU
Caring for the caregiver: exploration of sibling connection and social support in relationsh...2015Seaman, Megan M.StudentCounseling and Educational Development, UNCG
Caring for Communities in 'The Land of the Sky': Health Care Institutions and Asheville Mult...2014Pollitt, Phoebe AnnFacultyNursing , ASU
Caring for Communities in 'The Land of the Sky': Health Care Institutions and Asheville Mult...2014Leonard, Andrea FacultyUniversity Libraries, ASU
Caring for the elderly at work and home: Can a randomized organizational intervention improv...2017Bray, Jeremy W.FacultyEconomics, UNCG
Caring for older adults in the radiology department. Are you prepared?2007Barba, Beth E.FacultyNursing, UNCG
Caring for Wildlife: Rehabilitation and Sanctuary Care in Robeson County, NC2023Luevanos, Alexis StudentBiology, UNCP
A Caring Leadership Model for Nursing's Future2011Kautz, Donald D.FacultyNursing, UNCG
Caritas Certification Program Impact on Human Services Leadership2023Montana Rhodes, Donna StudentECU
Carl Orff: Musical humanist2006Johnson, Daniel C.FacultyMusic, UNCW
Carl Woese, Dick Young, and the roots of astrobiology2014Rummel, John DStudentECU
Carolina Bound2016Palestrant, Christopher FacultyMusic and Visual Arts, ECSU
Carolina Gothic2022Combs, Jared StudentEnglish, WCU
Carolina Israelite2006Coonin, Bryna FacultyECU
The carpenter’s daughter2013White, Corrie LynnStudentEnglish, UNCG
The carpus and tarsus of the early Permian synapsid Sphenacodon ferox (Eupelycosauria: Sphen...2005Heckert, Andrew B. FacultyGeology, ASU
Carrion Flower2012Cory, Jessica StudentEnglish, ECU
The Carrot vs. the Stick in Work Team Motivation2001Dickinson, David L. FacultyEconomics, ASU
Carry-over effect of a handwriting readiness program on handwriting-related skills of childr...2013Lear, Whitney ShayStudentOccupational Therapy, ECU
Cars In Places2019Mitchell, Mackenzie C.StudentNew Media and Design, UNCG
Carson McCullers : the tragedy of the grotesque1964Rogers, Betsy StudentEnglish, UNCG
Carson McCullers' The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter : isolation and self-fulfillment1968Smith, Christopher MichaelStudentEnglish, UNCG
The Carter Family And Hazel & Alice: A Comparison Of Musical Influences And Changing Gender ...2016Boyd, Laiken StudentAppalachian Studies - Student, ASU
The Carter Women Veterans Historical Project at The University of North Carolina at Greensbo...2009Trojanowski, Hermann J.FacultyUniversity Libraries, UNCG
The cartography of hopes and dreams: the nineteenth-century bird's eye maps of the midwest a...2010Williams, Roberta StudentGeography, UNCG
Cartoon images on E-juice labels: A descriptive analysis2020Orsini, Muhsin MichaelFacultyPublic Health Education, UNCG
Carver Hospital Served Blacks For 15 Years2015Pollitt, Phoebe AnnFacultyNursing , ASU
Carving executive control at its joints: Working memory capacity predicts stimulus–stimulus,...2015Kane, Michael J.FacultyPsychology, UNCG
A case control study of environmental and occupational exposures associated with methicillin...2014Augustino, Kerri LStudentECU
A case control study of environmental and occupational exposures associated with methicillin...2014Wing, Steve StudentECU
A case control study of environmental and occupational exposures associated with methicillin...2014Stewart, Jill RStudentECU
A case control study of environmental and occupational exposures associated with methicillin...2014MacDonald, Pia DMStudentECU
A case control study of environmental and occupational exposures associated with methicillin...2014Price, Lance BStudentECU
A case control study of environmental and occupational exposures associated with methicillin...2014Schinasi, Leah StudentECU
A case control study of environmental and occupational exposures associated with methicillin...2014Aziz, Maliha StudentECU
A case control study of environmental and occupational exposures associated with methicillin...2014Richardson, David BStudentECU
A case control study of environmental and occupational exposures associated with methicillin...2014Nobles, Delores LStudentECU
A case control study of environmental and occupational exposures associated with methicillin...2014Ramsey, Keith MStudentECU
A case control study of environmental and occupational exposures associated with methicillin...2014Schinasi, Leah,Wing,Steve,Augustino,Kerri L.,Ramsey,Keith M.,Nobles,Delores L.,Richardson,DaStudentECU
The case for antipsychotics in bipolar disorder.2004Shattell, Mona M.FacultyNursing, UNCG
The Case for a Food and Beverage Analyst2021Rehkopf, Ed FacultyHospitality and Tourism Administration, NCCU
The case for interprofessional education in teacher education and beyond2017Morris, Carrie A. WachterFacultyCounseling and Educational Development, UNCG
A case for reevaluation of Stalin's role in the Spanish Civil War2010Schager, Roxann L.StudentHistory, UNCG
A Case Management Tool for Occupational Health Nurses1994Blue, Carolyn L.FacultyNursing, UNCG
A case of successfully treated with voriconazole2013Lindner, Jonathan R.StudentECU
A case of successfully treated with voriconazole2013Wiederhold, Nathan P.StudentECU
A case of successfully treated with voriconazole2013Thompson, Elizabeth H.StudentECU
A case of successfully treated with voriconazole2013Sutton, Deanna A.StudentECU
A case of successfully treated with voriconazole2013Marchell, Richard StudentECU
A case of successfully treated with voriconazole2013Steed, Lisa L.StudentECU
A case of successfully treated with voriconazole2013Mirdamadi, Meena StudentECU
A case of successfully treated with voriconazole2013Rimawi, Ramzy H.StudentECU
A case of successfully treated with voriconazole2013Rimawi, Bassam H.StudentECU
A case of successfully treated with voriconazole2013Boger, M. SeanStudentECU
The case of the elegant shoplifter, Shuwaikh, Kuwait1996Welsh, Dianne H.B.FacultyBusiness Administration, UNCG
A case of Exophiala oligosperma successfully treated with voriconazole2013Rimawi, Bassam H.,Rimawi,Ramzy H.,Mirdamadi,Meena,Steed,Lisa L.,MStudentECU
A Case of Extremest Necessity? : Baltimore and Habeas Corpus in April 1861.2023Williams, G. AndrewStudentECU
The case of the I'm Alone2023Fleming, Patrick HoltStudentECU
The case of Jack London : plagiarism, creativity, and authorship2009Deadrick, Anna V.StudentEnglish, UNCW
The case of Jamie: examining storylines and positions over time in a secondary mathematics c...2019Martin, Megan FieldsStudentTeacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG
A case of pulmonary hemorrhage and renal failure2012Meara, Alexa S.,Harrington,Daphne M.,Foster,Jennifer,VachharajaStudentECU
The Case of a Scrapbook Collection that Tripled in Size: The Benefits and Unforeseen Consequ...2012Gorman, Keith FacultySpecial Collections and University Archives, UNCG
The Case of a Scrapbook Collection that Tripled in Size: The Benefits and Unforeseen Consequ...2012Smith, Kathelene McCartyFacultyUniversity Libraries, UNCG
The Case of Tweddie-Dee and Tweddle-Dum: Authority Control in a Retrospective Database1987Chu, Clara M.FacultyLibrary and Information Studies, UNCG
Case report of atypical Still's disease: a diagnosis of exclusion2016Yerra, Sandeep,Tlhabano,Letlhogonolo,Vasamsetty,Tejaswini StudentECU
Case Studies of Four Teachers: The Openness of the Tasks They Implement, the Adaptations The...2008Parsons, Seth ArthurStudentTeacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG
Case studies of three teachers: a description and analysis of their planned adaptations in r...2009Gray, Erika S.StudentTeacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG
Case studies of two teachers: the knowledge teachers draw upon to adapt2009Davis, Stephanie GraysonStudentTeacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG
A case study analysis of the effects of learning styles self-awareness among community colle...2023Proctor, Robin OwensStudentECU
A case study analysis of the effects of learning styles self-awareness among community colle...2023Latham, Robin OwensStudentECU
A Case Study of the Communication Themes for the Management of the Louisiana Nutria Populati...2021Goldsberry, Sara Rebekah StudentEsther G. Maynor Honors College, UNCP
A Case Study Of A Community College’s Basic Firefighter Program And Its Capacity To Meet Reg...2019Smith, Joshua JamesStudentEducation - Student, ASU
A Case Study Of The Consolidation Of Five North Carolina School Districts: Motivations, Proc...2016Barnette, Leslie StudentEducation - Student, ASU
A case study of decision-making in a school established to increase decision-making by teach...1976Sloan, E. ConradStudentEducation, UNCG
A case study of the diffusion of an electronic mail system in a high school administrative s...1993Moore, Richard EugeneStudentEducation, UNCG
A case study of the effects of learner-centered portfolio assessment on teachers' and studen...1996Brown, Constance RippetoeStudentEducation, UNCG
A Case Study Of The Effects Of Ritalin On The Performance Of Two Children2021Terrant, Susan StudentPsychology - Student, ASU
A case study of the figured worlds of outcast students: the positioning of adolescent litera...2014Crooks, Penny AnnetteStudentEducational Studies, UNCG
A case study of first year implementation of positive behavioral interventions and supports ...2013Deutsch, Alex JeffreyStudentPsychology, WCU
A case study of general education teacher use of picture books to support inclusive practice...2013Bland, Carol MasonStudentSpecialized Education Services, UNCG
A case study of the impact of social work education on a diverse group of adult learners wor...2009Cook, Sharon WarrenStudentTeacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG
A Case Study Of The Implementation Of Staff Training Aimed At Reducing Rearrest (STARR)2016Marcum, Cathy FacultyGovernment and Justice Studies, ASU
A case study of an initiative to increase general educators' use of evidence based reading i...2011Blanks, Allyster BrookeStudentSpecialized Education Services, UNCG
A case study of leadership in women's intercollegiate softball.1979Gill, Diane L.FacultyKinesiology, UNCG
A Case Study of Librarian Outreach to Scientists: Collaborative Research and Scholarly Commu...2014Adams, Tina M. FacultyHunter Library, WCU
Case Study of a Literacy Staff Development Program: Change in Pedagogical Practices of Two ...2013Bumgarner, James StudentEducational Leadership - Student, ASU
A case study of the management development program in one medium-to-large U.S. corporation, ...1984Sinatra, Salvatore JosephStudentEducation, UNCG
A case study of occupational therapists serving military personnel: identifying therapeutic ...2014Pippin, Kelly StudentECU
A Case Study of Outside Events verses the Thriving Speaking Center2018Cuny, Kimberly M.FacultyCommunication Studies, UNCG
A case study of principal-led professional development using micro-teaching and inquiry-orie...2013Canady, Larry D.StudentEducational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG
A Case Study of a Professional Learning Community: An Investigation of Sustainability withi...2011Hefner, Jennifer F.StudentEducational Leadership - Student, ASU
Case study of R&D efficiency in an ATP joint venture1998Link, Albert N.FacultyEconomics, UNCG
A case study of a rural elementary school's partnership with faith-based organizations2011Noland, Pocahontas F.StudentEducational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG
A Case Study of Second-Career Alternatively Certified Science Teachers: What Research and Ed...2008McDonald, Judith RichardsStudentTeacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG
A Case Study of Six Montefortino Helmets from the Battle of the Egadi Islands (241 B.C.)2017Rose, Aja BeauregardStudentECU
A case study of the supports that foster teachers’ awareness of students with disabilities e...2017Walker, Melissa SullivanStudentSpecialized Education Services, UNCG
A Case Study on English as a Second Language Speakers for Sustainable MOOC Study2019Dogan, Gulustan FacultyComputer Science and Information Systems, UNCW
A Case Study On The Self-Perceptions Of Novice Assistant Principals’ And Principals’ Leaders...2016Putnam, Larry StudentEducational Leadership - Student, ASU
A Case Study on the Statistical Sensitivity of Conclusions in an Auditor's Going Concern Rep...2017Holloway, Brandon StudentECU
Cash Advance Cash Flow Is Our Business2001Strickland, Jason StudentChancellor's Scholars, UNCP
Casimir Pistons with General Boundary Conditions2015Fucci, Guglielmo StudentECU
Casimir Pistons with Generalized Boundary Conditions: a Step Forward2023Fucci, Guglielmo StudentECU
Casimir Pistons with Generalized Boundary Conditions: a Step Forward2023Kirsten, Klaus StudentECU
Casimir Pistons with Generalized Boundary Conditions: a Step Forward2023Mu˜noz-Casta˜neda, Jose M.StudentECU
The Casks from Vasa.2012Ratcliffe, John E.StudentHistory, ECU
Caspase-3 dependent nitrergic neuronal apoptosis following cavernous nerve injury is mediate...2016Hannan, Johanna L.,Matsui,Hotaka,Sopko,Nikolai A.,Liu,Xiaopu,WeyneStudentECU
Cast methyl methacrylate1975Schroeder, Nancy LeeStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
Casting the Circle: An Arts-Based Inquiry into Creating Spaces for Emergent, Interdisciplina...2013Cornell, Marisa GwaltneyStudentEducational Leadership - Student, ASU
Casting a Wider Net: O*Net, Workforce Development, and Information Literacy2014Bird, Nora J.FacultyLibrary and Information Studies, UNCG
"The ""Castle"" and the ""Palace"": Comparing Artifact Patterns at Russellborough and Tryon ...2001Beaman, Thomas E.StudentECU
The "Castle" and the "Palace": Comparing Artifact Patterns at Russellborough and Tryon Palac...2023Beaman, Thomas E.StudentECU
Castoffs2008Barnett, Ashley E.StudentEnglish, UNCG
Casual video game play as an augmentation intervention for anxiety: a controlled study2023Fish, Matthew T.StudentECU
Caswell County--the first century, 1777-18771972Sartin, Ruby PearlStudentHistory, UNCG
Catabolite repression control (crc) gene and pseudomonas virulence2002Phibbs, Paul StudentECU
Catabolite repression control (crc) gene and pseudomonas virulence2002Collier, David StudentECU
Catabolite repression control (crc) gene and pseudomonas virulence2002Hager, Paul StudentECU
Catabolite repression control (Crc) gene and Pseudomonas virulence2004Hager, Paul W.StudentECU
Catabolite repression control (Crc) gene and Pseudomonas virulence2004Phibbs, Paul V.StudentECU
Catabolite repression control (Crc) gene and Pseudomonas virulence2004Collier, David N.StudentECU
Catalog/cataloging changes and Web 2.0 functionality: New directions for serials2008Kemp, Rebecca FacultyWilliam Madison Randall Library, UNCW
The Cataloging of Self-Published Items2019Tuncer-Bayramli, Nurhak FacultyLibrary, ECSU
Cataloging Serials for Special Collections: The Challenges and Delights of the W.L. Eury App...2010Orkiszewski, Paul T.FacultyUniversity Libraries, ASU
Cataloging Serials for Special Collections: The Challenges and Delights of the W.L. Eury App...2010Cramer, Elizabeth FacultyUniversity Libraries, ASU
A catalogue study of business offerings in the colleges of the Presbyterian church, U.S.1946Maphet, Princie StudentBusiness Education, UNCG
A catalogue study of the secretarial programs in senior colleges in North Carolina1948McEntire, Kathryn W.StudentBusiness Education, UNCG
Catalpol Modulates Lifespan via DAF-16/FOXO and SKN-1/Nrf2 Activation in2015Seo, Hyun WonStudentECU
Catalpol Modulates Lifespan via DAF-16/FOXO and SKN-1/Nrf2 Activation in2015Cheon, Se MyungStudentECU
Catalpol Modulates Lifespan via DAF-16/FOXO and SKN-1/Nrf2 Activation in2015Lee, Myon-Hee StudentECU
Catalpol Modulates Lifespan via DAF-16/FOXO and SKN-1/Nrf2 Activation in2015Kim, Hong JunStudentECU
Catalpol Modulates Lifespan via DAF-16/FOXO and SKN-1/Nrf2 Activation in2015Jeon, Hoon StudentECU
Catalpol Modulates Lifespan via DAF-16/FOXO and SKN-1/Nrf2 Activation in2015Cha, Dong SeokStudentECU
Catalpol Modulates Lifespan via DAF-16/FOXO and SKN-1/Nrf2 Activation in Caenorhabditis eleg...2023Lee, Myon HeeStudentECU
The Catalytic Activity of Group VIB Carbene Complexes1978Nile, Terence "Terry"FacultyChemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG
Catalyzing the Reaction: High School Seniors -- College Chemists2009Brassard, Kimberly StudentHonors College - Chemistry, UNCP
Catastrophic risks and mitigation measures around the world2009Prevatte, Darren R.StudentBusiness, UNCW
Catch comparisons between low profile and high profile skimmer trawl nets in the inshore shr...2023Hines, Kenneth L.StudentECU
Catching silver consumers in China: an integrated model of Chinese older adults' use of soci...2021Su, Jin FacultyConsumer, Apparel, and Retail Studies, UNCG
Catecholamine Activity and Infectious Disease Episodes1979Gruchow, H. WilliamFacultyPublic Health Education, UNCG
Catecholamine activity and reported morbidity.1976Gruchow, H. WilliamFacultyPublic Health Education, UNCG
Catecholamine metabolism via monoamine oxidase (MAO) within myocardium of individuals with ...2019Nelson, Margaret A. M.StudentECU
Catecholamine release, growth hormone secretion, and energy expenditure during exercise vs. ...2000Wideman, Laurie FacultyKinesiology, UNCG
Categorization and differentiation : a set, re-set, comparison analysis of the effects of co...1983Martin, Leonard L.StudentPsychology, UNCG
Categorization in Context for Young and Older Adults2013Lewis, Skye StudentCommunication Sciences and Disorders, ECU
A categorization of events at the International Tuba-Euphonium conferences: 1973 to 20142016Black, Douglas ChristopherStudentMusic Performance, UNCG
Categorization of U.S. demographics and their estimates1995Eddy, James M.FacultyPublic Health Education, UNCG
Categorizing at the group-level in response to intragroup social comparisons: A self-categor...2006Silvia, Paul FacultyPsychology, UNCG
Category learning strategies in younger and older adults: Rule abstraction and memorization2016Wahlheim, Chris FacultyPsychology, UNCG
Catering Server Training Manual2009Rehkopf, Ed FacultyHospitality and Tourism Administration, NCCU
Catering to customers or cultivating communicators? Divergent educational roles of communica...2011Schwartzman, Roy FacultyCommunication Studies, UNCG
Catering to customers or cultivating communicators? Divergent educational roles of communica...2011Ellis-Harrison, Erin FacultyUniversity Speaking Center, UNCG
Catfish farming in North Carolina2023Purgason, Franklin A.StudentECU
Catharsis And Aggression: The Effects Of The Sex Of The Annoyer2021Brown, Jr., Charles H.StudentPsychology - Student, ASU
Catharsis: stories2021Shefer, Ashlee M. StudentEnglish, UNCG
Catherine Natsuko Yamaguchi Chin: An Extraordinary Life2021Pollitt, Phoebe AnnFacultyNursing , ASU
Catholic Charities of Tennessee Refugee Services: An Ethnographic Study2010McInnis, Leila W.StudentECU
The cation diffusion facilitator family protein EmfA confers resistance to manganese toxicit...2019Johnsrude, Matthew StudentECU
The cation diffusion facilitator family protein EmfA confers resistance to manganese toxicit...2019Pitzer, Joshua E.StudentECU
The cation diffusion facilitator family protein EmfA confers resistance to manganese toxicit...2019Martin, Daniel W.StudentECU
The cation diffusion facilitator family protein EmfA confers resistance to manganese toxicit...2019Roop, R. MartinStudentECU
Caught in a Jam2003Brod, Andrew C.FacultyEconomics, UNCG
Caught on the Precipice : A Collection of Short Stories2011Marshall, Dominique StudentEnglish, ECU
Causal Ambiguity, Cultural Integration, and Partner Attractiveness as Determinants of Knowle...2011Sarala, Riikka M.FacultyManagement, UNCG
Causal attributions and task persistence of learned-helpless and mastery-oriented sixth grad...1994Griffith, Joseph BentonStudentHealth and Human Performance, UNCG
Causal modeling in health survey studies1992Eddy, James M.FacultyPublic Health Education, UNCG
Causative Factors Of Absence In Newell School1949Long, Robert P.StudentEducation - Student, ASU
“'Cause I'm a G”: Identity Work of a Lesbian Teen in Language Arts2010Vetter, Amy FacultyTeacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG
The Causes of the Gordon Riots of 1780 : A Close Reading of Contemporary Accounts and Dicken...2012Faron, Katharine MarieStudentEnglish, ECU
The Causes of the Gordon Riots of 1780: A Close Reading of Contemporary Accounts and Dickens...2010Faron, Katharine StudentECU
Causes, effects, and solutions to performance-related anxiety: suggestions for the teaching ...2009Slocumb, Brandon ScottStudentMusic, UNCG
CAUTION! Stress can be Harmful to Your Health1986Roberson, Steve H.FacultyOffice of the Provost, UNCG
CAVs – Use, Share, Own? Young Driver Perceptions Of Connected And Automated Vehicles2021Bagli, Hannah StudentGeography and Planning - Student, ASU
CB1 Antagonism Increases Excitatory Synaptogenesis in a Cortical Spheroid Model of Fetal Bra...2023Papariello, Alexis StudentECU
CB1 Antagonism Increases Excitatory Synaptogenesis in a Cortical Spheroid Model of Fetal Bra...2023Taylor, David StudentECU
CB1 Antagonism Increases Excitatory Synaptogenesis in a Cortical Spheroid Model of Fetal Bra...2023Soderstrom, Ken StudentECU
CB1 Antagonism Increases Excitatory Synaptogenesis in a Cortical Spheroid Model of Fetal Bra...2023Litwa, Karen StudentECU
CBCT Analysis of Crestal Soft Tissue Thickness Before Implant Placement and its Relationship...2023Cui, Xiaoxi StudentECU
CBCT Analysis of Crestal Soft Tissue Thickness Before Implant Placement and its Relationship...2023, et alStudentECU
CBD , Vocal Impairment , and Healing2019Judd, Carly MStudentECU
CBD products require care2020Maness, Phil,Kolasa,Kathryn MStudentECU
CBD, Vocal Impairment, and Healing2023Judd, Carly MStudentECU
CBD: A New Hope?2019Reggio, Patricia H.FacultyChemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG
Can being ageist harm your older adult patients?2015Debrew, Jacqueline K.FacultyNursing, UNCG
Can Blockchain Strengthen the Internet of Things?2017Kshetri, Nir B.FacultyManagement, UNCG
CCD Astronomy2006Hall, Henry Justin StudentApplied Physics, UNCP
CCL2-CCR2 axis promotes metastasis of nasopharyngeal carcinoma by activating ERK1/2-MMP2/9 p...2016Yang, Jing,Lv,Xing,Chen,Jinna,Xie,Changqing,Xia,Weixiong StudentECU
CD44 and hyaluronan promote the bmp7 signaling response in chondrocytes2012Luo, Na StudentAnatomy and Cell Biology, ECU
Cdc6 expression represses E-cadherin transcription and activates adjacent replication origin...2011Georgakilas, Alexandros G.StudentECU
Cdc6 expression represses E-cadherin transcription and activates adjacent replication origin...2011Sideridou, Maria StudentECU
Cdc6 expression represses E-cadherin transcription and activates adjacent replication origin...2011Zakopoulou, Roubini StudentECU
Cdc6 expression represses E-cadherin transcription and activates adjacent replication origin...2011Evangelou, Konstantinos StudentECU
Cdc6 expression represses E-cadherin transcription and activates adjacent replication origin...2011Liontos, Michalis StudentECU
Cdc6 expression represses E-cadherin transcription and activates adjacent replication origin...2011Kotsinas, Athanassios StudentECU
Cdc6 expression represses E-cadherin transcription and activates adjacent replication origin...2011Rampakakis, Emmanouil StudentECU
Cdc6 expression represses E-cadherin transcription and activates adjacent replication origin...2011Gagos, Sarantis StudentECU
Cdc6 expression represses E-cadherin transcription and activates adjacent replication origin...2011Kahata, Kaoru StudentECU
Cdc6 expression represses E-cadherin transcription and activates adjacent replication origin...2011Grabusic, Kristina StudentECU
Cdc6 expression represses E-cadherin transcription and activates adjacent replication origin...2011Gkouskou, Kalliopi StudentECU
Cdc6 expression represses E-cadherin transcription and activates adjacent replication origin...2011Trougakos, Ioannis P.StudentECU
Cdc6 expression represses E-cadherin transcription and activates adjacent replication origin...2011Trougakos, Kol StudentECU
The CDF-type metal efflux protein EmfA is essential for Brucella abortus 2308 resistance to ...2019Johnsrude, Matthew JStudentECU
Can Dynamic MRI Be Used to Accurately Identify Velopharyngeal Closure Patterns?2023Perry, Jamie L.StudentECU
Cecal and fecal bacterial flora of the Mongolian gerbil and the chinchilla.2011Worthington, John M.StudentECU
Cecal and fecal bacterial flora of the Mongolian gerbil and the chinchilla.2011Fulghum, Robert S.StudentECU
Cech-Completeness and Related Properties Of The Generalized Compact-open Topology2010Zsilinszky, Laszlo FacultyMathematics and Computer Science , UNCP
Cedar on the reef : archaeological and historical assessments of the Eighteenth-Century Berm...2011Southerly, James Christopher WelliverStudentHistory, ECU
Cedar on the reef : archaeological and historical assessments of the Eighteenth-Century Berm...2003Southerly, James Christopher WelliverStudentECU
Cedar on the Reef: Archaeological and Historical assessments of the Eighteenth-Century Bermu...2003Southerly, James Christopher WelliverStudentECU
Cedar on the Reef: Archaeological and Historical assessments of the Eighteenth-Century Bermu...2023Southerly, James Christopher WelliverStudentECU
Celebrate the Trail to Recovery: Power of the positive post-diagnosis of cancer2018Harmon, Justin FacultyCommunity and Therapeutic Recreation, UNCG
Celebrating Collaboration @ UNCP: The Mary Livermore Library and the Music Resource Center E...2017Hollis, Meggan FacultyMusic, UNCP
Celebrating Collaboration @ UNCP: The Mary Livermore Library and the Music Resource Center E...2017Young, David FacultyMary Livermore Library, UNCP
Celebrating Library Anniversaries: Project Management and Opportunities for Archiving2020Rose, Marlena,Carpenter,Layne StudentECU
Celebrating Local History through Photographs and Papers: Highlights of a Special Collection...2013Young, David FacultyMary Livermore Library, UNCP
Celebrating Personal Relationships.2007Adams, Rebecca G.FacultySociology, UNCG
Celebrating Together: Generational Cohort Differences In Game-Day Tailgating Rituals2021Albinsson, Pia A.FacultyMarketing, ASU
“Celebrating Your Southern Self @ the Library”2009Whitt, Susan FacultyMary Livermore Library, UNCP
Celebration and ceremony through life2010Strader, Molly StudentECU
Celestial Bodies : A Collection of Poems2012Palko, Meghan StudentEnglish, ECU
Cell cycling and expansion of umbilical cord blood CD34+ cells in culture with FLT3 ligand a...2023Harbour-Beal, Dianne M.StudentECU
Cell Phone Decision Making: Adolescents’ Perceptions of How and Why They Make the Choice to ...2013Blair, Bethany L.FacultyHuman Development and Family Studies, UNCG
Cell Phone Decision Making: Adolescents’ Perceptions of How and Why They Make the Choice to ...2013Fletcher, Anne C.FacultyHuman Development and Family Studies, UNCG
Cell surface N-glycans influence the level of functional E-cadherin at the cell–cell borde...2014Dayal, Sahil StudentECU
Cell surface N-glycans influence the level of functional E-cadherin at the cell–cell borde...2014Schwalbe, Ruth A.StudentECU
Cell surface N-glycans influence the level of functional E-cadherin at the cell–cell borde...2014Hall, M. KristenStudentECU
Cell surface N-glycans influence the level of functional E-cadherin at the cell–cell borde...2014Weidner, Douglas A.StudentECU
Cell Volume Distribution Pattern Analysis: A Means of Uterine Cancer Detection1970Gruchow, H. WilliamFacultyPublic Health Education, UNCG
Cell-autonomous roles of the ecdysoneless gene in Drosophila development and oogenesis2004Henrich, Vincent C.FacultyBiology, UNCG
Cell-Specific "Competition for Calories" Drives Asymmetric Nutrient-Energy Partitioning, Obe...2018Archer, Edward,Pavela,Gregory,McDonald,Samantha,Lavie,Carl J.,Hill,James O.StudentECU
Cell-Specific “Competition for Calories” Drives Asymmetric Nutrient-Energy Partitioning, Obe...2023Archer, Edward StudentECU
Cell-Specific “Competition for Calories” Drives Asymmetric Nutrient-Energy Partitioning, Obe...2023Pavela, Gregory StudentECU
Cell-Specific “Competition for Calories” Drives Asymmetric Nutrient-Energy Partitioning, Obe...2023McDonald, Samantha StudentECU
Cell-Specific “Competition for Calories” Drives Asymmetric Nutrient-Energy Partitioning, Obe...2023Lavie, Carl J.StudentECU
Cell-Specific “Competition for Calories” Drives Asymmetric Nutrient-Energy Partitioning, Obe...2023Hill, James O.StudentECU
Cell-specific regulation of immediate early gene BZLF1 in Epstein-Barr Virus under mTOR inhi...2016Needham, Jason M.StudentBiology, UNCG
Cell-to-Cell Lactate Shuttle Operates in Heart and is Important in Age-Related Heart Failure...2023McCubrey, James A.StudentECU
Cello Celebrations at UNCG:Cooperation between the University Libraries and the School of Mu...2007Nelson, William "Mac"FacultyUniversity Libraries, UNCG
The Cello Music Cataloger as Program Builder2010Nelson, William "Mac"FacultyUniversity Libraries, UNCG
Cello Music Collections at Jackson Library Support Performance, Teaching, and Research2011Nelson, William "Mac"FacultyUniversity Libraries, UNCG
Cello Music since 1960: A Bibliography of Solo, Chamber, and Orchestral Works1995Dorsey, Sarah B.FacultyUniversity Libraries, UNCG
The Cellular Function of ROP GTPase Prenylation is Important for Multicellularity in the Mos...2023Huang, Jinling StudentECU
Cellular Iron Depletion Weakens Induction of Heme Oxygenase-1 by Cadmium2011Loo, George FacultyNutrition, UNCG
Cellular Iron Depletion Weakens Induction of Heme Oxygenase-1 by Cadmium2011Lai, Chengzhi FacultyNutrition, UNCG
Cellular miR-150-5p May Have a Crucial Role to Play in the Biology of SARS-CoV-2 Infection b...2023Akula, Shaw M.StudentECU
Cellular miR-150-5p May Have a Crucial Role to Play in the Biology of SARS-CoV-2 Infection b...2023Bolin, Paul StudentECU
Cellular miR-150-5p May Have a Crucial Role to Play in the Biology of SARS-CoV-2 Infection b...2023Cook, Paul P.StudentECU
Cellular Signaling Pathways Regulate Nociceptor Sensitivity To Noxious Stimuli In Drosophila...2019Willits, Adam StudentBiology - Student, ASU
Cellular Uptake of Carbon Nanodots in THP-1 Human Monocytes2019Griffith, Claire StudentBiology, UNCG
Cellulose metabolism by the intestinal microbiota of the pinfish, Lagodon rhomboides2023Burr, Gary S.StudentECU
Cellulose metabolism by the intestinal microbiota of the pinfish, Lagodon rhomboides2023Burr, Gary S.StudentECU
Cemetery Analysis Using Temporal and Cultural Context2019Lindsay, Bria A. StudentAnthropology and Sociology, WCU
Can encoding differences explain the benefits of directed forgetting in the list-method para...2003Delaney, Peter F.FacultyPsychology, UNCG
Can encoding differences explain the benefits of directed forgetting in the list-method para...2003Sahakyan, Lili FacultyPsychology, UNCG
Census 101 [Slides]2020Rood, Melody FacultyUniversity Libraries, UNCG
Census 101 [Slides]2020Olsen, Rachel FacultyUniversity Libraries, UNCG
Center for Sustainable Tourism Division of Research and Graduate Studies2012Long, Patrick StudentECU
Center for Sustainable Tourism2012Long, Patrick StudentECU
Center for Sustainable Tourism2012Fridgen, Joseph StudentECU
Center for Sustainable Tourism, Division of Research and Graduate Studies2023Long, Patrick StudentECU
Center of Pressure Regularity With and Without Stochastic Resonance Stimulation in Stable an...2014Ross, Scott FacultyKinesiology, UNCG
Center of Pressure Regularity With and Without Stochastic Resonance Stimulation in Stable an...2014Rhea, Christopher K.FacultyKinesiology, UNCG
Centering Native Youths’ Needs and Priorities: Findings from the 2020 Native Youth Health Te...2022Kelley, Allyson L.FacultyPublic Health Education, UNCG
Centering relationships in a competitive sports environment2023Newman, Claire StudentKinesiology, UNCG
Centers Serving High Percentages of Young Hispanic Children Compare Favorably to Other Cente...2017Mendez, Julia FacultyPsychology, UNCG
Central a-Klotho is a Novel Regulator of Arcuate Neurons and Peripheral Metabolism2023Landry, Taylor StudentECU
Central alpha adrenergic involvement in the hemodynamic effects of estrogens2023Shackelford, D. Paul.StudentECU
Central and Eastern European Experience of the X-Culture Project in Teaching International M...2018Taras, Vasyl FacultyManagement, UNCG
The central business district (CBD) of Greenville, North Carolina2023Harris, Haywood Denard.StudentECU
Central GPR109A activation Mediates Glutamate-Dependent Pressor Response in Conscious Rats2023Abdel-Rahman, Abdel A.StudentECU
Central GPR109A Mediates Neuronal Oxidative Stress and Pressor Response in Conscious Rats2023Rezq, Samar StudentECU
Central Obesity and the Metabolic Syndrome: Implications for Primary Care Providers2004Jones, Ellen D.FacultyNursing, UNCG
Central Obesity and the Metabolic Syndrome: Implications for Primary Care Providers2004Kennedy-Malone, Laurie M.FacultyNursing, UNCG
Central place theory as applied to the counties of southeastern North Carolina2023Todd, William Smith,1920-StudentECU
The Central Places of Albemarle Sound : Examining Transitional Maritime Economies Through Ar...2011Leuchtmann, Amy C.StudentHistory, ECU
The Central Role of Hypothermia and Hyperactivity in Anorexia Nervosa: A Hypothesis2023Smith, Lucille LakierStudentECU
Central Santa Catarina coastal dunefields chronology and their relation to relative sea leve...2015Mendes, Vinícius Ribau,Giannini,Paulo César Fonseca,Guedes,Carlos StudentECU
The Central Stoneroller, CAMPOSTOMA ANOMALUM (Family: Cyprinidae): Ecosystem Engineers In Th...2005Wood, Christopher JamesStudentBiology - Student, ASU
The Centrality of the Center: Best Practices for Developing a Robust Communication Center on...2019Cuny, Kimberly M.FacultyCommunication Studies, UNCG
The Centrality of the Center: Best Practices for Engaging Students on Campus2020Cuny, Kimberly M.FacultyCommunication Studies, UNCG
Centralization of public education governance in Sun Belt States : legislation and litigatio...1987Norville, Herman BruceStudentEducation, UNCG
A Centralized Strategy to Collect Comprehensive Institution-Wide Data from Faculty And Staff...2015Janke, Emily FacultyPeace and Conflict Studies, UNCG
A Centralized Strategy to Collect Comprehensive Institution-Wide Data from Faculty And Staff...2015Medlin, Kristin FacultyUNCG
Centrally Circulating a-klotho Inversely Correlates with Human Obesity and Modulates Arcuate...2023Huang, Hu StudentECU
Centrally Circulating a-klotho Inversely Correlates with Human Obesity and Modulates Arcuate...2023Shookster, Daniel StudentECU
Centrally Circulating a-klotho Inversely Correlates with Human Obesity and Modulates Arcuate...2023Landry, Taylor StudentECU
Centrally Circulating a-klotho Inversely Correlates with Human Obesity and Modulates Arcuate...2023Li, Peixin StudentECU
Centrally Circulating a-klotho Inversely Correlates with Human Obesity and Modulates Arcuate...2023Jiang, Zhiying StudentECU
Centrally Circulating a-klotho Inversely Correlates with Human Obesity and Modulates Arcuate...2023Li, Hongli StudentECU
Centrally Circulating a-klotho Inversely Correlates with Human Obesity and Modulates Arcuate...2023Laing, Brenton ThomasStudentECU
Centrally Circulating a-klotho Inversely Correlates with Human Obesity and Modulates Arcuate...2023Bunner, Wyatt StudentECU
Centrally Circulating a-klotho Inversely Correlates with Human Obesity and Modulates Arcuate...2023Langton, Theodore StudentECU
Centrally Circulating a-klotho Inversely Correlates with Human Obesity and Modulates Arcuate...2023Tong, Qingchun StudentECU
A Century Of Legislative Accomplishments Of North Carolina Nurses2015Pollitt, Phoebe AnnFacultyNursing , ASU
Can Environmental Regulations Promote Corporate Environmental Responsibility? Evidence from ...2018Wei, Guo FacultyMathematics & Computer Science , UNCP
CEO International Assignment Experience and Corporate Social Performance2009Dixon-Fowler, Heather FacultyManagement, ASU
CEO Narcissism and Global Performance Variance in Multinational Enterprises: The Roles of Fo...2022Sarala, Riikka M.FacultyManagement, UNCG
CERA-Atlantic Storm Surge Web Page: Improvements for 2013 Based on EM Feedback2013Losego, Jessica StudentECU
Ceramic Displays, African Voices: Introduction2016Perrill, Elizabeth A. FacultySchool of Art, UNCG
Ceramic objects : containers and handpieces1972Gurley, Marianne BellStudentArt, UNCG
Ceramics And Site Function In Middle Woodland West Tennessee: A Comparative Analysis Of The ...2022Mignone, Ann-Marie BillingsStudentAnthropology - Student, ASU
Ceramide Nanoliposomes Augment the Efficacy of Venetoclax and Cytarabine in Models of Acute ...2023Cabot, Myles C.StudentECU
Ceramide Nanoliposomes Augment the Efficacy of Venetoclax and Cytarabine in Models of Acute ...2023Khokhlatchev, Andrei V.StudentECU
Cerebellar Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation Applied over Multiple Days Does Not Enhan...2023Lima de Albuquerque, Lidio FacultyHealth and Applied Human Sciences, UNCW
Cerebral Dominance And Creativity As Measures Of Cognitive Style In A Schizophrenic Populati...1979Conder, Robert StudentPsychology - Student, ASU
Cerebral Ischemia/Reperfusion Increases Endothelial Nitric Oxide Synthase Levels by An Indom...2023Beasley, Tracy C.StudentECU
Cerebral Ischemia/Reperfusion Increases Endothelial Nitric Oxide Synthase Levels by An Indom...2023Bari, Ferenc StudentECU
Cerebral Ischemia/Reperfusion Increases Endothelial Nitric Oxide Synthase Levels by An Indom...2023Busija, David W.StudentECU
Cerebral Ischemia/Reperfusion Increases Endothelial Nitric Oxide Synthase Levels by An Indom...2023Louis, Thomas StudentECU
Cerebral Ischemia/Reperfusion Increases Endothelial Nitric Oxide Synthase Levels by An Indom...2023Thrikawala, Nishadi StudentECU
Cerebral Ischemia/Reperfusion Increases Endothelial Nitric Oxide Synthase Levels by An Indom...2023Thore, Clara StudentECU
Cerebrovascular Reactivity Remains Intact after Cortical Depolarization in Newborn Piglets2023Bari, Ferenc StudentECU
Cerebrovascular Reactivity Remains Intact after Cortical Depolarization in Newborn Piglets2023Domoki, Ferenc StudentECU
Cerebrovascular Reactivity Remains Intact after Cortical Depolarization in Newborn Piglets2023Veltkamp, Roland StudentECU
Cerebrovascular Reactivity Remains Intact after Cortical Depolarization in Newborn Piglets2023Louis, Thomas M.StudentECU
Cerebrovascular Reactivity Remains Intact after Cortical Depolarization in Newborn Piglets2023Busija, David W.StudentECU
Certain socio-economic characteristics as a reflection of family goal values1959Holcomb, Carrie ElizabethStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Certain Stories2008Benning, Michael R.StudentEnglish, UNCG
Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist Second Victim Peer Support Program Knowledge and Pref...2022Coates, Casey StudentNursing, UNCG
Cervantes' Epic Novel: Empire, Religion, and the Dream Life of Heroes in Persiles [Review]2010Lopez Alemany, Ignacio FacultyLanguages, Literatures, and Cultures, UNCG
CES-D measurement stability across individualistic and collectivistic cultures2013Fu, Yanyan StudentPsychology, WCU
Cestodes From The Spiral Valves Of Elasmobranch Fishes From North Carolina1981Hester, Worth WitheringtonStudentBiology - Student, ASU
Can External Radiotransmitters be used to Assess Body Temperature and Torpor in Bats? 1996Kalcounis-Rüppell, Matina C.FacultyBiology, UNCG
Can Factors Related to Self-regulated Learning and Epistemological Beliefs Predict Learning ...2006Bell, Paul D.FacultyECU
Can a flexibility/support initiative reduce turnover intentions and exits? Results from the ...2017Bray, Jeremy W.FacultyEconomics, UNCG
Can Genetic Research Involvement Motivate Parents to Pursue CMA Genetic Testing for Children...2017Floyd, Augustus EvanderStudentECU
Can the government prevent an economic depression?1954Irby, Alice StudentEconomics, UNCG
Can GPR4 be a potential therapeutic target for COVID-19?2023Yang, L. V.StudentECU
Can GPR4 be a potential therapeutic target for COVID-19?2023Oppelt, K. A.StudentECU
Can GPR4 be a potential therapeutic target for COVID-19?2023Thomassen, M. J.StudentECU
Can GPR4 be a potential therapeutic target for COVID-19?2023Marie, M. A.StudentECU
Can GPR4 be a potential therapeutic target for COVID-19?2023Nik Akhtar, S. StudentECU
Can GPR4 be a potential therapeutic target for COVID-19?2023McCallen, J. D.StudentECU
Can GPR4 Be a Potential Therapeutic Target for COVID-19?2023Yang, Li V.StudentECU
Can GPR4 Be a Potential Therapeutic Target for COVID-19?2023Oppelt, Karen A.StudentECU
Can GPR4 Be a Potential Therapeutic Target for COVID-19?2023Thomassen, Mary JaneStudentECU
Can GPR4 Be a Potential Therapeutic Target for COVID-19?2023Marie, Mona A.StudentECU
Can GPR4 Be a Potential Therapeutic Target for COVID-19?2023Nik Akhtar, Shayan StudentECU
Can GPR4 Be a Potential Therapeutic Target for COVID-19?2023McCallen, Justin D.StudentECU
CGS Canada : a Canadian warship in the Florida Keys2023Casserley, Tane RenataStudentECU
Chain gangs, roads, and reform in North Carolina, 1900-19352011Thomas, Susan W.StudentHistory, UNCG
The chain letter and other stories1971Smith, Stephen EmersonStudentEnglish, UNCG
A Chain Mediation Model on COVID-19 Symptoms and Mental Health Outcomes in Americans, Asians...2023Tripp, Connor StudentECU
A Chain Mediation Model on COVID-19 Symptoms and Mental Health Outcomes in Americans, Asians...2023Sears, Samuel F.StudentECU
A Chain Mediation Model on COVID-19 Symptoms and Mental Health Outcomes in Americans, Asians...2023Wang, Cuiyan StudentECU
A Chain Mediation Model on COVID-19 Symptoms and Mental Health Outcomes in Americans, Asians...2023Chudzicka-Czupala, Agata StudentECU
A Chain Mediation Model on COVID-19 Symptoms and Mental Health Outcomes in Americans, Asians...2023Tee, Michael L.StudentECU
A Chain Mediation Model on COVID-19 Symptoms and Mental Health Outcomes in Americans, Asians...2023Núñe, María Inmaculada LópezStudentECU
A Chain Mediation Model on COVID-19 Symptoms and Mental Health Outcomes in Americans, Asians...2023Fardin, Mohammad A.StudentECU
A Chain Mediation Model on COVID-19 Symptoms and Mental Health Outcomes in Americans, Asians...2023Habib, Hina A.StudentECU
A Chain Mediation Model on COVID-19 Symptoms and Mental Health Outcomes in Americans, Asians...2023Tran, Bach X.StudentECU
A Chain Mediation Model on COVID-19 Symptoms and Mental Health Outcomes in Americans, Asians...2023Adamus, Katarzyna StudentECU
A Chain Mediation Model on COVID-19 Symptoms and Mental Health Outcomes in Americans, Asians...2023Anlacan, Joseph StudentECU
A Chain Mediation Model on COVID-19 Symptoms and Mental Health Outcomes in Americans, Asians...2023García, Marta E. AparicioStudentECU
A Chain Mediation Model on COVID-19 Symptoms and Mental Health Outcomes in Americans, Asians...2023Grabowski, Damian StudentECU
A Chain Mediation Model on COVID-19 Symptoms and Mental Health Outcomes in Americans, Asians...2023Hussain, Shahzad StudentECU
A Chain Mediation Model on COVID-19 Symptoms and Mental Health Outcomes in Americans, Asians...2023Hoang, Men T.StudentECU
A Chain Mediation Model on COVID-19 Symptoms and Mental Health Outcomes in Americans, Asians...2023Hetnal, Mateusz StudentECU
A Chain Mediation Model on COVID-19 Symptoms and Mental Health Outcomes in Americans, Asians...2023Le, Xuan T.StudentECU
A Chain Mediation Model on COVID-19 Symptoms and Mental Health Outcomes in Americans, Asians...2023Ma, Wenfang StudentECU
A Chain Mediation Model on COVID-19 Symptoms and Mental Health Outcomes in Americans, Asians...2023Pham, Hai Q.StudentECU
A Chain Mediation Model on COVID-19 Symptoms and Mental Health Outcomes in Americans, Asians...2023Reyes, Patrick Wincy C.StudentECU
A Chain Mediation Model on COVID-19 Symptoms and Mental Health Outcomes in Americans, Asians...2023Shirazi, Mahmoud StudentECU
A Chain Mediation Model on COVID-19 Symptoms and Mental Health Outcomes in Americans, Asians...2023Tan, Yilin StudentECU
A Chain Mediation Model on COVID-19 Symptoms and Mental Health Outcomes in Americans, Asians...2023Tee, Cherica A.StudentECU
A Chain Mediation Model on COVID-19 Symptoms and Mental Health Outcomes in Americans, Asians...2023Xu, Linkang StudentECU
A Chain Mediation Model on COVID-19 Symptoms and Mental Health Outcomes in Americans, Asians...2023Xu, Ziqi StudentECU
A Chain Mediation Model on COVID-19 Symptoms and Mental Health Outcomes in Americans, Asians...2023Vu, Giang T.StudentECU
A Chain Mediation Model on COVID-19 Symptoms and Mental Health Outcomes in Americans, Asians...2023Zhou, Danqing StudentECU
A Chain Mediation Model on COVID-19 Symptoms and Mental Health Outcomes in Americans, Asians...2023Chan, Natalie A.StudentECU
A Chain Mediation Model on COVID-19 Symptoms and Mental Health Outcomes in Americans, Asians...2023Kuruchittham, Vipat StudentECU
A Chain Mediation Model on COVID-19 Symptoms and Mental Health Outcomes in Americans, Asians...2023McIntyre, Roger S.StudentECU
A Chain Mediation Model on COVID-19 Symptoms and Mental Health Outcomes in Americans, Asians...2023Ho, Cyrus S. H.StudentECU
A Chain Mediation Model on COVID-19 Symptoms and Mental Health Outcomes in Americans, Asians...2023Ho, Roger StudentECU
Chairs1975Whisnant, Joe LaneStudentArt, UNCG
Chalk&Walk for Suicide Prevention and Awareness: Review of an On-Campus Event2022Ferry, Tracy StudentPsychology, UNCP
Chalk&Walk for Suicide Prevention and Awareness: Review of an On-Campus Event2022Ferry, Tracy StudentPsychology, UNCP
Chalking as disruption and dialogue: a practical exploration of a rhetorical ecology at a so...2018Williams, Margaret V.StudentEnglish, WCU
The challenge of advocacy: The different voices of Helen Keller and Burton Blatt.1997Smith, J. DavidFacultySpecialized Education Services, UNCG
The challenge of change : a case study of the institutionalization of employability skills a...2009Davis, Tanya Holt StudentHuman Services, WCU
The challenge of increasing minority-group professional representation in the United States:...2009Buttner, Eleanor "Holly"FacultyBusiness Administration, UNCG
The challenge of increasing minority-group professional representation in the United States:...2009Lowe, Kevin B.FacultyManagement, UNCG
The challenge of increasing minority-group professional representation in the United States:...2009Billings-Harris, Lenora FacultyBryan School of Business and Economics, UNCG
The Challenge of a "Knockout" PCR Test1996Quick, Tiffany Nichol StudentChancellor's Scholars Program, UNCP
The challenge of political instruction in a post-9/11 United States.2011Journell, Wayne FacultyTeacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG
Challenges and Opportunities of Business Process Outsourcing in India2006Mehta, Nikhil FacultyInformation Systems and Supply Chain Management, UNCG
Challenges and Recommendations to Enforcement of Alcohol Policies on College Campuses: An Ad...2011Perko, Michael A.FacultyPublic Health Education, UNCG
Challenges and Solutions in the Development of Genomic Biomarker Panels: A Systematic Phased...2012Cheng, R StudentECU
Challenges and Solutions in the Development of Genomic Biomarker Panels: A Systematic Phased...2012Shahzad, K StudentECU
Challenges and Solutions in the Development of Genomic Biomarker Panels: A Systematic Phased...2012Fatima, A StudentECU
Challenges and Solutions in the Development of Genomic Biomarker Panels: A Systematic Phased...2012Cadeiras, M StudentECU
Challenges and Solutions in the Development of Genomic Biomarker Panels: A Systematic Phased...2012Wisniewski, N StudentECU
Challenges and Solutions in the Development of Genomic Biomarker Panels: A Systematic Phased...2012Bondar, G StudentECU
Challenges and Solutions in the Development of Genomic Biomarker Panels: A Systematic Phased...2012Deng, MC StudentECU
Challenges and Solutions in the Development of Genomic Biomarker Panels: A Systematic Phased...2012Reed, E StudentECU
The Challenges Of Identifying Dangers Online And Predictors Of Victimization2021Marcum, Cathy FacultyGovernment and Justice Studies, ASU
The challenges of neoliberalism to the democratic promises of higher education2020Massey, Justin W.StudentEducational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG
The Challenges of Nonstandardized Vendor Usage Data in a Statewide Metasearch Environment: T...2004Oguz, Fatih FacultyLibrary and Information Studies, UNCG
Challenges to adaptation: a fundamental concept for the shared socio-economic pathways and b...2014Rothman, Dale S.,Romero-Lankao,Patricia,Schweizer,Vanessa J.,BeeStudentECU
Challenges to HIV management among youth engaged in HIV care2017Tanner, Amanda ElizabethFacultyPublic Health Education, UNCG
Challenges to parent nutrition education: A qualitative study of parents of urban children ...2011Erausquin, Jennifer TollerFacultyPublic Health Education, UNCG
Challenges, Negotiations, and Feminism in the Tijaniyya Order in Senegal and Nigeria2014Potter, Hannah,M. StudentECU
Challenges, Negotiations, and Feminism in the Tijaniyya Order of Senegal and Nigeria2014Potter, Hannah M.StudentECU
Challenging exclusionary paradigms in the traditional musical canon: Implications for music ...2011Mills, Susan FacultyMusic, ASU
Challenging exclusionary paradigms in the traditional musical canon: Implications for music ...2011McKoy, Constance FacultyMusic Education, UNCG
Challenging Gender Bias in Fifth Grade1997Matthews, Catherine E.FacultyTeacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG
Challenging mis-education through effective communication: a study of the communication and ...2015Smith, Cynthia A.StudentEnglish, UNCG
Challenging Normative Representations Of Women’s Sexual Agency In American Television2017Armstrong, Madison StudentSociology - Student , ASU
Challenging Promotion and Tenure Traditions in Academic Libraries2021Cramer, Steve FacultyUniversity Libraries, UNCG
Challenging The South's Black-White Binary: Haliwa-Saponi Indians and Political Autonomy2013Richardson, Marvin M. FacultyHistory, UNCP
Chalupa no. 2 : a comparative study of 16th-century Basque whaleboat construction from examp...2023Harris, Ryan. StudentECU
Champagne Wishes, Caviar Dreams: Incorporating E-readers into Leisure Reading While on a Bee...2012Ginanni, Katy FacultyHunter Library, WCU
Champagne wishes, caviar dreams: incorporating ereaders into leisure reading while on a beer...2011Craft, Anna R.FacultyUniversity Libraries, UNCG
Champagne wishes, caviar dreams: incorporating ereaders into leisure reading while on a beer...2011Craft, Anna R.FacultyUniversity Libraries, UNCG
Champion of two worlds : a phenomenological investigation of North Carolina early college li...2013Dempsey, Michael MatthewStudentHuman Services, WCU
The Chanc?un de Willame, a study of theme and style1971Pardue, Patricia E.StudentRomance Languages-French, UNCG
Chance Constraints Within Linear Programming2022Jenkins, Anna J.StudentMathematical Sciences - Student, ASU
Chance, sequence and field painting in relation to a selected environment1969Norcom, Ellen FarmerStudentArt, UNCG
Change and conservation : portraits of two schools1988Deviney, Collette W.StudentEducation, UNCG
Change And Tradition: The Story Of Fabiola Cabeza De Baca2017Pittenger, Anna MayStudentEducation - Student, ASU
Change Drivers In The New Millennium: Implications For Manufacturing Strategy Research2001Pouder, Richard W.FacultyManagement, ASU
Change in Diet, Physical Activity, and Body Weight in Female College Freshman2004Blue, Carolyn L.FacultyNursing, UNCG
Change in dominance determines herbivore effects on plant biodiversity2018Koerner, Sally E. FacultyBiology, UNCG
Change in the making: Makerspaces and the ever-changing landscape of libraries2015Moorefield-Lang, Heather FacultyLibrary and Information Studies, UNCG
Change in marital satisfaction among Chinese couples during the early years of marriage: the...2017Cao, Hongjian StudentHuman Development and Family Studies, UNCG
Change in Pain and Physical Function Following Bariatric Surgery for Severe Obesity2023Pories, Walter J.StudentECU
Change in parent attitudes during participation in certain parenthood in a free nation study...1964Hawkins, Margaret SnodgrassStudentHome Economics, UNCG
A change is gonna come: a critical study of the impact of a community organizing group on po...2010Fowler, Tamara ShareeStudentEducational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG
Change of microplankton community structure in response to fertilization of an arctic lake1995Rublee, Parke A.FacultyBiology, UNCG
Change over time in police interactions and HIV risk behavior among female sex workers in An...2014Erausquin, Jennifer TollerFacultyPublic Health Education, UNCG
“Change the story, change the world”: Gendered Magic and Educational Ideology in Terry Pratc...2015Williams, L. Kaitlin StudentEnglish - Student, ASU
The change that makes the movement that makes the Hemingway short story : a study in techniq...1970Pruitt, Phyllis B.StudentEnglish, UNCG
Changed Mah Name2004Swan, Walter FacultyMusic and Visual Arts, ECSU
“The Changers and the Changed”: Preparing Early Childhood Teachers to Work With Lesbian, Gay...2012Cassidy, Deborah J.FacultyHuman Development and Family Studies, UNCG
Changes in abundance, composition and controls within the plankton of a fertilised arctic la...2002Rublee, Parke A.FacultyBiology, UNCG
Changes in academic aspirations and expectations among Asian American adolescents2015Stein, Gabriela L. FacultyPsychology, UNCG
Changes in academic aspirations and expectations among Asian American adolescents2015Gonzalez, Laura McLaughlinFacultyHigher Education, UNCG
Changes in Aluminum, Cadmium, Chromium, Copper, Nickel, Lead, And Zinc Concentrations in Wat...2011Sakamachi, Yosuke StudentBiology - Student , ASU
Changes in Anxiety and Self-Care Practices in Heart Failure Patients after Wireless Implanta...2018Sager, David MStudentECU
Changes in attitudes of mothers toward child rearing practices after their participation in ...1970Johnson, Irene WatersStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Changes in Body Size of Elite High School Football Players: 1963 - 1989.1993Perko, Michael A.FacultyPublic Health Education, UNCG
Changes in body weight and serum lipid levels in low, moderate, and highly competitive male ...1986Black, Mary McAnearStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Changes in Cardiac Autonomic Modulation in Children Following 4 and 8 Weeks of Supervised Su...2011Crawford, Hannah ElizabethStudentHealth and Exercise Science - Student, ASU
Changes in the Circadian Rhythm in Patients with Primary Glaucoma2013Wang, Huaizhou StudentECU
Changes in the Circadian Rhythm in Patients with Primary Glaucoma2013Wang, Ningli StudentECU
Changes in the Circadian Rhythm in Patients with Primary Glaucoma2013Ding, Jianming StudentECU
Changes in the Circadian Rhythm in Patients with Primary Glaucoma2013Zhang, Ye StudentECU
Changes in cognitive appraisals and metabolic indices of physical exertion during a two-hour...1989Acevedo, Edmund O.StudentHealth, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, UNCG
Changes in Dietary Iron Exacerbate Regional Brain Manganese Accumulation as Determined by Ma...2011Erikson, Keith M.FacultyNutrition, UNCG
Changes in the distribution and density of Florida Bay macrophytes: 1995-20042009Landry, J. BrookeStudentMarine Science, UNCW
Changes in Drop-Jump Landing Biomechanics During Prolonged Intermittent Exercise2014Shultz, Sandra J.FacultyKinesiology, UNCG
Changes in Drop-Jump Landing Biomechanics During Prolonged Intermittent Exercise2014Schmitz, Randy J.FacultyKinesiology, UNCG
Changes in Drop-Jump Landing Biomechanics During Prolonged Intermittent Exercise2014Henson, Robert A.FacultyEducational Research Methodology, UNCG
Changes in electroencephalographic activity associated with learning a novel motor task1996Etnier, Jennifer L.FacultyKinesiology, UNCG
Changes in Fatigue, Multiplanar Knee Laxity, and Landing Biomechanics During Intermittent Ex...2015Shultz, Sandra J.FacultyKinesiology, UNCG
Changes in Fatigue, Multiplanar Knee Laxity, and Landing Biomechanics During Intermittent Ex...2015Henson, Robert A.FacultyEducational Research Methodology, UNCG
Changes in Fatigue, Multiplanar Knee Laxity, and Landing Biomechanics During Intermittent Ex...2015Schmitz, Randy J.FacultyKinesiology, UNCG
Changes In Fecal Estrogen Levels And Sexual Behavior In Captive Sichuan Snub-Nosed Monkeys (...2013Lappan, Susan FacultyAnthropology, ASU
Changes in Flood Characteristics after a Major Event: Re-evaluating the Effect of Hurricane ...2013Arrigo, Jennifer StudentECU
Changes In Food Choices Of Rural Preadolescent And Adolescent Children Following A Theory-Ba...2013Gutschall, Melissa FacultyNutrition and Health Care Management, ASU
Changes in the Freshwater Mussel Assemblage in the East Fork Tombigbee River, Mississippi: 1...2013Hamstead, Byron A.StudentBiology - Student , ASU
Changes in leptin and peptide YY do not explain the greater than predicted decreases in rest...2015McNeil, Jessica FacultyKinesiology, UNCG
Changes in Lower Extremity Biomechanics as a Result of Feedback in Virtual Obstacle Crossing...2018Manzo, John StudentKinesiology, UNCG
Changes in meal participation, attendance, and test scores associated with the availability ...2013Haldeman, Lauren FacultyNutrition, UNCG
Changes in meal participation, attendance, and test scores associated with the availability ...2013Ribar, David C.FacultyEconomics, UNCG
Changes in the mechanical and electromyographic output during isotonic and isometric exercis...2000Perrin, David H.FacultyOffice of the Provost, UNCG
Changes in the mechanical and electromyographic output during isotonic and isometric exercis...2000Schmitz, Randy J.FacultyKinesiology, UNCG
Changes in Mindfulness, Well-being, and Sleep Quality in College Students Through Taijiquan ...2011Caldwell, Karen FacultyHuman Development & Psychological Counseling, ASU
Changes in muscle strength muscle fibre size and myofibrillar gene expression after immobil...2011Dempsey, L. StudentECU
Changes in muscle strength muscle fibre size and myofibrillar gene expression after immobil...2011Dohm, L. StudentECU
Changes in muscle strength muscle fibre size and myofibrillar gene expression after immobil...2011Fraser, D. StudentECU
Changes in muscle strength muscle fibre size and myofibrillar gene expression after immobil...2011Hamilton, G. StudentECU
Changes in muscle strength muscle fibre size and myofibrillar gene expression after immobil...2011Lambert, J. StudentECU
Changes in muscle strength muscle fibre size and myofibrillar gene expression after immobil...2011Hortobagyi, T. StudentECU
Changes in muscle strength muscle fibre size and myofibrillar gene expression after immobil...2011Zheng, D. StudentECU
Changes in a Myriophyllum spicatum L. community following 2, 4-D treatment2023Getsinger, Kurt D.StudentECU
Changes in Perceived Color with Intermittent Illumination1997Steele, Kenneth M.FacultyPsychology, ASU
Changes in performance on the nursing licensure examination : an investigation of possible c...1991Webster, Sadie BrownStudentEducation, UNCG
Changes in plant community composition, not diversity, during a decade of nitrogen and phosp...2014Koerner, Sally E. FacultyBiology, UNCG
Changes in posture following a single session of long-duration water immersion2018Ross, Scott FacultyKinesiology, UNCG
Changes in posture following a single session of long-duration water immersion2018Rhea, Christopher K.FacultyKinesiology, UNCG
Changes in protein electrophoretic patterns of rat brain white and grey matter as a result o...2023Hooper, Thomas Eugene.StudentECU
Changes in serum collagen markers, IGF-I, and Knee joint laxity across the menstrual cycle2012Shultz, Sandra J.FacultyKinesiology, UNCG
Changes in serum collagen markers, IGF-I, and Knee joint laxity across the menstrual cycle2012Wideman, Laurie FacultyKinesiology, UNCG
Changes in Sexual Functioning in Women and Men in the 5 Years after Bariatric Surgery2023Pories, Walter J.StudentECU
Changes In The Shape Of The Maximal Expiratory Flow-Volume Curve Following Weight Loss In Ob...2017Burns, Taylor StudentHealth and Exercise Science - Student, ASU
Changes In Stream Temperatures In Response To Restoration Of Groundwater Discharge And Solar...2010Anderson, William FacultyGeology, ASU
Changes in the Structural Properties of the UCL in Collegiate Baseball Pitchers2017Curran, Christopher JamesStudentECU
Changes in students' attitudes during a course in child development1971Lomax, Diane WhitehurstStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Changes in tourists’ perception of well-being based on their use of emotion regulation strat...2017Hickerson, Benjamin FacultyCommunity and Therapeutic Recreation, UNCG
Changes In Trail Usage Among Children Aged 2-12 Years Old Following A Trail Enhancement Inte...2022Childers, Katherine StudentHealth and Exercise Science - Student, ASU
Changes in Vascular and Hemodynamic Parameters Following Acute Exercise and Antioxidant Supp...2010Kappus, Rebecca MarieStudentHealth and Exercise Science, ASU
Changes in zebra finch central nervous system morphology associated with developmental canna...2012Gilbert, Marcoita TerreenStudentInterdisciplinary Biological Sciences, ECU
Changes in zooplankton community, and seston and zooplankton fatty acid profiles at the fres...2017Lichti, Deborah A.,Rinchard,Jacques,Kimmel,David G.StudentECU
Changes to Cigarette Packaging Influence US Consumers’ Choices: Results of Two Discrete-Choi...2023Lee, Joseph G. L.StudentECU
Changes to Cigarette Packaging Influence US Consumers’ Choices: Results of Two Discrete-Choi...2023O’Brien, Kevin F.StudentECU
Changes to Cigarette Packaging Influence US Consumers’ Choices: Results of Two Discrete-Choi...2023Blanchflower, Tiffany StudentECU
Changes to Cigarette Packaging Influence US Consumers’ Choices: Results of Two Discrete-Choi...2023Swanson, Gunnar StudentECU
Changes to Cigarette Packaging Influence US Consumers’ Choices: Results of Two Discrete-Choi...2023Averett, Paige E.StudentECU
Changes to Cigarette Packaging Influence US Consumers’ Choices: Results of Two Discrete-Choi...2023Gregory, Kyle R.StudentECU
Changes To Water Chemistry And Implications For Sensitive Aquatic Biota In Southern Blue Rid...2023Woodburn, Hannah ChristineStudentBiology - Student, ASU
The changing agriculture of Hyde County, North Carolina2023Wilkinson, Kenneth CStudentECU
Changing attitudes toward prison reform: Effects of similarity to prisoners on attraction an...2005Silvia, Paul FacultyPsychology, UNCG
Changing the climate: Bioarchaeology responds to deterministic thinking about human–environm...2018Robbins Schug, Gwen FacultyAnthropology, UNCG
The changing composition of R & D1985Link, Albert N.FacultyEconomics, UNCG
Changing conceptualizations of mental health and mental illness: Implications for “brain dis...2004Floyd-Pickard, Melissa FacultySocial Work, UNCG
Changing the curriculum and teaching methods to meet the evolving needs in Chinese agricultu...2002Shao, Xiaorong FacultyUniversity Libraries, ASU
Changing the Face of International Business Education: The X-Culture Project.2012Taras, Vasyl FacultyManagement, UNCG
Changing the Face of International Business Education: The X-Culture Project.2012Sarala, Riikka M.FacultyManagement, UNCG
Changing filtering parameters affects lower extremity pre-landing muscle activation onset ti...2010Shultz, Sandra J.FacultyKinesiology, UNCG
Changing the Game : A 21st-Century Perspective on the Use of the Supernatural in Multicultur...2023Williams, Jewel StudentECU
Changing the game : the rhetorical approach of “no dice, no masters” tabletop RPGs2022Benjamin, Joshua StudentEnglish, UNCG
Changing the Game: A 21st-Century Perspective on the Use of the Supernatural in Multicultura...2013Williams, Jewel StudentEnglish, ECU
Changing the health care response to battered women: a health education approach.1998Smith, Paige HallFacultyPublic Health Education, UNCG
Changing the Hidden Curriculum of Campus Rape Prevention and Education: Women’s Self- Defens...2015McCaughey, Martha FacultySociology, ASU
Changing Incidence and Survival of Desmoplastic Small Round Cell Tumor in the USA2023Ali, Hassam StudentECU
Changing Incidence and Survival of Desmoplastic Small Round Cell Tumor in the USA2023Waqar, Syed Hamza BinStudentECU
Changing Incidence and Survival of Intrahepatic Cholangiocarcinoma Based on Surveillance, Ep...2023Ali, Hassam StudentECU
Changing Incidence and Survival of Intrahepatic Cholangiocarcinoma Based on Surveillance, Ep...2023Tedder, Brandon StudentECU
Changing Incidence and Survival of Intrahepatic Cholangiocarcinoma Based on Surveillance, Ep...2023Mohamed, Rana StudentECU
Changing Incidence and Survival of Intrahepatic Cholangiocarcinoma Based on Surveillance, Ep...2023Cate, Edward LawsonStudentECU
Changing Incidence and Survival of Intrahepatic Cholangiocarcinoma Based on Surveillance, Ep...2023Ali, Eslam StudentECU
Changing Incidence and Survival of Intrahepatic Cholangiocarcinoma Based on Surveillance, Ep...2023Waqar, Syed HamzaStudentECU
Changing the lens: Building teacher capacity to understand the effects of teacher implicit b...2022Hooper, Jamie StudentHuman Services, WCU
Changing More Than the Plumbing: Integrating Women in Management into the Management and Org...1992Buttner, Eleanor "Holly"FacultyBusiness Administration, UNCG
Changing Nature: Stacy Alaimo and Cary Wolfe at ASLE2023Feder, Helena StudentECU
"The changing needs of our youth today": the response of 4-H to social and economic transfor...2012Thompson, Ellen NatashaStudentHistory, UNCG
Changing performance among Russian retail workers: Effectively transferring American managem...1993Welsh, Dianne H.B.FacultyBusiness Administration, UNCG
The changing physical education major curriculum in American and Canadian institutions of hi...1970Williams, Carole C.StudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
Changing places and questions of identity: the fluid lives of first generation Indo-Guyanese...2009Chowthi, Natassaja M.StudentSociology, UNCG
Changing Practice Through Meaningful Assignments: Ideas for Supporting RN-BSN Students2020Debrew, Jacqueline K.FacultyNursing, UNCG
Changing Prescribing Patterns Through Early Identification of High Risk Patients2018Amato, Ashley StudentECU
Changing The Probability Versus Changing The Reward2009Bruner, David FacultyEconomics, ASU
"Changing Routines:" An Exploration of Parental Stress and Child Adjustment During a Militar...2023Lewis, Shelby StudentECU
Changing sagittal plane body position during single-leg landings influences the risk of non-...2013Shultz, Sandra J.FacultyKinesiology, UNCG
Changing the social environment in an elementary school to reduce dropout predictors for Afr...2011Edwards, Leah RoseStudentPsychology, WCU
Changing staff dispositions: ending the perpetuation of “at-risk” for students from economic...2020Brinson, Jennifer StudentHuman Services, WCU
Changing staff dispositions: ending the perpetuation of “at-risk” for students from economic...2020Smith, Courtney StudentHuman Services, WCU
The changing tides of attractive alternatives in romantic relationships: Recent societal cha...2021Baker, Levi R. FacultyPsychology, UNCG
Changing times call for changes in practices: a mixed-methods study on early childhood teach...2021Siskind, Demi G.StudentHuman Development and Family Studies, UNCG
Changing Times, Changing Requirements: Implications for LIS Education2011Gwynn, David FacultyUniversity Libraries, UNCG
Changing Times, Changing Requirements: Implications for LIS Education2011Chow, Anthony Shong-YuFacultyLibrary and Information Studies, UNCG
Changing the Two-Party Political System in the United States: The Evolution of the Libertari...2006McCall, Jamie Randall StudentPolitical Science and Public Administration, UNCP
Channeling your inner science warrior: the nature of teachers’ professional agency in high-n...2020Mercier, Alison K.StudentTeacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG
Chaos in music: historical developments and applications to music theory and composition2009Salter, Jonathan R.StudentMusic, UNCG
Chaos, Poverty, and Parenting: Predictors of Early Language Development2012Mills-Koonce, Roger FacultyHuman Development and Family Studies , UNCG
Chapman's humor theory1967Gallimore, Roena VirginiaStudentEnglish, UNCG
The character and evolution of black urban commercial land use in Greenville, North Carolina...2023Klingman, Thomas B.StudentECU
Character description in phylogenetic analysis: insights from Agnes Arber's concept of the p...2001Kirchoff, Bruce K.FacultyBiology, UNCG
Character education at a historically Black institution2010Mobley, Maude EmilyeStudentEducational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG
The character of Tamburlaine1965Swaim, Argus StudentEnglish, UNCG
Characteristic Function and Quasi-probability Distribution of Photons and of Squeezed Cohere...2020Alexanian, Moorad FacultyPhysics and Physical Oceanography, UNCW
A characteristic metabolic signature of breast cancer2012Zhao, Xueqing StudentNutrition, UNCG
Characteristics and attitudes of freshman home economics students at the University of North...1973Rohlfs, Katherine KoklasStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Characteristics and coupling of cardiac and locomotor rhythms during treadmill walking tasks...2016Wittstein, Matthew W.StudentKinesiology, UNCG
Characteristics And Health Of Caregivers And Care Recipients -- North Carolina, 20052007Bouldin, Erin FacultyHealth and Exercise Science, ASU
Characteristics and utility of plastid-encoded 16S rRNA gene sequence data in phylogenetic s...2004Freshwater, Wilson FacultyCenter for Marine Science, UNCW
Characteristics And Well-Being Of Informal Caregivers: Results From A Nationally-Representat...2014Bouldin, Erin FacultyHealth and Exercise Science, ASU
Characteristics of change in biology classes in a computer-assisted environment2023Doughty, Janet HallStudentECU
Characteristics of coarse woody debris and its impact on urban streambed process and structu...2007Owusu-Adjei, Joseph StudentGeography, UNCG
Characteristics of Community Mental Health Clinics Associated With Treatment Engagement2014Stein, Gabriela L. FacultyPsychology, UNCG
Characteristics of an early Internet adoption in a middle school2023Woodul, Charles E.StudentECU
Characteristics of heart period variability in intubated very low birth weight infants with ...2004Dudley, William N.FacultyHealth and Human Sciences, UNCG
Characteristics of the immune response to type III pneumococcal polysaccharide induced in BA...2023Armacost, J. L.StudentECU
Characteristics of Injuries in the Logging Industry of Louisiana, USA: 1986 to 19982003Pine, John FacultyGeography and Planning, ASU
Characteristics of leadership behaviors of successful high school principals in North Caroli...1992Reid, Tommy ParksStudentEducation, UNCG
Characteristics of Local Health Departments Associated with Implementation of Electronic Hea...2023Luo, Huabin StudentECU
Characteristics of Medical School Applicants: A Single-Institution Study2023Tumin, Dmitry StudentECU
Characteristics of Nursing Home Resident Movement Patterns: Results from the TEAM-UP Trial2023Kennerly, Susan M.StudentECU
Characteristics of Nursing Home Resident Movement Patterns: Results from the TEAM-UP Trial2023Sharkey, Phoebe D.StudentECU
Characteristics of Nursing Home Resident Movement Patterns: Results from the TEAM-UP Trial2023Horn, Susan D.StudentECU
Characteristics of Nursing Home Resident Movement Patterns: Results from the TEAM-UP Trial2023Zheng, Tianyu StudentECU
Characteristics of Nursing Home Resident Movement Patterns: Results from the TEAM-UP Trial2023Alderden, Jenny StudentECU
Characteristics of Nursing Home Resident Movement Patterns: Results from the TEAM-UP Trial2023Sabo, Valerie K.StudentECU
Characteristics of Nursing Home Resident Movement Patterns: Results from the TEAM-UP Trial2023Rowe, Meredeth StudentECU
Characteristics of Nursing Home Resident Movement Patterns: Results from the TEAM-UP Trial2023Yap, Tracey L.StudentECU
Characteristics of nursing homes adopting environmental transformations2002Tesh, Anita S.FacultyNursing, UNCG
Characteristics of nursing homes adopting environmental transformations2002Courts, Nancy F.FacultyNursing, UNCG
Characteristics of nursing homes adopting environmental transformations2002Barba, Beth E.FacultyNursing, UNCG
Characteristics of Obese and Non-obese Nursing Home Residents Who Develop Pressure Injuries2023Halvorsen, Kelsey LuiseStudentECU
Characteristics of Patients Presenting to Emergency Department for Primary Atrial Fibrillati...2023Sears, Samuel F.StudentECU
Characteristics of Patients Presenting to Emergency Department for Primary Atrial Fibrillati...2023Sadaf, Murrium I.StudentECU
Characteristics of Patients Presenting to Emergency Department for Primary Atrial Fibrillati...2023O'Bryan, James StudentECU
Characteristics of Patients Presenting to Emergency Department for Primary Atrial Fibrillati...2023Biese, Kevin StudentECU
Characteristics of Patients Presenting to Emergency Department for Primary Atrial Fibrillati...2023Chen, Sarah StudentECU
Characteristics of Patients Presenting to Emergency Department for Primary Atrial Fibrillati...2023Deyo, Zachariah StudentECU
Characteristics of Patients Presenting to Emergency Department for Primary Atrial Fibrillati...2023Mendys, Phil StudentECU
Characteristics of Patients Presenting to Emergency Department for Primary Atrial Fibrillati...2023Tuttle, Heather StudentECU
Characteristics of Patients Presenting to Emergency Department for Primary Atrial Fibrillati...2023Walker, T. JenniferStudentECU
Characteristics of Patients Presenting to Emergency Department for Primary Atrial Fibrillati...2023Gehi, Anil K.StudentECU
Characteristics of Police Departments in the State of North Carolina Which Predict the Attri...2012Jones, Lenna RayeStudentSociology, ECU
Characteristics of Stride Behavior During Treadmill Walking and Stationary Stepping2014Rhea, Christopher K.FacultyKinesiology, UNCG
Characteristics of volunteer lay leaders who show longevity in teaching A Matter Of Balance...2023Fountain, Caroline G.StudentECU
Characteristics of volunteer lay leaders who show longevity in teaching A Matter Of Balance...2011Fountain, Caroline G.StudentOccupational Therapy, ECU
Characteristics Of Women Experiencing Bulimia And The Incidence Of This Eating Disorder Amon...1983Hazlett, Gary AllenStudentPsychology - Student, ASU
Characterization and Biomimetic Fabrication Study of Fetal Membranes for Understanding and P...2023Wheeler, Mackenzie LeeStudentECU
Characterization and differentiation of NALM-6 and Jurkat cell lines using confocal laser sc...2023Hill, Rodney Chason.StudentECU
Characterization and expression of HOXb1b in Morone saxatilis2023Smith, Matthew H.StudentECU
Characterization and Expression of the Nuclear Progestin Receptor in Zebrafish Gonads and Br...2023Hanna, Richard N.StudentECU
Characterization and Expression of the Nuclear Progestin Receptor in Zebrafish Gonads and Br...2023Daly, Sean C. J.StudentECU
Characterization and Expression of the Nuclear Progestin Receptor in Zebrafish Gonads and Br...2023Pang, Yeifei StudentECU
Characterization and Expression of the Nuclear Progestin Receptor in Zebrafish Gonads and Br...2023Anglade, Isabelle StudentECU
Characterization and Expression of the Nuclear Progestin Receptor in Zebrafish Gonads and Br...2023Kah, Olivier StudentECU
Characterization and Expression of the Nuclear Progestin Receptor in Zebrafish Gonads and Br...2023Thomas, Peter StudentECU
Characterization and Expression of the Nuclear Progestin Receptor in Zebrafish Gonads and Br...2023Zhu, Yong StudentECU
Characterization and Isolation of Peptide Metabolites of an Antifungal Bacterial Isolate Ide...2017Oberlies, Nicholas FacultyChemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG
Characterization and regulation of an oxygen induced putative elongation factor-g in the obl...2023Harvey, Samantha. StudentECU
Characterization and regulation of Wnt5a alternate promoters A and B2011Joyner-Powell, Nicole BunaStudentBiology, UNCG
Characterization and utilization of the flexor digitorum brevis for assessing skeletal muscl...2018Tarpey, Michael D.,Amorese,Adam J.,Balestrieri,Nicholas P.,Ryan,TeStudentECU
Characterization and utilization of the flexor digitorum brevis for assessing skeletal muscl...2018Tarpey, Michael D.StudentECU
Characterization and utilization of the flexor digitorum brevis for assessing skeletal muscl...2018Amorese, Adam J.StudentECU
Characterization and utilization of the flexor digitorum brevis for assessing skeletal muscl...2018Balestrieri, Nicholas P.StudentECU
Characterization and utilization of the flexor digitorum brevis for assessing skeletal muscl...2018Ryan, Terence E.StudentECU
Characterization and utilization of the flexor digitorum brevis for assessing skeletal muscl...2018Schmidt, Cameron A.StudentECU
Characterization and utilization of the flexor digitorum brevis for assessing skeletal muscl...2018McClung, Joseph M.StudentECU
Characterization and utilization of the flexor digitorum brevis for assessing skeletal muscl...2018Spangenburg, Espen E.StudentECU
Characterization of the {esc}(Sb{esc}(B-2 microglobulin gene in channel catfish (Ictalurus p...2023Benedetto, Ralph G.StudentECU
Characterization of the {esc}(Sb{esc}(B-2 microglobulin gene in channel catfish (Ictalurus p...2023Benedetto, Ralph G.StudentECU
Characterization of the accuracy in a reverse engineering process employing white light scan...2011Rhoades, Christopher W.StudentEngineering and Technology, WCU
Characterization Of Acid-Tolerant H2/CO2-Utilizing Methanogenic Enrichment Cultures From An ...2014Brauer, Suzanna FacultyBiology, ASU
Characterization of the avian GLUT1 glucose transporter: differential regulation of GLUT1 an...2011Kang, Ho YoungStudentECU
Characterization of the avian GLUT1 glucose transporter: differential regulation of GLUT1 an...2011Wagstaff, Patricia StudentECU
Characterization of the avian GLUT1 glucose transporter: differential regulation of GLUT1 an...2011White, Martyn K.StudentECU
Characterization of the avian GLUT1 glucose transporter: differential regulation of GLUT1 an...2011Mylott, Dawn StudentECU
Characterization of the avian GLUT1 glucose transporter: differential regulation of GLUT1 an...2011Robbins, Penni J.StudentECU
Characterization of B2 microglobulin in the catfish family Ictaluridae2023Criscitiello, Michael F.StudentECU
Characterization of B2 microglobulin in the catfish family Ictaluridae2023Criscitiello, Michael F.StudentECU
Characterization of Bacteroides fragilis Hemolysins and Regulation and Synergistic Interacti...2011Robertson, Kirstin P.StudentECU
Characterization of Bacteroides fragilis Hemolysins and Regulation and Synergistic Interacti...2011Rocha, Edson R.StudentECU
Characterization of Bacteroides fragilis Hemolysins and Regulation and Synergistic Interacti...2011Smith, C. JeffreyStudentECU
Characterization of Bacteroides fragilis Hemolysins and Regulation and Synergistic Interacti...2011Gough, Andrea M.StudentECU
Characterization of bioactive alkaloid content versus soil chemistry in goldenseal (Hydrasti...2014Dayton, Cynthia StudentChemistry and Physics, WCU
Characterization of bioactive secondary metabolites from Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Prorocen...2009Williams, Jennifer S.StudentMarine Science, UNCW
Characterization of the biochemical activity of the open reading frame "YqiQ" of Bacillus su...2011Booth, William T.StudentChemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG
Characterization of biosynthetic and catabolic pathways of Bacillus subtilis strain 168.2009Quattlebaum, Amy L.StudentChemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG
Characterization of the Bone Marrow Microenvironment During the Development of Triple Negati...2017Janicki, Jordan StudentECU
Characterization of breeding habitat of a Henslow's sparrow (Ammodramus henslowii) populatio...2023Liles, Rebecca Lynn.StudentECU
Characterization of bycatch in the white perch small mesh gill net fishery in upper Currituc...2023Price, A. Blake.StudentECU
Characterization of chromophoric dissolved organic matter with iron chelates in rain water2009Resetar, Lorri StudentChemistry and Biochemistry, UNCW
Characterization of citB in the methylcitric acid cycle of Bacillus subtilis 168 ; and, char...2014Sirkisoon, Sherona R.StudentChemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG
Characterization of critical spawning habitats of weakfish , spotted seatrout and red drum ...1999Luczkovich, Joseph J.StudentECU
Characterization of critical spawning habitats of weakfish , spotted seatrout and red drum ...1999Daniel, Hal J.,IIIStudentECU
Characterization of critical spawning habitats of weakfish , spotted seatrout and red drum ...1999Sprague, Mark W.StudentECU
Characterization of critical spawning habitats of weakfish, spotted seatrout and red drum in...2023Luczkovich, Joseph J.StudentECU
Characterization of critical spawning habitats of weakfish, spotted seatrout and red drum in...2023Daniel, Hal J.,IIIStudentECU
Characterization of critical spawning habitats of weakfish, spotted seatrout and red drum in...2023Sprague, Mark W.StudentECU
Characterization of the Cytochrome P450 CYP234: Expression in Rat Small Intestine and Role i...1998Raner, Gregory M.FacultyChemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG
Characterization of Damping Properties in 3D Printed Structures2018Gietl, Jenna,Vignola,Joseph,Sterling,John,Ryan,Teresa StudentECU
Characterization of Differentially Private Logistic Regression2018Suthaharan, Shanmugatha "Shan"FacultyComputer Science, UNCG
Characterization of DNA polymerase gamma in the basidiomycetous yeast, Cryptococcus neoforma...2020Walter, Samuel RichardsonStudentBiology, WCU
Characterization of the double mutant, RD305306SN, in the CP43 protein of Photosystem II in ...2023Patel, Meeraben Sunil.StudentECU
Characterization of the Dynamic Germination of Individual Clostridium difficile Spores Using...2023Li, Yong-Qing StudentECU
Characterization of the effects of chloride depletion on oxygen evolving activity in the R30...2023Burch, Brandon Douglas.StudentECU
Characterization of the effects of chloride depletion on oxygen evolving activity in the R30...2023Burch, Brandon Douglas.StudentECU
Characterization of the effluent from an intensive marine recirculating system for the cultu...2009Truesdale, Stephen G.StudentBiology and Marine Biology, UNCW
Characterization of Electronic Cigarette Warning Statements Portrayed in YouTube Videos2023Soule, Eric StudentECU
Characterization of Electronic Cigarette Warning Statements Portrayed in YouTube Videos2023Jones, Dina M.StudentECU
Characterization of Electronic Cigarette Warning Statements Portrayed in YouTube Videos2023Guy, Mignonne C.StudentECU
Characterization of Electronic Cigarette Warning Statements Portrayed in YouTube Videos2023Sakuma, Kari-Lyn K.StudentECU
Characterization of Electronic Cigarette Warning Statements Portrayed in YouTube Videos2023Pokhrel, Pallav StudentECU
Characterization of Electronic Cigarette Warning Statements Portrayed in YouTube Videos2023Orloff, Mohammed StudentECU
Characterization of Electronic Cigarette Warning Statements Portrayed in YouTube Videos2023Trinidad, Dennis StudentECU
Characterization of Electronic Cigarette Warning Statements Portrayed in YouTube Videos2023Smith, Denelle StudentECU
Characterization of Electronic Cigarette Warning Statements Portrayed in YouTube Videos2023Browley, Sharaka StudentECU
Characterization of Electronic Cigarette Warning Statements Portrayed in YouTube Videos2023Walker, A. PaigeStudentECU
Characterization of Electronic Cigarette Warning Statements Portrayed in YouTube Videos2023Bullock, Sandilyn StudentECU
Characterization of Electronic Cigarette Warning Statements Portrayed in YouTube Videos2023Eissenberg, Thomas StudentECU
Characterization of Electronic Cigarette Warning Statements Portrayed in YouTube Videos2023Fagan, Pebbles StudentECU
Characterization of endocrine cell structure and organization in the porcine pancreas2023Stokes, Virginia Kimbrell.StudentECU
Characterization of the evolution of a relocated tidal inlet: Mason inlet, North Carolina2009Welsh, John M.StudentEarth Sciences, UNCW
Characterization of Extracellular Polymeric Substances from Acidophilic Microbial Biofilms2011Harding, Anna K.StudentECU
Characterization of Extracellular Polymeric Substances from Acidophilic Microbial Biofilms2011Jiao, Yongqin StudentECU
Characterization of Extracellular Polymeric Substances from Acidophilic Microbial Biofilms2011Cody, George D.StudentECU
Characterization of Extracellular Polymeric Substances from Acidophilic Microbial Biofilms2011Banfield, Jillian F.StudentECU
Characterization of Extracellular Polymeric Substances from Acidophilic Microbial Biofilms2011Schrenk, Matthew StudentECU
Characterization of Extracellular Polymeric Substances from Acidophilic Microbial Biofilms2011Thelen, Michael P.StudentECU
Characterization of Extracellular Polymeric Substances from Acidophilic Microbial Biofilms2011Wilmes, Paul StudentECU
Characterization of Extracellular Polymeric Substances from Acidophilic Microbial Biofilms2011Wheeler, Korin E.StudentECU
Characterization of the Flagellar Collar Reveals Structural Plasticity Essential for Spiroch...2023Xu, Hui StudentECU
Characterization of the Flagellar Collar Reveals Structural Plasticity Essential for Spiroch...2023Motaleb, Md A.StudentECU
Characterization of the Flagellar Collar Reveals Structural Plasticity Essential for Spiroch...2023Chang, Yunjie StudentECU
Characterization of the Flagellar Collar Reveals Structural Plasticity Essential for Spiroch...2023Liu, Jun StudentECU
Characterization of the Flagellar Collar Reveals Structural Plasticity Essential for Spiroch...2023Xu, Hui StudentECU
Characterization of the Flagellar Collar Reveals Structural Plasticity Essential for Spiroch...2023Motaleb, Md A.StudentECU
Characterization of the Flagellar Collar Reveals Structural Plasticity Essential for Spiroch...2023Chang, Yunjie StudentECU
Characterization of the Flagellar Collar Reveals Structural Plasticity Essential for Spiroch...2023Liu, Jun StudentECU
Characterization of FtrABCD: a ferrous iron-specific transporter that is required for the vi...2016Elhassanny, Ahmed E. M.StudentECU
Characterization Of 'Fuzzy Tassel' Male Sterility Defects Implicates Novel MiRNA-Regulated P...2023Field, Sterling StudentECU
Characterization of a gene family associated with calcified structures in the blue crab, Cal...2009Kennedy, Patrick J.StudentBiology and Marine Biology, UNCW
Characterization of the GINS subunit psf1 in Drosophila Melanogaster2010Sufrinko, Brian StudentECU
Characterization of the glucose transport mechanism responsible for mechanical overload- and...2023Evans, Parker L.StudentECU
Characterization of the glucose transport mechanism responsible for mechanical overload- and...2023Evans, Parker LanceStudentECU
Characterization of the glucose transporters responsible for mechanical overloadstimulated g...2020McMillin, Shawna StudentECU
Characterization of glycans on major histocompatibility complex class II molecules in channe...2023Thankappan, Anil. StudentECU
Characterization of Heterogeneity and Dynamics of Lysis of Single Bacillus 2 Subtilis Cells ...2023Wu, Mei-yan StudentECU
Characterization of Heterogeneity and Dynamics of Lysis of Single Bacillus 2 Subtilis Cells ...2023Li, Yong-qing StudentECU
Characterization of Heterogeneity and Dynamics of Lysis of Single Bacillus 2 Subtilis Cells ...2023Li, Wen-wei StudentECU
Characterization of Heterogeneity and Dynamics of Lysis of Single Bacillus 2 Subtilis Cells ...2023Christie, Graham StudentECU
Characterization of Heterogeneity and Dynamics of Lysis of Single Bacillus 2 Subtilis Cells ...2023Setlow, Peter StudentECU
Characterization of Highly Active Teacher Learners’ Participation and TPACK Knowledge While ...2023Smiling, James FacultyMathematics and Computer Science, UNCP
Characterization of human mitochondrial translation initiation factor 2 pseudogene 12023Enderle, Patrick J.StudentECU
Characterization of inhibitors for Cu/Zn superoxide dismutase observed by ¹?F NMR methods2010Markley, Jonathan StudentChemistry and Physics, WCU
Characterization of the ligand-binding domain of the ecdysteroid receptor from Drosophila me...2003Henrich, Vincent C.FacultyBiology, UNCG
Characterization of a Low Affinity Thyroid Hormone Receptor Binding Site within the Rat GLUT...2023Torrance, Christopher J.StudentECU
Characterization of a Low Affinity Thyroid Hormone Receptor Binding Site within the Rat GLUT...2023Usala, Stephen J.StudentECU
Characterization of a Low Affinity Thyroid Hormone Receptor Binding Site within the Rat GLUT...2023Pessin, Jeffrey E.StudentECU
Characterization of a Low Affinity Thyroid Hormone Receptor Binding Site within the Rat GLUT...2023Dohm, G. LynisStudentECU
Characterization of the male r. human fibroblast cell line and its ability to support hemato...2023Hatfield, Jean B.StudentECU
Characterization of marine aerosol for assessment of human exposure to brevetoxins2009Baden, Daniel GFacultyCenter for Marine Science, UNCW
Characterization of marine aerosol for assessment of human exposure to brevetoxins2009Naar, Jerome FacultyCenter for Marine Science, UNCW
Characterization of MCF-10A/BCL-2 cells2023Bell, Charles W.StudentECU
Characterization of MCF-10A/BCL-2 cells2023Bell, Charles W.StudentECU
Characterization of the Meis2a Downstream Regulatory Element Dr-m2de12015Ferrara, Tyler StudentBiology - Student , ASU
Characterization of membrane progestin receptor subtypes in zebrafish, Danio rerio2023Hanna, Richard Ned.StudentECU
Characterization of METTL16 as a cytoplasmic RNA binding protein2020Nance, Daniel J,Satterwhite,Emily R.,Bhaskar,Brinda,Misra,Sway,CStudentECU
Characterization of the MHC class II A genes of the channel catfish, ictalurus punctatus2023Flores, Michael. StudentECU
Characterization Of The Microbiome Of Freshwater Sponges Undergoing Asexual Reproduction2020Strope, Taylor A. StudentBiology - Student, ASU
Characterization of MiR319-Regulated TCPs in Maize Development2023Novitzky, Katherine StudentECU
The characterization of mmgE from Bacillus subtilis2012Hardesty, Grant AlanStudentChemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG
Characterization of mutant and normal thyroid hormone receptor complexes by electrophoretic ...2023Bone, Tammy L.StudentECU
Characterization of mutant and normal thyroid hormone receptor complexes by electrophoretic ...2023Bone, Tammy L.StudentECU
Characterization of mutant strains of Synechocystis SP. PCC 6803 bearing site-directed mutat...2023Burch, Erin Gaddy.StudentECU
Characterization of mutant strains of Synechocystis SP. PCC 6803 bearing site-directed mutat...2023Burch, Erin Gaddy.StudentECU
Characterization of mutations at the Glutamate 339 residue in the Photosystem II protein CP ...2023Dunn, Ethan. StudentECU
Characterization Of The Norspermidine-Preferential Abc-Type Transporter Potabcd1 In V. Chole...2016Villa, Elizabeth AnneStudentBiology - Student, ASU
Characterization of the norspermidine/spermidine ABC-type transporter, PotABCD1, in Vibrio c...2015Sanders , Blake Edward StudentBiology - Student , ASU
Characterization of the Norspermidine/Spermidine Transport Protein, PotD1, in Vibrio cholera...2012Rutkovsky, Alexandria ColettStudentBiology - Student , ASU
Characterization of the NspS-MbaA signaling system controlling biofilm formation from polyam...2015Sobe, Richard StudentBiology - Student , ASU
Characterization of the perfused rat hindquarter as a model for the study of muscle protein ...2023Tapscott, Edward B.StudentECU
Characterization of Pfiesteria Ichthyocidal Activity2005Rublee, Parke A.FacultyBiology, UNCG
Characterization of Pgrmcs and mPRs in oocyte maturation and ovulation in zebrafish2020Wu, Xinjun StudentECU
Characterization of Pgrmcs and mPRs in oocyte maturation and ovulation in zebrafish (Danio r...2023Wu, Xinjun StudentECU
Characterization of the photoenzymatic repair of ultraviolet-induced damage in Staphyloccus ...2023Adkins, Bernard. StudentECU
Characterization of PksD and PksG in Bacillus subtilis 2006Mukherjee, Sriparna StudentChemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG
Characterization of PksS in Bacillus subtilis2007Antolak, Stephanie AnneStudentChemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG
Characterization Of Plant Community Structure And Abiotic Conditions On Climbed And Unclimbe...2009Hill, Emily ParisherStudentBiology - Student, ASU
Characterization of Popular Culture Icons in LIFE and TIME Magazines2008Stanley, Marshica StudentSociology, UNCG
Characterization of Protein-Protein Interaction Within a Polyamine Responsive Signaling Syst...2012Pendergraft, Samuel SparrowStudentBiology - Student , ASU
Characterization of proteins binding the 3' regulatory region of the IL-3 gene in IL-3-depen...2023Wang, X-Y StudentECU
Characterization of proteins binding the 3' regulatory region of the IL-3 gene in IL-3-depen...2023Hoyle, PE StudentECU
Characterization of proteins binding the 3' regulatory region of the IL-3 gene in IL-3-depen...2023McCubrey, JA StudentECU
Characterization of putative acetate kinase in the pathogenic yeast, Cryptococcus neoformans...2013Budden, Beth AnnStudentBiology, WCU
Characterization of a putative trehalose biosynthetic pathway in salmonella typhimurium2023Larmore, Connor JosephStudentBiology, WCU
Characterization of quantitative trait loci for the age of first foraging in honey bee worke...2009Rueppell, Olav FacultyBiology, UNCG
Characterization of Residential Pesticide Use and Chemical Formulations through Self-Report ...2012Buffler, Patricia A.StudentECU
Characterization of Residential Pesticide Use and Chemical Formulations through Self-Report ...2012Metayer, Catherine StudentECU
Characterization of Residential Pesticide Use and Chemical Formulations through Self-Report ...2012Lea, C. SuzanneStudentECU
Characterization of Residential Pesticide Use and Chemical Formulations through Self-Report ...2012Colt, Joanne S.StudentECU
Characterization of Residential Pesticide Use and Chemical Formulations through Self-Report ...2012Gunier, Robert StudentECU
Characterization of Residential Pesticide Use and Chemical Formulations through Self-Report ...2012Ward, Mary H.StudentECU
Characterization of Residential Pesticide Use and Chemical Formulations through Self-Report ...2012Guha, Neela StudentECU
Characterization of rhesus monkey natural killer cells mediating lytic activity to Raji2023Carver, Frances Melinda.StudentECU
Characterization of the Role of Mcm10 in DNA Replication in Drosophila melanogaster2014Dalia, Ritu StudentECU
Characterization of the role of myosin II during insulin-stimulated glucose uptake in 3T3-L1...2010Woody, Shelly StudentBiology, UNCG
Characterization of Site-Directed Mutants in the Cytochrome c-550 Protein of Photosystem II2010Manne, Akarsh StudentECU
Characterization of Social Status-Dependent Neuromodulation in Zebrafish (Danio rerio)2017Miller, Thomas HStudentECU
Characterization of spontaneous mutations in the bacteriophage P1 inversion system2023Dean, Joey. StudentECU
Characterization of Stress Impacts to Lipids Involved in Photosynthesis2023Donnelly, Shannon StudentECU
Characterization of the striped bass sport fishery on the Annapolis River, Nova Scotia2023Harris, Patrick J.StudentECU
Characterization of surface water/groundwater interactions along a coastal plain river2023Johnson, Patrick Kolt.StudentECU
The characterization of Theseus in Chaucer1964Dawson, Janice FayeStudentEnglish, UNCG
Characterization of Two Novel Mutants of DNA Polymerase Delta in Drosophila melanogaster2012Hunter, Chad MichaelStudentBiology, ECU
Characterization of the Vaccinia Virus A35R Protein and Its Role in Virulence2006Roper, Rachel L.FacultyECU
Characterization Of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF) “In The Uterine Cervix Over P...2004Mowa, Chishimba Nathan FacultyBiology, ASU
Characterization of the Vegetational Communities Associated with Ancient Juniperus Virginian...2010Nepal, Bal KrishnaStudentBiology - Student , ASU
A Characterization Of Volatile Organic Compounds And Secondary Organic Aerosol At A Mountain...2015Sherman, James P.FacultyPhysics and Astronomy, ASU
Characterization of Wet-Heat Inactivation of Single Spores of Bacillus Species by Dual-Trap ...2023Zhang, Pengfei StudentECU
Characterization of Wet-Heat Inactivation of Single Spores of Bacillus Species by Dual-Trap ...2023Kong, Lingbo StudentECU
Characterization of Wet-Heat Inactivation of Single Spores of Bacillus Species by Dual-Trap ...2023Setlow, Peter StudentECU
Characterization of Wet-Heat Inactivation of Single Spores of Bacillus Species by Dual-Trap ...2023Li, Yong-qing StudentECU
Characterization, character, and moral judgment of the women in Middlemarch1989Heard, Betty BoydStudentEnglish, UNCG
Characterizations of Cross-Bridges in the Presence of Saturating Concentrations of MgAMP-PNP...2023Frisbie, S.M. StudentECU
Characterizations of Cross-Bridges in the Presence of Saturating Concentrations of MgAMP-PNP...2023Xu, S. StudentECU
Characterizations of Cross-Bridges in the Presence of Saturating Concentrations of MgAMP-PNP...2023Chalovich, Joseph StudentECU
Characterizations of Cross-Bridges in the Presence of Saturating Concentrations of MgAMP-PNP...2023Yu, L.C. StudentECU
Characterizations of the Weibull-X and Burr XII Negative Binomial Families of Distributions2015Ghosh, Indranil FacultyMathematics and Statistics, UNCW
Characterizing adult age differences in the initiation and organization of retrieval: A furt...2016Wahlheim, Chris FacultyPsychology, UNCG
Characterizing Angling Trends among Blue Marlin Anglers Following the 2008 Circle Hook Regul...2023Kelly, Marisa AnnStudentECU
Characterizing the Antibacterial Properties of Chimaphila maculate2017McLean, K’Yana StudentEsther G. Maynor Honors College, UNCP
Characterizing the Binding of Ca2+ and Cd2+ to EF-hand Peptide V of Calbindin D28K and EF-ha...2023Taylor, Whitney CameronStudentECU
Characterizing the Binding of Ca2+, Cd2+, and Pb2+ to EF-hand Peptide V of Calbindin D28K an...2020Taylor, Cameron StudentECU
Characterizing Coastal Subenvironments with Modern Foraminiferal Assemblages: Bear Island an...2018Shmorhun, Nina Maria-ElenaStudentECU
Characterizing Coastal Subenvironments with Modern Foraminiferal Assemblages: Bear Island an...2023Shmorhun, Nina Maria-ElenaStudentECU
Characterizing the Deceased Mariners of the Swedish Warship Vasa : An Analysis of Personal ...2023Smeeks, Jessica DianeStudentECU
Characterizing differences in precipitation regimes of extreme wet and dry years: Implicatio...2015Koerner, Sally E. FacultyBiology, UNCG
Characterizing The Domains Of The Biofilm Regulator MbaA In Vibrio Cholerae2018Bond, Whitney GabrielleStudentBiology - Student, ASU
Characterizing Effects Of Charged Biochar On Soil Quality And Plant Growth In Degraded North...2022Gray, Alex StudentSustainable Technology & the Built Env. - Student, ASU
Characterizing The Effects Of Ventilation Fans, Double Glazing, And An Automated Sidewall Ro...2022Gee, Summer StudentSustainable Technology & the Built Env. - Student, ASU
Characterizing Electrical Output of Sanyo HIT 195 Bifacial Photovoltaic Modules By Altering ...2012Sciara, Steven A.StudentTechnology and Environmental Design - Student, ASU
Characterizing Environmental and Physicochemical Conditions in Nursery Areas of River Herrin...2012Butler, Matthew G.StudentBiology, ECU
Characterizing Environmental and Physicochemical Conditions in Nursery Areas of River Herrin...2023Butler, Matthew G.StudentECU
Characterizing the Expression Pattern of miR167-Regulated ZmArf3 and ZmArf30 in Maize Inflor...2023Johnson, Caitlin E.StudentECU
Characterizing the geographic variability and socioeconomic factors of opioid mortality in N...2019Washington, Tyquin JStudentECU
Characterizing the geographic variability of opioid mortality in North Carolina, 2014-20162023Washington, Tyquin StudentECU
Characterizing The Influence Of Distributing Organizations On Hollow Fiber Membrane Filter A...2021Wilmoth, Tyree StudentSustainable Technology & the Built Env. - Student, ASU
Characterizing Interactions of Thioflavin-T with Native Proteins Especially Bovine Serum Alb...2017Stratton, Caleb MatthewStudentECU
Characterizing jurisdictional wetlands using aerial LiDAR2023Shaeffer, David L.StudentECU
Characterizing Multigenerational Effects of Nicotine-Dependent Behaviors in Caenorhabditis E...2017Sepic, Lucille RoseStudentECU
Characterizing the Pathogenic, Genomic, and Chemical Traits of Aspergillus fischeri, a Close...2019Raja, Huzefa A.FacultyChemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG
Characterizing the Pathogenic, Genomic, and Chemical Traits of Aspergillus fischeri, a Close...2019Oberlies, Nicholas FacultyChemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG
Characterizing Patterns And Drivers Of Land Use/Land Cover Change Along The Atlantic Coast B...2023Bennett, Andrew T.StudentECU
Characterizing Patterns And Drivers Of Land Use/Land Cover Change Along The Atlantic Coast B...2013Bennett, Andrew StudentCoastal Resources Management, ECU
Characterizing the rheological properties of wax emulsions used as carriers for biopesticide...2016Jordan, Kristen DareStudentChemistry and Physics, WCU
Characterizing the role of DNA polymerase gamma in the yeast, Cryptococcus neoformans2017Boggs, Joshua EllisStudentBiology, WCU
Characterizing the role of the Early Gene at 23 (E23) in Drosophila Melanogaster Oogenesis2016Kothadia, Radhika JStudentECU
Characterizing the role of MTW1 in the kinetochore of the pathogenic yeast Cryptococcus neof...2013Simmons, James RyanStudentBiology, WCU
Characterizing the Role of Pectin in Cell Wall Composition and Organ Initiation in Maize2023Maynard, Daniel JStudentECU
Characterizing Solitary Bee Communities In The Southern Appalachians And Environmental Facto...2023Milavec, Drew StudentBiology - Student, ASU
Characterizing the Topology of Pseudo-Boundaries of Euclidean Spaces1999Chigogidze, A. "Alex"FacultyMathematics and Statistics, UNCG
Characterizing the vegetative phenotype of fzt maize mutant2012Basham, Christine ElizabethStudentBiology: Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, ECU
Characters as Groups: A New Approach to Morphological Characters in Phylogenetic Analysis2007Remington, David L.FacultyBiology, UNCG
Characters as Groups: A New Approach to Morphological Characters in Phylogenetic Analysis2007Richter, Scott J.FacultyMathematics and Statistics, UNCG
Characters as Groups: A New Approach to Morphological Characters in Phylogenetic Analysis2007Kirchoff, Bruce K.FacultyBiology, UNCG
Charge-Transfer Mechanism for Cytochrome c Adsorbed on Nanometer Thick Films. Distinguishing...2003Wei, Jianjun FacultyNanoscience, UNCG
“Charged with resistance”: An Ecocritical Reading of Barbara Kingsolver’s Prodigal Summer an...2015Hawkins, Brendan StudentEnglish - Student, ASU
The Charitable Contribution Deduction: How Tax Policy Influences Donor Behavior2015Koran, Amy StudentBusiness - Student, ASU
Charitable Contributions to International Relief and Development1995Ribar, David C.FacultyEconomics, UNCG
Charity, Nevada2009Welden, Amelie StudentEnglish, UNCG
Charles Adams and the Controversy over Use of the Woman’s College Library in Segregated Nort...2013Lawrimore, Erin FacultyUniversity Libraries, UNCG
Charles Dickens' "The life of our Lord" as a primer for Christian education1995Hanna, Robert ConradStudentEducation, UNCG
Charles George Gordon : the evolution of a British hero1973Kozak, Bruce StudentHistory, UNCG
The Charles Waddell Chesnutt Collection at Fayetteville State University2016Thomas, William JosephStudentECU
Charley's aunt in summer repertory1974Tucker, John AlanStudentDrama and Speech, UNCG
Charlie Tackles Diabetes2009Harris, Nancy G.FacultyECU
Charlotte Bronte's Villette : the confessional perspective1966Cochran, Janet P.StudentEnglish, UNCG
Charlotte Perkins Gilman: Escaping the Sentence1992Fidler, D. Sue Newcomb StudentEnglish, UNCP
Charlotte Rhone: First African American Registered Nurse2015Pollitt, Phoebe AnnFacultyNursing , ASU
Charlotte Rhone: Nurse, Welfare Worker, And Entrepreneur2015Pollitt, Phoebe AnnFacultyNursing , ASU
Charm Quarks Are More Hydrodynamic Than Light Quarks in Final-State Elliptic Flow2023Lin, Zi-Wei StudentECU
A Charmed Brew: Document Delivery and Collection Development in the Fast Lane1995Bazirjian, Rosann V.FacultyUniversity Libraries, UNCG
Chartacterizating the stigma transcriptome of leptosiphon jepsonii2023Tucci, Albert AnthonyStudentECU
Charter schools and equal access of students with disabilities subgroup : an analysis of web...2023Sanchez-Kirmse, Sarah E.StudentEducational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG
Charter schools, a choice or necessity for disadvantaged Black students: examining perceptio...2015Helton Lewis, Tracey L.StudentEducational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG
Charting the Course2013Furgione, Laura K.StudentECU
Charting New Waters with CRAMMTS: A Survey-Driven Cybersecurity Risk Analysis Method for Mar...2024Karabacak, Bilge FacultyCongdon School, UNCW
Chas Askins’ Letter to Horace Kephart, May 8, 18982019Perske, Alissa StudentEnglish, WCU
Chase for the cash : the evolution of NASCAR as a postmodern sport2023Edwards, Michael B.StudentECU
"Chasing After Monsters with a Butterfly Net:" The Victorian Approach to Vampires in Stoker'...2008Helsabeck, Keith HinklemanStudentEnglish, UNCG
Chasing the Good Ol’ Boys and Girls of Wilkes County, North Carolina2013Lancaster, Aaron EnnisStudentHistory - Student, ASU
Chasing Moore’s Law: Information Technology Policy in the United States2005Stoffan, Mark A. FacultyHunter Library, WCU
Chaucer and Moral Philosophy: The Virtuous Women of the Canterbury Tales.1992Baker, Denise N.FacultyArts and Sciences, UNCG
The Chaucer Review: An Indexed Bibliography Vols. 1-302002Diede, Martha FacultyCoulter Faculty Commons, WCU
Chaucer's Clerk's Tale and the Monstrous Critics.1986Baker, Denise N.FacultyArts and Sciences, UNCG
Cheap / worth2021Kessler, Mo StudentArt and Design, WCU
Cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum L) dominance in the Great Basin Desert: History, persistence, an...1996Knapp, Paul A.FacultyGeography, UNCG
Cheating: Digital Learning Activities and Challenges2016Osler, James FacultySchool of Education , NCCU
Cheating: Digital Learning Activities and Challenges2016Osler, James FacultySchool of Education , NCCU
The Chechen wars, media, and democracy in Russia2015Askerov, Ali FacultyPeace and Conflict Studies, UNCG
A Check List Of Vascular Flora Of Tablerock Mountain: Burke County, North Carolina1974Taylor, Thomas D.StudentBiology - Student, ASU
Check the Resume Artist Spotlight Ciasia Nicole2021Naylor, Stephan FacultyMusic and Visual Arts, ECSU
Check the Resume ECPPS ARTIST SPOTLIGHT2021Naylor, Stephan FacultyMusic and Visual Arts, ECSU
Checking it Twice: Age-related Differences in Double Checking during Visual Search2010Touron, Dayna R.FacultyPsychology, UNCG
Chefs of the Mountains2013Stoffan, Mark A. FacultyHunter Library, WCU
Chemical and physical aberrations of low density lipoproteins from subjects with male-type a...2023Peeples, Laura Harris.StudentECU
Chemical and Physical Correlates to Pain2018Potts, John LStudentECU
Chemical and physical properties of natural and modified ground peanut hulls2017Truluck, Holly D. StudentChemistry and Physics, WCU
A Chemical Assessment Of Airborne Particle Sources In Spruce Pine, NC1982Breiner, Steven JayStudentChemistry - Student, ASU
Chemical composite attractant of premolting female blue crabs2004Reho, James StudentECU
Chemical composite attractant of premolting female blue crabs2004Dough, William StudentECU
Chemical Composition and Anti-proliferative Activity of Several Medicinal Plants2008Rapuru, Siva KumarStudentChemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG
Chemical composition and biological effects of kratom (Mitragyna speciosa): In vitro studies...2020Graf, Tyler FacultyChemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG
Chemical composition and biological effects of kratom (Mitragyna speciosa): In vitro studies...2020Oberlies, Nicholas FacultyChemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG
Chemical composition and biological effects of kratom (Mitragyna speciosa): In vitro studies...2020Cech, Nadja B.FacultyChemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG
Chemical composition and biological effects of kratom (Mitragyna speciosa): In vitro studies...2020Raja, Huzefa A.FacultyChemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG
Chemical composition and biological effects of kratom (Mitragyna speciosa): In vitro studies...2020Todd, Daniel A.FacultyChemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG
Chemical defense in the gammarid amphipods Chromopleustes oculatus, Ch. lineatus, and Crypto...2023Hutchinson, Marcy. StudentECU
Chemical denaturation studies of two isozymes of aryl-B-glucosidasein neurospora1975Morton, Susan RawlesStudentBiology, UNCG
"The Chemicals Project": Connecting General Chemistry to Students' Lives2000Stout, Roland P.FacultyChemistry and Physics , UNCP
Chemoinformatic Expedition of the Chemical Space of Fungal Products2016Pearce, Cedric JFacultyChemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG
Chemoinformatic Expedition of the Chemical Space of Fungal Products2016El-Elimat, Tamam M.FacultyChemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG
Chemoinformatic Expedition of the Chemical Space of Fungal Products2016Oberlies, Nicholas FacultyChemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG
Chemoinformatic Expedition of the Chemical Space of Fungal Products2016Figueroa Saldivar, Mario FacultyChemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG
Chemoselective fluorination and chemoinformatic analysis of griseofulvin: Natural vs fluorin...2017Al-Huniti, Mohammed FacultyChemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG
Chemoselective fluorination and chemoinformatic analysis of griseofulvin: Natural vs fluorin...2017Oberlies, Nicholas FacultyChemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG
Chemoselective fluorination and chemoinformatic analysis of griseofulvin: Natural vs fluorin...2017Croatt, Mitchell FacultyChemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG
Chemoselective fluorination and chemoinformatic analysis of griseofulvin: Natural vs fluorin...2017Pearce, Cedric JFacultyChemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG
Chemoselective fluorination and chemoinformatic analysis of griseofulvin: Natural vs fluorin...2017Raja, Huzefa A.FacultyChemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG
Chemostratigraphic analyses of legacy and late Holocene, presettlement deposits, Upper Stick...2020Sullivan, Samantha NicoleStudentChemistry and Physics, WCU
Cherishing as a model of education : a spiritual journey1993Ayers, Carole AnnetteStudentEducation, UNCG
Cherokee Basketry: From the Hands of Our Elders2009Young, David FacultyMary Livermore Library, UNCP
Chesapeake Bay Privateering During the American Revolution: The Patriots , the Loyalists ,...1984Herron, Richard D.StudentECU
Chesapeake Bay Privateering During the American Revolution: The Patriots, the Loyalists, an...2023Herron, Richard D.StudentECU
Chesapeake Bay Privateering During the American Revolution: The Patriots , the Loyalists , ...1984Herron, Richard D.StudentECU
Chesapeake Bay Privateering During the American Revolution: The Patriots, the Loyalists, and...2023Herron, Richard DStudentECU
A chess game1977Church, Michael StephenStudentEnglish, UNCG
Chess Move Generation Using Bitboards2023Columbia, Sophie ElyseStudentComputer Science - Student, ASU
Chew: selections from a novel2019Ellwood, Crystal SquiresStudentEnglish, WCU
The Chicago Manual of Style (17th edition) Book Review in Reference Reviews; Harlow Vol. 32,...2018Colbert-Lewis, Danielle FacultyJames E. Shepard Memorial Library , NCCU
Chicago's Inner-City Life and Culture2019Weatherington, Aaliyah StudentEsther G. Maynor Honors College, Geology&Geography, UNCP
Chicago's Inner-City Life and Culture2019Weatherington, Aaliyah StudentEsther G. Maynor Honors College, UNCP
Chickasaws: The Unconquerable People2003O'Brien, Greg FacultyHistory, UNCG
Child Abuse: An Overview of a National Problem1980Branch, Deborah StudentHonors College, UNCP
Child and non-offending care giver ratings of post-traumatic stress symptoms before and afte...2018DiCarlo, Sabrina StudentPsychology, WCU
Child anxiety : how does cognitive development influence the role of cognitive errors and em...2006Workman, Jamie OlsonStudentPsychology, UNCG
Child Care and Cortisol Across Early Childhood: Context Matters2014Mills-Koonce, Roger FacultyHuman Development and Family Studies , UNCG
Child Care and Severe Externalizing Behavior in Kindergarten Children2003Bacharach, Verne FacultyPsychology, ASU
Child care on the move : a modular mobile child care center1973Wall, Jean GriffithStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Child care paraprofessionals : characteristics for selection1971Mazyck, Harold EugeneStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Child Care Quality in North Carolina: Determining the Impact of Smart Start and Child Care S...2001Kirk, Amy Meigs-Dellinger StudentOrganizational Leadership and Management, UNCP
Child Care Work Environments: the Relationship with Learning Environments2007Cassidy, Deborah J.FacultyHuman Development and Family Studies, UNCG
Child Development Knowledge and Human Factors in Toy Design : An Exploratory Study of Popula...2013Lopez, Alexandra StudentChild Development and Family Relations, ECU
Child Hunger: its Prevalence and Association with BMI and Dietary Intake among Somali Refuge...2010Dharod, Jigna M.FacultyNutrition, UNCG
Child influence on dietary behaviors in low-income families2013Haroldson, Amber StudentNutrition, UNCG
Child Life in Alternative Settings2014Daniel, Julie,M StudentECU
Child Life Specialists in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit : Are They Prepared to Work with ...2013Smith, Jessica G.StudentChild Development and Family Relations, ECU
The Child Life Specialists' Perception of Animal Assisted Therapy Within a Pediatric Oncolog...2023Doobrow, Becca StudentECU
Child Maltreatment and Clinical Outcome in Individuals at Ultra-High Risk for Psychosis in t...2018Kwapil, Thomas R.FacultyPsychology, UNCG
Child Maltreatment: Where Are We Now?2019Staley, Allison StudentMathematical Sciences - Student, ASU
Child Passenger Safety Initiative for Primary Care Providers2023Ribeiro, Laurie StudentECU
Child problem behavior and parent factors impacting parent engagement and children’s social ...2020Andrews, Emily K.StudentPsychology, UNCG
Child Temperament And School Readiness: Surgency/Extraversion, Negative Affect, Effortful Co...2017Van Doren, Hannah SuzanneStudentPsychology - Student, ASU
The Child-Parent Reading Experience in Pediatric Medical Office Waiting Areas2023Butler, Adam StudentECU
Child-rearing values in southern Brazil: Mutual influences of social class and parents’ perc...2013Tudge, Jonathan R.FacultyHuman Development and Family Studies, UNCG
Childbearing History and Self-Reported Well-Being in Later Life2006Sudha, S. FacultyHuman Development and Family Studies, UNCG
Childbirth education : a descriptive investigation1973Darnley, Frederick StudentHome Economics, UNCG
Childhood Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) Symptoms and Adolescent Female Sexua...2014Buehler, Cheryl A.FacultyHuman Development and Family Studies, UNCG
Childhood psychological abuse and neglect, personality traits and adulthood relationship qua...2015Franz, Annabel O.StudentPsychology, WCU
Childhood resilience of African American school leaders2014Hauser, Angella StudentEducational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG
Childhood self-regulation as a mechanism through which early overcontrolling parenting is as...2018Calkins, Susan D.FacultyHuman Development and Family Studies, UNCG
Childhood self-regulation as a mechanism through which early overcontrolling parenting is as...2018Keane, Susan P.FacultyPsychology, UNCG
Childhood self-regulation as a mechanism through which early overcontrolling parenting is as...2018Dollar, Jessica FacultyHuman Development and Family Studies, UNCG
Childhood sexual abuse : an investigation of it's [sic] impact on children's coping, self-ef...1996Thompson, Lori BastStudentPsychology, UNCG
Childhood social preference predicts lowered risk of insulin resistance in adolescence2020Dollar, Jessica FacultyHuman Development and Family Studies, UNCG
Childhood social preference predicts lowered risk of insulin resistance in adolescence2020Gangel, Meghan JuneFacultyPsychology, UNCG
Childhood social preference predicts lowered risk of insulin resistance in adolescence2020Keane, Susan P.FacultyPsychology, UNCG
Childhood social preference predicts lowered risk of insulin resistance in adolescence2020Calkins, Susan D.FacultyHuman Development and Family Studies, UNCG
Childhood social preference predicts lowered risk of insulin resistance in adolescence2020Wideman, Laurie FacultyKinesiology, UNCG
Childhood temperament predictors of adolescent physical activity2017Wideman, Laurie FacultyKinesiology, UNCG
Childhood temperament predictors of adolescent physical activity2017Calkins, Susan D.FacultyHuman Development and Family Studies, UNCG
Childhood temperament predictors of adolescent physical activity2017Keane, Susan P.FacultyPsychology, UNCG
Childhood Trauma and Adulthood Physical Health in Mexico.2009Murphy, Arthur D.FacultyAnthropology, UNCG
Childhood Trauma and Adulthood Physical Health in Mexico.2009Jones, Eric C.FacultyAnthropology , UNCG
Childrearing, gender, and well-being in cross-national context2017Hengstebeck, Natalie D.StudentHuman Development and Family Studies, UNCG
Children and Place: A Natural Connection2002Matthews, Catherine E.FacultyTeacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG
Children at play2016Lewis, Chelsea S.StudentEnglish, UNCG
Children at risk : the need for preschool intervention programs for North Carolina's schools...1988Horne, Lisa ConradStudentEducation, UNCG
Children eat more food when they prepare it themselves2019DeJesus, Jasmine M. FacultyPsychology, UNCG
Children in the apple tree1955Brandt, Carolyn CokerStudentEnglish, UNCG
Children in the storm2007Eisenbise, Travis StudentEnglish, UNCG
Children judge others based on their food choices2019DeJesus, Jasmine M. FacultyPsychology, UNCG
Children with Disabilities in Foster Care: The Role of the School Social Worker in the Conte...2012Gainey, Summer FacultySocial Work, UNCP
Children, adolescents, and isolated traumatic events: Counseling considerations for couples ...2007Villalba, Jose A.FacultyCounseling and Educational Development, UNCG
Children, the Innocent Victims1998Brewington, Jeremy StudentChancellor's Scholars Program, UNCP
Children’s and adolescents’ gratitude expression and its association with their greatest wis...2019Tudge, Jonathan R.FacultyHuman Development and Family Studies, UNCG
Children’s emergent beliefs about social rank and gender2023Yuly-Youngblood, Andrea C.StudentPsychology, UNCG
Children’s engagement in play at home: a parent’s role in supporting play opportunities duri...2016Mendez, Julia FacultyPsychology, UNCG
Children’s expressions of gratitude and their association with cultural values among Brazili...2017Avellar Merçon de Vargas, Elisa StudentHuman Development and Family Studies, UNCG
Children’s expressions of gratitude and their relations with parental values and parenting: ...2017Liang, Yue StudentHuman Development and Family Studies, UNCG
Children’s inferences about gender ambiguous people2019Yuly, Andrea C.StudentPsychology, UNCG
Children’s social-emotional behaviors in the classroom2018Kim, Sung-Ae StudentHuman Development and Family Studies, UNCG
Children’s Summer Camp-Based Physical Activity2010Hickerson, Benjamin FacultyCommunity and Therapeutic Recreation, UNCG
Children’s trait and emotion attributions in socially ambiguous and unambiguous situations. ...2013Lassiter, Candace LapanFacultyPsychology, UNCG
Children’s trait and emotion attributions in socially ambiguous and unambiguous situations. ...2013Boseovski, Janet J.FacultyPsychology, UNCG
Children’s Unmet Need for Mental Health Care Within and Outside Metropolitan Areas2023Pasli, Melisa StudentECU
Children’s Unmet Need for Mental Health Care Within and Outside Metropolitan Areas2023Tumin, Dmitry StudentECU
Children’s use of frequency information for trait categorization and behavioral prediction2006Boseovski, Janet J.FacultyPsychology, UNCG
Children’s Views of Technology: The Role of Age, Gender, and School Setting1997Levin, Barbara B.FacultyTeacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG
Children's Books in the Digital World: The Bigger Picture for Our Graduates2015Clemens, Claire FacultyMary Livermore Library, UNCP
Children's Construction of Fantasy Stories1988Edwards, Emily D.FacultyMedia Studies, UNCG
Children's learning and memorization experiences at home and at school : a survey of parents...1983Griffith, Saralyn B.StudentHome Economics, UNCG
Children's participation in foster care hearings2011Wingrove, Twila FacultyPsychology, ASU
Children's perceived quality of significant relationships and socioemotional adjustment1995Dorsch, Andrea MariaStudentPsychology, UNCG
Children's perceptions of ability, effort, and gender as determinants of success and failure...1984Lean, Ronald KeithStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Children's Perceptions of Friendliness Based on Physical Appearance in Humans and Canines2012Seagroves, Elizabeth B.StudentChild Development and Family Relations, ECU
Children's perceptions of personal attributes of female teachers with a tattoo2015Simons, Melanie LynnStudentPsychology, WCU
Children's Phonemic Discrimination In Isolation And Context With Background Noise1979Hamby, Janet LynnStudentSpeech Pathology & Audiology - Student, ASU
Children's reasoning about sexual abuse reporting1989Tennant, Cheryl V.StudentEducation, UNCG
Children's reported investment of mental effort when viewing child and adult television prog...1988Bordeaux, Barbara R.StudentHuman Environmental Sciences, UNCG
Children's sociolinguistic evaluations of nice foreigners and mean Americans2013DeJesus, Jasmine M. FacultyPsychology, UNCG
A children's theatre production of William Glennon's The adventures of Harlequin1975Leong, David StuartStudentDrama and Speech, UNCG
Children's understanding of counterfactual emotions age differences, individual differences...2005Ferrell, Jennifer MarieStudentPsychology, UNCG
Children's use of category labels in recall of conceptually related terms1978Monroe, Mary Elizabeth KellyStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Children's use of transitional objects in pediatric healthcare settings: policies and practi...2016Leitner, Katelyn S.StudentECU
A child's movement performance using Labanotation and referenced to the Laban framework : a ...1980Kisabeth, Kathryn LucilleStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
A child's personalized curriculum in physical education1977Craig, Beverly R.StudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
Chile in the U.S. Imagination: National and North Carolina Press Coverage of The Chilean Mil...2023Kosich, Tristan StudentECU
The Chilling Effect of Optimism: The Case of Final-Offer Arbitration2006Dickinson, David L. FacultyEconomics, ASU
A chimeric human-cat fusion protein blocks cat-induced allergy2005Kepley, Christopher FacultyNanoscience, UNCG
Chimeric human fcgamma-allergen fusion proteins in the prevention of allergy2007Kepley, Christopher FacultyNanoscience, UNCG
China’s Data Privacy Regulations: A Tricky Trade-Off between ICT’s Productive Utilization an...2014Kshetri, Nir B.FacultyManagement, UNCG
China’s digital yuan: Motivations of the Chinese government and potential global effects2022Kshetri, Nir B.FacultyManagement, UNCG
China’s Social Credit System: Data, Algorithms and Implications2020Kshetri, Nir B.FacultyManagement, UNCG
China’s Urban Transition2007Walcott, Susan M.FacultyGeography, UNCG
China's Southwestern Silk Road in World History2009Anderson, James A.FacultyHistory, UNCG
Chinese Academic Libraries Serving International Students and Scholars: A Three-case Assess...2011Shao, Xiaorong FacultyUniversity Libraries, ASU
Chinese Academic Libraries Serving International Students and Scholars: A Three-case Assess...2011Scherlen, Allan G.FacultyUniversity Libraries, ASU
Chinese Americans- Views and Use of Family Health History: A Qualitative Study2016Chen, Lei-Shih,Li,Ming,Talwar,Divya,Xu,Lei,Zhao,Mei StudentECU
Chinese Americans’ Views and Use of Family Health History: A Qualitative Study2023Chen, Lei-Shih StudentECU
Chinese Americans’ Views and Use of Family Health History: A Qualitative Study2023Li, Ming StudentECU
Chinese Americans’ Views and Use of Family Health History: A Qualitative Study2023Talwar, Divya StudentECU
Chinese Americans’ Views and Use of Family Health History: A Qualitative Study2023Xu, Lei StudentECU
Chinese Americans’ Views and Use of Family Health History: A Qualitative Study2023Zhao, Mei StudentECU
Chinese and Indian Trade and Investment Links with Sub-Saharan Africa: Institutions, Capabil...2013Kshetri, Nir B.FacultyManagement, UNCG
Chinese and Western elements in contemporary Chinese composer Zhou Long’s works for solo pia...2014Jiao, Wei StudentMusic, UNCG
Chinese Consumers: World Systems and World Cultural Analysis of Cultural Hybridity2012Roberts, Nathan StudentSociology, UNCG
The Chinese Diaspora: Space, Place, Mobility and Identity2004Walcott, Susan M.FacultyGeography, UNCG
Chinese Espionage Threats To U.S. Security And Economic Interests2023Spampinato, Jillian StudentGovernment and Justice Studies - Student, ASU
Chinese Industrial and Science Parks: Bridging the Gap2002Walcott, Susan M.FacultyGeography, UNCG
Chinese institutions and standardization: The case of government support to domestic third g...2011Kshetri, Nir B.FacultyManagement, UNCG
Chinese institutions and standardization: The case of government support to domestic third g...2011Palvia, Prashant FacultyInformation Systems and Supply Chain Management, UNCG
Chinese International Students In U.S. High Schools: Case Studies Of Academic And Social Cha...2017Brooks, Prudence LeeStudentEducational Leadership - Student, ASU
Chinese National Identity And Minority Populations: The Case Of The Uighurs2019Neal, John WesleyStudentGovernment and Justice Studies - Student, ASU
Chinese Students in American Libraries: A Survey of Chinese User Satisfaction with U.S. Acad...2013Scherlen, Allan G.FacultyUniversity Libraries, ASU
Chinese Students in American Libraries: A Survey of Chinese User Satisfaction with U.S. Acad...2013Johnson, Megan FacultyUniversity Libraries, ASU
Chinese Students in American Libraries: A Survey of Chinese User Satisfaction with U.S. Acad...2013Shao, Xiaorong FacultyUniversity Libraries, ASU
Chinese Wok2020Stiles, John FacultyMusic and Visual Arts, ECSU
Chinese-Western hybrid music: an introduction and exploration through the lens of Tibet Tone...2019Deng, Wenyin StudentSchool of Music, UNCG
The ‘China Price’ is Rising2008Brod, Andrew C.FacultyEconomics, UNCG
Chinqua-Penn Plantation : a permanent, practical house2009Pena, Jennifer LancasterStudentHistory, UNCW
Chiropractic and conventional therapy for acute and chronic health conditions among Appalach...2013Weisz, Virginia K.StudentNursing, UNCG
Chia Seed Supplementation and Disease Risk Factors in Overweight Women: A Metabolomics Inves...2012Shanely, Andrew FacultyHealth and Exercise Science, ASU
Chitin nanofiber alignment: optical and quantitative analysis2014Williams, Lee B.StudentNanoscience, UNCG
Chiton Integument: Development of Sensory Organs in Juvenile Mopalia muscosa1986Leise, Esther M.FacultyBiology, UNCG
Chiton integument: Metamorphic changes in Mopalia muscosa (Mollusca, Polyplacophora)1984Leise, Esther M.FacultyBiology, UNCG
Chiton integument: Ultrastructure of the sensory hairs of Mopalia muscosa (Mollusca: Polypla...1982Leise, Esther M.FacultyBiology, UNCG
Chk1 and the Host Cell DNA Damage Response as a Potential Antiviral Target in BK Polyomaviru...2023Smith, Ralph StudentECU
Chk1 and the Host Cell DNA Damage Response as a Potential Antiviral Target in BK Polyomaviru...2023Arthur, Justin StudentECU
Chk1 and the Host Cell DNA Damage Response as a Potential Antiviral Target in BK Polyomaviru...2023Lehman, John M.StudentECU
Chk1 and the Host Cell DNA Damage Response as a Potential Antiviral Target in BK Polyomaviru...2023Hainley, Lydia E.StudentECU
Chk1 and the Host Cell DNA Damage Response as a Potential Antiviral Target in BK Polyomaviru...2023Hughson, Martina S.StudentECU
Chk1 and the Host Cell DNA Damage Response as a Potential Antiviral Target in BK Polyomaviru...2023Narendran, Amithi StudentECU
Chk1 and the Host Cell DNA Damage Response as a Potential Antiviral Target in BK Polyomaviru...2023Hayner-Buchan, Alida StudentECU
Chk1 and the Host Cell DNA Damage Response as a Potential Antiviral Target in BK Polyomaviru...2023Conti, David J.StudentECU
Chk1 and the Host Cell DNA Damage Response as a Potential Antiviral Target in BK Polyomaviru...2023Friedrich, Thomas D.StudentECU
Chloride requirement in photosystem II and anion effects in the S2' state of the oxygen evol...2006Qian, Hong StudentChemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG
Chloride Toxicity In The Upper South Fork Of The New River: Implications For Watershed Healt...2018Sanders, James ZebulonStudentGeography and Planning - Student, ASU
Chlorpromazine reduces avoidance performance deficit in rats with dorsomedial thalamic lesio...2023Wuensch, Karl L.StudentECU
Chlorpromazine reduces avoidance performance deficit in rats with dorsomedial thalamic lesio...2023Means, Larry W.StudentECU
Choice Based Art in the Middle School Classroom2017Usewicz, Catherine StudentECU
The Choice Of Employment Status As A Function Of Socioeconomic Status And Marital Adjustment...1982Rodenhizer, Sheila StudentPsychology - Student, ASU
Choice responding in infants and preschoolers : the effects of child control over stimulus p...1987Cushing, Phyllis JeanStudentPsychology, UNCG
Choice-Based Evaluation Driving Differentiation2010Hewitt, Kimberly KapplerFacultyEducational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG
Cholesterol and Coronary Artery Disease: Age as an Effect Modifier.1992Gruchow, H. WilliamFacultyPublic Health Education, UNCG
Cholesterol ester transfer protein (CETP) expression in human adipose tissue of lean, obese,...2023Thomas, Robyn C.StudentECU
Chondroprotective Effect of Kartogenin on CD44-Mediated Functions in Articular Cartilage and...2014Ishizuka, Shinya StudentECU
Chondroprotective Effect of Kartogenin on CD44-Mediated Functions in Articular Cartilage and...2014Knudson, Cheryl B.StudentECU
Chondroprotective Effect of Kartogenin on CD44-Mediated Functions in Articular Cartilage and...2014Knudson, Warren StudentECU
Chondroprotective Effect of Kartogenin on CD44-Mediated Functions in Articular Cartilage and...2014Ono, Yohei StudentECU
Choosing a Publication Venue.2010Crane, Patricia B.FacultyNursing, UNCG
Choosing a Publication Venue.2010Lewallen, Lynne P.FacultyNursing, UNCG
Choosing voluntary simplicity as a lifestyle1994Nolen, Teris StudentHuman Environmental Sciences, UNCG
Choppy Air2023Whitaker, David FacultyMusic and Visual Arts, ECSU
Choral and general music teaching techniques used in eighteen North Carolina junior high sch...1967Younts, Betty RandallStudentEducation, UNCG
The choral music of Francis Grier 2006Hutchens, Robert BenjaminStudentMusic, UNCG
A choreographic experiment with mixed means for the purpose of communicating through the act...1973Gustafson, Sandra ElizabethStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
Choreographing Climate Justice: A Phenomenological Study Of Using Dance To Communicate The H...2018Willmschen , Natalie StudentSustainable Development - Student, ASU
Choreographing a life: Reflections on curriculum design, consciousness, and possibility2001Stinson, Susan W.FacultyDance, UNCG
Choreographing a Postmodern Turn: The Creative Process and Somatics1996Green, Jill I.FacultyDance, UNCG
The choreography and performance of religion: power and ritual within American Pentecostal w...2015Dove, Sarah JeanetteStudentDance, UNCG
Choreography as a Mode of Inquiry: a Case Study.1998Van Dyke, Jan E.FacultyDance, UNCG
The choreography, production and notation of "The covetous sister"1951Falloon, Marian StudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
The choreography, production and notation of a long dance entitled "A love dream"1951Gavett, Elizabeth ReeStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
Choropleth Maps on High Resolution CRTs: The Effects of Number of Classes and Hue on Communi...1990Nelson, Elisabeth S.FacultyGeography, UNCG
Chowan's Best: Women, Labor, And Change In The Bertie County Herring Industry2023White, Heather StudentECU
Christ haunted2017Fulmer, Todd AndrewStudentEnglish, UNCG
The Christ of John Milton1967Fleming, Rosalyn R.StudentEnglish, UNCG
Christian Zionism2008Reed, Randall FacultyPhilosophy and Religion, ASU
Christological controversies in the East, 428 to 4821963Browne, Millicent StudentHistory, UNCG
Chromatic Polynomials of Mixed Hypercyles2013Allagan , Julian A. D. FacultyMATHEMATICS, COMPUTER SCIENCE & ENGINEERING TECH, ECSU
Chromatic Polynomials of Some Mixed Hypergraphs2014Allagan , Julian A. D. FacultyMATHEMATICS, COMPUTER SCIENCE & ENGINEERING TECH, ECSU
Chromatic polynomials of some sunflower mixed hypergraphs2010Allagan , Julian A. D. FacultyMATHEMATICS, COMPUTER SCIENCE & ENGINEERING TECH, ECSU
Chromium picolinate supplementation plus an exercise program leads to a reduction of serum c...2023Boyd, S. Gregory.StudentECU
Chromium picolinate supplementation plus an exercise program leads to a reduction of serum c...2023Boyd, S. Gregory.StudentECU
Chromophoric dissolved organic matter in coastal rainwater2009Gordon, Kelly JoStudentChemistry and Biochemistry, UNCW
Chromophoric dissolved organic matter in coastal rainwater2009Reid, Seth NeilStudentChemistry and Biochemistry, UNCW
Chromosomal Analysis and Identification Based on Optical Tweezers and Ramen Spectroscopy2023Ojeda, Jenifer Fay.StudentECU
Chromosomal differences between cultures of Staphylococcus aureus2023Cole, Joseph JeraldStudentECU
Chromosome evolution in Cophomantini (Amphibia, Anura, Hylinae)2018Ferro, Juan M.,Cardozo,Dario E.,Suarez,Pablo,Boeris,Juan M.,BlStudentECU
Chromosome studies of Xiphophorus helleri, Xiphophorus maculatus, and their hybrid1964Putnam, Celia DonaldsonStudentBiology, UNCG
Chronic Alcohol Exposure Disturbs Lipid Homeostasis at the Adipose Tissue-Liver Axis in Mice...2013Zhong, Wei FacultyCenter for Translational Biomedical Research, UNCG
Chronic and episodic interpersonal stress as statistically unique predictors of depression i...2015Vrshek-Schallhorn, Suzanne FacultyPsychology, UNCG
Chronic Ankle Instability Does Not Affect Lower Extremity Functional Performance2002Shultz, Sandra J.FacultyKinesiology, UNCG
Chronic Ankle Instability Does Not Affect Lower Extremity Functional Performance2002Perrin, David H.FacultyOffice of the Provost, UNCG
Chronic effects of fitness on the golf putt1992Piparo, Anthony JohnStudentHealth and Human Performance, UNCG
Chronic ethanol attenuates centrally-mediated hypotension elicited via alpha-2-adrenergic b...2011Abdel-Rahman, Abdel A.StudentECU
Chronic ethanol attenuates centrally-mediated hypotension elicited via alpha-2-adrenergic b...2011El-Mas, Mahmoud M.StudentECU
Chronic ethanol attenuates centrally-mediated hypotension elicited via alpha-2-adrenergic, b...2023El-Mas, Mahmoud M.StudentECU
Chronic ethanol attenuates centrally-mediated hypotension elicited via alpha-2-adrenergic, b...2023Abdel-Rahman, Abdel A.StudentECU
Chronic exercise and cognitive function: An update of current findings2019Etnier, Jennifer L.FacultyKinesiology, UNCG
Chronic Hazard: Weighing Risk against the Effects of Emergency Evacuation from Popocatépetl,...2007Jones, Eric C.FacultyAnthropology , UNCG
Chronic Hazard: Weighing Risk against the Effects of Emergency Evacuation from Popocatépetl,...2007Murphy, Arthur D.FacultyAnthropology, UNCG
Chronic High Fat Diet Decreased Detrusor Mitochondrial Respiration and Increased Nerve-Media...2023McClung, Joseph M.StudentECU
Chronic High Fat Diet Decreased Detrusor Mitochondrial Respiration and Increased Nerve-Media...2023Powers, Shelby A.StudentECU
Chronic High Fat Diet Decreased Detrusor Mitochondrial Respiration and Increased Nerve-Media...2023Ryan, Terence E.StudentECU
Chronic High Fat Diet Decreased Detrusor Mitochondrial Respiration and Increased Nerve-Media...2023Pak, Elena S.StudentECU
Chronic High Fat Diet Decreased Detrusor Mitochondrial Respiration and Increased Nerve-Media...2023Hannan, Johanna L.StudentECU
Chronic Illness and Depression among Chinese Elderly Immigrants2004Wu, Bei FacultyGerontology, UNCG
Chronic Illness Narratives Through Facebook2023Hinson, Katrina LaytonStudentECU
Chronic low back pain and anger: influencing effect of rumination and gender.2010Quinlan-Colwell, Ann StudentNursing, UNCG
Chronic Lower Limb Wound Outcomes Among Rural And Urban Veterans2015Bouldin, Erin FacultyHealth and Exercise Science, ASU
Chronic Pain, Sleep Disturbance and Fatigue in Individuals with Lower Limb Amputation2019Heatherly, Rachel StudentECU
Chronic Pediatric Health Disorders in Economically Disadvantaged Families: An Assessment of ...2018Metz, Alexis StudentECU
Chronic Plasmodium chabaudi Infection Generates CD4 Memory T Cells With Increased T Cell Rec...2016Opata, Michael FacultyBiology, ASU
Chronic Restraint Stress Enhances Radial Arm Maze Performance in Female Rats2001Zrull, Mark C. FacultyPsychology, ASU
Chronic Ruminators Remember More Episodic Details Of A Recent Upsetting Event2019Milstead, Savannah StudentPsychology - Student, ASU
Chronic Salt Loading and the Expression of Adenosine Receptor Subtypes2023Nayeem, Mohammed A.StudentECU
Chronic Salt Loading and the Expression of Adenosine Receptor Subtypes2023Olanrewaju, Hammed A.StudentECU
Chronic Salt Loading and the Expression of Adenosine Receptor Subtypes2023Mustafa, S. JamalStudentECU
Chronic Wound Care Utilization Among Veterans Using VHA And Medicare2017Bouldin, Erin FacultyHealth and Exercise Science, ASU
Chronicles in Preservation Project2012Halbert, Martin FacultyUniversity Libraries, UNCG
Chronicles Of Üfersae2020Lynch, Emma StudentEnglish - Student, ASU
Chronicling the heroic epistle in England : a study of its development and demise1991Kates, Carolyn J.StudentEnglish, UNCG
Chronostratigraphy and geologic framework of the Currituck Sand Ridges, Currituck County, NC...2023Burdette, Kevin E.StudentECU
Chronostratigraphy and geologic framework of the Currituck Sand Ridges, Currituck County, NC...2023Burdette, Kevin E.StudentECU
Chu2018He, Xiaohe StudentSchool of Music, UNCG
A church apart : southern Moravianism and denominational identity, 1865-1903 2009Peterson, Benjamin AntesStudentHistory, UNCW
Church Conservatism and Services for the Elderly.1988Adams, Rebecca G.FacultySociology, UNCG
Church control and family structure in a Moravian community of North Carolina, 1753-18571981Patterson, Jo-Ellen StudentHome Economics, UNCG
The Church Legible: George Herbert and the Externals of Worship1991Hodgkins, Christopher T.FacultyEnglish, UNCG
A church-based intervention to promote physical activity in Black adolescent girls2010Thompson, Wanda M.StudentNursing, UNCG
Chytrids Vs. Amphibians: Emerging Disease Or History Of Natural Selection?2007Esquivel, Jorge LuisStudentBiology - Student, ASU
Can I go with you? : short stories1970Sedgwick, William HenryStudentEnglish, UNCG
Can I have your number?2019Applicable, Not StudentECU
CI-FLOW: Evaluating and Testing New Technologies for Accurate and Timely Identification of I...2013Bacon, Robert StudentECU
CI-FLOW: Evaluating and Testing New Technologies for Accurate and Timely Identification of I...2013Thigpen, Jack StudentECU
CI-FLOW: Evaluating and Testing New Technologies for Accurate and Timely Identification of I...2013Van, Cooten SuzanneStudentECU
CIAA Chancellor’s Breakfast-20182018Naylor, Stephan FacultyMusic and Visual Arts, ECSU
CIAA Chancellor’s Breakfast-20182018Boykins, Juliet FacultyMusic and Visual Arts, ECSU
Cicada Studies1997Matthews, Catherine E.FacultyTeacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG
Cicero and Caesar : A Turbulent Amicitia2023Parison, Adam L.StudentECU
Cicero’s (S)Trumpet: Roman Women and the Second Philippic2003Myers, Nancy A.FacultyEnglish, UNCG
Cicero's Definition of politikos2009Zarecki, Jonathan P.FacultyClassical Studies, UNCG
Cigarette smoking abrogates angiogenesis :implications for Kaposi's sarcoma2023Bryan, Benjamin A.StudentECU
Cigarette smoking abrogates angiogenesis :implications for Kaposi's sarcoma2023Bryan, Benjamin A.StudentECU
Cigarette Smoking and Facial Wrinkles: A Review of the Literature2012Strack, Robert W.FacultyPublic Health Education, UNCG
Cigarette Smoking and Facial Wrinkles: A Review of the Literature2012Wyrick, David L.FacultyPublic Health Education, UNCG
Cigarette Smoking Curiosity and its Correlates Among Never-Smoking US Middle and High School...2023Ilesanmi, Olayinka S.StudentECU
Cigarette Smoking Curiosity and its Correlates Among Never-Smoking US Middle and High School...2023Afolabi, Aanuoluwapo A.StudentECU
Cimigenol-3-O-ß-D-xylopranoside methanol solvate2006Jia, Wei FacultyNutrition, UNCG
Can incentives make a difference? Assessing the effects of policy tools for encouraging tree...2015Ruseva, Tatyana FacultyGovernment and Justice Studies, ASU
A cinematographic analysis of the crouch start as performed by a woman sprinter1971Dix, Karen RuthStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
A cinematographic analysis of the lacrosse cradle1969Rozzi, Louise MariaStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
A cinematographical analysis of a baseball batter's swing1972Smith, John WesleyStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
A cinematographical analysis of two selected methods of drawing the bow1973Reese, Carol StudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
Can an Invasive Species of Crayfish Help Save a Population of a Threatened Species of Bird ,...2018Beamon, Weston LStudentECU
Can an Invasive Species of Crayfish Help Save a Population of a Threatened Species of Bird, ...2023Beamon, Weston LStudentECU
Circadian influences on myocardial infarction2014Virag, Jitka A. I.StudentECU
Circadian influences on myocardial infarction2014Lust, Robert M.StudentECU
Circadian periodicities of selected social and motor behaviors in two-year-old children : an...1976Darnley, Frederick StudentHome Economics, UNCG
The Circadian Rhythm and its Role in the Dynamic Dopamine Neuron Phenotype2023Barker, Samantha StudentECU
Circulant matrices on global data analysis2017Adaramola, Bukola O.StudentMathematics and Statistics, UNCG
Circular Single-Stranded DNA Virus ( Microviridae: Gokushovirinae: Jodiemicrovirus) Associat...2023Blakeslee, April StudentECU
Circular Single-Stranded DNA Virus ( Microviridae: Gokushovirinae: Jodiemicrovirus) Associat...2023McCoy, Krista A.StudentECU
Circular Single-Stranded DNA Virus (Microviridae: Gokushovirinae: Jodiemicrovirus) Associate...2019Bojko, Jamie StudentECU
Circular Single-Stranded DNA Virus (Microviridae: Gokushovirinae: Jodiemicrovirus) Associate...2019McCoy, Krista A.StudentECU
Circular Single-Stranded DNA Virus (Microviridae: Gokushovirinae: Jodiemicrovirus) Associate...2019Behringer, Donald C.StudentECU
Circular Single-Stranded DNA Virus (Microviridae: Gokushovirinae: Jodiemicrovirus) Associate...2019Blakeslee, April M. H.StudentECU
Circular Single-Stranded DNA Virus (Microviridae: Gokushovirinae: Jodiemicrovirus) Associate...2023Bojko, Jamie StudentECU
Circular Single-Stranded DNA Virus (Microviridae: Gokushovirinae: Jodiemicrovirus) Associate...2023McCoy, Krista A.StudentECU
Circular Single-Stranded DNA Virus (Microviridae: Gokushovirinae: Jodiemicrovirus) Associate...2023Behringer, Donald C.StudentECU
Circular Single-Stranded DNA Virus (Microviridae: Gokushovirinae: Jodiemicrovirus) Associate...2023Blakeslee, April StudentECU
Circulating B cells in type 1 diabetics exhibit fewer maturation-associated phenotypes2017Hanley, Patrick,Sutter,Jennifer A.,Goodman,Noah G.,Du,Yangzhu,Sekiguchi,Debora R.,StudentECU
Circulation on the Go: Implementing Laptop Circulation in a State University Academic Librar...2007Power, June LaVoieFacultyMary Livermore Library, UNCP
Circulation on the Go: Implementing Laptop Circulation in a State University Academic Librar...2009Power, June LaVoieFacultyMary Livermore Library, UNCP
Can It be True? Growth of N.C. Manufacturing2008Brod, Andrew C.FacultyEconomics, UNCG
Citizen action education for a democratic community : a model for curriculum development1976Massey, Charles EdwardStudentEducation, UNCG
“Citizen Satisfaction With Local Government Services: A Test of Individual, Jurisdictional, ...1990DeHoog, Ruth H.FacultyPolitical Science, UNCG
Citizen Science in the Academic Library Part 1 [slides]2020Carlton, Megan FacultyUniversity Libraries, UNCG
Citizen Science in the Academic Library Part 2 [slides]2020Carlton, Megan FacultyUniversity Libraries, UNCG
Citizen Science in Higher Education2023Vance-Chalcraft, Heather StudentECU
Citizen Science in Higher Education2023Hitchcock, Colleen StudentECU
Citizen Science in Higher Education2023Aristeidou, Maria StudentECU
Citizen Science in Postsecondary Education: Current Practices and Knowledge Gaps2023Vance-Chalcraft, Heather D.StudentECU
Citizen Science in Postsecondary Education: Current Practices and Knowledge Gaps2023Reyes, Michelle AnneStudentECU
Citizen Science projects and partnerships in academia [slides]2020Carlton, Megan FacultyUniversity Libraries, UNCG
Citizen Science: Is It Worth Your Time?2023Smith, Michael ChadwickStudentECU
Citizen-Centric Report: Governmental Accounting for the Everyday Citizen2012Stoker, Courtney StudentHonors College, Accounting, UNCP
Citizen-Consumer Oriented Practices In Naturalistic Foodways: The Case Of The Slow Food Move...2014Albinsson, Pia A.FacultyMarketing, ASU
The citizen-strangers : Puerto Rican migration to New York City2023Nieves, Victor C.StudentECU
Citizens Against Clearcutting the Asheville Watershed: The Impact of Community Response on C...2017Euchner, Catherine StudentHistory, UNCA
Citizenship in the Empowered Locality: An Elaboration, Critique, and a Partial Test1992DeHoog, Ruth H.FacultyPolitical Science, UNCG
City Managers Under Fire: How Conflict Leads to Turnover1991DeHoog, Ruth H.FacultyPolitical Science, UNCG
City Of God: Christian Citizenship In Postwar Guatemala2011Smith, Timothy FacultyAnthropology, ASU
City of Greenville, North Carolina - Sustainability2014Barber, Scott MStudentECU
City of Greenville’s Social Media in times of emergencies2023Hawley, Steve StudentECU
City of Greenville’s Social Media in times of emergencies2013Hawley, Steve StudentECU
City Profile: Thimphu2009Walcott, Susan M.FacultyGeography, UNCG
The City Skirts2007Duhig, Christina StudentEnglish, UNCG
The City That (Didn’t) Make It Work: An Analysis Of State-Sponsored Resegregation In Charlot...2017Aldridge, Sarah RoseStudentLeadership and Educational Studies - Student, ASU
Civil asset forfeiture, equitable sharing, and policing for profit in the United States2011Holcomb, Jeff FacultyGovernment and Justice Studies, ASU
Civil asset forfeiture, equitable sharing, and policing for profit in the United States2011Williams, Marian FacultyGovernment and Justice Studies, ASU
Civil Asset Forfeiture: Where Does The Money Go?2002Williams, Marian FacultyGovernment and Justice Studies, ASU
Civil Rights Greensboro and other community-based collaborations at UNCG2012Gwynn, David FacultyUniversity Libraries, UNCG
Civil Rights Greensboro and the Women Veterans Historical Project: Migrating existing digita...2015Gwynn, David FacultyUniversity Libraries, UNCG
Civil Rights Greensboro and the Women Veterans Historical Project: Migrating existing digita...2015Craft, Anna R.FacultyUniversity Libraries, UNCG
Civil Rights Greensboro and the Women Veterans Historical Project: Migrating existing digita...2015Koelsch, Beth Ann FacultyUniversity Libraries, UNCG
Civil Rights Greensboro: A blueprint for ongoing community engagement in digital history pro...2012Gwynn, David FacultyUniversity Libraries, UNCG
The civil rights movement1987Sellers, Cleveland StudentEducation, UNCG
The Civil Rights Movement and the Future of the National Park System in a Racially Diverse A...2012Sultana, Selima FacultyGeography, Environment, and Sustainability, UNCG
The Civil Rights Movement and the Methodist Church in North Carolina2016Moore, Tyler HoustonStudentECU
The Civil Rights Movement in Greenville and Pitt County: Documenting the Fight for School De...2020Cash, Patrick StudentECU
The Civil War as Global Conflict: Transnational Meanings of the American Civil War [book rev...2015Smith, Kathelene McCartyFacultyUniversity Libraries, UNCG
The Civil War Career of Daniel L. Russell, Jr.: Myth vs. Reality1991Allen, Brad StudentChancellor's Scholars, History, UNCP
Civil War Letters from Henry M. Misemer to His Wife Martha, April 21, 18642023Barton, Joshua StudentEnglish, WCU
Civil War Letters from Henry M. Misemer to His Wife Martha April 11th, 18642023Barton, Joshua StudentEnglish, WCU
Civil War Medicine2012Long, David E.StudentECU
Civilian field surgery in the rural trauma setting: a proposal for providing optimal care.2011Treurniet, Starr StudentECU
Civilian field surgery in the rural trauma setting: a proposal for providing optimal care.2011Hale, John C.StudentECU
Civilian field surgery in the rural trauma setting: a proposal for providing optimal care.2011Foil, M. BethStudentECU
Civilian field surgery in the rural trauma setting: a proposal for providing optimal care.2011Benson, Nicholas H.StudentECU
Civilian field surgery in the rural trauma setting: a proposal for providing optimal care.2011Cunningham, Paul R. G.StudentECU
Civilized settlement & nomadic dominion: Inter-tribal treaties and grand councils between th...2018Bauer, Frankie StudentHistory, WCU
Claiming Disability In Appalachia2020Long, Rebecca EliStudentAppalachian Studies - Student, ASU
Claiming a family brand identity: The role of website storytelling2019Welsh, Dianne H.B.FacultyBusiness Administration, UNCG
Claiming a family brand identity: The role of website storytelling2019Canziani, Bonnie M.FacultyMarketing, Entrepreneurship, Hospitality & Tourism, UNCG
Claiming A Seat At The Table In Defense Of Developmental Education: Constructing Common Grou...2017Bolick, Joanna B.StudentEducation - Student, ASU
Clarence Hamilton Poe : the formative years, 1899-19172023Cote, Joseph AnthonyStudentECU
Clarifying the merchandising function: analysis of merchandising roles and responsibilities ...2020Karpova, Elena FacultyConsumer, Apparel, and Retail Studies, UNCG
Clarifying Sadomasochism In The Realm Of Sadistic Nomenclature2021Charbeneau, Kelsey BrookStudentPsychology - Student, ASU
The clarinet concerto of Ralph Hermann: recording, publication, and preservation2014Simmons, Leslie AnnStudentMusic, UNCG
A clash of fundamental assumptions: Can/should we measure physical literacy?2020Chen, Ang FacultyKinesiology, UNCG
Clashing landscapes in Charles Chesnutt’s conjure tales AND Reading metamodern hope : Mohsin...2023Marzuk, Rene StudentEnglish, UNCG
Clashing paradigms: An empirical examination of cultural proxies and socioeconomic condition...2013Echeverría, Sandra E. FacultyPublic Health Education, UNCG
Class climate moderates peer relations and emotional adjustment in children with an early ch...2006Gazelle, Heidi FacultyPsychology, UNCG
Class Conflict, Political Crisis and the Breakdown of Democratic Practices in Costa Rica: Re...1991Lehoucq, Fabrice FacultyPolitical Science, UNCG
Class, race, and the disposal of urban waste: Locations of landfills, incinerators, and sewa...1997Markham, William T.FacultySociology, UNCG
Class-Based Social Networks in Regional Economic Systems.2003Jones, Eric C.FacultyAnthropology , UNCG
Classical and Bayesian Inference of a Mixture of Bivariate Exponentiated Exponential Model2021Ghosh, Indranil FacultyMathematics and Statistics, UNCW
The classical and generalized Schoenflies theorems1977Heatherly, David LeeStudentMathematics, UNCG
Classical Galois theory1972Mastin, Millicent GayStudentMathematics, UNCG
Classical myth as thematic image in King Lear and Antony and Cleopatra1952Ward, Freda ElizabethStudentEnglish, UNCG
Classical reaction time and anticipation reaction time in a simple visual reaction time task...1973Drouin, Denis StudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
The Classical Side of Dave Brubeck2001Salmon, John FacultyMusic, UNCG
Classification consistency and results reporting of a digital-first computer-adaptive langua...2022Cardwell, Ramsey LeeStudentEducational Research Methodology, UNCG
Classification of cannabinoids using mass spectral data to assist in the identification of n...2024Evans-Newman, Kristopher CharlesStudentChemistry and Physics, WCU
Classification of drugs of abuse using mass spectral data for the identification of novel ps...2022Schneider, Garion LucasStudentChemistry and Physics, WCU
Classification of Kuga Fiber Varieties2023Abdulali, Salman StudentECU
Classification of Plants Using Images of their Leaves2010Shrestha, Biva StudentCIS & SCM - Student, ASU
Classification of a species of Erwinia from the Oconaluftee River, Great Smoky Mountains Nat...2017McKinnon, Robert PollockStudentBiology, WCU
A Classification System for Instruments Frequently Found in Textbooks Used in Vocational Reh...2023Schuster, Ralf StudentECU
A classification test for junior high school girls in physical education1965Bolton, Catherine AnnStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
Classifying restaurants to improve usability of restaurant research2016Canziani, Bonnie M.FacultyMarketing, Entrepreneurship, Hospitality & Tourism, UNCG
Classroom climate and teacher questioning strategies : relationship to student cognitive dev...1990Beamon, Glenda WardStudentEducation, UNCG
Classroom Emotional Support Predicts Differences in Preschool Children's Cortisol and Alpha-...2012Hestenes, Linda L.FacultyHuman Development and Family Studies, UNCG
Classroom Instructional Strategies and Middle Grades Mathematics Achievement in the U. S.: A...2017Pitchford, Kayonna FacultyTeacher Education, UNCP
Classroom Management: A Deep Dive into Effective and Equitable Practices2022Livengood, Brianna StudentElementary Education, UNCP
Classroom Management: A Deep Dive into Effective and Equitable Practices2022Livengood, Brianna StudentElementary Education, UNCP
A classroom of her own : hegemonic discursive disempowerment of the female progressive educa...2006Lee, Bonita LaraStudentEducational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG
Classroom tasks and student ability effects on motivation goal orientation in early adolesce...1991Hooper, Mary-Louise BiasottiStudentEducation, UNCG
Classroom technology integration : a comparative study of participants and non-participants ...2013McDowell, Darrell GradyStudentHuman Services, WCU
Classroom Use of Test Accommodations: Issues of Access, Equity, and Conflation2014Schissel, Jamie L.FacultyTeacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG
Classroom walk-through visits: a cultural reform effort2015Pickett, Natalie StanfieldStudentEducational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG
Claude Kitchin and the financing of World War I2023Corl, Scott StudentECU
Claude Kitchin, second district congressman from North Carolina 1901-1923 : a study of the f...2023Bunting, Florence DunnStudentECU
The claudin family of proteins in human malignancy: A clinical perspective2013Ding, Lei,Lu,Zhe,Lu,Qun,Chen,Yan-Hua StudentECU
The claudin family of proteins in human malignancy: a clinical perspective2013Ding, Lei StudentECU
The claudin family of proteins in human malignancy: a clinical perspective2013Lu, Qun StudentECU
The claudin family of proteins in human malignancy: a clinical perspective2013Lu, Zhe StudentECU
The claudin family of proteins in human malignancy: a clinical perspective2013Chen, Yan-Hua StudentECU
Claudin-7 increases chemosensitivity to cisplatin in human NCI-H522 lung cancer cells2010Hoggard, John StudentECU
Claudin-‘7 modulates cell-‘matrix adhesion that controls cell migration, invasion and attach...2018KIM, DO HYUNG,LU,QUN,CHEN,YAN-HUAStudentECU
Claudin-7 modulates cell-matrix adhesion that controls cell migration, invasion and attachme...2023KIM, DO HYUNGStudentECU
Claudin-7 modulates cell-matrix adhesion that controls cell migration, invasion and attachme...2023LU, QUN StudentECU
Claudin-7 modulates cell-matrix adhesion that controls cell migration, invasion and attachme...2023Chen, Yan-Hua StudentECU
Claudin-7 Modulates Cl- and Na+ Homeostasis and WNK4 Expression in Renal Collecting Duct Cel...2023Fan, Junming StudentECU
Claudin-7 Modulates Cl- and Na+ Homeostasis and WNK4 Expression in Renal Collecting Duct Cel...2023Tatum, Rodney StudentECU
Claudin-7 Modulates Cl- and Na+ Homeostasis and WNK4 Expression in Renal Collecting Duct Cel...2023Hoggard, John StudentECU
Claudin-7 Modulates Cl- and Na+ Homeostasis and WNK4 Expression in Renal Collecting Duct Cel...2023Chen, Yan-Hua StudentECU
Claudin-7 Modulates Cl− and Na+ Homeostasis and WNK4 Expression in Renal Collecting Duct C...2019Fan, Junming,Tatum,Rodney,Hoggard,John,Chen,Yan-Hua StudentECU
Claudins in intestines2013Lu, Qun StudentECU
Claudins in intestines2013Ding, Lei StudentECU
Claudins in intestines2013Lu, Zhe StudentECU
Claudins in intestines2013Chen, Yan-Hua StudentECU
Clay1975Hawkins, Robert MiltonStudentArt, UNCG
Clay folks1975Batountis, Nicholas EmanuelStudentArt, UNCG
Clay mineralogy of the Pungo River formation, Onslow Bay, North Carolina continental shelf2023Lyle, Michael E.StudentECU
Clay wraps : containers1977Seville, Jane MarilynStudentArt, UNCG
Clearing a Pathway to Success: Online Graduate Students and Promoting Library Resources2018Harlow, Sam FacultyUniversity Libraries, UNCG
The Clearinghouse Concept - A Model for Geospatial Data Centralization and Dissemination in ...2008Pine, John FacultyGeography and Planning, ASU
Cleavage of the Vesicular Glutamate Transporters Under Excitotoxic Conditions2011Bahr, Ben FacultyChemistry and Physics , UNCP
Cleaved Caspase-3 Response to Acute Resistance Exercise in Young and Old Men and Women : Rel...2011Choplin, Eric SenecaStudentExercise and Sport Science, ECU
The Cleft Palate And Lip: Embryology, Genetics, Environmental Influences, And Approaches To ...2020Yang, Sophia StudentChemistry - Student, ASU
Clever beasts2013Adams, Christine GraceStudentEnglish, UNCG
Clever people: Intelligence and humor production ability2018Silvia, Paul FacultyPsychology, UNCG
Client And Therapist Factors Influencing Premature Termination Of Psychotherapy In A Communi...1982Helms, Richard W.StudentPsychology - Student, ASU
Client Choice Food Pantries: Benefits And Barriers2020Wood, Martina StudentNutrition and Health Care Management - Student, ASU
A client-centered counseling approach to motivating older adults towards physical activity2005Appaneal, Renee NewcomerFacultyKinesiology, UNCG
Client-perpetrated and husband-perpetrated violence among female sex workers in Andhra Prade...2016Erausquin, Jennifer TollerFacultyPublic Health Education, UNCG
The cliff1977McWaters, Mark ThomasStudentEnglish, UNCG
Cliff Ecology of the Big South Fork National River and Recreation Area2013Boggess, Laura M.StudentBiology - Student , ASU
Climate Art As Disruption: Making Space For Transformation2019Fishman, Chloe StudentSustainable Development - Student, ASU
Climate Change Alters Trophic Interactions in Coastal Ecosystems2023Speights, Cori J.StudentECU
Climate Change and Classic Maya Water Management2011Gunn, Joel D.FacultyAnthropology, UNCG
Climate Change and the Sea Breeze in the North Carolina Coast2016Luchetti, Nicholas ThomasStudentECU
Climate change effects on precipitation organization : a summertime case study in the southe...2016Nissenbaum, Mark StudentECU
Climate Change Impacts On Crop Yield: Evidence From China2014Cherry, Todd FacultyEconomics, ASU
Climate Change, Ecology, and Justice2020Schmitz, Cathryne L.FacultySocial Work, UNCG
Climate Change, Ecology, and Justice2020Powers, Meredith C.F.FacultySocial Work, UNCG
Climate instability and tipping points in the Late Devonian: Detection of the Hangenberg Ev...2015Carmichael, Sarah K. FacultyGeology, ASU
Climate instability and tipping points in the Late Devonian: Detection of the Hangenberg Ev...2015Waters, Johnny A. FacultyGeology, ASU
Climate Justice and Social Work2019Powers, Meredith C.F.FacultySocial Work, UNCG
Climate Justice Literacy [video recording]2021Powers, Meredith C.F.FacultySocial Work, UNCG
Climate, Environment, And Public Health In Western North Carolina2021Sugg, Maggie FacultyGeography and Planning, ASU
Climate, Environment, And Public Health In Western North Carolina2021Andersen, Lauren FacultyGeography and Planning, ASU
Climate, Environment, And Public Health In Western North Carolina2021Shay, Elizabeth FacultyGeography and Planning, ASU
Climate-Change Studies in the Maya Area: A diachronic analysis2002Gunn, Joel D.FacultyAnthropology, UNCG
ClimateQUAL: advancing organizational health, leadership, and diversity in the service of li...2018Henry, Tiffany N.FacultyUniversity Libraries, UNCG
Climatic change, culture, and civilization in North America1981Gunn, Joel D.FacultyAnthropology, UNCG
Climatic Regionalization and the Spatio-Temporal Occurrence of Extreme Single-Year Drought E...2002Knapp, Paul A.FacultyGeography, UNCG
A Climatology of the Structure, Frequency, and Propagation of Midlatitude Cyclones that Affe...2014Hall, Linwood Earl, Jr.StudentECU
Clinic Staff Adherence to the CDC’s STD Treatment Guidelines: A QI Initiative in a Local Hea...2016Mulholland, Andrea StudentECU
Clinic Staff Adherence to the CDC's STD Treatment Guidelines: A QI Initiative in a Local Hea...2016Mulholland, Andrea StudentECU
The Clinical Operational and Financial Worlds of Neonatal Palliative Care : An Ethnographi...2012Williams, Reade JackieStudentChild Development and Family Relations, ECU
Clinical and echocardiographic predictors of mortality in acute pulmonary embolism2016Dahhan, Talal,Siddiqui,Irfan,Tapson,Victor F.,Velazquez,Eric J.,Sun,Stephanie,Davenport,ClemoStudentECU
Clinical and Instrumented Measurements of Hip Laxity and Their Associations With Knee Laxity...2014Shultz, Sandra J.FacultyKinesiology, UNCG
Clinical and radiobiological evaluation of a method for planning target volume generation de...2019Ruiz, Brian StudentECU
Clinical and radiobiological evaluation of a method for planning target volume generation de...2019Feng, Yuanming StudentECU
Clinical Applications Of Feminist Theory In Music Therapy: A Phenomenological Study2018Bodry, Kendra StudentMusic Therapy - Student, ASU
Clinical assessment of medical students in the Emergency Department, A National Consensus Co...2017Hiller, Katherine M.,Franzen,Douglas,Lawson,Luan,Manthey,David,FisheStudentECU
Clinical Associations of an Updated Medication Effect Score for Measuring Diabetes Treatment...2023Dar, Moahad S.StudentECU
Clinical Associations of an Updated Medication Effect Score for Measuring Diabetes Treatment...2023Alexopoulos, Anastasia-Stefania StudentECU
Clinical Associations of an Updated Medication Effect Score for Measuring Diabetes Treatment...2023Yancy, William S.StudentECU
Clinical Associations of an Updated Medication Effect Score for Measuring Diabetes Treatment...2023Edelman, David StudentECU
Clinical Associations of an Updated Medication Effect Score for Measuring Diabetes Treatment...2023Coffman, Cynthia J.StudentECU
Clinical Associations of an Updated Medication Effect Score for Measuring Diabetes Treatment...2023Jeffreys, Amy S.StudentECU
Clinical Associations of an Updated Medication Effect Score for Measuring Diabetes Treatment...2023Maciejewski, Matthew L.StudentECU
Clinical Associations of an Updated Medication Effect Score for Measuring Diabetes Treatment...2023Voils, Corrine I.StudentECU
Clinical Associations of an Updated Medication Effect Score for Measuring Diabetes Treatment...2023Sagalla, Nicole StudentECU
Clinical Associations of an Updated Medication Effect Score for Measuring Diabetes Treatment...2023Bradley, Anna BartonStudentECU
Clinical Associations of an Updated Medication Effect Score for Measuring Diabetes Treatment...2023Mayer, Stéphanie B.StudentECU
Clinical Associations of an Updated Medication Effect Score for Measuring Diabetes Treatment...2023Crowley, Matthew J.StudentECU
Clinical Behaviors for Addressing Religious/Spiritual Issues: Do We Practice What We Preach?...2013Young, J. ScottFacultyCounseling and Educational Development, UNCG
Clinical Behaviors for Addressing Religious/Spiritual Issues: Do We Practice What We Preach?...2013Cashwell, Craig S.FacultyCounseling and Educational Development, UNCG
Clinical Biomarkers and Prognosis in Taiwanese Patients with Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSC...2012Chen, Yea-Jyh FacultyNursing, UNCW
Clinical Course and Quality of Life in High-Risk Patients with Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy a...2023Sears, Samuel F.StudentECU
Clinical Decision Making2019McCullough, Gary FacultyRehabilitation Sciences, ASU
Clinical Education Outcomes And Research Directions In Speech-Language Pathology: A Scoping ...2021Wolford, CCC-SLP, George FacultyRehabilitation Sciences, ASU
Clinical Efficacy of Nurse Based in Monitoring When Using Warfarin in the Long-Term Care Set...2023Stukes, Karen StudentNursing, UNCG
Clinical Experience’s Role in Professional Socialization as Perceived by Entry-Level Athleti...2005Stevens, Susan WelchStudentKinesiology, UNCG
Clinical Internship Support: Instructional Coaching2023Smith, Judy StudentECU
Clinical Internship Support: Instructional Coaching2023Cuthrell, Kristen StudentECU
Clinical Ladder Mentoring: The Impact on Nursing Professional Development2019Merritt, Kristin StudentECU
Clinical Outcomes by Race and Ethnicity in the Systolic Blood Pressure Intervention Trial (S...2017Still, Carolyn H.,Rodriguez,Carlos J.,Wright,Jackson T. Jr,CravenStudentECU
Clinical pharmacokinetic assessment of kratom (Mitragyna speciosa), a botanical product with...2022Manwill, Preston FacultyChemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG
Clinical pharmacokinetic assessment of kratom (Mitragyna speciosa), a botanical product with...2022Oberlies, Nicholas FacultyChemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG
Clinical pharmacokinetic assessment of kratom (Mitragyna speciosa), a botanical product with...2022Cech, Nadja B.FacultyChemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG
Clinical Practice Change: Suboxone Use in Inpatient Psychiatry2019Glenn, Alicia WStudentECU
Clinical practice characteristics of gerontological nurse practitioners: A national study2007Kennedy-Malone, Laurie M.FacultyNursing, UNCG
Clinical relevance of the small intestine as an organ of drug elimination: drug-fruit juice ...2007Oberlies, Nicholas FacultyChemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG
Clinical risk factors for substance abuse : the potential effects on treatment outcomes2016Hurt, Sydney DanielleStudentPsychology, WCU
Clinical Trial Demonstrates Exercise Following Bariatric Surgery Improves Insulin Sensitivit...2023Houmard, Joseph A.StudentECU
Clinical Trial Demonstrates Exercise Following Bariatric Surgery Improves Insulin Sensitivit...2023Houmard, Joseph A.StudentECU
Clinical use of rifampicin during routine reporting of rifampicin susceptibilities: a lesson...2023Steffee, CH StudentECU
Clinical use of rifampicin during routine reporting of rifampicin susceptibilities: a lesson...2023Morrell, RM StudentECU
Clinical use of rifampicin during routine reporting of rifampicin susceptibilities: a lesson...2023Wasilauskas, BL StudentECU
The Clinical, Operational, and Financial Worlds of Neonatal Palliative Care : An Ethnographi...2023Williams Reade, Jackie StudentECU
Clinician Survey of the Lee Silverman Voice Treatment for Voice and Speech Disorders Resulti...2015Vickrey, Lauren KStudentCommunication Sciences and Disorders, UNCG
Clio's Claim: The Role of Historical Research in Library and Information Science1984Shiflett, Orvin LeeFacultyLibrary and Information Studies, UNCG
Clive Staples Lewis2020Whelan, Jeffrey FacultyMusic and Visual Arts, ECSU
ClockIt: Monitoring and Visualizing Student Software Development Profiles2010Rountree, Joshua JoelStudentCIS & SCM - Student, ASU
Clogging information flow in ALS2014Coble, Joseph W. Paul IIIStudentECU
Clogging information flow in ALS2014Coble, Aaron D. GitlerStudentECU
Clonal micropropagation with fir and characterizing a drought-stress responsive gene in pine...2023Bloom, Josie C.StudentECU
Clonal micropropagation with fir and characterizing a drought-stress responsive gene in pine...2023Bloom, Josie C.StudentECU
Cloning expression and characterization of a membrane progestin receptor and evidence it i...2011Zhu, Yong StudentECU
Cloning expression and characterization of a membrane progestin receptor and evidence it i...2011Thomas, Peter StudentECU
Cloning expression and characterization of a membrane progestin receptor and evidence it i...2011Rice, Charles D.StudentECU
Cloning expression and characterization of a membrane progestin receptor and evidence it i...2011Pace, Margaret StudentECU
Cloning expression and characterization of a membrane progestin receptor and evidence it i...2011Pang, Yefei StudentECU
Cloning & Cellular Characterization of Myosin II Heavy Chain Kinase D from Dictyostelium dis...2008Russell, Travis R.StudentBiology, UNCG
Cloning and Characterization of the Amino Terminal 30% of Retinoid and Fatty Acid Binding Gl...2009Bowman, Ashley D.StudentHonors College - Biology, UNCP
Cloning and Characterization of Ancylostoma-secreted Protein2023Hawdon, John M.StudentECU
Cloning and Characterization of Ancylostoma-secreted Protein2023Jones, Brian F.StudentECU
Cloning and Characterization of Ancylostoma-secreted Protein2023Hoffman, Donald R.StudentECU
Cloning and Characterization of Ancylostoma-secreted Protein2023Hotez, Peter J.StudentECU
Cloning and characterization of the cDNA encoding the antigen 5 allergen from two species of...2023Morris, Phillip Ray.StudentECU
Cloning and characterization of the cDNA encoding the venom serine protease found in Poliste...2023Fitch, Christina D.StudentECU
The cloning and characterization of a cefoxitin resistance determinant in Bacteroides vulgat...2023Parker, Anita C.StudentECU
Cloning and Characterization of the Classical Maize Mutant , Polytypic12019Amoiroglou, Anastasia StudentECU
Cloning and Characterization of the Classical Maize Mutant, Polytypic12023Amoiroglou, Anastasia StudentECU
Cloning and characterization of a conjugated bile acid hydrolase gene from enterococcus faec...2023Jordan, Rick Matthew.StudentECU
Cloning and characterization of the endogenous cephalosporinase gene cepA from Bacteroides...2011Parker, Anita C.StudentECU
Cloning and characterization of the endogenous cephalosporinase gene cepA from Bacteroides...2011Rogers, Marc B.StudentECU
Cloning and characterization of the endogenous cephalosporinase gene cepA from Bacteroides...2011Smith, C. JeffreyStudentECU
Cloning and characterization of the endogenous cephalosporinase gene, cepA, from Bacteroides...2023Rogers, Marc B.StudentECU
Cloning and characterization of the endogenous cephalosporinase gene, cepA, from Bacteroides...2023Parker, Anita C.StudentECU
Cloning and characterization of the endogenous cephalosporinase gene, cepA, from Bacteroides...2023Smith, C. JeffreyStudentECU
Cloning and Characterization of the Pseudomonas aeruginosa zwf Gene Encoding Glucose-6-Phosp...2011Phibbs, Paul V.StudentECU
Cloning and Characterization of the Pseudomonas aeruginosa zwf Gene Encoding Glucose-6-Phosp...2011Ma, Ju-Fang StudentECU
Cloning and Characterization of the Pseudomonas aeruginosa zwf Gene Encoding Glucose-6-Phosp...2011Hager, Paul W.StudentECU
Cloning and Characterization of the Pseudomonas aeruginosa zwf Gene Encoding Glucose-6-Phosp...2011Howell, Michael L.StudentECU
Cloning and Characterization of the Pseudomonas aeruginosa zwf Gene Encoding Glucose-6-Phosp...2011Hassett, Daniel J.StudentECU
Cloning and Characterization of the Pseudomonas aeruginosa zwf Gene Encoding Glucose-6-Phosp...2023Ma, Ju-Fang StudentECU
Cloning and Characterization of the Pseudomonas aeruginosa zwf Gene Encoding Glucose-6-Phosp...2023Hager, Paul W.StudentECU
Cloning and Characterization of the Pseudomonas aeruginosa zwf Gene Encoding Glucose-6-Phosp...2023Howell, Michael L.StudentECU
Cloning and Characterization of the Pseudomonas aeruginosa zwf Gene Encoding Glucose-6-Phosp...2023Phibbs, Paul V.StudentECU
Cloning and Characterization of the Pseudomonas aeruginosa zwf Gene Encoding Glucose-6-Phosp...2023Hassett, Daniel J.StudentECU
Cloning and in vitro characterization of a novel ribosomal frameshifting site in the HIV-1 g...2011Patil, Rohini StudentChemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG
Cloning and purification of the two component system GraSR involved in glycopeptide antibiot...2011Onyemachi, Jeremiah StudentChemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG
Cloning of the 18s rDNA gene, an internal transcribed spacer, and the 5' region of the 28s r...2023Owens, Gary,Jr. StudentECU
Cloning of a catabolite repression control (crc) gene from Pseudomonas aeruginosa, expressio...2023MacGregor, C HStudentECU
Cloning of a catabolite repression control (crc) gene from Pseudomonas aeruginosa, expressio...2023Wolff, J AStudentECU
Cloning of a catabolite repression control (crc) gene from Pseudomonas aeruginosa, expressio...2023Arora, Shiwani K.StudentECU
Cloning of a catabolite repression control (crc) gene from Pseudomonas aeruginosa, expressio...2023Phibbs Jr., P VStudentECU
Cloning of somatolactin {esc}(Sa{esc}(B and {esc}(Sb{esc}(B cDNA subtypes in zebrafish, Dani...2023Shaner, Michael Phillip.StudentECU
Cloning of somatolactin alpha and beta cDNAs in zebrafish and phylogenetic analysis of two d...2023Zhu, Y StudentECU
Cloning of somatolactin alpha and beta cDNAs in zebrafish and phylogenetic analysis of two d...2023Stiller, JW StudentECU
Cloning of somatolactin alpha and beta cDNAs in zebrafish and phylogenetic analysis of two d...2023Shaner, MP StudentECU
Cloning of somatolactin alpha and beta cDNAs in zebrafish and phylogenetic analysis of two d...2023Baldini, A StudentECU
Cloning of somatolactin alpha and beta cDNAs in zebrafish and phylogenetic analysis of two d...2023Scemama, JL StudentECU
Cloning of somatolactin alpha and beta cDNAs in zebrafish and phylogenetic analysis of two d...2023Capeheart, Anthony A.StudentECU
Close blast exposure and posttraumatic stress disorder2021Barton, Patrick C.StudentPsychology, WCU
Close Encounters of the Frosh Kind: Coordinating Freshman English Assignments in the Archive...2011Lawrimore, Erin FacultyUniversity Libraries, UNCG
Close Relationships Predict Curvilinear Trajectories of Maternal Depressive Symptoms over th...2014Leerkes, Esther M.FacultyHuman Development and Family Studies, UNCG
Closed form bound-state perturbation theory2023Rose, Ollie JStudentECU
Closed form bound-state perturbation theory2023Adler, Carl G.StudentECU
Closed Stacks: Image Resources and the Future of Artistic Research Practice During the COVID...2020Murphy, Maggie FacultyUniversity Libraries, UNCG
A Closer Look1999Dudley, Kathi StudentChancellor's Scholars Program, UNCP
A Closer Look at Factors Surrounding Beginning Teacher Attrition2013Lowery, Glenda J.StudentHonors College, Elementary Education, UNCP
A closer look at instructional coaching: lessons from two schools' successful implementation...2016Hall, Melissa JillStudentEducational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG
A closer look at the role of BDNF as a causal link in the physical activity cognition relati...2015Piepmeier, Aaron T.StudentKinesiology, UNCG
Closing the achievement gap : the implementation of direct instruction in Whiteville City sc...2009Frink-Lawrence, Vicki D.StudentEducation, UNCW
Closing Coffee Production Loops With Waste To Ethanol In Matagalpa, Nicaragua2012Cockerill, Kristan FacultyCultural, Gender, and Global Studies, ASU
Closing the Gender Gap in Education: Making a Difference in Math and Science Classrooms2015Ford, Valjeaner B.FacultyProfessional Pedagogy and Research, UNCP
Closing the Gender Gap in Education: Making a Difference in Math and Science Classrooms2016Ford, Valjeaner B.FacultyProfessional Pedagogy and Research, UNCP
Closing the Gender Gap in Education: Making a Difference in Math and Science Education, An E...2017Ford, Valjeaner B.FacultyProfessional Pedagogy and Research, UNCP
Closing the Loop on Collections Review2020Calvert, Kristin FacultyHunter Library, WCU
Closing the Loop on Collections Review2020Jordan, Whitney FacultyHunter Library, WCU
Closing the mind’s eye: Deactivation of visual cortex related to auditory task difficulty2008Hodges, Donald A. FacultyMusic Education, UNCG
Closing Perceived Care Gaps Through Process Development2023Stepney, Kimberly StudentECU
Closing the Revolving Door: Enhanced Orientation and Mentoring of New Nurses to Decrease Tur...2023Nwizu, Dorothy C.StudentNursing, UNCG
Closing Treatment Gaps for Adult Individuals with Intellectual or Developmental Disorders Th...2023Cobb, Madison StudentECU
A Clostridium difficile-Specific, Gel-Forming Protein Required for Optimal Spore Germination...2017Donnelly, M. Lauren,Li,William,Li,Yong-qing,Hinkel,Lauren,SetloStudentECU
Clothing and social interaction of four-year old children1967Stiles, Lynora ParksStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Clothing Calamity: A Crisis Case Study on Slave Labor Allegations Against Spanish Retailer Z...2015Easly, Olivia StudentCommunication - Student, ASU
Clothing gift expenditures : the influence of gender, ethnicity, and age2007Cho, Sooeun StudentConsumer, Apparel, and Retail Studies, UNCG
The clothing needs of women over sixty-five years of age1964Massey, Frances WilsonStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Clothing Size Dissatisfaction: A Stronger Predictor of Size-related Avoidance than Body Mass...2011Maphis, Laura ElizabethStudentPsychology - Student, ASU
Cloud Computing and EU Data Privacy Regulations2013Kshetri, Nir B.FacultyManagement, UNCG
Cloud Computing at the University Level: A Study of Student Use of Cloud Computing Applicati...2011Taylor, Christopher WarrenStudentCIS & SCM - Student, ASU
Cloud Computing in Developing Economies2010Kshetri, Nir B.FacultyManagement, UNCG
Cloud Computing in the Global South: Drivers, Effects and Policy Measures2011Kshetri, Nir B.FacultyManagement, UNCG
Cloud Computing in India2012Kshetri, Nir B.FacultyManagement, UNCG
Cloud Computing in Sub-Saharan Africa2013Kshetri, Nir B.FacultyManagement, UNCG
Cloud Platform for Research Crowdsourcing in Mobile Testing2013Starov, Oleksii StudentSoftware Engineering, ECU
Clouded Vision: Art And Exhibition During WWI2021Popovic, Elizabeth StudentArt - Student, ASU
Club Benchmarking Resources2011Rehkopf, Ed FacultyHospitality and Tourism Administration, NCCU
Club Opening Plan2022Rehkopf, Ed FacultyHospitality and Tourism Administration, NCCU
The Club Operations Plan: A Legacy Contribution for Club Excellence2021Rehkopf, Ed FacultyHospitality and Tourism Administration, NCCU
Club Safety Plan2019Rehkopf, Ed FacultyHospitality and Tourism Administration, NCCU
A Cluster-Randomized Trial Assessing The Impact Of School Water, Sanitation, And Hygiene Imp...2013Rheingans, Richard FacultySustainable Development, ASU
Clusterin Enhances AKT2-mediated Motility of Normal and Cancer Prostate Cells Through a PTEN...2023McCubrey, James A.StudentECU
Clusters of borderline personality disorder traits and functional life outcomes2023Sneesby, Melina K.StudentPsychology, UNCG
Clusters of problem behaviors in adolescents2005Bartlett, Robin FacultyNursing, UNCG
Can Magnet School Performance and Student Body Family Income Be Predicted for Neighborhood R...2008Bennett, Kelly B.StudentGeography, UNCG
Can a Medical Specialty Camp Become a Venue of Providing Reinforcement Preparation Education...2014McEarl, Sarah StudentECU
Can a Mentoring Program Save You Money?2014Crumpton, Michael FacultyUniversity Libraries, UNCG
Can microglial density and morphology tell us about neuropathology in Chronic Multisystem Il...2017Hinton, Zoe WStudentECU
Can Multiple Subchannels Improve the Delay Performance of RTS/CTS-based MAC Schemes?2009Deng, Jing FacultyComputer Science, UNCG
Can Neuroscience Help Us Do a Better Job of Teaching Music?2010Hodges, Donald A. FacultyMusic Education, UNCG
The co-construction of social development : a longitudinal study of the relations among soci...1996Hogan, Diane M.StudentHuman Environmental Sciences, UNCG
Co-Creating a “Sustainable New Normal” for Social Work and Beyond: Embracing an Ecosocial Wo...2021Powers, Meredith C.F.FacultySocial Work, UNCG
Co-dependent and Interdigitated: Dual Quorum Sensing Systems Regulate Conjugative Transfer o...2023Barton, Ian S.StudentECU
Co-dependent and Interdigitated: Dual Quorum Sensing Systems Regulate Conjugative Transfer o...2023Eagan, Justin L.StudentECU
Co-dependent and Interdigitated: Dual Quorum Sensing Systems Regulate Conjugative Transfer o...2023Nieves-Otero, Priscila A.StudentECU
Co-dependent and Interdigitated: Dual Quorum Sensing Systems Regulate Conjugative Transfer o...2023Reynolds, Ian P.StudentECU
Co-dependent and Interdigitated: Dual Quorum Sensing Systems Regulate Conjugative Transfer o...2023Platt, Thomas G.StudentECU
Co-dependent and Interdigitated: Dual Quorum Sensing Systems Regulate Conjugative Transfer o...2023Fuqua, Clay StudentECU
Co-Development of a Web Application (COVID-19 Social Site) for Long-Term Care Workers (“Some...2023Little, Nancy RuthStudentECU
Co-Development of a Web Application (COVID-19 Social Site) for Long-Term Care Workers (“Some...2023Saunders, Catherine H.StudentECU
Co-Ethnic And Neighborhood Ties And Financial Social Capital Formation Among The Urban Poor ...2020Kim, Hye-Sung FacultyGovernment and Justice Studies, ASU
Co-expression Of Dimethyl Sulfide Monooxygenase By Single Vector Dual Promoter Strategy2018Alexander, Zacheriah MintonStudentChemistry - Student, ASU
Co-occurrence of ecologically similar species of Hawaiian spiders reveals critical early pha...2018Cotoras, Darko D.StudentECU
Co-occurrence of ecologically similar species of Hawaiian spiders reveals critical early pha...2018Bi, Ke StudentECU
Co-occurrence of ecologically similar species of Hawaiian spiders reveals critical early pha...2018Brewer, Michael S.StudentECU
Co-occurrence of ecologically similar species of Hawaiian spiders reveals critical early pha...2018Lindberg, David R.StudentECU
Co-occurrence of ecologically similar species of Hawaiian spiders reveals critical early pha...2018Prost, Stefan StudentECU
Co-occurrence of ecologically similar species of Hawaiian spiders reveals critical early pha...2018Gillespie, Rosemary G.StudentECU
Co-occurrence of ecologically similar species of Hawaiian spiders reveals critical early pha...2018Cotoras, Darko D.,Bi,Ke,Brewer,Michael S.,Lindberg,David R.,ProstStudentECU
Co-occurrence of ecologically similar species of Hawaiian spiders reveals critical early pha...2018Cotoras, Darko D.,Bi,Ke,Brewer,Michael S.,Lindberg,David R.,ProstStudentECU
Co-occurring ADHD and Substance Abuse : Substance Use Patterns, Motives and Executive Funct...2023Stanton, Marina R.StudentECU
Co-occurring, externalizing, and internalizing symptoms in early childhood: child and contex...2009Stone, Caitlin ElizabethStudentPsychology, UNCG
Co-opting meritocracy : deconstructing the role agency plays in dismantling affirmative acti...2024Thiha, Myo StudentEnglish, UNCG
Co-phylogeographic structure in a disease-causing parasite and its oyster host2024Weatherup, Elizabeth FacultyBiology and Marine Biology, UNCW
Co-Prescribing Naloxone Policy for Chronic Pain Patients on Opioid Therapy2020Dillon, Margaret StudentECU
Co-prescribing Naloxone with Opioids in the Emergency Department2019Weis, Mackenzie StudentECU
Co-Provider Marriages [book chapter]2016Helms, Heather M.FacultyHuman Development and Family Studies, UNCG
Co-resident grandparents and children’s early cognitive development2015Vadehra, Pooja StudentHuman Development and Family Studies, UNCG
Co-targeting of Bcl-2 and mTOR pathway triggers synergistic apoptosis in BH3 mimetics resist...2015Iacovelli, Stefano StudentECU
Co-targeting of Bcl-2 and mTOR pathway triggers synergistic apoptosis in BH3 mimetics resist...2015Milella, Michele StudentECU
Co-targeting of Bcl-2 and mTOR pathway triggers synergistic apoptosis in BH3 mimetics resist...2015McCubrey, James A.StudentECU
Co-targeting of Bcl-2 and mTOR pathway triggers synergistic apoptosis in BH3 mimetics resist...2015Martelli, Alberto M.StudentECU
Co-targeting of Bcl-2 and mTOR pathway triggers synergistic apoptosis in BH3 mimetics resist...2015Rinaldo, Cinzia StudentECU
Co-targeting of Bcl-2 and mTOR pathway triggers synergistic apoptosis in BH3 mimetics resist...2015Bergamo, Paola StudentECU
Co-targeting of Bcl-2 and mTOR pathway triggers synergistic apoptosis in BH3 mimetics resist...2015Zeuner, Ann StudentECU
Co-targeting of Bcl-2 and mTOR pathway triggers synergistic apoptosis in BH3 mimetics resist...2015Foà, Robin StudentECU
Co-targeting of Bcl-2 and mTOR pathway triggers synergistic apoptosis in BH3 mimetics resist...2015Licchetta, Roberto StudentECU
Co-targeting of Bcl-2 and mTOR pathway triggers synergistic apoptosis in BH3 mimetics resist...2015Mirabilii, Simone StudentECU
Co-targeting of Bcl-2 and mTOR pathway triggers synergistic apoptosis in BH3 mimetics resist...2015Allegretti, Matteo StudentECU
Co-targeting of Bcl-2 and mTOR pathway triggers synergistic apoptosis in BH3 mimetics resist...2015Ricciardi, Maria RosariaStudentECU
Co-targeting of Bcl-2 and mTOR pathway triggers synergistic apoptosis in BH3 mimetics resist...2015Tafuri, Agostino StudentECU
Co-teaching Biology 1100 with Dr. Jason Gee2014Hance, Jason T.StudentECU
Co-teaching Health 30102014Ferri, Katherine,A StudentECU
Co-teaching training and paired placements in physical education teacher education field exp...2021Mullican, Jeanne L.StudentKinesiology, UNCG
Co-translational genetic switching during protein synthesis: the HIV-1 Nef gene as a paradig...2016Premadasa, Lakmini StudentNanoscience and Nanoengineering, UNCG
Coach Created Motivational Climate and Self-Efficacy in the Coach-Athlete Relationship: The ...2020Hadadi, Noam EliezerStudentECU
Coach perceptions of psychological characteristics and behaviors of male and female athletes...1995Tuffey, Suzanne L.StudentHealth and Human Performance, UNCG
Coach readiness : strength and conditioning competencies developed through field experiences...2023Clark, Darnell K.StudentKinesiology, UNCG
Coaches Can Utilize Parents to Optimize Youth Athletes’ Sport Experience2020Chu, Alan FacultyKinesiology, UNCG
Coaches’ Implementation of the USA Football “Heads Up Football” Educational Program2023Lee, Joseph G. L.StudentECU
Coaches’ Implementation of the USA Football “Heads Up Football” Educational Program2023Kerr, Zachary Y.StudentECU
Coaching and Mentoring2021Crumpton, Michael FacultyUniversity Libraries, UNCG
A coaching self model : experiences of self among college basketball coaches 2006Harris, Sarah BallingerStudentKinesiology, UNCG
Coaching while coaching: the functional relationship of elbow coaching on cooperating teache...2017Jones, Jennifer LeighStudentSpecialized Education Services, UNCG
Coagulation Factor XIIIa Undergoes a Conformational Change Evoked by Glutamine Substrate2023Mitkevich, Olga StudentECU
Coagulation Factor XIIIa Undergoes a Conformational Change Evoked by Glutamine Substrate2023Teller, David C.StudentECU
Coagulation Factor XIIIa Undergoes a Conformational Change Evoked by Glutamine Substrate2023Bishop, Paul D.StudentECU
Coagulation Factor XIIIa Undergoes a Conformational Change Evoked by Glutamine Substrate2023Yee, Vivian StudentECU
Coagulation Factor XIIIa Undergoes a Conformational Change Evoked by Glutamine Substrate2023Smejkal, Gary B.StudentECU
Coagulation Factor XIIIa Undergoes a Conformational Change Evoked by Glutamine Substrate2023Shainoff, John R.StudentECU
Coagulation Factor XIIIa Undergoes a Conformational Change Evoked by Glutamine Substrate2023Samokhin, Gennady P.StudentECU
Coal ash derived sulfur and mercury in the Dan River invertebrate food web2017Corson, Kimber B.StudentBiology, UNCG
The coalescing contribution of caregiver and diverse peer ethnic-racial socialization messag...2024Chan, Michele StudentPsychology, UNCG
Coarse Particulate Matter (PM2.5 - 10) Affects Heart Rate Variability Blood Lipids and Cir...2011Svendsen, Erik StudentECU
Coarse Particulate Matter (PM2.5 - 10) Affects Heart Rate Variability Blood Lipids and Cir...2011Scott, James StudentECU
Coarse Particulate Matter (PM2.5 - 10) Affects Heart Rate Variability Blood Lipids and Cir...2011Yeatts, Karin StudentECU
Coarse Particulate Matter (PM2.5 - 10) Affects Heart Rate Variability Blood Lipids and Cir...2011Williams, Ronald StudentECU
Coarse Particulate Matter (PM2.5 - 10) Affects Heart Rate Variability Blood Lipids and Cir...2011Peden, David B.StudentECU
Coarse Particulate Matter (PM2.5 - 10) Affects Heart Rate Variability Blood Lipids and Cir...2011Neas, Lucas StudentECU
Coarse Particulate Matter (PM2.5 - 10) Affects Heart Rate Variability Blood Lipids and Cir...2011Kupper, Lawrence StudentECU
Coarse Particulate Matter (PM2.5 - 10) Affects Heart Rate Variability Blood Lipids and Cir...2011Herbst, Margaret StudentECU
Coarse Particulate Matter (PM2.5 - 10) Affects Heart Rate Variability Blood Lipids and Cir...2011Creason, John StudentECU
Coarse Particulate Matter (PM2.5 - 10) Affects Heart Rate Variability Blood Lipids and Cir...2011Devlin, Robert B.StudentECU
Coarse Particulate Matter (PM2.5 - 10) Affects Heart Rate Variability Blood Lipids and Cir...2011Cascio, Wayne StudentECU
Coarse Particulate Matter (PM2.5 - 10) Affects Heart Rate Variability Blood Lipids and Cir...2011Alexis, Neil StudentECU
The Coast As A Vernacular Region2010Mann, Jennifer StudentECU
Coastal barrier stratigraphy for Holocene high-resolution sea-level reconstruction2016Costas, Susana,Ferreira,Óscar,Plomaritis,Theocharis A.,Leorri,EduardoStudentECU
Coastal Microbial Communities Disrupted During the 2018 Hurricane Season in Outer Banks, Nor...2023Garrison, Cody E.StudentECU
Coastal Microbial Communities Disrupted During the 2018 Hurricane Season in Outer Banks, Nor...2023Roozbehi, Sara StudentECU
Coastal Microbial Communities Disrupted During the 2018 Hurricane Season in Outer Banks, Nor...2023Field, Erin K.StudentECU
Coastal Microbial Communities Disrupted During the 2018 Hurricane Season in Outer Banks, Nor...2023Mitra, Siddhartha StudentECU
Coastal Microbial Communities Disrupted During the 2018 Hurricane Season in Outer Banks, Nor...2023Corbett, D. Reide (David Reide),1971-StudentECU
Coastal progress: eastern North Carolina's war on poverty, 1963-19722012Hawkins, Karen MedlinStudentHistory, UNCG
Coastal urbanization and tidal creek water quality2023Chambers, Brian L.StudentECU
Coastal urbanization and tidal creek water quality2023Chambers, Brian L.StudentECU
Cocaine Disrupts Pup-Induced Maternal Behavior in Juvenile and Adult Rats2011Elliott, Deborah L.StudentECU
Cocaine Disrupts Pup-Induced Maternal Behavior in Juvenile and Adult Rats2011Elliott, Jay C.StudentECU
Cocaine Disrupts Pup-Induced Maternal Behavior in Juvenile and Adult Rats2011Hofler, Vivian E.StudentECU
Cocaine Disrupts Pup-Induced Maternal Behavior in Juvenile and Adult Rats2011Haslup, Amber StudentECU
Cocaine Disrupts Pup-Induced Maternal Behavior in Juvenile and Adult Rats2011Jarrett, Thomas M.StudentECU
Cocaine Disrupts Pup-Induced Maternal Behavior in Juvenile and Adult Rats2011Johns, Josephine M.StudentECU
Cocaine Disrupts Pup-Induced Maternal Behavior in Juvenile and Adult Rats2011Mirza, Raessa StudentECU
Cocaine Disrupts Pup-Induced Maternal Behavior in Juvenile and Adult Rats2011McMurray, Matthew S.StudentECU
Cocaine Disrupts Pup-Induced Maternal Behavior in Juvenile and Adult Rats2011Middleton, Christopher L.StudentECU
Cocaine Disrupts Pup-Induced Maternal Behavior in Juvenile and Adult Rats2011Walker, Cheryl H.StudentECU
Cock of the Walk2016Palestrant, Christopher FacultyMusic and Visual Arts, ECSU
Cod , Contracts , and Capital: New England's Motivations for Attacking Louisbourg in 17452007Groszkowski, Jeffery MatthewStudentECU
Cod, Contracts, and Capital: New England's Motivations for Attacking Louisbourg in 17452023Groszkowski, Jeffery MatthewStudentECU
Code of Ethics of the National Society of Genetic Counselors: Explication of Revisions2006Callanan, Nancy FacultyGenetic Counseling, UNCG
The code of silence : the impact of culture on reporting acts of sexual victimization for Bl...2021Kluttz-Leach, Camille StudentEducational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG
Code-switching among music educators: an exploratory study2018Dillon, Mark A.StudentSchool of Music, UNCG
Coder agreement on content analysis of interaction of preschool children1963Deal, Therry NashStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Codes, orderings, and partial words2004Blanchet-Sadri, Francine FacultyComputer Science, UNCG
Codified Artifice2013Brown, Elizebth StudentArt, ECU
CodY-Mediated Regulation of the Staphylococcus aureus Agr System Integrates Nutritional and ...2014Cech, Nadja B.FacultyChemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG
The coeducational transition of the Woman's College of the University of North Carolina : a ...1987Gallien, Louis B.StudentEducation, UNCG
Coelophysids (Dinosauria: Theropoda) from the Upper Triassic (Revueltian) Snyder Quarry2003Heckert, Andrew B. FacultyGeology, ASU
Coevolutionary analysis of Appalachian Xystodesmid millipedes and their symbiotic Mesostigma...1905Swafford, Angela LynnStudentECU
Coexisting leadership? the emergence of communal leadership amidst hierarchy2013Madrigal, Kimberly B.StudentEducational Studies, UNCG
The Coffin Bison Kill (5JA7): bridging perspectives on the past at the door to North Park, C...2015Egeland, Charles P.FacultyAnthropology, UNCG
Cognition in Close Relationships [book review]1992Fine, Mark FacultyHuman Development and Family Studies, UNCG
Cognition in kindergarten : the role of children’s metamemory and teachers’ instructional la...2022Westover, Amber E.StudentHuman Development and Family Studies, UNCG
Cognitions of Expert Supervisors in Academe: A Concept Mapping Approach2014Borders, L. DiAnneFacultyCounseling and Educational Development, UNCG
Cognitions of Expert Supervisors in Academe: A Concept Mapping Approach2014Willse, John TFacultyEducational Research Methodology, UNCG
Cognitions of Supervisors-In-Training: An Exploratory Study1994Borders, L. DiAnneFacultyCounseling and Educational Development, UNCG
Cognitive and behavioral-emotional functioning during the early school-age years for preterm...1996Richtsmeier, Lynda M.StudentPsychology, UNCG
Cognitive and emotional constructs and their relation to empathy in young children 2005Hinnant, James BenjaminStudentHuman Development and Family Studies, UNCG
Cognitive and emotional processes as predictors of a successful transition into school2017Leerkes, Esther M.FacultyHuman Development and Family Studies, UNCG
Cognitive and emotional processes as predictors of a successful transition into school2017Calkins, Susan D.FacultyHuman Development and Family Studies, UNCG
Cognitive and emotional processes as predictors of a successful transition into school2017O'Brien, Marion FacultyHuman Development and Family Studies, UNCG
Cognitive and emotional processes as predictors of a successful transition into school2017Marcovitch, Stuart FacultyPsychology, UNCG
Cognitive and Non-Cognitive College Readiness in Participants in Three Concurrent Enrollment...2010Martin, Todd CliffordStudentEducational Leadership - Student, ASU
Cognitive Antecedents of Family Business Bias in Investment Decisions2019Memili, Esra FacultyMarketing, Entrepreneurship, Hospitality & Tourism, UNCG
A Cognitive Approach to Assessing the Materials in Problem-Based Learning Environments2023Drake, John R.StudentECU
A Cognitive Approach to Assessing the Materials in Problem-Based Learning Environments2023Paul, Ravi StudentECU
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and the Treatment of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: Where Couns...2012Young, J. ScottFacultyCounseling and Educational Development, UNCG
Cognitive complexity and selected aspects of leaders' self-reported cognitions1991Wooten, Herbert RayStudentEducation, UNCG
The cognitive consequences of collaborative problem solving with and without feedback1996Tudge, Jonathan R.FacultyHuman Development and Family Studies, UNCG
Cognitive Consequences of Expressive Regulation in Older Adults2011Emery, Lisa FacultyPsychology, ASU
Cognitive control and affect before and after physical activity in a real-world environment ...2021Meadows, Caroline C.StudentKinesiology, UNCG
Cognitive correlates of adjustment for mothers and stepfathers in stepfather families.1991Fine, Mark FacultyHuman Development and Family Studies, UNCG
Cognitive correlates of a functional COMT polymorphism in children with 22q11.2 deletion syn...2006Kwapil, Thomas R.FacultyPsychology, UNCG
Cognitive correlates of a functional COMT polymorphism in children with 22q11.2 deletion syn...2006Lewandowski, Kathryn EveFacultyPsychology, UNCG
Cognitive Function and Oral Health Among Community-Dwelling Older Adults2008Wu, Bei FacultyGerontology, UNCG
Cognitive Intervention For Individuals With Probable MCI: A Pilot Study2018Elliott, Madelyn LeighStudentRehabilitation Sciences - Student, ASU
Cognitive level and attitudes of global understanding in undergraduate students : effects of...1982Woollen, John RobersonStudentMusic, UNCG
Cognitive level and attitudes toward science in prospective elementary school teachers : eff...1979Nolan, Francis XavierStudentEducation, UNCG
A Cognitive Map Experiment: Mental Representations and the Encoding Process.1996Nelson, Elisabeth S.FacultyGeography, UNCG
Cognitive Maps Of The World: A Case Study In Grades Four Through Eight In Watauga County, No...1993Cui, Dai StudentGeography and Planning - Student, ASU
Cognitive orientations of ultramarathoners.1992Gill, Diane L.FacultyKinesiology, UNCG
Cognitive performance in older women relative to ApoE-e4 genotype and aerobic fitness2007Etnier, Jennifer L.FacultyKinesiology, UNCG
Cognitive Performance in Patients with Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillators: Associations...2023Sears, Samuel F.StudentECU
Cognitive predictors of a common multitasking ability: Contributions from working memory, at...2016Kane, Michael J.FacultyPsychology, UNCG
Cognitive processes in depression : the effects of content and presentation variables on org...1985Badawi, Isis Y.StudentPsychology, UNCG
Cognitive restructuring and verbal extinction effects in treating snake phobia1974Wein, Kenneth StuartStudentPsychology, UNCG
Cognitive skill acquisition and transfer in younger and older adults2001Touron, Dayna R.FacultyPsychology, UNCG
Cognitive Skill Acquisition and Transfer in Younger and Older Adults2001Touron, Dayna FacultyPsychology, ASU
Cognitive Skill Learning: Age-Related Differences in Strategy Shifts and Speed of Component ...2004Touron, Dayna FacultyPsychology, ASU
Cognitive Skill Learning: Age-Related Differences in Strategy Shifts and Speed of Component ...2004Touron, Dayna R.FacultyPsychology, UNCG
Cognitive Stimulation for Apathy in Probable Early-Stage Alzheimer’s2011Fitzsimmons, Suzanne FacultyNursing, UNCG
Cognitive style and gender differences in children's motor task performance1990Ennis, Catherine D.FacultyKinesiology, UNCG
Cognitive Style and Theoretical Orientation: Factors Affecting Intervention Style Interest a...2008Myers, Jane E.FacultyCounseling and Educational Development, UNCG
Cognitive style differences within an analytical curriculum: Examples of success and nonsucc...1991Ennis, Catherine D.FacultyKinesiology, UNCG
Cognitive style differences within an analytical curriculum: Examples of success and nonsucc...1991Chen, Ang FacultyKinesiology, UNCG
Cognitive Surplus [book review]2012Lawrimore, Erin FacultyUniversity Libraries, UNCG
Cognitive therapy of depression : a conceptual and empirical analysis of component and proce...1984Zettle, Robert D.StudentPsychology, UNCG
Cognitive Training for Early-Stage Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia2009Buettner, Linda L.FacultyCommunity and Therapeutic Recreation, UNCG
Cognitive variability in psychotic disorders: a cross-diagnostic cluster analysis2014Sperry, Sarah FacultyPsychology, UNCG
Cognitive, emotional and behavioral experiences of second-generation millennial Muslim Ameri...2023Hussein, Aalih StudentJoint Program in Social Work, UNCG
Cognitive-affective predictors of women’s readiness to end domestic violence relationships2006Rodriguez, Christina M.FacultyPsychology, UNCG
A Cognitive-Behavior Therapy and Mentoring Program for College Students With ADHD2015Anastopoulos, Arthur D.FacultyHuman Development and Family Studies, UNCG
A Cognitive-Behavioral Approach to the Study of Eating Disorders, Substance Abuse and Depres...1994Cain, Susan W. StudentMasters, UNCP
A Cognitive-Behavioral Group Therapy Intervention With Depressed Spanish-Speaking Mexican Wo...2010Villalba, Jose A.FacultyCounseling and Educational Development, UNCG
A Cognitive-Behavioral Group Therapy Intervention With Depressed Spanish-Speaking Mexican Wo...2010Shattell, Mona M.FacultyNursing, UNCG
Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for College Students With ADHD: Temporal Stability of Improveme...2020Anastopoulos, Arthur D.FacultyHuman Development and Family Studies, UNCG
Cognitive-behavioral treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorder: A case of prolonged tooth b...2006Michael, Kurt D.FacultyPsychology, ASU
A cognitive-mediated model of child social anxiety and depression: examining children's rela...2009Workman, Jamie OlsonStudentPsychology, UNCG
Cognitive-Motor Interference Heightens the Prefrontal Cortical Activation and Deteriorates t...2023Surkar, Swati M.StudentECU
Cognitive-Motor Interference Heightens the Prefrontal Cortical Activation and Deteriorates t...2023Hoffman, Rashelle M.StudentECU
Cognitive-Motor Interference Heightens the Prefrontal Cortical Activation and Deteriorates t...2023Harbourne, Regina StudentECU
Cognitive-Motor Interference Heightens the Prefrontal Cortical Activation and Deteriorates t...2023Kurz, Max J.StudentECU
Cohabitation and Marital Dissolution: A Comment on Rosenfield and Roseler (2019)2021Kuperberg, Arielle FacultySociology, UNCG
Cohabitation And Marital Status: Their Relationship With Economic Resources And Intimate Par...2011Hamilton, Leah FacultySocial Work, ASU
Cohabiting isn’t what it used to be2014Kuperberg, Arielle FacultySociology, UNCG
Cohesion and performance in global virtual teams: the moderating role of technical skills2022Taras, Vasyl FacultyManagement, UNCG
Cohomology classes associated to anomalies2023Peterson, Gregory L.StudentECU
Cohort Study: Breastfeeding is Important for Cognitive Development in Term and Preterm Infan...2012Lewallen, Lynne P.FacultyNursing, UNCG
Cohort work values of employed men and women1987Norman, Kathryn HeathStudentHuman Environmental Sciences, UNCG
Coil-built ceramic landscape1975Reed, Karen AllenStudentArt, UNCG
Coincidence-anticipation tasks utilizing selected speeds, directions, and fielding sides in ...1977Toburen, Karen RuthStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
The coincidental evolution hypothesis: examining the factors that affect virulence in an opp...2021Hopkins, Heather A.StudentBiology, UNCG
Colchicinoids from Colchicum Crocifolium Boiss. (Colchicaceae)2010Oberlies, Nicholas FacultyChemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG
Colchicinoids from Colchicum Crocifolium Boiss.: A Case Study in Dereplication Strategies fo...2008Oberlies, Nicholas FacultyChemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG
Cold Glitter2007Merenda, Monica L.StudentEnglish, UNCG
Cold terror : cultural crisis creation in the rhetoric of Truman and Bush2009Edmisten, Kelly L.StudentEnglish, UNCW
Cold war strategy and diplomacy in the October 1973 war2023Thomas, James RobertStudentECU
The Cold War's Influence on Flannery O'Connor's Novel Wise Blood2019Hart, Julie StudentEnglish, UNCA
Colding, Ørsted, and the Meanings of Force1998Caneva, Kenneth FacultyHIstory, UNCG
Coleman Livingston Blease, South Carolina politician1971Miller, Anthony BarryStudentHistory, UNCG
Colibrí de Severo Sarduy: La caída perpetua en el espacio cerrado, infernal de la escritura1994Grossi, Veronica FacultyLanguages, Literatures, and Cultures, UNCG
Collaborating to Analyze E-Journal Use Data: A Discussion of Cross-Institutional Cost-Per-Us...2012Carr, Patrick L.StudentECU
Collaborating to Analyze E-Journal Use Data: A Discussion of Cross-Institutional Cost-Per-Us...2012Bacon, Virginia StudentECU
Collaborating With Your Campus Community To Execute Your Library’s High Impact Educational P...2023Hisle, David StudentECU
Collaborating With Your Campus Community To Execute Your Library’s High Impact Educational P...2023Willis, Carolyn StudentECU
Collaborating With Your Campus Community To Execute Your Library's High Impact Educational P...2017Hisle, David StudentECU
Collaborating With Your Campus Community To Execute Your Library's High Impact Educational P...2017Willis, Carolyn StudentECU
Collaboration for a 21st Century Archives: Connecting University Archives with the Library's...2013Lawrimore, Erin FacultyUniversity Libraries, UNCG
Collaboration in Communities of Difference2010Tarrant, Seaton PatrickStudentAppalachian Studies - Student, ASU
Collaboration or copying? Student behavior during two-phase exams with individual and team p...2015Beatty, Ian D.FacultyPhysics and Astronomy, UNCG
Collaboration through Communities of Practice in the Digital Age2010Oguz, Fatih FacultyLibrary and Information Studies, UNCG
Collaborations Focused on Enhancing Undergraduate Involvement in Remote Sensing Applications...2006Hayden, Linda Bailey FacultyECSU
Collaborative action research projects: Enhancing preservice teacher development in professi...2002Levin, Barbara B.FacultyTeacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG
A Collaborative Approach to Eliminating Street Drug Markets through Focused Deterrence2009Hefner, Mary KristenFacultySociology, UNCG
A Collaborative Approach to Eliminating Street Drug Markets through Focused Deterrence2009Shelton, Terri L. FacultyResearch and Economic Development, UNCG
A Collaborative Approach to Eliminating Street Drug Markets through Focused Deterrence2009Di Luca, Kristen FacultyCenter for Youth, Family, & Community Partnerships, UNCG
A Collaborative Approach to Manuscript Revisions and Responses to Reviewer Comments2021Hemphill, Michael FacultyKinesiology, UNCG
Collaborative Assessment for Student Success: Analyzing Nontraditional Students’ Library Per...2018Harlow, Sam FacultyUniversity Libraries, UNCG
Collaborative authoring and the virtual problem of context in writing courses2012Benson, Alan StudentEnglish, UNCG
A Collaborative Coalition: Action Research Response To A Music Therapy Group For Gender And...2019Berry, Alice StudentMusic - Student, ASU
Collaborative Consumption Usage In The U.S. And India: An Exploratory Study2019Albinsson, Pia A.FacultyMarketing, ASU
Collaborative Course Design in Scientific Writing: Experimentation and Productive Failure2015Combs, D. ShaneStudentECU
Collaborative Course Design in Scientific Writing: Experimentation and Productive Failure2015Frost, Erin A.StudentECU
Collaborative Course Design in Scientific Writing: Experimentation and Productive Failure2015Eble, Michelle F.StudentECU
Collaborative Curriculum Development and Implementation: Inquiry-Based Learning as a Centerp...2019Halligan, Kristin StudentECU
Collaborative Development of Textile and Apparel Curriculum Designed to Foster Students’ Glo...2011Karpova, Elena FacultyConsumer, Apparel, and Retail Studies, UNCG
Collaborative Development of Textile and Apparel Curriculum Designed to Foster Students’ Glo...2011Nelson Hodges, Nancy J.FacultyConsumer, Apparel, and Retail Studies, UNCG
Collaborative Development of Textile and Apparel Curriculum Designed to Foster Students’ Glo...2011Nelson Hodges, Nancy J.FacultyConsumer, Apparel, and Retail Studies, UNCG
Collaborative Development of Textile and Apparel Curriculum Designed to Foster Students’ Glo...2011Watchravesringkan, Kittichai "Tu"FacultyConsumer, Apparel, and Retail Studies, UNCG
Collaborative Development of Textile and Apparel Curriculum Designed to Foster Students’ Glo...2011Watchravesringkan, Kittichai "Tu"FacultyConsumer, Apparel, and Retail Studies, UNCG
A collaborative digital oral history collection: Building a digital collection of student sc...2017Thompson, Beth FacultyWilliam Madison Randall Library, UNCW
A collaborative digital oral history collection: Building a digital collection of student sc...2017Baugnon, Rebecca FacultyWilliam Madison Randall Library, UNCW
Collaborative evaluation of a high school prevention curriculum: How methods of collaborativ...2012Wyrick, David L.FacultyPublic Health Education, UNCG
Collaborative evaluation of a high school prevention curriculum: How methods of collaborativ...2012Orsini, Muhsin MichaelFacultyPublic Health Education, UNCG
Collaborative evaluation of a high school prevention curriculum: How methods of collaborativ...2012Milroy, Jeffrey JohnFacultyInstitute to Promote Athlete Health and Wellness, UNCG
A Collaborative International Community Health Nursing: Clinical Experience in China2010Hu, Jie FacultyNursing, UNCG
A Collaborative International Community Health Nursing: Clinical Experience in China2010Andreatta, Susan L.FacultyAnthropology, UNCG
Collaborative Leadership: Cultivating an Environment for Success2018Calvert, Kristin FacultyHunter Library, WCU
Collaborative leadership: a model for reference services2003Crowe, Kathryn FacultyUniversity Libraries, UNCG
Collaborative Online Problem Solving with Preserves General Education Teachers and Special E...2005Hibbard, Katherine L.FacultySpecialized Education Services, UNCG
Collaborative Online Problem Solving with Preserves General Education Teachers and Special E...2005Kurtts, Stephanie A.FacultySpecialized Education Services, UNCG
Collaborative Online Problem Solving with Preserves General Education Teachers and Special E...2005Levin, Barbara B.FacultyTeacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG
Collaborative Practice in Low Income Communities: University, Agency, Public School Partners...1999Schmitz, Cathryne L.FacultySocial Work, UNCG
A Collaborative Product Commerce Approach to Value-based Health Plan Purchasing2007Ford, Eric W.FacultyBusiness Administration, UNCG
The Collaborative Professional Learning Cycle (CPLC): implementing a voice and choice approa...2019Lupton, Tina M.StudentEducational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG
The Collaborative Project : Principals' Perceptions Related to the Development and Implement...2012Miller, Patrick C.StudentEducational Leadership, ECU
A Collaborative Reimagining of Collection Management Using ArchivesSpace [poster]2021Smith, Kathelene McCartyFacultyUniversity Libraries, UNCG
A Collaborative Reimagining of Collection Management Using ArchivesSpace [poster]2021Dollar, Patrick G.FacultyUniversity Libraries, UNCG
Collaborative Training Strategies to Reduce COVID-19 Propagation in Long Term Care Facilitie...2023Haq, Fuzail StudentECU
Collaboratively engineering for justice in sixth grade STEM2021Tan, Edna FacultyTeacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG
Collagen Gene Variants Previously Associated With Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injury Risk Are...2012Shultz, Sandra J.FacultyKinesiology, UNCG
Collagen Gene Variants Previously Associated With Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injury Risk Are...2012Wideman, Laurie FacultyKinesiology, UNCG
Collagen Gene Variants Previously Associated With Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injury Risk Are...2012Henrich, Vincent C.FacultyBiology, UNCG
Collages of Arts-Based Collaborative Performances on Social Justice2022DeVita, James FacultyEducational Leadership, UNCW
Collages of Arts-Based Collaborative Performances on Social Justice2022Liao, Christine FacultyEarly Childhood, Elementary, Middle, Literacy, UNCW
Collapse and Revival of n-Photon Coherent States and n-Photon Squeezed Coherent States2022Alexanian, Moorad FacultyPhysics and Physical Oceanography, UNCW
Collecting data with citizen science: Ways to help your researchers make a big impact [poste...2020Carlton, Megan FacultyUniversity Libraries, UNCG
Collecting Ourselves: An Analysis of holdings in North Carolina libraries of selected catego...2023Barricella, Lisa SheetsStudentECU
Collecting Ourselves: An Analysis of holdings in North Carolina libraries of selected catego...2023Reynolds, Matthew C.StudentECU
Collecting Textiles: Is It Worth It?2013Koelsch, Beth Ann FacultyUniversity Libraries, UNCG
Collecting Textiles: Is It Worth It?2013Smith, Kathelene McCartyFacultyUniversity Libraries, UNCG
Collecting Textiles: Is It Worth It?2013Motszko, Jennifer FacultyUniversity Libraries, UNCG
Collection Creation as Collection Management: Libraries as Publishers and Implications for C...2019Gwynn, David FacultyUniversity Libraries, UNCG
Collection Creation as Collection Management: Libraries as Publishers and Implications for C...2019Craft, Anna R.FacultyUniversity Libraries, UNCG
Collection Creation as Collection Management: Libraries as Publishers and Implications for C...2019Henry, Tiffany N.FacultyUniversity Libraries, UNCG
Collection of Family Health History for Assessment of Chronic Disease Risk in Primary Care2013Henrich, Vincent C.FacultyBiology, UNCG
A Collection of Near-Death Research Readings: Scientific Inquiries into the Experiences of ...1987Adams, Rebecca G.FacultySociology, UNCG
A collection of original work1963Daughtridge, Anne E.StudentEnglish, UNCG
Collective Action and the Mobilization of Institutions2002Newmark, Adam J FacultyGovernment and Justice Studies, ASU
Collective Action and the Mobilization of Institutions2004Newmark, Adam J FacultyGovernment and Justice Studies, ASU
Collective bargaining for public school teachers in North Carolina : a study of major negoti...1976Sinclair, Joseph R.StudentEducation, UNCG
Collective ERK/Akt Activity Waves Orchestrate Epithelial Homeostasis by Driving Apoptosis-In...2023Hughes, Robert M.StudentECU
Collective ERK/Akt Activity Waves Orchestrate Epithelial Homeostasis by Driving Apoptosis-In...2023Gagliardi, Paolo ArmandoStudentECU
Collective ERK/Akt Activity Waves Orchestrate Epithelial Homeostasis by Driving Apoptosis-In...2023Dobrzynski, Maciej StudentECU
Collective ERK/Akt Activity Waves Orchestrate Epithelial Homeostasis by Driving Apoptosis-In...2023Jacques, Marc-Antoine StudentECU
Collective ERK/Akt Activity Waves Orchestrate Epithelial Homeostasis by Driving Apoptosis-In...2023Dessauges, Coralie StudentECU
Collective ERK/Akt Activity Waves Orchestrate Epithelial Homeostasis by Driving Apoptosis-In...2023Ender, Pascal StudentECU
Collective ERK/Akt Activity Waves Orchestrate Epithelial Homeostasis by Driving Apoptosis-In...2023Blum, Yannick StudentECU
Collective ERK/Akt Activity Waves Orchestrate Epithelial Homeostasis by Driving Apoptosis-In...2023Cohen, Andrew R.StudentECU
Collective ERK/Akt Activity Waves Orchestrate Epithelial Homeostasis by Driving Apoptosis-In...2023Pertz, Olivier StudentECU
Collective memory : microlevel study of family memory and family photographs on the individu...2022Blake-Lee, Haley StudentSociology, UNCG
A Collective Voice and Vision: Charlotte Mecklenburg Library Staff Needs Assessment [Slides]...2013Chow, Anthony Shong-YuFacultyLibrary and Information Studies, UNCG
A Collective: Working Towards a Better Place2020McLelland, Heather LStudentECU
Collectives and countercollectives: how the rhetoric of mass media persuades citizens in war...2020Reed, Stacy StudentEnglish, UNCG
Collectivism vs. Individualism in a Wiki World: Librarians Respond to Jaron Lanier's Essay2007Schmidt, Krista FacultyHunter Library, WCU
College Alcohol Education and Prevention: a Case for Distance Education2005Wyrick, David L.FacultyPublic Health Education, UNCG
College Alcohol Education and Prevention: a Case for Distance Education2005Bibeau, Daniel L.FacultyPublic Health Education, UNCG
College and career readiness and its impact on the lives of minoritized secondary school stu...2024Preudhomme, Patrick A.StudentEducational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG
College career planning and employment professionals : a profile and comparison of their per...1990Smith, Linda DeaseStudentEducation, UNCG
College Connection2012Hewitt, Kimberly KapplerFacultyEducational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG
College females' decisions to stay or leave an abusive relationship: a test of the investmen...2011Collins, Logan StudentPsychology, UNCG
College Football Team Roster Composition And Relationship With Team Performance2020Gunawan, Ansen StudentMathematical Sciences - Student, ASU
College level choice of Latino high school students: A social cognitive approach.2012Gonzalez, Laura McLaughlinFacultyHigher Education, UNCG
College Major and Modern Racism: A Matter of Moral Hypocrisy?2017Oxendine, David FacultyElementary Education , UNCP
College Men and Women and Their Intent to Receive Genital Human Papillomavirus Vaccine2016Richards, Keith StudentECU
College Men and Women and Their Intent to Receive Genital Human Papillomavirus Vaccine2016Richards, Keith StudentECU
College openings in the United States increase mobility and COVID-19 incidence2022Andersen, Martin S.FacultyEconomics, UNCG
The College Persistence Questionnaire: Developing Scales to Assess Student Retention and Ins...2011Lindheimer, Jacob BenjaminStudentPsychology - Student, ASU
The College Persistence Questionnaire: Development and Validation of an Instrument That Pred...2009Beck, Hall FacultyPsychology, ASU
College Public Relations: A Study of the Work of Directors of Public Relations1979Leak, Donna Lynn FacultyCommunicative Arts, UNCP
College Readiness: Differences Between Students With And Without ADHD2017Ranson, Loren M.StudentPsychology - Student, ASU
College Spillover Effects; Reassessing Whites' Racial Beliefs and Policy Attitudes2018Johnson, Jerry,Jr StudentECU
College Spillover Effects\; Reassessing Whites' Racial Beliefs and Policy Attitudes2023Johnson, Jerry,Jr StudentECU
College student alcohol use and abuse: social norms, health beliefs, and selected socio-demo...2012Champion, Denisha AntoinetteStudentCounseling and Educational Development, UNCG
College Student Depression: Counseling Billy2008Mobley, A. KeithFacultyCounseling and Educational Development, UNCG
College student drinking: Perception of the norm and behavioral intentions 2006Martz, Denise M. FacultyPsychology, ASU
College student drinking: Perception of the norm and behavioral intentions 2006Zrull, Mark C. FacultyPsychology, ASU
College Student Drinking: Perception of the Norm and Behavioral Intentions2006Zrull, Mark C. FacultyPsychology, ASU
College student drinking: Perception of the norm and behavioral intentions 2006Curtin , Lisa FacultyPsychology, ASU
College Student Participation in Risky Behaviors: Hazardous Drinking , Sleeping while Drivi...2018Hodges, Katlyn MarieStudentECU
College Student Participation in Risky Behaviors: Hazardous Drinking, Sleeping while Driving...2023Hodges, Katlyn MarieStudentECU
College Students And Activism: A Case Study Of The Undergraduate Chapters Of The American Ci...2006Funderburk, Paul AnthonyStudentPolitical Science - Student, ASU
College students' perceived threat and preference for seeking help in traditional, distribut...2007Chow, Anthony Shong-YuFacultyLibrary and Information Studies, UNCG
College Students' Perceived Wellness Among Online, Face-to-Face, and Hybrid Formats of a Lif...2013Orsini, Muhsin MichaelFacultyPublic Health Education, UNCG
College Students' Perceived Wellness Among Online, Face-to-Face, and Hybrid Formats of a Lif...2013Milroy, Jeffrey JohnFacultyInstitute to Promote Athlete Health and Wellness, UNCG
College students with AD/HD: risk for alcohol-related consequences and impairment2013Benson, Jessica W.StudentPsychology, UNCG
College students’ perception of the flipped classroom: A phenomenographical study2014Orsini, Muhsin MichaelFacultyPublic Health Education, UNCG
College View Historic District : A case Study of Historic Preservation in Greenville North ...2012Benedict, Deann LynStudentHistory, ECU
College View Historic District : A case Study of Historic Preservation in Greenville, North ...2023Benedict, Deann LynStudentECU
College Women's Experiences and Perceptions of Drinking: A Phenomenological Exploration2017Borders, L. DiAnneFacultyCounseling and Educational Development, UNCG
College Women's Gender Identity and Their Drinking Choices2017Borders, L. DiAnneFacultyCounseling and Educational Development, UNCG
College-going beliefs of prospective first-generation college students : perceived barriers,...2005Gibbons, Melinda MillerStudentCounseling and Educational Development, UNCG
College: An Option for People with Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities2009Shelton, Terri L. FacultyResearch and Economic Development, UNCG
Collegians and conscription on the home front in North Carolina during World War I, 1917-191...2023Fraser, Walter J.,Jr.StudentECU
Collegiate athletes perceptions of the coaching profession. 2008Gill, Diane L.FacultyKinesiology, UNCG
Collegiate consumers of physical education1986Metzger, Rhoda StudentHealth, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, UNCG
Colocalization of Known Focal Adhesion Proteins and Novel Focal Adhesion Protein GPR98 in Hu...2023Petritsch, Amanda MichelleStudentECU
Colocalization of Known Focal Adhesion Proteins and Novel Focal Adhesion Protein GPR98 in Hu...2023Petritsch, Amanda MichelleStudentECU
The Colombianization of Mexico? The Evolving Mexican Drug War2009Scherlen, Renee FacultyGovernment and Justice Studies, ASU
Colonel Frederick Augustus Olds and the founding of the North Carolina Museum of History2023Warren, Harry S.StudentECU
Colonial Beaufort : the history of a North Carolina town2023Paul, Charles LivingstonStudentECU
Colonial identifications for native Americans in the Carolinas, 1540-17902009Crane, David LewingtonStudentHistory, UNCW
The Colonization And Contributions Of Emmigrants Brought To Southeastern North Carolina By H...1957Corey, John FarisStudentEducation - Student, ASU
Color and Creativity: Interpretation of Themes and Design Styles on a Panamanian Conte Bowl1996Helms, Mary W.FacultyAnthropology , UNCG
Color and space in the still life1977Eldridge, Janita HayworthStudentArt, UNCG
Color Grading In Film: How Complementary Colors Affect An Audience’s Perception Of Mood2018Everett, Audrey StudentCommunication - Student, ASU
The color of giftedness: A policy genealogy implicating educators past, present, and future2016Mansfield, Katherine Cumings FacultyEducational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG
Color Pattern Evolution in the Threespine Stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus): Functional, ...2023Anderson, Christopher MichaelStudentECU
Color Pattern Evolution in the Threespine Stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus): Functional, ...2023Anderson, Christopher MichaelStudentECU
Color preference for black and white in infants and young children1977May, Betty Jo WhittenStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Color systems1974O'Connor, Francis WilliamStudentArt, UNCG
Colorectal Cancer Screening in a Large Healthcare Organization2019Fuller, Torica StudentECU
The colored people1974Tillotson, Robert MarkStudentArt, UNCG
Colorism and perceived sexual risk taking among African American adolescent girls: where doe...2010Smith, Tasia M.StudentHuman Development and Family Studies, UNCG
Colors of Primate Pelage: The Independent Evolution of Sexual Dichromatism in the Primate Or...2019Wilson, Thomas C.StudentECU
A Colossal Catalog Adventure: Representing Indie Video Games and Game Creators in Library Ca...2023Post, Colin FacultyLibrary and Information Science, UNCG
A Colossal Catalog Adventure: Representing Indie Video Games and Game Creators in Library Ca...2023Henry, Tiffany N.FacultyUniversity Libraries, UNCG
A Colossal Catalog Adventure: Representing Indie Video Games and Game Creators in Library Ca...2023Nunnally, Katherine J.FacultyUniversity Libraries, UNCG
Colour Detection on Bivariate Choropleth Maps: The Visual Search Process1994Nelson, Elisabeth S.FacultyGeography, UNCG
Columbia at sea: America enters the Pacific, 1787-17932017Oakley, Eric OdellStudentHistory, UNCG
Column -- "The Ballad Of Axe-Faced Anne: Comics, Criticism, Contexts" (Part One)2012Fischer, Craig FacultyEnglish, ASU
Column -- "The Ballad Of Axe-Faced Anne: Comics, Criticism, Contexts" (Part Two)2012Fischer, Craig FacultyEnglish, ASU
Column -- "Devils And Machines: On Jonah Hex And All Star Western"2012Fischer, Craig FacultyEnglish, ASU
Column -- "Kirby: Attention Paid"2011Fischer, Craig FacultyEnglish, ASU
Column -- “My Back Pages"2013Fischer, Craig FacultyEnglish, ASU
Column -- "My Friend Dave"2013Fischer, Craig FacultyEnglish, ASU
Column -- "Night And Day: Notes On Building Stories"2016Fischer, Craig FacultyEnglish, ASU
Column -- "One Life, Many Books: Michel Rabagliati’s Paul"2013Fischer, Craig FacultyEnglish, ASU
Column -- "Pluto And Doubling"2011Fischer, Craig FacultyEnglish, ASU
The Column of Trajan in the light of ancient cartography and geography2013Stephenson, John FacultyArt, ASU
Columns and Blogs: Making Sense of Merging Worlds2008Scherlen, Allan G.FacultyUniversity Libraries, ASU
Combination of Raman tweezers and quantitative differential interference contrast microscopy...2023Zhang, Pengfei StudentECU
Combination of Raman tweezers and quantitative differential interference contrast microscopy...2023Kong, Lingbo StudentECU
Combination of Raman tweezers and quantitative differential interference contrast microscopy...2023Wang, Guiwen StudentECU
Combination of Raman tweezers and quantitative differential interference contrast microscopy...2023Setlow, Peter StudentECU
Combination of Raman tweezers and quantitative differential interference contrast microscopy...2023Li, Yong-Qing StudentECU
A combination of temsirolimus, an allosteric mTOR inhibitor, with clofarabine as a new thera...2012Ognibene, Andrea StudentECU
A combination of temsirolimus, an allosteric mTOR inhibitor, with clofarabine as a new thera...2012Ricci, Francesca StudentECU
A combination of temsirolimus, an allosteric mTOR inhibitor, with clofarabine as a new thera...2012Cappellini, Alessandra StudentECU
A combination of temsirolimus, an allosteric mTOR inhibitor, with clofarabine as a new thera...2012Bressanin, Daniela StudentECU
A combination of temsirolimus, an allosteric mTOR inhibitor, with clofarabine as a new thera...2012Orsini, Ester StudentECU
A combination of temsirolimus, an allosteric mTOR inhibitor, with clofarabine as a new thera...2012Teti, Gabriella StudentECU
A combination of temsirolimus, an allosteric mTOR inhibitor, with clofarabine as a new thera...2012Lonetti, Annalisa StudentECU
A combination of temsirolimus, an allosteric mTOR inhibitor, with clofarabine as a new thera...2012Chiarini, Francesca StudentECU
A combination of temsirolimus, an allosteric mTOR inhibitor, with clofarabine as a new thera...2012Martelli, Alberto M.StudentECU
A combination of temsirolimus, an allosteric mTOR inhibitor, with clofarabine as a new thera...2012McCubrey, James A.StudentECU
A combination of temsirolimus, an allosteric mTOR inhibitor, with clofarabine as a new thera...2012Amadori, Sergio StudentECU
A combination of temsirolimus, an allosteric mTOR inhibitor, with clofarabine as a new thera...2012Martinelli, Giovanni StudentECU
A combination of temsirolimus, an allosteric mTOR inhibitor, with clofarabine as a new thera...2012Iacobucci, Ilaria StudentECU
A combination of temsirolimus, an allosteric mTOR inhibitor, with clofarabine as a new thera...2012Iacobucci, Pag StudentECU
Combinations and variations of related forms1972Prokop, Clifton AndrewStudentArt, UNCG
Combinations of Electronic Nicotine Delivery System Device and Liquid Characteristics Among ...2023Soule, Eric StudentECU
Combinations of Electronic Nicotine Delivery System Device and Liquid Characteristics Among ...2023Cohen, Joanna E.StudentECU
Combinations of Electronic Nicotine Delivery System Device and Liquid Characteristics Among ...2023Hardesty, Jeffrey J.StudentECU
Combinations of Electronic Nicotine Delivery System Device and Liquid Characteristics Among ...2023Nian, Qinghua StudentECU
Combinations of Electronic Nicotine Delivery System Device and Liquid Characteristics Among ...2023Crespi, Elizabeth StudentECU
Combinations of Electronic Nicotine Delivery System Device and Liquid Characteristics Among ...2023Sinamo, Joshua K.StudentECU
Combinations of Electronic Nicotine Delivery System Device and Liquid Characteristics Among ...2023Kennedy, Ryan D.StudentECU
Combinations of Electronic Nicotine Delivery System Device and Liquid Characteristics Among ...2023Welding, Kevin StudentECU
Combinations of Electronic Nicotine Delivery System Device and Liquid Characteristics Among ...2023Kaplan, Bekir StudentECU
Combinations of Electronic Nicotine Delivery System Device and Liquid Characteristics Among ...2023Eissenberg, Thomas StudentECU
Combinations of Electronic Nicotine Delivery System Device and Liquid Characteristics Among ...2023Breland, Alison StudentECU
Combinations of lines, planes, and forms that generate eye movement1968Cox, Ralph JamesStudentArt, UNCG
Combinatorial Game Theory2010Stajsic, Davorin StudentMathematics and Statistics, UNCG
A Combinatory Logic Approach To Higher-order E-unification1995Johann, Patricia FacultyComputer Science, ASU
Combined Anatomic Factors Predicting Risk of Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injury for Males and...2015Shultz, Sandra J.FacultyKinesiology, UNCG
Combined Catalase and ADH Inhibition Ameliorates Ethanol-Induced Myocardial Dysfunction Desp...2023Abdel-Rahman, Abdel A.StudentECU
Combined effect of free and forced convection on MHD flow in a rotating porous channel2023Prasada Rao, D.R.V. StudentECU
Combined effect of free and forced convection on MHD flow in a rotating porous channel2023Krishna, D.V. StudentECU
Combined effect of free and forced convection on MHD flow in a rotating porous channel2023Debnath, Lokenath StudentECU
Combined effects of aberrant MEK1 activity and BCL2 overexpression on relieving the cytokine...2023Blalock, WL StudentECU
Combined effects of aberrant MEK1 activity and BCL2 overexpression on relieving the cytokine...2023Moye, PW StudentECU
Combined effects of aberrant MEK1 activity and BCL2 overexpression on relieving the cytokine...2023Chang, Fumin StudentECU
Combined effects of aberrant MEK1 activity and BCL2 overexpression on relieving the cytokine...2023Pearce, M StudentECU
Combined effects of aberrant MEK1 activity and BCL2 overexpression on relieving the cytokine...2023LS, Steelman StudentECU
Combined effects of aberrant MEK1 activity and BCL2 overexpression on relieving the cytokine...2023McMahon, M StudentECU
Combined effects of aberrant MEK1 activity and BCL2 overexpression on relieving the cytokine...2023McCubrey, JA StudentECU
Combined effects of physical activity and obesity on cognitive function: Independent, overla...2017Etnier, Jennifer L.FacultyKinesiology, UNCG
Combined Effects Of Short Term Rainfall Patterns And Soil Texture On Soil Nitrogen Cycling -...2009Gu, Chuanhui FacultyGeology, ASU
Combined Effects Of Transcranial Direct-Current Stimulation And Static Stretching On Hip Ran...2023Taylor, Kenneth BryanStudentPublic Health and Exercise Science - Student, ASU
A combined experimental and individual-differences investigation into mind wandering during ...2017Kane, Michael J.FacultyPsychology, UNCG
Combined fruit and vegetable intake are correlated with improved inflammatory and oxidant st...2012Root, Martin FacultyNutrition and Health Care Management, ASU
Combined fruit and vegetable intake are correlated with improved inflammatory and oxidant st...2012Shanely, Andrew FacultyHealth and Exercise Science, ASU
Combined fruit and vegetable intake are correlated with improved inflammatory and oxidant st...2012Nieman, David FacultyHealth and Exercise Science , ASU
Combined Fruit and Vegetable Intake Is Correlated with Improved Inflammatory and Oxidant Sta...2012Root, Martin FacultyNutrition and Health Care Management, ASU
The Combined Influence of Oral Contraceptives and Human Papillomavirus Virus on Cutaneous Sq...2011Toland, Amanda E.StudentECU
The Combined Influence of Oral Contraceptives and Human Papillomavirus Virus on Cutaneous Sq...2011Lea, C. SuzanneStudentECU
The Combined Influence of Oral Contraceptives and Human Papillomavirus Virus on Cutaneous Sq...2011Phillips, Christopher J.StudentECU
The Combined Influence of Oral Contraceptives and Human Papillomavirus Virus on Cutaneous Sq...2011Efird, Jimmy T.StudentECU
A Combined Proteomics and Metabolomics Profiling of Gastric Cardia Cancer Reveals Characteri...2010Jia, Wei FacultyNutrition, UNCG
Combining best scientific evidence with expert clinical experience [Editorial]2013Davis, Leslie LFacultyAdult Health Nursing, UNCG
Combining Ceramics and Metalwork to Explore the Relationship Between the Industrial and Huma...2010Brown, Autumn StudentECU
Combining information from multiple data sources to create multivariable risk models: Illust...2005Root, Martin FacultyNutrition and Health Care Management, ASU
Combining mental health treatment with education for preschool children with severe emotiona...1996Schmitz, Cathryne L.FacultySocial Work, UNCG
Combining the old and the new to help adolescents: Individual psychology and adventure based...2001Myers, Jane E.FacultyCounseling and Educational Development, UNCG
Combining ultrasonography and noncontrast helical computerized tomography to evaluate Holmiu...2016Mi, Jia,Li,Jie,Zhang,Qinglu,Wang,Xing,Liu,Hongyu,Cao,Y StudentECU
Combining Willingness to Pay and Behavior Data with Limited Information2005Whitehead, John FacultyEconomics, ASU
Come 'out,' come 'out,' wherever you are :the Myspace lesbian and her material social worlds...2023McArdle, Suzanne M.StudentECU
Comedy and the “Tragic Complexion” of Tom Jones1984Evans, James E.FacultyEnglish, UNCG
Comedy: An Annotated Bibliography of Theory and Criticism1987Evans, James E.FacultyEnglish, UNCG
A Comfortable Place to Say Goodbye2009Kautz, Donald D.FacultyNursing, UNCG
The Comic Function of Two Mothers: Belisa and Angela1984Williamsen, Amy R.FacultyLanguages, Literatures, and Cultures, UNCG
Coming Full Circle: Post Revolutionary Change in Egypt and its Effect on Relations with Isra...2016Goldberg, Benjamin StudentGovernment And Justice Studies - Student, ASU
Coming Out Of The Congregation: An Interpretive Analysis Of The Communication Of Homosexuali...2016Williams, Jonathan StudentCommunication - Student, ASU
The coming perfect storm: Diminishing sustainability of coastal human–natural systems in the...2023Gunn, Joel D.FacultyAnthropology, UNCG
Coming Soon @ the Mary Livermore Library2010Coleman, Anne H.FacultyMary Livermore Library, UNCP
Coming to grips with the achievement divide and the distribution of effective teachers2006Hester, Lela StreeterStudentEducational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG
Coming to Terms with Motivation Constructs2000Schunk, Dale H.FacultyEducation, UNCG
Command and Control of the Union Army in the East , Spring 1864; Ulysses S. Grant , George...1995Lavoie, William G.StudentECU
Command and Control of the Union Army in the East, Spring 1864\; Ulysses S. Grant, George G....2023LaVoie, William GerardStudentECU
Command and Initiative in North Africa: Patton VS. Fredendall, and the Battle of Kasserine P...2023Kunert, Jessica Marie (Timmerman)StudentECU
Commands, Competence, and Cariño : Maternal Socialization Practices in Mexican American Fami...2010Stein, Gabriela L. FacultyPsychology, UNCG
A Commemorative History Of Alexander Graham Junior High School1960Dreibelbis, Vernon JosephStudentEducation - Student, ASU
The commensurability of self-reported personality and mood assessments2009Wirth, R. J.StudentPsychology, UNCW
A Comment on the "Efficient Allocation of Resources in a Regulated and Unionized Monopoly"1977Link, Albert N.FacultyEconomics, UNCG
A Comment On “Three Reasons To Use Annual Payments In Contingent Valuation”2018Whitehead, John FacultyEconomics, ASU
Comment: The Cost of No-Fault.1985Weeks, James K.FacultyBryan School of Business and Economics, UNCG
Commentary on “bloodroot: life stories of nurse practitioners in rural Appalachia2007Letvak, Susan A.FacultyAdult Health Nursing, UNCG
Commentary on “The Brief Serenity Scale: A Psychometric Analysis of a Measure of Spiritualit...2009Blue, Carolyn L.FacultyNursing, UNCG
Commentary on Garcia, C., Duckett, L., Saewyc, E , & Bearinger, L. perceptions of health amo...2007Shattell, Mona M.FacultyNursing, UNCG
Commentary on Hemsley, M., & Glass, N. Sacred journeys of nurse healers.2006Shattell, Mona M.FacultyNursing, UNCG
Commentary on “Herb and Supplement Use Among the Retail Population of an Independent, Urban ...2008Herron, Dorothy G.FacultyNursing, UNCG
Commentary on Jesse, D.E., Schoneboom, C., & Blanchard, A. The effect of faith or spirituali...2007Shattell, Mona M.FacultyNursing, UNCG
Commentary on Kao, H., Reeder, F., Hsu, MT, & Cheng, SF. A Chinese view of the Western nursi...2006Shattell, Mona M.FacultyNursing, UNCG
Commentary on “nursing home residents’ sense of coherence and functional status2007Crane, Patricia B.FacultyNursing, UNCG
Commentary on “The Provision of Spiritual Care by Registered Nurses on a Maternal–Infant Uni...2009Lewallen, Lynne P.FacultyNursing, UNCG
Commentary on Reuter et al. - Data triangulation for substance abuse research2021Van Hasselt, Martijn FacultyEconomics, UNCG
Commentary on “self-care activities captured through discussion among community dwelling eld...2007Letvak, Susan A.FacultyAdult Health Nursing, UNCG
Commentary on self-regulation in school contexts2005Schunk, Dale H.FacultyEducation, UNCG
Commentary on “spirituality and stress management in healthy adults2006Letvak, Susan A.FacultyAdult Health Nursing, UNCG
A commentary on thirteen paintings1954Click, Margaret StudentArt, UNCG
Commentary: Effect of Skeletal Muscle Native Tropomyosin on the Interaction of Amoeba Actin ...2016Chalovich, Joseph M.,Johnson,DylanStudentECU
Commentary: Suicide risk is high, but often overlooked, in autistic spectrum disorder popula...2023Curtis, Luke StudentECU
Commentary: Suicide risk is high, but often overlooked, in autistic spectrum disorder popula...2023Curtis, Luke StudentECU
Commentary: Views on Sport Development Feature2011Gill, Diane L.FacultyKinesiology, UNCG
Comments on Edward Ullman‘s 'Amenities as a Factor in Regional Growth‘2010Walcott, Susan M.FacultyGeography, UNCG
Comments on Relationship Research in a New Millennium.2004Adams, Rebecca G.FacultySociology, UNCG
Comments, Critique, and Inspiration: The Disappearance of one-to-ones in acute psychiatric c...2007Shattell, Mona M.FacultyNursing, UNCG
Commerce and captives : the ironic role of the Indian trade in colonial South Carolina, 1663...2023Askew, Victoria L.StudentECU
Commercial complexity and entrepreneurial finance2017Link, Albert N.FacultyEconomics, UNCG
Commercial knowledge transfers from universities to firms: improving the effectiveness of un...2003Link, Albert N.FacultyEconomics, UNCG
A commercialized dietary supplement alleviates joint pain in community adults: a double-blin...2013Nieman, David FacultyHealth and Exercise Science , ASU
A commercialized dietary supplement alleviates joint pain in community adults: a double-blin...2013Shanely, Andrew FacultyHealth and Exercise Science, ASU
“Commingled souvenirs and prophecies”: the hybrid reality of Stevens’s Aesthetic Ecology of ...2015Lowry, William R.StudentEnglish, UNCG
Commission Splits of Real Estate Agents with Affiliated Firms2013Winkler, Daniel T.FacultyAccounting and Finance, UNCG
Commitment to Multicultural Library and Information Science Education: Part 1 - Current Stat...1995Chu, Clara M.FacultyLibrary and Information Studies, UNCG
Commitment to Multicultural Library and Information Science Education: Part 2 - A Model for ...1995Chu, Clara M.FacultyLibrary and Information Studies, UNCG
The Commitment to Securing Perpetual Journal Access: A Survey of Academic Research Libraries...2011Carr, Patrick L.FacultyECU
Commitment, Absenteeism and Turnover of New Employees1984Petersen, James C. FacultySociology, UNCG
Committed Romantic Relationships in Couples with ADHD: Subtypes, Conflict Resolution and Sat...2010Tabor, Lindsey S.StudentPsychology - Student, ASU
The commodification of human reproductive materials.2011Resnik, David B.StudentECU
Commodity Fetishism and Consumer Senses: Turn-of-the-Twentieth-Century Consumer Activism in ...2017Skotnicki, Tad FacultySociology, UNCG
Commodity Fetishism as Semblance2020Skotnicki, Tad FacultySociology, UNCG
Common ecological indicators identify changes in seagrass condition following disturbances i...2023Durako, Michael J. FacultyBiology and Marine Biology, UNCW
Common Era Sea-Level Budgets along the U.S. Atlantic Coast2023Corbett, D. Reide (David Reide),1971-StudentECU
Common Era Sea-Level Budgets along the U.S. Atlantic Coast2023Walker, Jennifer S.StudentECU
Common Era Sea-Level Budgets along the U.S. Atlantic Coast2023Kopp, Robert E.StudentECU
Common Era Sea-Level Budgets along the U.S. Atlantic Coast2023Shaw, Timothy A.StudentECU
Common Era Sea-Level Budgets along the U.S. Atlantic Coast2023Cahill, Niamh StudentECU
Common Era Sea-Level Budgets along the U.S. Atlantic Coast2023Khan, Nicole S.StudentECU
Common Era Sea-Level Budgets along the U.S. Atlantic Coast2023Barber, Donald C.StudentECU
Common Era Sea-Level Budgets along the U.S. Atlantic Coast2023Ashe, Erica L.StudentECU
Common Era Sea-Level Budgets along the U.S. Atlantic Coast2023Brain, Matthew J.StudentECU
Common Era Sea-Level Budgets along the U.S. Atlantic Coast2023Clear, Jennifer L.StudentECU
Common Era Sea-Level Budgets along the U.S. Atlantic Coast2023Horton, Benjamin P.StudentECU
Common Ground: Promoting Communication and Fostering Trust Among Israeli Arabs and Jews Thro...2008Archer-Capuzzo, Sonia StudentLibrary and Information Science, UNCG
Common Language Infrastructure for Research (CLIR): Editing and Optimizing .NET Assemblies2012Windle, Shawn H.StudentComputer Science - Student, ASU
A Common Language Is So Basic!2011Bartlett, Robin FacultyNursing, UNCG
Common Sense And Evolution: The Reaction Of James McCosh To Darwin's Theory Of Evolution1976Kelly, Jr., James PaulStudentHistory - Student, ASU
Common Skin Disorders Seen in the Migrant Farmworker Health Care Clinic Setting2007Schulz, Mark R.FacultyPublic Health Education, UNCG
Common threads : the meaning of needlework to ordinary women1996Daniels, Glennie OvermanStudentHuman Environmental Sciences, UNCG
Commonwealth College: Student Activism And The Southern Agricultural Labor Movement, 1923-19...1972Mason, Eloise PiersonStudentHistory - Student, ASU
Communicating How Water Works: Results From A Community Water Education Program2010Cockerill, Kristan FacultyCultural, Gender, and Global Studies, ASU
Communicating Nanoscience and the Communication Center: An INNOVATIVE Case Study2019Ellis-Harrison, Erin FacultyUniversity Speaking Center, UNCG
Communicating Nanoscience and the Communication Center: An INNOVATIVE Case Study2019Cuny, Kimberly M.FacultyCommunication Studies, UNCG
Communicating Nanoscience and the Communication Center: An INNOVATIVE Case Study2019Williams, Taylor L. FacultyCommunication Studies, UNCG
Communicating the Value of Active, Healthy Lifestyles to Urban Students1999Ennis, Catherine D.FacultyKinesiology, UNCG
Communicating Who We Are: The Theory of Organizational Culture in the Workplace2011Moniz, Richard J.FacultyLibrary and Information Studies, UNCG
Communicating with Emotional Intelligence [slides]2021Crumpton, Michael FacultyUniversity Libraries, UNCG
Communicating with the patient requiring mechanical ventilation2023Perkins, Ann StudentECU
Communicating with the spirit2016Brown, Inga KimberlyStudentArt, UNCG
Communication Analysis of BRCA1 Genetic Counseling.2005Dudley, William N.FacultyHealth and Human Sciences, UNCG
Communication and Learning in Natural Environments: Generalization and Collaboration between...2023Porter, Sarah GraceStudentECU
Communication as critical inquiry in service-learning2003Jovanovic, Spoma FacultyCommunication Studies, UNCG
Communication Clarity in Strategic Management Date Sources2005Ford, Eric W.FacultyBusiness Administration, UNCG
Communication Effectiveness Of Articulation Impaired Children1981Smith, Suzanne StudentSpeech Pathology & Audiology - Student, ASU
Communication ethics and ethical culture: A study of the ethics initiative in Denver City Go...2006Jovanovic, Spoma FacultyCommunication Studies, UNCG
Communication Functions Used By Learning Disabled Students With Normal Language And Non-Lear...1988Brown, Deborah JoyceStudentReading Education & Special Education - Student, ASU
Communication in the classroom for English teachers2004Cuny, Kimberly M.FacultyCommunication Studies, UNCG
Communication Media Preferences in Business-to-Business Transactions: An Examination of the...2005Boles, James S. FacultyMarketing, Entrepreneurship, Hospitality & Tourism, UNCG
Communication satisfaction as a component of job satisfaction : a comparison study between n...2023Cooke, Valorie L.StudentECU
Communication Skills of Young Children Implanted Prior to Four Years of Age Compared to Typi...2010Losh, Judith Anne LakawiczStudentSpecialized Education Services, UNCG
Communication Techniques for Gifted/ Talented Support Teachers1979Berghoff, Ph.D., Beth K. FacultyUNCP
Communication Techniques for Gifted/ Talented Support Teachers1979Berghoff, Ph.D., Paul K. FacultyEducation and Special Education, UNCP
Communication with breast cancer survivors.2008Dudley, William N.FacultyHealth and Human Sciences, UNCG
Communication with Maps and Graphics Panel2013Bandy, Richard StudentECU
Communication with Maps and Graphics Panel2013Allen, Tom StudentECU
Communication with Maps and Graphics Panel2013Blanton, Brian StudentECU
Communication with Maps and Graphics Panel2013Crawford, Tom StudentECU
Communicativeness In Normal And Communication Disordered Preschool Children1980Cardwell, Cindy LoweStudentSpeech Pathology and Audiology - Student, ASU
The Communist debate: Socialism as a political discourse in the Harlem Renaissance2015Canada, Fred StudentEnglish, UNCG
Community Accessible Resources , Education , and Screenings: Community Partnership providi...2018Smith, Erin StudentECU
Community Accessible Resources, Education, and Screenings: Community Partnership providing P...2023Smith, Erin StudentECU
Community Analysis Of Southern Appalachian Fens, And Characterization And Isolation Of A Nov...2016Harbison, Austin B.StudentBiology - Student, ASU
Community And Ecosystem Responses Following Fire In The Linville Gorge Wilderness Area2004Dumas, Shay StudentBiology - Student, ASU
Community and Environmental Sustainability: Collaboration and Interdisciplinary Education2010James, Channelle D.FacultyBusiness Administration, UNCG
Community and Environmental Sustainability: Collaboration and Interdisciplinary Education2010Schmitz, Cathryne L.FacultySocial Work, UNCG
Community Appearance Commissions In North Carolina1972Shore, III, John W.StudentPolitical Science - Student, ASU
The Community as Client: Improving the Prospects for Useful Evaluation Findings1999Telfair, Joseph FacultyPublic Health Education, UNCG
Community Assembly on Isolated Islands: Macroecology Meets Evolution2023Brewer, Michael S.StudentECU
Community Based Coalitions‘ Capacity for Sustainable Action: The Role of Relationships2007Ford, Eric W.FacultyBusiness Administration, UNCG
Community based divorce education programmes: Short-term and longer-term impacts2009Hayes, Sherrill W.FacultyPeace and Conflict Studies, UNCG
A Community Campus Partnership: AH-HA Moments in Service Learning2013Sasnett, Bonita StudentECU
Community collections: Exploring three distinct approaches to collaboration and outreach thr...2015Gwynn, David FacultyUniversity Libraries, UNCG
Community college educational technology : its control, allocation, purchase and utilization...1992Randall, William DavidStudentEducation, UNCG
Community College Library Service to Early College High School Students2023Dawkins, April FacultyLibrary and Information Studies, UNCG
A community college office technology soft skills course compared to soft skills employers r...2023Hackworth, Robbie G.StudentECU
Community college physical education faculty perspectives about teaching students with physi...2020Steele, Richard L.StudentKinesiology, UNCG
Community college selective enrollment and the challenge to open access2012Morris, David BrianStudentHuman Services, WCU
Community College Student Stories Of Lateral Transfer2018Short, Kristi ElizabethStudentEducational Leadership - Student, ASU
Community college students' pro-environmental behaviors and their relationship to awareness ...2013Hutcherson, James DavidStudentHuman Services, WCU
Community college students’ perception of physical literacy during a wellness and activity c...2022Wiederrecht, David E.StudentKinesiology, UNCG
Community Colleges and the Politics of Sociospatial Scale2011Ayers, David F.FacultyTeacher Education and Higher Education , UNCG
Community connections, community collections: Building partner support for collaborative dig...2016Gwynn, David FacultyUniversity Libraries, UNCG
A community considers a Family Justice Center: perspectives of stakeholders during the early...2014Chow, Anthony Shong-YuFacultyLibrary and Information Studies, UNCG
A community considers a Family Justice Center: perspectives of stakeholders during the early...2014Nemati, Hamid R.FacultyInformation Systems and Supply Chain Management, UNCG
A community considers a Family Justice Center: perspectives of stakeholders during the early...2014Murray, Christine E.FacultyCenter for Youth, Family, & Community Partnerships, UNCG
A community considers a Family Justice Center: perspectives of stakeholders during the early...2014White, Jacquelyn W.FacultyPsychology, UNCG
Community Correlates Of Crime And Law Enforcement Activities In Northwestern North Carolina1972Hodge, Joyce W.StudentPolitical Science - Student, ASU
Community Day2008Spivak, Peter G.StudentStudio Art, UNCG
Community Development Through Agroecotourism In Cuba: An Application Of The Community Capita...2016Kline, Carol FacultyManagement, ASU
Community Dialogues to Enhance Inclusion and Equity in Public Libraries2021Gypin, Lindsay FacultyUniversity Libraries, UNCG
Community engagement through sport: University partnerships to promote youth development2017Hemphill, Michael FacultyKinesiology, UNCG
Community for all: The therapeutic recreation practitioner’s role in inclusive volunteering...2005Schleien, Stuart J.FacultyCommunity and Therapeutic Recreation, UNCG
Community for all: The therapeutic recreation practitioner’s role in inclusive volunteering...2005Miller, Kimberly FacultyCommunity and Therapeutic Recreation, UNCG
Community Health Center Efficiency: The Role of Grant Revenues in Health Center Efficiency2014Van Hasselt, Martijn FacultyEconomics, UNCG
Community Health Clinic Implementation of a Medication Assisted Treatment program for Opioid...2020Cruz, Amanda StudentECU
Community Health Workers’ Role in Addressing Farmworker Health Disparities2023Cofie, Leslie E.StudentECU
Community Health Workers’ Role in Addressing Farmworker Health Disparities2023Lee, Joseph G. L.StudentECU
A community hospital’s effort to expedite treatment for patients with chest pain1999Davis, Leslie LFacultyAdult Health Nursing, UNCG
Community Impacts of International Service-Learning and Study Abroad: An Analysis of Focus G...2011Koehn, Jenny FacultyStudent Programs, ASU
Community Impacts of International Service-Learning and Study Abroad: An Analysis of Focus G...2011Schroeder, Kathleen FacultyGeography and Planning, ASU
Community Impacts of International Service-Learning and Study Abroad: An Analysis of Focus G...2011Wood, Cynthia FacultyCultural, Gender, and Global Studies, ASU
Community in a Virtual Environment:Can YouTube Build Community for LGBT Youth?2015Nash, Bradley Jr.FacultySociology, ASU
Community in a Virtual Environment:Can YouTube Build Community for LGBT Youth?2015Rosenberg, Ed FacultySociology, ASU
Community involvement in rural schools : a case study of the schools in the Leicester and Sa...2011Brown, Patricia DuckettStudentHuman Services, WCU
Community Journalism – A Study On The Mountain Times Publications2019Tanner, Savanna StudentCommunication - Student, ASU
Community Lost? Changes and Stratification in Perceived Neighborhood Social Cohesion among F...2023Campbell, Colin StudentECU
Community Lost? Changes and Stratification in Perceived Neighborhood Social Cohesion among F...2023, et alStudentECU
Community Lost? Changes and Stratification in Perceived Neighborhood Social Cohesion among F...2023Campbell, Colin StudentECU
Community Lost? Changes and Stratification in Perceived Neighborhood Social Cohesion among F...2023Pearlman, Jessica StudentECU
Community Lost? Changes and Stratification in Perceived Neighborhood Social Cohesion among F...2023Verdery, Ashton M.StudentECU
Community Lost? Changes and Stratification in Perceived Neighborhood Social Cohesion among F...2023England, Kira StudentECU
Community members’ narratives in collective impact models2021Gorton, Brigid Belko StudentEducational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG
Community Monumental Sculpture in North Carolina2011Mitchell, Wendy StudentMasters, UNCP
Community of interest, demographic or geographic? :an analysis of discourse in two southern ...2023Best, Robert B.StudentECU
Community of interest, demographic or geographic? :an analysis of discourse in two southern ...2023Best, Robert B.StudentECU
A community of practice to support the transition from doctoral student to faculty2016Hemphill, Michael FacultyKinesiology, UNCG
Community of Scholars: An Exploratory Study of Management Laureates2002Ford, Eric W.FacultyBusiness Administration, UNCG
Community Orientations of Higher Status Women Volunteers1995Markham, William T.FacultySociology, UNCG
Community outreach initiatives at UNCG Libraries [slides]2018Houk, Amanda "Amy" HarrisFacultyUniversity Libraries, UNCG
Community outreach initiatives at UNCG Libraries [slides]2018Murphy, Maggie FacultyUniversity Libraries, UNCG
Community outreach initiatives at UNCG Libraries [slides]2018Harlow, Sam FacultyUniversity Libraries, UNCG
Community outreach initiatives at UNCG Libraries: The ROI of ROI outreach2019Harlow, Sam FacultyUniversity Libraries, UNCG
Community outreach initiatives at UNCG Libraries: The ROI of ROI outreach2019Murphy, Maggie FacultyUniversity Libraries, UNCG
Community outreach initiatives at UNCG Libraries: The ROI of ROI outreach2019Houk, Amanda "Amy" HarrisFacultyUniversity Libraries, UNCG
A Community Program For Chronic Schizophrenics: A Look At Outcome Effectiveness1982Gay, Jean MurrayStudentPsychology - Student, ASU
Community recreation’s role in pre-adolescent girls’ participation and retention in youth sp...2019Middleton, Willette T.StudentKinesiology, UNCG
Community structure and bottom-up regulation of heterotrophic microplankton in arctic LTER l...1992Rublee, Parke A.FacultyBiology, UNCG
Community structure and diets of fishes associated with pelagic Sargassum and open-water hab...2009Casazza, Tara L.StudentMarine Science, UNCW
Community Supported Agriculture Plus Nutrition Education Improves Skills, Self-efficacy, and...2023Jilcott Pitts, Stephanie B.StudentECU
Community Supported Agriculture Plus Nutrition Education Improves Skills, Self-efficacy, and...2023Seguin-Fowler, Rebecca A.StudentECU
Community Supported Agriculture Plus Nutrition Education Improves Skills, Self-efficacy, and...2023Hanson, Karla L.StudentECU
Community Supported Agriculture Plus Nutrition Education Improves Skills, Self-efficacy, and...2023Kolodinsky, Jane StudentECU
Community Supported Agriculture Plus Nutrition Education Improves Skills, Self-efficacy, and...2023Sitaker, Marilyn StudentECU
Community Supported Agriculture Plus Nutrition Education Improves Skills, Self-efficacy, and...2023Ammerman, Alice S.StudentECU
Community Supported Agriculture Plus Nutrition Education Improves Skills, Self-efficacy, and...2023Marshall, Grace A.StudentECU
Community Supported Agriculture Plus Nutrition Education Improves Skills, Self-efficacy, and...2023Belarmino, Emily H.StudentECU
Community Supported Agriculture Plus Nutrition Education Improves Skills, Self-efficacy, and...2023Garner, Jennifer A.StudentECU
Community Supported Agriculture Plus Nutrition Education Improves Skills, Self-efficacy, and...2023Wang, Weiwei StudentECU
A community survey on neighborhood violence, park use and youth physical activity2014Echeverría, Sandra E. FacultyPublic Health Education, UNCG
Community violence and resilience : community stakeholder perspectives on fostering resilien...2022Walker, Indya A.StudentHuman Development and Family Studies, UNCG
Community Voices: Resettled Youth Use Their Writing to Reposition Themselves2022Vetter, Amy FacultyTeacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG
Community Voices: Resettled Youth Use Their Writing to Reposition Themselves2022Faircloth, Beverly S.FacultyTeacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG
Community, family and leisure immersion2016Harmon, Justin FacultyCommunity and Therapeutic Recreation, UNCG
Community-Academic Partnerships in the Community Engagement Literature: A Scoping Review2021Janke, Emily FacultyPeace and Conflict Studies, UNCG
Community-Academic Partnerships in the Community Engagement Literature: A Scoping Review2021Edwards, Kathleen ElizabethFacultyEducational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG
A Community-Based Approach To Sharing Knowledge Before, During, And After Crisis Events: A C...2015Chen, Charlie FacultyCIS & SCM, ASU
The Community-Based Information Infrastructure of Older Adult Digital Learning: A Study of P...2017Lenstra, Noah FacultyLibrary and Information Studies, UNCG
Community-based initiatives for promoting school readiness: the story of celebrate liberty's...2010Austin, Heidi ElizabethStudentEducational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG
A community-based lifestyle and weight loss intervention promoting a Mediterranean-style die...2016Davis, Gwen BStudentECU
A community-based lifestyle and weight loss intervention promoting a Mediterranean-style die...2016Ammerman, Alice S.StudentECU
A community-based lifestyle and weight loss intervention promoting a Mediterranean-style die...2016Halladay, Jacqueline RStudentECU
A community-based lifestyle and weight loss intervention promoting a Mediterranean-style die...2016Donahue, Katrina EStudentECU
A community-based lifestyle and weight loss intervention promoting a Mediterranean-style die...2016Gross, Myron DStudentECU
A community-based lifestyle and weight loss intervention promoting a Mediterranean-style die...2016Keyserling, Thomas CStudentECU
A community-based lifestyle and weight loss intervention promoting a Mediterranean-style die...2016Samuel-Hodge, Carmen DStudentECU
A community-based lifestyle and weight loss intervention promoting a Mediterranean-style die...2016Pitts, Stephanie JStudentECU
A community-based lifestyle and weight loss intervention promoting a Mediterranean-style die...2016Garcia, Beverly AStudentECU
A community-based lifestyle and weight loss intervention promoting a Mediterranean-style die...2016Johnston, Larry FStudentECU
A community-based lifestyle and weight loss intervention promoting a Mediterranean-style die...2016Gizlice, Ziya StudentECU
A community-based lifestyle and weight loss intervention promoting a Mediterranean-style die...2016Miller, Cassandra LStudentECU
A community-based lifestyle and weight loss intervention promoting a Mediterranean-style die...2016Braxton, Danielle FStudentECU
A community-based lifestyle and weight loss intervention promoting a Mediterranean-style die...2016Evenson, Kelly RStudentECU
A community-based lifestyle and weight loss intervention promoting a Mediterranean-style die...2016Elliott, Nadya T MStudentECU
A community-based lifestyle and weight loss intervention promoting a Mediterranean-style die...2016Smith, Janice CStudentECU
A community-based lifestyle and weight loss intervention promoting a Mediterranean-style die...2016Quenum, Emmanuelle LStudentECU
A community-based lifestyle and weight loss intervention promoting a Mediterranean-style die...2016Keyserling, Thomas C.StudentECU
A community-based lifestyle and weight loss intervention promoting a Mediterranean-style die...2016Samuel-Hodge, Carmen D.StudentECU
A community-based lifestyle and weight loss intervention promoting a Mediterranean-style die...2016Pitts, Stephanie J.StudentECU
A community-based lifestyle and weight loss intervention promoting a Mediterranean-style die...2016Garcia, Beverly A.StudentECU
A community-based lifestyle and weight loss intervention promoting a Mediterranean-style die...2016Johnston, Larry F.StudentECU
A community-based lifestyle and weight loss intervention promoting a Mediterranean-style die...2016Gizlice, Ziya StudentECU
A community-based lifestyle and weight loss intervention promoting a Mediterranean-style die...2016Miller, Cassandra L.StudentECU
A community-based lifestyle and weight loss intervention promoting a Mediterranean-style die...2016Braxton, Danielle F.StudentECU
A community-based lifestyle and weight loss intervention promoting a Mediterranean-style die...2016Evenson, Kelly R.StudentECU
A community-based lifestyle and weight loss intervention promoting a Mediterranean-style die...2016Smith, Janice C.StudentECU
A community-based lifestyle and weight loss intervention promoting a Mediterranean-style die...2016Davis, Gwen B.StudentECU
A community-based lifestyle and weight loss intervention promoting a Mediterranean-style die...2016Quenum, Emmanuelle L.StudentECU
A community-based lifestyle and weight loss intervention promoting a Mediterranean-style die...2016Elliott, Nadya T. M.StudentECU
A community-based lifestyle and weight loss intervention promoting a Mediterranean-style die...2016Gross, Myron D.StudentECU
A community-based lifestyle and weight loss intervention promoting a Mediterranean-style die...2016Donahue, Katrina E.StudentECU
A community-based lifestyle and weight loss intervention promoting a Mediterranean-style die...2016Halladay, Jacqueline R.StudentECU
A community-based lifestyle and weight loss intervention promoting a Mediterranean-style die...2016Ammerman, Alice S.StudentECU
Community-based Participatory Health Promotion and Prevention: An Advanced Public Health Nur...2012Park, Eunhee FacultyFamily and Community Nursing, UNCG
A community-based participatory research approach to implementing a farmers' market targetin...2014Ball, Kristin LanaeStudentNutrition, UNCG
Community-Campus Partnerships and Student Learning: Using Lessons Learned to Chart a Path fo...2023McCunney, W. DennisStudentECU
Community-Campus Partnerships and Student Learning: Using Lessons Learned to Chart a Path fo...2023Linz Dickinson, Megan StudentECU
A Community-Driven Approach to Identifying “Winnable� Policies Using the Centers for Dis...2012Smith, Tosha W.StudentECU
A Community-Driven Approach to Identifying “Winnable� Policies Using the Centers for Dis...2012Jilcott Pitts, Stephanie B.StudentECU
A Community-Driven Approach to Identifying “Winnable� Policies Using the Centers for Dis...2012Whetstone, Lauren M.StudentECU
A Community-Driven Approach to Identifying “Winnable� Policies Using the Centers for Dis...2012Wilkerson, Jean R.StudentECU
A Community-Driven Approach to Identifying “Winnable� Policies Using the Centers for Dis...2012Ammerman, Alice S.StudentECU
A Community-Driven Approach to Identifying "Winnable" Policies Using the Centers for Disease...2012Smith, Tosha W.StudentECU
A Community-Driven Approach to Identifying "Winnable" Policies Using the Centers for Disease...2012Wilkerson, Jean R.StudentECU
A Community-Driven Approach to Identifying "Winnable" Policies Using the Centers for Disease...2012Whetstone, Lauren M.StudentECU
A Community-Driven Approach to Identifying "Winnable" Policies Using the Centers for Disease...2012Ammerman, Alice S.StudentECU
A Community-Driven Approach to Identifying "Winnable" Policies Using the Centers for Disease...2012Jilcott Pitts, Stephanie B.StudentECU
A Community’s Awareness and Perceptions of Genomic Medicine2009Letvak, Susan A.FacultyAdult Health Nursing, UNCG
A Community’s Awareness and Perceptions of Genomic Medicine2009Henrich, Vincent C.FacultyBiology, UNCG
Commutativity Degrees of Wreath Products of Finite Abellian Groups2008Erovenko, Igor FacultyMathematics and Statistics, UNCG
Commute Times, Food Retail Gaps, and Body Mass Index in North Carolina Counties2010Jilcott, Stephanie B.StudentECU
Commute Times, Food Retail Gaps, and Body Mass Index in North Carolina Counties2010Ammerman, Alice S.StudentECU
Commute Times, Food Retail Gaps, and Body Mass Index in North Carolina Counties2010Wilson, James StudentECU
Commute Times, Food Retail Gaps, and Body Mass Index in North Carolina Counties2010Bethel, Jeffrey W.StudentECU
Commute Times, Food Retail Gaps, and Body Mass Index in North Carolina Counties2010Moore, Justin B.StudentECU
Commute Times, Food Retail Gaps, and Body Mass Index in North Carolina Counties2010Liu, Haiyong StudentECU
Commuting Constraints of Black Female Workers in Atlanta: An Examination of Spatial Mismatch...2003Sultana, Selima FacultyGeography, Environment, and Sustainability, UNCG
Commuting, gender, and military service: three essays in applied microeconomics2016Kimbrough, James GrayStudentEconomics, UNCG
Compact NMR relaxometry of human blood and blood components2016Cistola, David P.,Robinson,Michelle D.StudentECU
Compact operators and nest representations of limit algebras2023Katsoulis, Elias StudentECU
Compact operators and nest representations of limit algebras2023Peters, Justin R.StudentECU
Compactifications of convergens spaces2023Kent, D.C. StudentECU
Compactifications of convergens spaces2023Richardson, G.D. StudentECU
A compactness preserving topology for products sets1975Howe, Thomas LavernStudentMathematics, UNCG
A Companion to Biological Anthropology [book review]2011Anemone, Robert FacultyBiological Anthropology and Paleoanthropology, UNCG
The company they keep: how social networks influence male sexual aggression2011Swartout, Kevin MichaelStudentPsychology, UNCG
The Company They Keep: Relation of Adolescents' Adjustment and Behavior to Their Friends' Pe...1995Fletcher, Anne C.FacultyHuman Development and Family Studies, UNCG
The comparability of masculine and feminine gender schemas for male and female college stude...1984Morris, James ThomasStudentPsychology, UNCG
Comparability of Survey Measures in Hard to Reach Populations: Methods and Recommendations2020McCoy, Thomas FacultyNursing, UNCG
Comparability of Survey Measures in Hard to Reach Populations: Methods and Recommendations2020Kelley, Allyson L.FacultyPublic Health Education, UNCG
The Comparability Of WISC-R And WAIS-R Performances Among Educable Mentally Handicapped Chil...1984Berrier, Jean MarieStudentPsychology - Student, ASU
Comparative Advantage of the United States and South Korean Manmade Textile Industries2016Karpova, Elena FacultyConsumer, Apparel, and Retail Studies, UNCG
Comparative advantages of the Indian and Chinese apparel industries: An analysis of the glob...2011Karpova, Elena FacultyConsumer, Apparel, and Retail Studies, UNCG
Comparative Analysis and Trends in Liver Transplant Hospitalizations with Clostridium Diffic...2023Ali, Hassam StudentECU
Comparative Analysis and Trends in Liver Transplant Hospitalizations with Clostridium Diffic...2023Pamarthy, Rahul StudentECU
Comparative Analysis and Trends in Liver Transplant Hospitalizations with Clostridium Diffic...2023, et alStudentECU
A Comparative Analysis Of Carbon Emissions From Countries Of Varying Fossil Fuel Dependence2020MacDonald, Megan StudentBusiness - Student, ASU
A comparative analysis of cardiovascular risk factors of premenopausal clerical workers and ...2023Batchelor, Cheryl B.StudentECU
Comparative Analysis of Cask Material from Late Sixteenth Through Early Nineteenth Century S...2009Smith, Kimberly M.StudentECU
A comparative analysis of funding formulas applied to the North Carolina Community College S...1994Cuthbertson, Lloyd WilliamStudentEducation, UNCG
A Comparative Analysis of GitHub Contributions Before and After An OSS Based Software Engine...2024Song, Yang FacultyComputer Science, UNCW
A Comparative Analysis of GitHub Contributions Before and After An OSS Based Software Engine...2024Song, Yang FacultyComputer Science, UNCW
A Comparative Analysis of International Teacher Preparation Programs2016Perez-Cortez, Mireida StudentMathematics and Computer Science, UNCP
A comparative analysis of intonational patterns in Ana Maria Matute and Juan Goytisolo : a s...1973McLeod, Donald VirgilStudentRomance Languages-French, UNCG
A Comparative Analysis Of Jordanian And United States Counterterrorism2018Cash, Gabriel StudentGovernment and Justice Studies - Student, ASU
A comparative analysis of marital role expectations of paired husbands and wives seeking cou...1972Anderson, Eugene DavidStudentHome Economics, UNCG
A comparative analysis of melodic and rhythmic music reading skills of percussion and wind i...1992Wheeler, Mark RoyStudentMusic, UNCG
A comparative analysis of needs and attitudes of home economics teachers in North Carolina w...1984Tharpe, Frances R.StudentHome Economics, UNCG
A Comparative Analysis Of The On-Campus And Off-Campus Student Teaching Programs In The Elem...1957Blanton, Gladys ShomakerStudentEducation - Student, ASU
A Comparative Analysis of Paleopathology and Mortuary Practices at West Site (31CK22), Curri...2023Souther, Lauren StudentECU
A comparative analysis of the performance interview in graduate instruction1972Atkins, Sally Ann SmithStudentEducation, UNCG
A comparative analysis of the philosophies of John Dewey and the new British infant school1975Sasser, Martha SueStudentEducation, UNCG
Comparative Analysis of Preservice Teachers' Reflective Thinking in Synchronous versus Async...2006He, Ye FacultyTeacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG
Comparative Analysis of Preservice Teachers' Reflective Thinking in Synchronous versus Async...2006Levin, Barbara B.FacultyTeacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG
Comparative analysis of the religious orientation and spiritual and character development of...2009Schultz, Donald GlenStudentKinesiology, UNCG
A Comparative Analysis Of Technology And Policy Of High-Value PV Recycling: The United State...2023Collins, Katherine FinleyStudentSustainable Technology & the Built Env. - Student, ASU
Comparative Analysis of Trace Soil Evidence by Infrared Microspectrometry2011Bacon, Natasha A.StudentHonors College, Chemistry & Physics, UNCP
A Comparative Analysis Of Water Pasteurization Using Photovoltaics, Solar Thermal, And PV/T ...2022Kelly, Patrick C.StudentSustainable Technology & the Built Env. - Student, ASU
A comparative anatomical and histological study of the female reproductive tracts of the bro...2023Burden, Ann CottleStudentECU
A comparative assessment of early adult life status of graduates of the North Carolina Adole...2012Gruber, Kenneth FacultyCenter for Youth, Family, & Community Partnerships, UNCG
Comparative Assessment Of The Effects Biochar Particle Size Has On Microbial Activity2023Pope, Clayton StudentSustainable Technology & the Built Env. - Student, ASU
Comparative Differences of Mitral Valve-In-Valve Implantation: A New Mitral Bioprosthesis Ve...2023Chitwood, W. RandolphStudentECU
Comparative DNA Analysis of Solid Tumors by Flow Cytometric and Image Analyses of Touch Impr...2023Elsheikh, Tarik M.StudentECU
Comparative DNA Analysis of Solid Tumors by Flow Cytometric and Image Analyses of Touch Impr...2023Silverman, Jan F.StudentECU
Comparative DNA Analysis of Solid Tumors by Flow Cytometric and Image Analyses of Touch Impr...2023Mccool, Janet W.StudentECU
Comparative DNA Analysis of Solid Tumors by Flow Cytometric and Image Analyses of Touch Impr...2023Riley, Roger S.StudentECU
Comparative Ecophysiology Of Two High-Elevation Southern Appalachian Conifers: The Importanc...2018Jordan, Rachel KellyStudentBiology - Student, ASU
Comparative effects of exercise reduction and relaxation training on type A behavior and dys...1990DeVaney, Susan B.StudentEducation, UNCG
Comparative Efficacy And Acceptability Of Psychotherapies For Depression In Children And Ado...2015Michael, Kurt D.FacultyPsychology, ASU
Comparative Efficacy And Tolerability Of Antidepressants For Major Depressive Disorder In Ch...2016Michael, Kurt D.FacultyPsychology, ASU
Comparative Efficacy And Tolerability Of First-Generation And Newer-Generation Antidepressan...2015Michael, Kurt D.FacultyPsychology, ASU
A Comparative Evaluation of Instructional Levels Determined by the Text Reading and Comprehe...2014Snow, Amie Brock StudentEducational Leadership - Student, ASU
A comparative evaluation of seven instruments for measuring values comprising Hofstede's mod...2022Taras, Vasyl FacultyManagement, UNCG
Comparative evaluation of two severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) vaccine candidates in...2023Roper, Rachel L.StudentECU
Comparative Gene Expression and Physiological Analyses Reveal Molecular Mechanisms in Wound-...2023Stiller, John W.StudentECU
Comparative Gene Expression and Physiological Analyses Reveal Molecular Mechanisms in Wound-...2023Guan, Xiaowei StudentECU
Comparative genomic analysis of the Morone saxatilis (striped bass) Hoxb4a gene :conservatio...2023Smith, Robert M.StudentECU
Comparative Genomics and Evolution of Proteins Associated with RNA Polymerase II C-Terminal ...2023Guo, Zhenhua StudentECU
Comparative Genomics and Evolution of Proteins Associated with RNA Polymerase II C-Terminal ...2023Stiller, John W.StudentECU
Comparative genomics of cyclin-dependent kinases suggest co-evolution of the RNAP II C-termi...2011Guo, Zhenhua StudentECU
Comparative genomics of cyclin-dependent kinases suggest co-evolution of the RNAP II C-termi...2011Stiller, John W.StudentECU
Comparative Genomics Of Transposable Elements In The Grasses2020French, Patrick StudentBiology - Student, ASU
Comparative Geochemical Assay of Napier and Connestee Ceramic Sherds as a Means to Evaluate ...2022Parrish, Wesley StudentAnthropology and Sociology, WCU
Comparative growth rates in wild types and carotenoid mutants of Sporobolomyces salmonicolor...1960Yundt, Joanne StudentBiology, UNCG
Comparative Images: Europe And America In The Thought Of Ralph Waldo Emerson1970Scruggs, Russell LeeStudentHistory - Student, ASU
Comparative interpretations of religious symbolism in the design on a textile dated 16801970Gibson, Fay YorkStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Comparative intragenic mapping of aspartic-acid auxotrophs of Staphylococcus Aureus using tr...2023Van Taylor, James. StudentECU
A comparative investigation of consumers’ attitudes toward marketing practices of hypermarke...2011Watchravesringkan, Kittichai "Tu"FacultyConsumer, Apparel, and Retail Studies, UNCG
A comparative investigation of young children's recall memory proficiency in naturalistic an...1986Nida, Robert EugeneStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Comparative Memories: War Defeat and Historical Memory Formation in the Post-Civil War Ameri...2013Edmondson, Taulby HawthorneStudentHistory - Student, ASU
Comparative Microscopic Anatomy And Tensile Strength Of Plumage From Various Color Phases In...2008Pannkuk, Evan LacyStudentBiology - Student, ASU
The Comparative Museum Experience Of Atypical And Typical Learners2020Watkins, Rebekkah StudentHistory - Student, ASU
Comparative petrography of intra- and extra-macrofossil sediment within Pleistocene to Creta...2023Varlashkin, Charlotte M.StudentECU
Comparative physiology and chemical control of selected strains of the marine fungus, lageni...2023Daniels, William Henry.StudentECU
A comparative ranking of the severity of five ASTM abrasion test methods using nine polyeste...1983Clapp, Anne C.StudentHome Economics, UNCG
Comparative Rates of Western Juniper Afforestation in South-Central Oregon and the Role of A...2003Knapp, Paul A.FacultyGeography, UNCG
Comparative records of college students before and after marriage1960Corriher, Edith BeardStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Comparative SAR Evaluations of Annonaceous Acetogenins for Pesticidal Activity1997Oberlies, Nicholas FacultyChemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG
A comparative study involving the administration of computer- managed instruction in a remed...1989Kestner, Michael KieStudentEducation, UNCG
A comparative study involving two approaches to documenting computer software for mathematic...1994Blood, Talmon CliftonStudentEducation, UNCG
A Comparative Study of As a Library Book and Media Vendor2005Orkiszewski, Paul T.FacultyUniversity Libraries, ASU
A comparative study of the attitudes of mother-father pairs to child-rearing practices in 19...1970Herring, Carol AnnStudentHome Economics, UNCG
A comparative study of body sway in the anterior-posterior plane with reference to external ...1965Swim, Carol LeeStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
A comparative study of Brenda Ueland's autobiography ME (Brenda Ueland) to the song cycle ME...2010Pace, Nikita ShahStudentMusic, UNCG
A Comparative Study Of Certain Personality Traits Between Female Physical Education Majors A...1972Testerman, Violet M.StudentHealth, Physical Ed., & Recreation - Student, ASU
A comparative study of a checkmark grading system and a traditional grading system in busine...1979Weavil, Linda ThompsonStudentEducation, UNCG
A comparative study of competencies attained by students who have received instruction in co...1982Stokes, Nancy ArmesStudentHome Economics, UNCG
A Comparative Study Of The Conventional Method Of Instruction And The Individualized Method ...1975Roland, Jr., Edgar AllenStudentMathematics - Student, ASU
A comparative study of the effectiveness of German submarine warfare on the eastern seaboard...2023Blake, Samuel StudentECU
A Comparative Study Of Factors Related To Children With Poor And Superior Citizenship Rating...1957Hahn, Helen YoderStudentEducation - Student, ASU
A comparative study of the feminine role concept of undergraduate and graduate women majorin...1971Beck, Bonnie AnnStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
A Comparative Study Of Field Goal Attempt Inaccuracies In Selected Men's College Basketball ...1979Sutton, Michael GlennStudentHealth and Physical Education - Student, ASU
A comparative study of life in first grade classrooms of 1:14 and 1:23 teacher/pupil ratios1995Kiser-Kling, Karen A.StudentEducation, UNCG
A comparative study of marriage and family perceptions and attitudes of professional student...1971Sakran, Ghazi FarahStudentHome Economics, UNCG
A comparative study of the means of communication toddlers use at home and in the group sett...1969Johnson, Sherrie McGradyStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Comparative study of mechanical properties of 316L stainless steel between traditional produ...2016Lackey, Alton DaleStudentEngineering and Technology, WCU
A Comparative Study of Neural Networks and Logistic Regression for High Energy Physics2020Johnson, Thomas FacultyComputer Science, ECSU
A comparative study of nurse role-conceptions held by nursing faculty and nursing service pe...1977McNeal, Linda JeanStudentNursing, UNCG
A comparative study of perceived leadership behavior of selected North Carolina high school ...1988Spatkowski, Theodore JosephStudentHealth, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, UNCG
A Comparative Study of Perceptions and Use of Google Scholar and Academic Library Discovery ...2019Eun Oh, Kyong,Colón-Aguirre,Mónica StudentECU
A Comparative Study of the Perceptions of German POWs in North Carolina2010Haga, Sonia StudentHistory, UNCG
A Comparative Study of Perceptions of Vocal Health in Singing the Gospel Style2014Draughon, LaSherrie D. StudentMusic Education, UNCP
A Comparative Study Of The Physical And Chemical Parameters And Benthic Algal Communities Ab...1985Canterbury, Robin L.StudentBiology - Student, ASU
A comparative study of price and construction of trade name dresses in three determined pric...1948Matthews, Edith WebberStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Comparative Study of the Roles of AhpC and KatE as Respiratory Antioxidants in Brucella abor...2023Steele, Kendra H.StudentECU
Comparative Study of the Roles of AhpC and KatE as Respiratory Antioxidants in Brucella abor...2023Baumgartner, John StudentECU
Comparative Study of the Roles of AhpC and KatE as Respiratory Antioxidants in Brucella abor...2023Wright Valderas, Michelle StudentECU
Comparative Study of the Roles of AhpC and KatE as Respiratory Antioxidants in Brucella abor...2023Roop II, R. MartinStudentECU
A comparative study of the songs of William Denis Browne2018Burns, Kelly WilsonStudentSchool of Music, UNCG
A comparative study of specific nuclear binding of estrogen in some target and nontarget org...1982Jones, Alfreda StudentChancellor's Scholars - Biology, UNCP
A Comparative Study Of Tendencies And Motivational Factors Of Students From Various Academic...1971Williams, Hiram PrestonStudentHealth and Physical Education - Student, ASU
A comparative study of text settings of Josephine Lang’s Nikolaus Lenau Lieder to the settin...2021Lacher, Meagan B.StudentSchool of Music, UNCG
A Comparative Study Of The Ways Of Creating Interest In Specific Topics Of First Year High S...1956Jolley, Paul WisemanStudentEducation - Student, ASU
A Comparative Study Of Word Association Evaluation Methods In Process-Reactive Schizophrenic...1977Scott, David MichaelStudentPsychology - Student, ASU
A comparative study of workstation partitions in an existing side-lit open plan office with ...2016Modaresnezhad, Malak StudentInterior Architecture, UNCG
A Comparative Study On The Effectiveness Of Mental Practice And Physical Practice In Teachin...1970Speas, Donna SpencerStudentHealth & Physical Ed. - Student, ASU
A Comparative Study: Progressive Muscle Relaxation, Autogenic Training, EMG Biofeedback, And...1983Bhatnagar, Neerja SwaroopStudentPsychology - Student, ASU
Comparative thermal properties of aryl-B-Glucosidase isozymes in Neurospora crassa1975Hartis, Eileen HarleyStudentBiology, UNCG
Comparative Transcriptomics of Strawberries (Fragaria spp.) Provides Insights into Evolution...2016Qiao, Qin,Xue,Li,Wang,Qia,Sun,Hang,Zhong,Yang,Huang,Jinl StudentECU
Comparative work values among future managers in China and the USA2008Parnell, John FacultyManagement, Marketing & International Business, UNCP
Comparing City Policies on Mandatory Drug Testing: A Process Evaluation1990Strickland, Ruth Ann FacultyGovernment and Justice Studies, ASU
Comparing developed and undeveloped barrier island systems :a descriptive historical morphol...2023Brass, Jesse Lyman.StudentECU
Comparing developed and undeveloped barrier island systems :a descriptive historical morphol...2023Brass, Jesse Lyman.StudentECU
Comparing the Effectiveness of Community Engagement on Water Filter Usage in Rural Guatemala...2019Larson, Kim L.StudentECU
Comparing the Effectiveness of Community Engagement on Water Filter Usage in Rural Guatemala...2019Holt, Brooks StudentECU
Comparing the Effectiveness of Community Engagement on Water Filter Usage in Rural Guatemala...2019Melendez, Carlos StudentECU
Comparing The Effectiveness Of Diurnal Rock-Lifting And Nocturnal Dive-Lighting Surveys For ...2020Ortega, Freddy JuniorStudentBiology - Student, ASU
Comparing the Effectiveness of Education Versus Digital Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Adu...2023Liles, Darla StudentECU
Comparing the Effectiveness of Education Versus Digital Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Adu...2023Badawy, Sherif M.StudentECU
Comparing the Effectiveness of Education Versus Digital Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Adu...2023Abebe, Kaleab Z.StudentECU
Comparing the Effectiveness of Education Versus Digital Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Adu...2023Reichman, Charlotte A.StudentECU
Comparing the Effectiveness of Education Versus Digital Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Adu...2023Checo, Grace StudentECU
Comparing the Effectiveness of Education Versus Digital Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Adu...2023Hamm, Megan E.StudentECU
Comparing the Effectiveness of Education Versus Digital Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Adu...2023Stinson, Jennifer StudentECU
Comparing the Effectiveness of Education Versus Digital Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Adu...2023Lalloo, Chitra StudentECU
Comparing the Effectiveness of Education Versus Digital Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Adu...2023Carroll, Patrick StudentECU
Comparing the Effectiveness of Education Versus Digital Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Adu...2023Saraf, Santosh L.StudentECU
Comparing the Effectiveness of Education Versus Digital Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Adu...2023Gordeuk, Victor R.StudentECU
Comparing the Effectiveness of Education Versus Digital Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Adu...2023Desai, Payal StudentECU
Comparing the Effectiveness of Education Versus Digital Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Adu...2023Shah, Nirmish StudentECU
Comparing the Effectiveness of Education Versus Digital Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Adu...2023Trimnell, Cassandra StudentECU
Comparing the Effectiveness of Education Versus Digital Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Adu...2023Jonassaint, Charles R.StudentECU
Comparing the Effectiveness of Video Training Alone Versus Hands-on Training for Older Adult...2018Coleman, Michael ChandlerStudentECU
Comparing the factor structure of the Wisconsin Schizotypy Scales and the Schizotypal Person...2014Silvia, Paul FacultyPsychology, UNCG
Comparing the factor structure of the Wisconsin Schizotypy Scales and the Schizotypal Person...2014Kwapil, Thomas R.FacultyPsychology, UNCG
Comparing Fatigue in Adults Without Myocardial Infarction to Those Post Myocardial Infarctio...2019Guard, Kaitlin GrayStudentECU
Comparing Foraging Niches Of Newly Sympatric Bumble Bees In Alpine Habitats Of Colorado2017Silliman, Mary RachelStudentBiology - Student, ASU
Comparing forced-air to resistive-polymer warming for perioperative temperature management: ...2018Lupo, Brian LindseyStudentNursing, WCU
Comparing Gay Identity Development Theory to Cognitive Development: An Empirical Study2004Cashwell, Craig S.FacultyCounseling and Educational Development, UNCG
Comparing growth and morphological characteristics of North Carolina Longleaf Pine stands2013Patterson, Thomas WilliamStudentGeography, UNCG
Comparing the Hickory Shad (Alosa mediocris) and American Shad (Alosa sapidissima) Sport Fis...2023Dowiarz, Samantha A.StudentECU
Comparing In Vivo Versus Simulation Training For Transnasal Endoscopy Skills2020Wolford, CCC-SLP, George FacultyRehabilitation Sciences, ASU
Comparing the Marital Problems of Spouses Who Met Online vs. Offline2021Lamb, Krystal I.StudentPsychology, UNCG
Comparing Mathematics Abilities of Children with Autism in Middle School Self-Contained Sett...2012Vignali, Lori StudentSpecial Education, UNCP
Comparing Methodologies for Documenting Commingled and Fragmentary Human Remains2017Sussman, Emily StudentECU
Comparing the Multidimensional Behavioral Health Screen to the PHQ-9 in predicting depressio...2019Mitchell, Hannah GabrielleStudentPsychology, WCU
Comparing New World Traditions: Appalachian Balladry And The Mexican Corrido2017Duvall-Irwin, Benjamin StudentAppalachian Studies - Student, ASU
Comparing Outcomes for Normal Aging and Post Stroke Populations in Interactive Metronome The...2010Slye, Annie StudentECU
Comparing Pecha Kucha and Traditional Methods in Occupational Safety Training2016Freeman, Stacy StudentECU
Comparing perceptions of school principal effectiveness in the Kingdom of Bahrain with the U...2015Albureshaid, Fuad AbdulrahmanStudentEducational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG
Comparing Predictive Models For English Premier League Games2019Andrews, Zachary W.StudentComputer Science - Student, ASU
Comparing Projective With Self-Rating Measurement Scales: An Application to Customer-Orienta...1994Boles, James S. FacultyMarketing, Entrepreneurship, Hospitality & Tourism, UNCG
Comparing the Quality of Media Coverage in Democratic Elections2015Leicht, Hannah StudentECU
Comparing Rates of Sexual Assault Between Panel Quota and Social Media Samples: Findings Acr...2021Canan, Sasha FacultySchool of Health & Applied Human Sciences, UNCW
Comparing Responsiveness Of Six Common Patient-Reported Outcomes To Changes FollowingAutolog...2013Howard, Jennifer FacultyHealth and Exercise Science, ASU
Comparing self-perception of attractiveness and overall life satisfaction : the differences ...2012Talbot, Traci L.StudentPsychology, WCU
Comparing three multilevel frameworks for the detection of differential item functioning2019Patton, Elizabeth AdeleStudentEducational Research Methodology, UNCG
Comparing Tribal Research and SpecimensPolicies: Models, Practices, and PrinciplesJessica Ba...2017Bardill, Jessica StudentECU
Comparing Tribal Research and SpecimensPolicies: Models, Practices, and PrinciplesJessica Ba...2023Bardill, Jessica StudentECU
Comparing two appraisal models of interest2006Turner, Samuel AshbyStudentPsychology, UNCG
Comparing two models that reduce the number of nephrology fellowship positions in the United...2015Desai, Tejas StudentECU
Comparing Water Immersion Skin Wrinkling and Tilt Table Testing in a Young Healthy Populatio...2015French, Ricky StudentHealth and Exercise Science - Student, ASU
Comparison and Analysis of ADH Isozymes from a Population of Chrysoma pauciflosculosa2004Winter, Andrea M.StudentHonors College - Biology, UNCP
Comparison as a mode of inquiry: Rearticulating the contexts of intercultural communication2014Cummings, Lance FacultyUNCW
A comparison between 1, 1, 3-tricyano-2-amino-1-propene (TRIAP) and nerve growth factor's ef...2023Moore, James N.StudentECU
Comparison between the dynamic response of selective laser melting (SLM) parkts and conventi...2016Sechrest, Lee ClarkStudentEngineering and Technology, WCU
Comparison Between Groups Of Teachers On Locus Of Control And Philosophy Of Education1981Eggers, Vanessa CraigStudentPsychology - Student, ASU
Comparison Between Homolaterally And Contralaterally Dominant First Grade Children In An Eye...1976Childers, Johnny RayStudentHealth, Physical Education & Recreation - Student, ASU
A Comparison Between Male and Female Strength to Body Mass Ratios and Varus/Valgus Knee Angl...2010Haines, Tracie LynnStudentHealth and Exercise Science - Student, ASU
A comparison between a polluted and a non-polluted stream in Pitt County, North Carolina2023Foster, Owen Guilford.StudentECU
A comparison between recommendations and practices in interscholastic athletics for junior h...1967Burton, William WyeburgStudentEducation, UNCG
A Comparison in Mood States of Distance and Sprint Swimmers2011Swain, Kelly BlairStudentDepartment of Kinesiology, ECU
A Comparison of 9th Grade Student's BMI Body Weight Skin Fold Measurements and Blood Pres...2013Hamrick, Adam StudentECU
A Comparison of 9th Grade Student's BMI, Body Weight, Skin Fold Measurements, and Blood Pres...2023Hamrick, Adam StudentECU
Comparison of abundance and diets of selected fishes in trawling and non-trawling zones in C...2023Hart, Kevin. StudentECU
Comparison of Accuracy on DNA Quantitation Determined by MALDI-TOF Mass Spectrometry and UV ...2010Boyko, Alison LisaFacultyBiology, UNCG
Comparison of Accuracy on DNA Quantitation Determined by MALDI-TOF Mass Spectrometry and UV ...2010Chiu, Norman H.FacultyChemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG
Comparison of achievement in typewriting and interest as measured by an occupational interes...1947Barksdale, Anne StudentBusiness Education, UNCG
A comparison of African-American athletes' nurturing experiences at historically black and h...2009Martin, Gerald M.StudentKinesiology, UNCG
Comparison of alkylamide yield in ethanolic extracts prepared from fresh versus dry Echinace...2009Cech, Nadja B.FacultyChemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG
A Comparison of Alternative Forecast Models of REIT Volatility2011Kang, Zhixin "Richard" FacultySchool of Business,Economics and Decision Sciences, UNCP
A Comparison Of Androgynous/Non-Androgynous Evaluations Of Sex-Related Stories1978Witcover, Carolyn WallaceStudentPsychology - Student, ASU
Comparison of anthropometric measurements of oriental and caucasian females for sizing syste...1984Hu, Kap-Sum StudentHome Economics, UNCG
A Comparison of Artifacts and Activities among Mound Area Contexts at Town Creek A Mississi...2012Armour, Daryl W.StudentAnthropology, ECU
A Comparison of Artifacts and Activities among Mound Area Contexts at Town Creek, A Mississi...2023Armour, Daryl W.StudentECU
A comparison of attitude change toward physical education in classes taught with different e...1970Nugent, Jane ElizabethStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
A comparison of attitudes about child-rearing in middle- and lower-class families1971Mitchell, Marion HawkinsStudentHome Economics, UNCG
The comparison of attitudes of black and white high school students toward physical educatio...1977Tucker, Marilyn QueStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
A comparison of attitudes toward the Negro as pictured in the Raleigh News and Observer in t...1972Massey, Charles EdwardStudentEducation, UNCG
A comparison of attitudes toward physical education among ninth grade students in four schoo...1975Settle, Leah WattsStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
Comparison of attitudes, knowledge, and use of alcohol and drugs between freshmen students a...2023Kroboth, Richard LewisStudentECU
A comparison of aural and visual instrument preferences of third and fifth grade students2009MacLeod, Rebecca B.FacultyMusic Education, UNCG
A Comparison of Automated Scanning Electron Microscopy (ASEM) and Acoustic Attenuation Spect...2015Richter, Scott J.FacultyMathematics and Statistics, UNCG
Comparison of bacterial communities in living eastern hemlock (Tsuga canadensis) rhizosphere...2012Fuller, Kendall LeighStudentBiology, WCU
A comparison of baked custards made with sweet acidophilus lowfat milk and other lowfat milk...1977Debnam, Janet FayeStudentHome Economics, UNCG
A Comparison Of Buy-Side And Sell-Side Analysts2015Hobbs, Jeffrey FacultyFinance, Banking and Insurance, ASU
A comparison of career maturity and personality preferences between Mexican-American and Ang...1995Lundberg, David JohnStudentEducation, UNCG
Comparison of CBCT Prescriptions among Different Campuses of East Carolina University School...2023Phen, Cody C.StudentECU
Comparison of CBCT Prescriptions among Different Campuses of East Carolina University School...2023Camargo, Gerard A.StudentECU
Comparison of CBCT Prescriptions among Different Campuses of East Carolina University School...2023Zhang, Wenjian StudentECU
A comparison of certain characteristics of students taking a high school family living cours...1961Tripp, Hazel GarrisStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Comparison of the chemistry and diversity of endophytes isolated from wild-harvested and gre...2015Todd, Daniel A.FacultyChemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG
Comparison of the chemistry and diversity of endophytes isolated from wild-harvested and gre...2015Raja, Huzefa A.FacultyChemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG
Comparison of the chemistry and diversity of endophytes isolated from wild-harvested and gre...2015Cech, Nadja B.FacultyChemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG
Comparison of the chemistry and diversity of endophytes isolated from wild-harvested and gre...2015Oberlies, Nicholas FacultyChemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG
Comparison of the chemistry and diversity of endophytes isolated from wild-harvested and gre...2015Graf, Tyler FacultyChemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG
A Comparison Of Children's Performance On Tasks Of Language Comprehension1984Haines, Anna LouiseStudentReading Education & Special Education - Student, ASU
A comparison of classification issues across teacher effectiveness measures2014Brasfield, Jon StudentEducational Research, Measurement, and Evaluation, UNCG
Comparison Of Cohabiting, Married, And Dating Couples On Sex Typing, Adjustment, And Dyadic ...1980Nelson, Bruce StudentPsychology - Student, ASU
A Comparison of Commonly Used Suicide Risk Scales2020Mitchell, MaryKatherine StudentPsychology, WCU
A comparison of competitive orientation measures.1991Gill, Diane L.FacultyKinesiology, UNCG
A Comparison of Competitive Strategy and Organizational Performance in Turkey and The United...2010Parnell, John FacultyManagement, Marketing & International Business, UNCP
A Comparison of Contingent Valuation Method and Random Utility Model Estimates of the Value ...2006Whitehead, John FacultyEconomics, ASU
A Comparison of Conventional, Final-Offer, and “Combined” Arbitration for Dispute Resolution...2004Dickinson, David L. FacultyEconomics, ASU
A comparison of counselor attention, counselor attention plus modeling, and supervised study...1978Bray, Margaret R. CrouseStudentEducation, UNCG
Comparison Of The Cultural, Taxonomic And Ecological Aspects Of Medicinal Plants In Cameroon...1999Timah, Nga JosephStudentBiology - Student, ASU
A Comparison of Cyclic Variations in Anterior Knee Laxity, Genu Recurvatum, and General Join...2010Levine, Beverly FacultyKinesiology, UNCG
A Comparison of Cyclic Variations in Anterior Knee Laxity, Genu Recurvatum, and General Join...2010Shultz, Sandra J.FacultyKinesiology, UNCG
A Comparison of Cyclic Variations in Anterior Knee Laxity, Genu Recurvatum, and General Join...2010Perrin, David H.FacultyOffice of the Provost, UNCG
A comparison of the cytogenetic, clinical, and immunologic aspects of four "chromosome break...1977Adams, Nancy JStudentBiology, UNCG
Comparison of Dental Care Utilization among Chinese- and Russian-Speaking Immigrant Elders2005Wu, Bei FacultyGerontology, UNCG
A comparison of the diet of a selected group of grade children living in a boarding school w...1947Powell, Mary RaymondStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Comparison of Dietary Intake of Overweight Postpartum Mothers Practicing Breastfeeding or Fo...2011Lovelady, Cheryl A.FacultyNutrition, UNCG
A comparison of the difference among selected sit-ups with regard to strength1964Crowe, Patricia BarbaraStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
Comparison of Digital Image Processing Techniques for Classifying Arctic Tundra2010Hall-Brown, Mary B.FacultyGeography, UNCG
Comparison of Digital Image Processing Techniques for Classifying Arctic Tundra2010Stine, Roy S.FacultyGeography, UNCG
Comparison of Documentation Models Used by Emergency Physicians in a Community Hospital Sett...2023Evans, Guyla CorbettStudentECU
A comparison of drive, cognitive-attentional, and cybernetic models of test anxiety and soci...1983Beck, Hall P.StudentPsychology, UNCG
A comparison of drivers' braking responses across ages2012Brown, Danielle StudentOccupational Therapy, ECU
Comparison of Ecdysteroid Production in Drosophila and Manduca: Pharmacology and Cross-Speci...1995Henrich, Vincent C.FacultyBiology, UNCG
A Comparison Of Ectomycorrhizal Hypogeous Fungi In Spruce-Fir And Northern Hardwood Forests ...2001Bird, Claire EliseStudentBiology - Student, ASU
A comparison of the effect of body build on selected tests of arm strength among college wom...1972Connolly, Maureen LucilleStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
A comparison of the effect of logistic strategy and logistics integration on firm competitiv...2013Spillan, John E. "Jack"FacultyManagement, Marketing and International Business , UNCP
A comparison of the effect of ordered and scrambled sequential techniques in programmed tenn...1968Mariello, Frances StudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
A comparison of the effectiveness of computer-assisted instruction using microcomputers and ...1988Tilidetzke, Robert JamesStudentEducation, UNCG
A comparison of the effectiveness of teaching volleyball through the "fingertip" method and ...1967Romero, Margaret StudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
A comparison of the effectiveness of three commonly used scoring methods for prioritizing ar...1994Penta, Mary Q.StudentEducation, UNCG
A comparison of the effectiveness of three teaching methods based on rote learning, improvis...1993Lorenz, Kevin StudentMusic, UNCG
A comparison of the effectiveness of two methods of teaching a four-week unit on selected mo...1965Gravlee, Gayle StudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
The comparison of the effects of lifestyle activity and structured cardiovascular exercise o...2008Swearingin, Brenda StudentKinesiology, UNCG
A comparison of the effects of mental and physical practice upon abdominal strength in high ...1967Rodriguez, Gloria JeanStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
A comparison of the effects of reinforcing accuracy and on-task responses in a programmed re...1974Deaton, Fran KirkseyStudentPsychology, UNCG
A comparison of the effects of two methods of teaching high school physics on understanding ...1969Eason, Clifton WayneStudentEducation, UNCG
A Comparison of the Efficiency in Finding Genes between Sequences Enriched For Hypo-Methylat...2015Watson, Joshua StudentBiology - Student , ASU
Comparison of the efficiency of four styles of breast stroke1965Zeh, Brenda SueStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
Comparison of electrospray ionization and atmospheric pressure photoionization liquid chroma...2016Shymanovich, Tatsiana FacultyBiology, UNCG
Comparison of electrospray ionization and atmospheric pressure photoionization liquid chroma...2016Faeth, Stanley H.FacultyBiology, UNCG
Comparison of electrospray ionization and atmospheric pressure photoionization liquid chroma...2016Cech, Nadja B.FacultyChemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG
A Comparison of Elementary Student Curriculum Satisfaction to Performance2018Lowry, Megan F.StudentECU
A Comparison of End-Of Course Scores in a Heath Sciences Classroom2013Watson, Jacqueline StudentECU
Comparison of Esophageal, Rectal, and Gastrointestinal Temperatures During Passive Rest Afte...2017Adams, William M. FacultyKinesiology, UNCG
Comparison of Estimations Versus Measured Oxygen Consumption at Rest in Patients With Heart ...2015Wideman, Laurie FacultyKinesiology, UNCG
Comparison of Estimations Versus Measured Oxygen Consumption at Rest in Patients With Heart ...2015Schulz, Mark R.FacultyPublic Health Education, UNCG
Comparison of estimations versus measured resting oxygen consumption in patients with heart ...2014Chase, Paul J.StudentKinesiology, UNCG
Comparison of the exoS Gene and Protein Expression in Soil and Clinical Isolates of Pseudomo...2011Vincent, Timothy S.StudentECU
Comparison of the exoS Gene and Protein Expression in Soil and Clinical Isolates of Pseudomo...2011Olson, Joan C.StudentECU
Comparison of the exoS Gene and Protein Expression in Soil and Clinical Isolates of Pseudomo...2011Maxwell, Jill A.StudentECU
Comparison of the exoS Gene and Protein Expression in Soil and Clinical Isolates of Pseudomo...2011da, Silva JackStudentECU
Comparison of the exoS Gene and Protein Expression in Soil and Clinical Isolates of Pseudomo...2011Ferguson, Michael W.StudentECU
A comparison of expected and observed piano skills required of public school music teachers ...1977Case, Trelles GlennStudentMusic, UNCG
Comparison of Extended Versus Brief Treatments for Marijuana Use2000Curtin , Lisa FacultyPsychology, ASU
A comparison of the external microbial assemblages between native southern strain and wild n...2012Edwards, Alex TannerStudentBiology, WCU
Comparison of F(ab') versus Fab antivenom for pit viper envenomation: A prospective, blinded...2015Meggs, William J.StudentECU
Comparison of F(ab') versus Fab antivenom for pit viper envenomation: A prospective, blinded...2015Toschlog, Eric A.StudentECU
Comparison of F(ab') versus Fab antivenom for pit viper envenomation: A prospective, blinded...2015Borron, Stephen W.StudentECU
Comparison of F(ab') versus Fab antivenom for pit viper envenomation: A prospective, blinded...2015Figge, Gary R.StudentECU
Comparison of F(ab') versus Fab antivenom for pit viper envenomation: A prospective, blinded...2015Sollee, Dawn R.StudentECU
Comparison of F(ab') versus Fab antivenom for pit viper envenomation: A prospective, blinded...2015Shirazi, Farshad M.StudentECU
Comparison of F(ab') versus Fab antivenom for pit viper envenomation: A prospective, blinded...2015Clark, Richard F.StudentECU
Comparison of F(ab') versus Fab antivenom for pit viper envenomation: A prospective, blinded...2015Arnold, Thomas C.StudentECU
Comparison of F(ab') versus Fab antivenom for pit viper envenomation: A prospective, blinded...2015Lewis, Brandon J.StudentECU
Comparison of F(ab') versus Fab antivenom for pit viper envenomation: A prospective, blinded...2015Morgan, David L.StudentECU
Comparison of F(ab') versus Fab antivenom for pit viper envenomation: A prospective, blinded...2015Seifert, Steven A.StudentECU
Comparison of F(ab') versus Fab antivenom for pit viper envenomation: A prospective, blinded...2015Ruha, Anne-Michelle StudentECU
Comparison of F(ab') versus Fab antivenom for pit viper envenomation: A prospective, blinded...2015Bush, Sean P.StudentECU
Comparison of F(ab') versus Fab antivenom for pit viper envenomation: A prospective, blinded...2015Wolk, Robert StudentECU
Comparison of F(ab')2 Versus Fab Antivenom for Pit Viper Envenomation: A Prospective, Blinde...2023Toschlog, Eric StudentECU
Comparison Of Financial Lucrativeness And Safety In The World Of Online And Offline Prostitu...2019Marcum, Cathy FacultyGovernment and Justice Studies, ASU
Comparison of the fit of dresses constructed by the traditional method from basic fitting pa...1975Clark, Peyton HudsonStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Comparison of Fluorometric Detection Methods for Quantitative Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR...2005Chiu, Norman H.FacultyChemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG
Comparison of Food and Beverage Products' Availability, Variety, Price and Quality in German...2023Pitts, Stephanie StudentECU
Comparison of four clones of the ichthyotoxic flagellate Prymnesium2009Clouse, Melissa A.StudentBiology and Marine Biology, UNCW
A Comparison of Gastrointestinal and Rectal Temperature During Passive Rest After a Warm Wea...2016Adams, William M. FacultyKinesiology, UNCG
Comparison of general diagnostic classification model for multiple-choice and dichotomous di...2018Fu, Yanyan StudentEducational Research Methodology, UNCG
A Comparison of the German Baroque and the French Romantic Organ1974Kelly, Susan N. FacultyMusic, UNCP
A Comparison of Germination and Early Growth of Four Early Successional Tree Species of the ...2009Lacey, Elizabeth P.FacultyBiology, UNCG
A Comparison Of Grades Earned In Auto Mechanics I To Selected Available Criteria1983Reid, Jean P.StudentCounselor Education and Research - Student, ASU
A comparison of graduated exposure, training in verbal coping skills : and a combination of ...1978Sheslow, David V.StudentPsychology, UNCG
Comparison Of Graft Failure Rate Between Autografts Placed Via An Anatomic Anterior Cruciate...2015Howard, Jennifer FacultyHealth and Exercise Science, ASU
A comparison of the heroism of Antigone in the plays of Sophocles, Jean Cocteau, and Jean An...1956Harrill, Nancy StudentRomance Languages, UNCG
A Comparison of High School End of Course Test Results of Athletes and Non-Athletes in Three...2012Wyant, Michael StephenStudentEducational Leadership - Student, ASU
Comparison of Ideal Cardiovascular Health Attainment and Acculturation among Asian Americans...2019Echeverría, Sandra E. FacultyPublic Health Education, UNCG
Comparison of identifications of human and animal source gram-negative bacteria by API 20E a...2011Vore, S. StudentECU
Comparison of identifications of human and animal source gram-negative bacteria by API 20E a...2011Pryor, W. StudentECU
Comparison of identifications of human and animal source gram-negative bacteria by API 20E a...2011Peele, D. StudentECU
Comparison of identifications of human and animal source gram-negative bacteria by API 20E a...2011Bradfield, J. StudentECU
A comparison of implicit versus explicit measures in evaluating outcomes after a pregnancy p...2010Okon, Amanda LynnStudentPsychology, WCU
A comparison of individuals and dyads in attaining relational concepts1971Licht, Norman CharlesStudentEducation, UNCG
A Comparison of Instructional Strategies Used by Experienced Band and Orchestra Teachers Whe...2010MacLeod, Rebecca B.FacultyMusic Education, UNCG
Comparison of instructor and student-generated cues for enhancing skill acquisition of the g...2023Street, Ivan N.StudentECU
A comparison of the intercultural sensitivity levels of high school principals and their stu...1996Penland, Thomas JamesStudentEducation, UNCG
A comparison of the interest, importance, and psychological aspects of clothing between a gr...1969Bissell, Lucille MildredStudentHome Economics, UNCG
A comparison of interpolation methods for estimating mountaintop removal2014Hurst, Pamela J.StudentGeography, UNCG
Comparison of isokinetic Strength and Flexibility Measures Between Hamstring Injured and Non...1991Perrin, David H.FacultyOffice of the Provost, UNCG
A comparison of job performance ratings obtained with mixed and unmixed standard scales1974Moyer, Stephen MichaelStudentPsychology, UNCG
A comparison of kernel equating and IRT true score equating methods2007Godfrey, Kelly ElizabethStudentEducational Research Methodology, UNCG
A comparison of knee muscle activation and knee joint stiffness between female dancers and b...2007Ambegaonkar, Jatin PStudentKinesiology, UNCG
A Comparison of Lean and Obese Gait Characteristics of Children and Adults During Level Walk...2010Herring, Cortney StudentECU
Comparison Of Lower Leg Morphology And Stretch-Shortening Cycle Capabilities Between Dancers...2017Rice, Paige ElizabethStudentHealth and Exercise Science - Student, ASU
Comparison of male and female college students' interpretations of physical characteristics,...1971Baldwin, Joyce AnneStudentHome Economics, UNCG
The Comparison Of Manganese (II) Oxidizing Microbes In Two Cave Systems2020Smith, Morgan OliviaStudentBiology - Student, ASU
A Comparison of Mathematics Curricula and how it Relates to STEM/STEAM College Graduation Ra...2019Warfle, Jamie StudentEsther G. Maynor Honors College, Mathematics, UNCP
A Comparison of Mathematics Curricula and how it Relates to STEM/STEAM College Graduation Ra...2019Warfle, Jamie StudentEsther G. Maynor Honors College, Mathematics, UNCP
A comparison of measures of community college effectiveness in satisfying students' academic...1995Flake, Judy B.StudentEducation, UNCG
A comparison of medical care between athletic trainers and first responders at North Carolin...2020Edkins, Susan C.StudentKinesiology, UNCG
A Comparison Of Memory Span And Absolute Judgement In Three Adult Populations1977Chestnut, Wilbur H.StudentPsychology - Student, ASU
Comparison of Mental Health between First-Year College Students Residing in Living-Learning ...2023Wiles, Heather,L StudentECU
Comparison of Metabolomics Approaches for Evaluating the Variability of Complex Botanical Pr...2017Kellogg, Joshua J. FacultyChemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG
Comparison of Metabolomics Approaches for Evaluating the Variability of Complex Botanical Pr...2017Oberlies, Nicholas FacultyChemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG
Comparison of Metabolomics Approaches for Evaluating the Variability of Complex Botanical Pr...2017Graf, Tyler FacultyChemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG
Comparison of Metabolomics Approaches for Evaluating the Variability of Complex Botanical Pr...2017Cech, Nadja B.FacultyChemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG
A Comparison Of Methods For Scaling Field Data For Use In Mapping Dryland Ecosystem Vegetati...2017Maloney, Megan CathreenStudentGeography and Planning - Student, ASU
Comparison of Methods to Quantify Volume During Resistance Exercise2009Triplett, N. Travis FacultyHealth and Exercise Science, ASU
A Comparison Of Mississippian (320 Million Years Ago) And Modern Analogous Marine Assemblage...1994Radenbaugh, Todd AlanStudentBiology - Student, ASU
Comparison of Mitochondrial Phenotypes Across Cancers with Different Tissues of Origin2023McLaughlin, Kelsey LStudentECU
A comparison of modeling, instructions and feedback in the development of three social respo...1974Gibson, Frank WilsonStudentPsychology, UNCG
A Comparison of the Motivations and Learning Strategies Employed by Adult Learners in Indust...2007Nicholson, Henry John StudentTeacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG
Comparison of motor ability, new motor skill learning, and adjustment to a rearranged visual...1959Hoepner, Barbara JaneStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
A comparison of motor creativity with verbal creativity and figural creativity of Black cult...1971Alston, Dorothy JeanStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
A comparison of multiple regression computer programs and their usefulness in analysis of va...1977Mills, Douglas LaneStudentMathematics, UNCG
Comparison Of Muscle Activation Levels Between Healthy Individuals And Persons Who Have Unde...2016Howard, Jennifer FacultyHealth and Exercise Science, ASU
Comparison Of Muscle And Bone Characteristics And Stretch-Shortening Cycle Capabilities Betw...2019Guthrie, Caroline D.StudentHealth and Exercise Science - Student, ASU
A comparison of the muscular organization of the rhopalial stalk in Cubomedusae (Cnidaria)2009Smith, Barbara StudentMarine Science, UNCW
Comparison of N-K Table Offset Angles with the Human Knee Flexor Torque Curve1993Perrin, David H.FacultyOffice of the Provost, UNCG
Comparison of Nasalance in Spanish-Speaking Bilinguals and English-Speaking Monolinguals Liv...2023Broadwell, Katie StudentECU
A comparison of nasalance values in tracheoesophageal voice prosthesis and normal laryngeal ...2012Mayo, Robert FacultyCommunication Sciences and Disorders, UNCG
Comparison of nekton utilization of smooth cordgrass (Spartina alterniflora) marsh based on ...2009Meyer, David L.StudentBiology and Marine Biology, UNCW
Comparison of neuromuscular control strategies between collegiate female dancers and athlete...2014Pye, Michele LynettStudentKinesiology, UNCG
Comparison of a New bioprosthetic Mitral Valve to Other Commercially Available Devices Under...2023Chitwood, W. RandolphStudentECU
Comparison of a New bioprosthetic Mitral Valve to Other Commercially Available Devices Under...2023Wang, Dee DeeStudentECU
Comparison of a New bioprosthetic Mitral Valve to Other Commercially Available Devices Under...2023Caranasos, Thomas G.StudentECU
Comparison of a New bioprosthetic Mitral Valve to Other Commercially Available Devices Under...2023O'Neill, Brian P.StudentECU
Comparison of a New bioprosthetic Mitral Valve to Other Commercially Available Devices Under...2023Stack, Richard S.StudentECU
Comparison of a New bioprosthetic Mitral Valve to Other Commercially Available Devices Under...2023O'Neill, William W.StudentECU
Comparison of non-invasive to invasive oxygenation ratios for diagnosing acute respiratory d...2018Bashar, Farshid R.,Vahedian-Azimi,Amir,Farzanegan,Behrooz,GoharaniStudentECU
Comparison of non-invasive to invasive oxygenation ratios for diagnosing acute respiratory d...2018Bashar, Farshid R.,Vahedian-Azimi,Amir,Farzanegan,Behrooz,GoharaniStudentECU
Comparison of non-invasive to invasive oxygenation ratios for diagnosing acute respiratory d...2018Bashar, Farshid R.StudentECU
Comparison of non-invasive to invasive oxygenation ratios for diagnosing acute respiratory d...2018Vahedian-Azimi, Amir StudentECU
Comparison of non-invasive to invasive oxygenation ratios for diagnosing acute respiratory d...2018Farzanegan, Behrooz StudentECU
Comparison of non-invasive to invasive oxygenation ratios for diagnosing acute respiratory d...2018Goharani, Reza StudentECU
Comparison of non-invasive to invasive oxygenation ratios for diagnosing acute respiratory d...2018Shojaei, Seyedpouzhia StudentECU
Comparison of non-invasive to invasive oxygenation ratios for diagnosing acute respiratory d...2018Hatamian, Sevak StudentECU
Comparison of non-invasive to invasive oxygenation ratios for diagnosing acute respiratory d...2018Mosavinasab, Seyed M. M.StudentECU
Comparison of non-invasive to invasive oxygenation ratios for diagnosing acute respiratory d...2018Khoshfetrat, Masoum StudentECU
Comparison of non-invasive to invasive oxygenation ratios for diagnosing acute respiratory d...2018Khabiri Khatir, Mohammad A.StudentECU
Comparison of non-invasive to invasive oxygenation ratios for diagnosing acute respiratory d...2018Tomdio, Anna StudentECU
Comparison of non-invasive to invasive oxygenation ratios for diagnosing acute respiratory d...2018Miller, Andrew C.StudentECU
Comparison of Nonballistic Active Knee Extension in Neural Slump Position and Static Stretch...1997Perrin, David H.FacultyOffice of the Provost, UNCG
A comparison of nurse and patient perceptions of patient's postsurgical pain2023Stephenson, Nancy Lou NicksStudentECU
A comparison of observed score approaches to detecting differential item functioning among m...2018Rollins, Jonathan DarrellStudentEducational Research Methodology, UNCG
Comparison of Online and Face-to-Face Physical Activity Courses on Undergraduates' Physical ...2023White, T. Isaac IStudentECU
Comparison of Pain, Functioning, Coping, and Psychological Distress in Patients with Chronic...2023Wu, Qiang StudentECU
Comparison of Pain, Functioning, Coping, and Psychological Distress in Patients with Chronic...2023Kyle, Brandon N.StudentECU
Comparison of Pain, Functioning, Coping, and Psychological Distress in Patients with Chronic...2023Firnhaber, Juan StudentECU
A comparison of parameter estimation algorithms for estimating a polytomous log-linear cogni...2019Strachan, Tyler JeffreyStudentEducation Research Methodology, UNCG
A comparison of parental attitudes toward competition in youth sports in relation to the sex...1979Phillips, James H.StudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
A comparison of perceptions, benefits, advantages and convenience of breastfeeding between a...2023Ketchie, Monica F.StudentECU
A Comparison Of Performance On Two Adolescent Language Tests1985West, Stephanie KarenStudentSpeech Pathology - Student, ASU
Comparison of Perkinsus marinus infection and oyster condition in southeastern North Carolin...2009Colosimo, Sara L.StudentBiology and Marine Biology, UNCW
A comparison of personality profiles of employees in selected job classification in a textil...1971McKinney, David WayneStudentPsychology, UNCG
A comparison of personality variables of college women physical education majors who were su...1959Rogers, Kitty ElaineStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
A comparison of physical education in Germany and America from the years 1860-19301963Wertz, Delores JeanStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
Comparison of Physiological Variables to Perceived Exertion During Aerobic and Anaerobic Exe...2013Vasquez, Ligia MariaStudentHealth and Exercise Science - Student, ASU
A comparison of postsecondary academic success of traditional high school graduates and GED ...1992Shepherd, Johnny BruceStudentEducation, UNCG
Comparison of Problem Based Learning and Traditional Lecture Instruction on Critical Thinkin...2008Sanderson, Heather L.StudentKinesiology, UNCG
Comparison of the professionalization of nursing in Canton, Hong Kong, and Macao1983Tabor, Ellen D.StudentEducation, UNCG
A comparison of progressive relaxation technique to therapeutic touch in reducing state anxi...2023Hooks, Patricia PikeStudentECU
A comparison of PTSD and subthreshold PTSD symptom network structures2018Gay, Natalie G.StudentPsychology, UNCG
A comparison of the qualities of dacron and cotton blends used in shirtings with all-cotton ...1955Hawkins, Janet B.StudentHome Economics, UNCG
Comparison of quantification methods to measure fire-derived (black/elemental) carbon in soi...2023Hammes, Karen StudentECU
Comparison of quantification methods to measure fire-derived (black/elemental) carbon in soi...2023Schmidt, Michael W.I.StudentECU
Comparison of quantification methods to measure fire-derived (black/elemental) carbon in soi...2023Smernik, Ronald J.StudentECU
Comparison of quantification methods to measure fire-derived (black/elemental) carbon in soi...2023Currie, Lloyd A.StudentECU
Comparison of quantification methods to measure fire-derived (black/elemental) carbon in soi...2023Ball, William P.StudentECU
Comparison of quantification methods to measure fire-derived (black/elemental) carbon in soi...2023Nguyen, Thanh H.StudentECU
Comparison of quantification methods to measure fire-derived (black/elemental) carbon in soi...2023Louchouarn, Patrick StudentECU
Comparison of quantification methods to measure fire-derived (black/elemental) carbon in soi...2023Houel, Stephane StudentECU
Comparison of quantification methods to measure fire-derived (black/elemental) carbon in soi...2023Gustafsson, Orjan StudentECU
Comparison of quantification methods to measure fire-derived (black/elemental) carbon in soi...2023Elmquist, Marie StudentECU
Comparison of quantification methods to measure fire-derived (black/elemental) carbon in soi...2023Cornelissen, Gerard StudentECU
Comparison of quantification methods to measure fire-derived (black/elemental) carbon in soi...2023Skjemstad, Jan O.StudentECU
Comparison of quantification methods to measure fire-derived (black/elemental) carbon in soi...2023Masiello, Caroline A.StudentECU
Comparison of quantification methods to measure fire-derived (black/elemental) carbon in soi...2023Song, Jianzhong StudentECU
Comparison of quantification methods to measure fire-derived (black/elemental) carbon in soi...2023Peng, Ping'an StudentECU
Comparison of quantification methods to measure fire-derived (black/elemental) carbon in soi...2023Mitra, Siddhartha StudentECU
Comparison of quantification methods to measure fire-derived (black/elemental) carbon in soi...2023Dunn, Joshua C.StudentECU
Comparison of quantification methods to measure fire-derived (black/elemental) carbon in soi...2023Hatcher, Patrick G.StudentECU
Comparison of quantification methods to measure fire-derived (black/elemental) carbon in soi...2023Hockaday, William C.StudentECU
Comparison of quantification methods to measure fire-derived (black/elemental) carbon in soi...2023Smith, Dwight M.StudentECU
Comparison of quantification methods to measure fire-derived (black/elemental) carbon in soi...2023Hartkopf-Froder, Cristoph StudentECU
Comparison of quantification methods to measure fire-derived (black/elemental) carbon in soi...2023Bohmer, Axel StudentECU
Comparison of quantification methods to measure fire-derived (black/elemental) carbon in soi...2023Luer, Burkhard StudentECU
Comparison of quantification methods to measure fire-derived (black/elemental) carbon in soi...2023Huebert, Barry J.StudentECU
Comparison of quantification methods to measure fire-derived (black/elemental) carbon in soi...2023Amelung, Wulf StudentECU
Comparison of quantification methods to measure fire-derived (black/elemental) carbon in soi...2023Brodowski, Sonja StudentECU
Comparison of quantification methods to measure fire-derived (black/elemental) carbon in soi...2023Huang, Lin StudentECU
Comparison of quantification methods to measure fire-derived (black/elemental) carbon in soi...2023Zhang, Wendy StudentECU
Comparison of quantification methods to measure fire-derived (black/elemental) carbon in soi...2023Gschwend, Philip M.StudentECU
Comparison of quantification methods to measure fire-derived (black/elemental) carbon in soi...2023Flores-Cervantes, D. XanatStudentECU
Comparison of quantification methods to measure fire-derived (black/elemental) carbon in soi...2023Largeau, Claude StudentECU
Comparison of quantification methods to measure fire-derived (black/elemental) carbon in soi...2023Rouzaud, Jean-Noel StudentECU
Comparison of quantification methods to measure fire-derived (black/elemental) carbon in soi...2023Rumpel, Cornelia StudentECU
Comparison of quantification methods to measure fire-derived (black/elemental) carbon in soi...2023Guggenberger, Georg StudentECU
Comparison of quantification methods to measure fire-derived (black/elemental) carbon in soi...2023Kaiser, Klaus StudentECU
Comparison of quantification methods to measure fire-derived (black/elemental) carbon in soi...2023Rodionov, Andrei StudentECU
Comparison of quantification methods to measure fire-derived (black/elemental) carbon in soi...2023Gonzalez-Vila, Francisco J.StudentECU
Comparison of quantification methods to measure fire-derived (black/elemental) carbon in soi...2023Gonzalez-Perez, Jose A.StudentECU
Comparison of quantification methods to measure fire-derived (black/elemental) carbon in soi...2023de la Rosa, Jose M.StudentECU
Comparison of quantification methods to measure fire-derived (black/elemental) carbon in soi...2023Manning, David A. C.StudentECU
Comparison of quantification methods to measure fire-derived (black/elemental) carbon in soi...2023Lopez-Capel, Elisa StudentECU
Comparison of quantification methods to measure fire-derived (black/elemental) carbon in soi...2023Ding, Luyi StudentECU
A Comparison Of The RCAF Physical Fitness Program And Bob Richards' Isometric Contraction Pr...1967Sams, Bruce PattersonStudentRecreation Management and Phys. Ed. - Student, ASU
A Comparison Of Rehearsal Time Use By High School Band Directors1997Eagle, Keith EvanStudentMusic - Student, ASU
A comparison of reinforcement and model-reinforcement techniques in influencing verbal parti...1973Cain, William HenryStudentEducation, UNCG
Comparison of responses of basketball coaches and players to situation - response survey1982Hodges, Carolyn VirginiaStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
A Comparison of Retail Franchises, Independent Business, and Purchased Existing Independent ...2011Welsh, Dianne H.B.FacultyBusiness Administration, UNCG
Comparison of the Revised and Original Versions of the Bayley Scales of Infant Development2000Gagnon, Sandra G.FacultyPsychology, ASU
A comparison of the Rokeach and values clarification methods of values change1975Medford, Bobby LeeStudentHome Economics, UNCG
A comparison of Russian and American factory quality practices1994Welsh, Dianne H.B.FacultyBusiness Administration, UNCG
Comparison of Sampling Strategies for Tobacco Retailer Inspections to Maximize Coverage in V...2023Lee, Joseph G. L.StudentECU
A comparison of the scale and otolith methods of ageing alewife (Alosa pseudoharengus) and b...2023Kornegay, James W.StudentECU
Comparison of Scaled vs. Ultrasound Based Musculoskeletal Models on Knee Muscle Moments Duri...2012Pope, John R.StudentExercise and Sports Science, ECU
A comparison of scholastic achievements of married and unmarried high school students1959Garner, Kate BaucomStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Comparison of search algorithms in two-stage neural network training for optical character r...2020Gilley, Patrik WayneStudentEngineering and Technology, WCU
A Comparison Of Selected Characteristics Of Early And Non-Early Readers As Found In Fifty-Ni...1979Towell, Janet Leigh HoyleStudentReading Education - Student, ASU
A Comparison Of Selected MMPI Personality Scales Among Assaultive, Sexually Assaultive, And ...1983Buckaloo, Rachel JaneStudentPsychology - Student, ASU
A comparison of selected personality traits of college women who participate in varsity team...1971Wilson, Verna JeanStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
A comparison of selected student outcomes in community college associate degree nursing prog...1993Banks, Teressa W.StudentEducation, UNCG
Comparison of Self-reported Attachment in Young Adults from Spain and the United States2013Kwapil, Thomas R.FacultyPsychology, UNCG
A Comparison of Sentencing Outcomes for Defendants with Public Defenders Versus Retained Cou...2002Williams, Marian FacultyGovernment and Justice Studies, ASU
A comparison of shallow groundwater nitrate concentrations in vegetated vs. cultivated ripar...2023Boettger, Peter C.StudentECU
A comparison of shallow groundwater nitrate concentrations in vegetated vs. cultivated ripar...2023Boettger, Peter C.StudentECU
A comparison of single- and multi-band attention models by use of short duration noise pulse...1974Harris, Stephen RobertStudentPsychology, UNCG
Comparison of the Skin-to-Epidural Space Distance at the Thoracic and Lumbar Levels in Child...2023Tumin, Dmitry StudentECU
A comparison of small subunit 16S ribosomal DNA recombinant plasmid clone libraries from Hi...2006Cook, Larry N.StudentBiology, UNCG
A comparison of the soiling behavior of dacron-and-cotton fabrics with those of similarly co...1958Buchanan, Frances BarnettStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Comparison of space and facilities in mobile homes and public housing by selected recommende...1969Pittman, Audrey LaverneStudentHome Economics, UNCG
A Comparison Of Spaced And Massed Practice On The Acquisition Of Functional Sight Words1982Jones, Vicki LynnStudentSpecial Education - Student, ASU
Comparison of Squat Strength and Muscle Activity Between Female Athletes With Varus Versus V...2014Goodman, Courtney LeaStudentHealth and Exercise Science - Student, ASU
A comparison of staff development methods for training school-based assessment committees in...1980Smith, Sarah CookeStudentEducation, UNCG
Comparison of Stance Phase Knee Joint Angles and Moments Using Two Different Surface Marker ...2023Willson, John D.StudentECU
Comparison of Stance Phase Knee Joint Angles and Moments Using Two Different Surface Marker ...2023Petit, Daniel J.StudentECU
Comparison of Stance Phase Knee Joint Angles and Moments Using Two Different Surface Marker ...2023Barrios, Joaquin A.StudentECU
Comparison of Standard Soil Amendments and Calcined Clay on Crop Yields in an Urban Garden a...2014Johnston, Page StudentEnvironmental Studies, UNCA
A comparison of statewide public higher education agencies1985Lancaster, James M.StudentEducation, UNCG
Comparison of Strategies and Policies for Building Distributed Digital Preservation Infrastr...2009Halbert, Martin FacultyUniversity Libraries, UNCG
A Comparison of Strength and Power Characteristics Between Power Lifters, Olympic Lifters, a...1999Triplett, N. Travis FacultyHealth and Exercise Science, ASU
A Comparison of Structuralism, Functionalism, and Behaviorism1977DuBose, Winifred H. StudentIndependent Study, UNCP
A Comparison of Students’ and Jury Panelists’ Decision-making in Split Recovery Cases2011Wingrove, Twila FacultyPsychology, ASU
Comparison of subjective evaluation and objective laboratory measurement of the property of ...1973Jarrelle, Audrey LeeStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Comparison of Sustainable Flood Risk Management by Four Countries – the United Kingdom, the ...2023Wang, Zilin StudentECU
Comparison of Sustainable Flood Risk Management by Four Countries – the United Kingdom, the ...2023Montz, Burrell StudentECU
Comparison of Sustainable Flood Risk Management by Four Countries – the United Kingdom, the ...2023Chan, Faith Ka ShunStudentECU
Comparison of Sustainable Flood Risk Management by Four Countries – the United Kingdom, the ...2023, et alStudentECU
A comparison of a tannic acid biopesticide and a commercial fungicide used for crop protecti...2016Bien, Brooke StudentChemistry and Physics, WCU
A Comparison Of Teacher Ratings Made By Students With High And Low Discrepancies Between Cou...1970Odom, Sylvia SouthardStudentPsychology - Student, ASU
A comparison of teacher response to the preacademic and problem behavior of boys and girls1974Wolfe, Donna HelenStudentHome Economics, UNCG
A Comparison Of Teachers' Perception Between Communicatively Impaired Children And Their Pee...1984Goodman, Pamela JeanStudentSpeech Pathology and Audiology - Student, ASU
A Comparison Of Three Adolescent Language Screening Tests1986Cameron, Carolyn StudentLanguage, Reading, & Exceptionalities - Student, ASU
A comparison of three family therapy programs for treating family conflicts in adolescents w...1992Anastopoulos, Arthur D.FacultyHuman Development and Family Studies, UNCG
A Comparison Of Three Language Screening Tests1987Meiburg, Diane SandersonStudentSpeech Pathology - Student, ASU
Comparison of three measures of pre-competition arousal.1980Gill, Diane L.FacultyKinesiology, UNCG
A comparison of three methods of career planning for liberal arts majors1984Pickering, James WorthStudentEducation, UNCG
A comparison of three strategies and teacher influence on beginning reading skill achievemen...1977Slatton, Thomas D.StudentHome Economics, UNCG
Comparison of three treatments for stress reduction1990Moore, Nil AlptekinStudentEducation, UNCG
Comparison of tolerance characteristics in the guinea pig following chronic in-vivo exposure...2012Maguma, Hercules StudentPharmacology, ECU
Comparison Of Total Time Performance Between Task-Motivational Instructions And Hypnosis Tra...1976Wilson, Donald A.StudentPsychology - Student, ASU
A Comparison Of Traditional And Checklist Individualized Education Programs For Articulation...1986Hood, Amelia TolandStudentLanguage, Reading, and Exceptionalities - Student, ASU
Comparison of a Traditional Teaching Model to the SCALE-UP Teaching Model in Undergraduate B...2023Mears, Samantha StudentECU
A comparison of traditional test blueprinting and item development to assessment engineering...2010Masters, James S.StudentEducational Research Methodology, UNCG
A comparison of traditional test blueprinting to assessment engineering in a large scale ass...2016Thomas, Cheryl A.StudentEducational Research Methodology, UNCG
A comparison of trained and untrained caregivers' behaviors with varied infant-adult ratios1980Hartman, Linda McCallStudentHome Economics, UNCG
A comparison of two analytic methods for the identification of neighborhoods as intervention...1997Aronson, Robert E.FacultyPublic Health Education, UNCG
A comparison of two approaches to the teaching of reading2023Roberson, Elizabeth StudentECU
A comparison of two approaches to the teaching of reading2023Roberson, Elizabeth. StudentECU
A comparison of two keyboarding instruction methods over 2 years for elementary students.2023Donica, Denise StudentECU
A comparison of two keyboarding instruction methods over 2 years for elementary students.2023Giroux, P. StudentECU
A comparison of two keyboarding instruction methods over 2 years for elementary students.2023Kim, Y. J.StudentECU
A comparison of two keyboarding instruction methods over 2 years for elementary students.2023Branson, Sydney StudentECU
Comparison Of Two Methods For Measuring Daily Path Lengths In Arboreal Primates2007Lappan, Susan FacultyAnthropology, ASU
Comparison of two methods of improving speed in the 100 yard dash1969Buck, Gilbert RexStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
A comparison of two methods of teaching beginning golf : expository versus guided discovery1970Ward, Dianne StantonStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
A comparison of two methods of teaching grammar2023Booth, Sandra KayStudentECU
A Comparison Of Two Methods Of Teaching Senior High School Grammar And Composition: Unit Con...1954Akers, Ruby StudentEducation - Student, ASU
A comparison of two nutrition education programs for weight control1983Tyndall, Elizabeth Ann QuinnStudentHome Economics, UNCG
A comparison of two positions for assessing shoulder rotator peak torque: the traditional fr...1991Perrin, David H.FacultyOffice of the Provost, UNCG
Comparison of Two Relaxation Techniques to Reduce Physiological Indices of Anxiety in a Pers...2009Kenner, Courtney StudentECU
Comparison of Two School-Based Smoking Prevention Programs among South African High School S...2008Nichols, Tracy R.FacultyPublic Health Education, UNCG
A comparison of two training procedures for maintaining inter-rater reliability1974Wildman, Beth GoldsteinStudentPsychology, UNCG
Comparison of two wood filler types with respect to relative shrinkage across variations in ...2011Ellis, Joshua LeeStudentEngineering and Technology, WCU
A comparison of the university rankings and educational backgrounds for university superviso...2023Manning, Dionna DraperStudentECU
A Comparison of Usual to Best Practices in Cardiac Rehabilitation Education2016Howell, Anna RStudentECU
Comparison of Usual Versus Best Practice in Preventing and Managing Low Back Pain2014Mosakowski, Joshua,H. StudentECU
A comparison of the utility of five methods of time sampling1976Swetlow, Linda KatherineStudentPsychology, UNCG
A comparison of the utilization of language arts instructional time for teachers with aides ...1981Kasias, Lou Ann WilsonStudentEducation, UNCG
Comparison of values held about purposes in life and death anxiety attitudes2023Hunter, Gwendolyn C.StudentECU
A comparison of values of high school seniors enrolled in a public high school, a Roman Cath...1964Rudisill, Betty ShealyStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Comparison of various chiral stationary phases for the chromatographic separation of chiral ...2009Layton, Sherry E.StudentChemistry and Biochemistry, UNCW
A comparison of visual analog and graphic rating scales for assessing pain following delayed...1997Perrin, David H.FacultyOffice of the Provost, UNCG
Comparison of the vocabularies of the Gregg shorthand dictionary and Horn-Peterson's basic v...1945Cobb, Daisy ElizabethStudentBusiness Education, UNCG
Comparison of water quality in coastal plain streams of North Carolina2023Noltemeier, Deborah D.StudentECU
Comparison of Water Quality Upstream and Downstream of Coal Refuse in Southwest Virginia’s C...2015Noel, Kimberly StudentChemistry - Student, ASU
Comparison of Watermelon and Carbohydrate Beverage on Exercise-Induced Alterations in System...2016Henson, Dru FacultyBiology, ASU
Comparison of Watermelon and Carbohydrate Beverage on Exercise-Induced Alterations in System...2016Shanely, Andrew FacultyHealth and Exercise Science, ASU
Comparison of Watermelon and Carbohydrate Beverage on Exercise-Induced Alterations in System...2016Nieman, David FacultyHealth and Exercise Science , ASU
A comparison of watershed nitrogen loading and watershed nitrogen exports from on-site waste...2014Iverson, Guy StudentECU
A comparison of wear and cost of selected wood floor finishes1967Spencer, Virginia AnnStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Comparison of weight bearing and non-weight bearing conditions on knee joint reposition sens...1997Perrin, David H.FacultyOffice of the Provost, UNCG
A comparison of the weight loss, tenderness, and nutrient retention of selected meat product...1974McMullen, Elsa AileenStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Comparison of Whole Blood and Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cell Gene Expression for Evaluati...2014Bondar, Galyna,Cadeiras,Martin,Wisniewski,Nicholas,Maque,J StudentECU
A Comparison of Wii™ Exergaming and Matter of Balance on Aspects of Balance and Activity Adh...2023Sauter, Whitney M.StudentECU
A Comparison of Wii[superscript]TM Exergaming and Matter of Balance on Aspects of Balance an...2012Sauter, Whitney M.StudentRecreational Therapy Administration, ECU
A Comparison Of WISC-R Intelligence Scores With Scores Of The Talent Assessment Program Of M...1982Sullivan, James DavisStudentPsychology - Student, ASU
Comparison Of Withings Bodycardio To Gold Standard Measurements Of Pulse-Wave Velocity And B...2018McCraw, Conner StudentHealth and Exercise Science - Student, ASU
A Comparison of Wood use in Eighteenth-Century Vessels1994Mitchell, Amy M.StudentECU
A Comparison of Young Womens Actual and Assigned Timing-of-Use of a Microbicide Surrogate2010Tanner, Amanda ElizabethFacultyPublic Health Education, UNCG
Comparison of ZnO nanoparticles and ZnCl2 induced germ cell apoptosis in Caenorhabditis eleg...2023O'Donnell, Brittany StudentECU
Comparison Study of Distinguishing Cancerous and Normal Prostate Epithelial Cells by Confoca...2023Lu, Jun QingStudentECU
Comparison Study of Distinguishing Cancerous and Normal Prostate Epithelial Cells by Confoca...2023Jiang, Wenhuan StudentECU
Comparison Study of Distinguishing Cancerous and Normal Prostate Epithelial Cells by Confoca...2023Yang, Li V.StudentECU
Comparison Study of Distinguishing Cancerous and Normal Prostate Epithelial Cells by Confoca...2023Ding, Junhua StudentECU
Comparison Study of Distinguishing Cancerous and Normal Prostate Epithelial Cells by Confoca...2023Hu, Xin-Hua StudentECU
A comparison study of superabsorbent polymer with microwave - assisted polymerization and fr...2018Azad, Michael M.StudentJoint School of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering, UNCG
A Comparison Study on Heart Disease Among North Carolinians and Robesonians1999Locklear, Christina StudentChancellor's Scholars, UNCP
Comparisons and relationships of selected measures of self-concept in primary age children1975Snodgrass, Jeanne EllenStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
Comparisons between a skimmer trawl and an otter trawl in the North Carolina shrimp fishery2023Coale, J. Stuart.StudentECU
Comparisons between a skimmer trawl and an otter trawl in the North Carolina shrimp fishery2023Coale, J. Stuart.StudentECU
Comparisons of arthropod and avian communities in insecticide-treated and untreated hemlock ...2009Falcone, Josephine Fields StudentBiology, WCU
Comparisons Of Cooking Self-Efficacy And Food Safety Knowledge Of Food Secure And Food Insec...2020Boone, Hannah ElizabethStudentNutrition and Health Care Management - Student, ASU
Comparisons of decision-making styles of Florida community and junior college department cha...1985Parke, Janet E.StudentHealth, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, UNCG
Comparisons of Ecological Knowledge About Fish Stocks Among Fishermen Fishery Managers and...2012Hamilton, Melanie StudentAnthropology, ECU
Comparisons of Ecological Knowledge About Fish Stocks Among Fishermen, Fishery Managers, and...2023Hamilton, Melanie StudentECU
Comparisons Of Food Insecurity Correlates During And Before The COVID-19 Pandemic Among Marr...2022Adkisson, Sarah MorganStudentNutrition and Health Care Management - Student, ASU
Comparisons Of Leg, Arm, And Back Muscle Oxygenation During Rowing Exercise Using Near Infra...2020Saacks, Lucas StudentHealth and Exercise Science - Student, ASU
Comparisons Of Nutrition And Budgeting Knowledge Of Food Secure And Food Insecure Sophomores...2020Lunan, Rebekah LaingStudentNutrition and Health Care Management - Student, ASU
Comparisons of procedures for modifying question-asking behavior of mildly retarded children...1973Bondy, Andrew S. StudentPsychology, UNCG
Comparisons of schizotypal traits across 12 countries: Results from the International Consor...2018Kwapil, Thomas R.FacultyPsychology, UNCG
Comparisons of subscoring methods in computerized adaptive testing: a simulation study2015Liu, Fu StudentEducational Research Methodology, UNCG
COMPASS-CP: An Electronic Application to Capture Patient-Reported Outcomes to Develop Action...2023Cummings, Doyle M.StudentECU
The Compatibility of Zero-Sum Logic and Mutualism in Sport2018Berg, Adam FacultyKinesiology, UNCG
Compensation for substrate elasticity in the kinematics of leaping by infant pigtailed macaq...1980Johnston, Timothy FacultyArts and Sciences, UNCG
Compensatory plasticity vs. synaptic scaling; not always one in the same2021Zubov, Tanya StudentBiology, UNCG
Competence and African American Children in Informal Kinship Care: The Role of Family2013Rulison, Kelly L.FacultyPublic Health Education, UNCG
Competence and African American Children in Informal Kinship Care: The Role of Family2013Washington, Tyreasa FacultySocial Work, UNCG
Competencies, Credentialing, and Standards for Gerontological Counselors: Implications for C...1992Myers, Jane E.FacultyCounseling and Educational Development, UNCG
Competing for the reader : the writer/editor relationship in nineteenth-century American lit...2005Hanrahan, Heidi M.StudentEnglish, UNCG
Competition Clogging: Preservation And Innovation In Mountain Folk Dance2019Kirkpatrick, Ian StudentAppalachian Studies - Student, ASU
Competition in Real Estate Brokerage from National Banks and Financial Holding Companies2005Winkler, Daniel T.FacultyAccounting and Finance, UNCG
Competition in Real Estate Brokerage from National Banks and Financial Holding Companies2005Jud, Gustav D.FacultyBusiness Administration, UNCG
Competition matters! Self-efficacy, effort, and performance in crowdsourcing teams2019Amoako-Gyampah, Kwasi FacultyInformation Systems and Supply Chain Management, UNCG
Competition matters! Self-efficacy, effort, and performance in crowdsourcing teams2019Palvia, Prashant FacultyInformation Systems and Supply Chain Management, UNCG
Competition matters! Self-efficacy, effort, and performance in crowdsourcing teams2019Taras, Vasyl FacultyManagement, UNCG
Competition matters! Self-efficacy, effort, and performance in crowdsourcing teams2019Mehta, Nikhil FacultyInformation Systems and Supply Chain Management, UNCG
Competition matters! Self-efficacy, effort, and performance in crowdsourcing teams2019Dissanayake, Indika FacultyInformation Systems and Supply Chain Management, UNCG
Competition, Negotiation, and Cooperation: Three Models for Service Contracting1990DeHoog, Ruth H.FacultyPolitical Science, UNCG
A competitive ELISA to detect brevetoxins from Karenia brevis (formerly Gymnodinium breve) i...2009Tomas, Carmelo R.FacultyBiology and Marine Biology, UNCW
A competitive ELISA to detect brevetoxins from Karenia brevis (formerly Gymnodinium breve) i...2009Bourdelais, Andrea J.FacultyCenter for Marine Science, UNCW
A competitive ELISA to detect brevetoxins from Karenia brevis (formerly Gymnodinium breve) i...2009Naar, Jerome FacultyCenter for Marine Science, UNCW
A competitive ELISA to detect brevetoxins from Karenia brevis (formerly Gymnodinium breve) i...2009Baden, Daniel GFacultyCenter for Marine Science, UNCW
Competitive Location and Entry Deterrence in Hotelling's Duopoly Model1994Bhadury, Joyendu FacultyBryan School of Business and Economics, UNCG
A competitive NMDA receptor antagonist potentiates the effects of morphine on spatial and di...2009Miller, Laurence L.StudentPsychology, UNCW
Competitive orientations among intercollegiate athletes: Is winning the only thing?1988Gill, Diane L.FacultyKinesiology, UNCG
Competitive orientations and motives of adult sport and exercise participants.1996Gill, Diane L.FacultyKinesiology, UNCG
The Competitive Position of Thailand’s Apparel Industry: Challenges and Opportunities for Gl...2010Nelson Hodges, Nancy J.FacultyConsumer, Apparel, and Retail Studies, UNCG
The Competitive Position of Thailand’s Apparel Industry: Challenges and Opportunities for Gl...2010Watchravesringkan, Kittichai "Tu"FacultyConsumer, Apparel, and Retail Studies, UNCG
The Competitive Position of Thailand’s Apparel Industry: Challenges and Opportunities for Gl...2010Copeland, Raedene P.FacultyConsumer, Apparel, and Retail Studies, UNCG
The competitive position of the Thailand’s apparel industry: Challenges and opportunities fo...2010Karpova, Elena FacultyConsumer, Apparel, and Retail Studies, UNCG
Competitive Strategy and Performance in Mexico, Peru, and the United States2011Parnell, John FacultyManagement, Marketing & International Business, UNCP
Competitive strategy and performance measurement in the Malaysian context2008Parnell, John FacultyManagement, Marketing & International Business, UNCP
Competitive strategy orientation in Egypt and Peru2011Parnell, John FacultyManagement, Marketing & International Business, UNCP
Competitive strategy, environmental characteristics and performance in African emerging econ...2008Acquaah, Moses FacultyManagement, UNCG
Competitive Target Advertising and Consumer Data Sharing2012Zhao, Xia FacultyInformation Systems and Supply Chain Management, UNCG
Competitive threat : rural traditional public school leaders’ understanding and preparedness...2024Hunt, Randal L.StudentEducational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG
Competitive trait anxiety, success-failure and sex as determinants of motor performance.1976Gill, Diane L.FacultyKinesiology, UNCG
Competitiveness among females and males in physical activity classes.1986Gill, Diane L.FacultyKinesiology, UNCG
Complementary Alternative Medicine: A Culturally Centered Approach to Managing Chronic Pain ...2023Kelley, Allyson L.FacultyPublic Health Education, UNCG
Complementary and alternative interventions : attitudes and use of counselors-in-training in...2023Crawford, Celeste S.StudentECU
Complementary And Alternative Medicine: The Mozart Effect On Childhood Epilepsy — A Systemat...2017Brackney, Dana FacultyNursing, ASU
Complementary and similarity encoding : developmental trends and the relationship to adult r...1975Greenberg, Mary KatherineStudentPsychology, UNCG
Complementary and Synergistic Properties of Blockchain and Artificial Intelligence2019Kshetri, Nir B.FacultyManagement, UNCG
Complementary pain intervention pilot study in the acute hospitalization phase after lower e...2023Horne, Carolyn E.StudentECU
Complementary Square Wave Voltammetry and Tandem Mass Spectrometry Analysis to Identify and ...2023LaFave, Elizabeth R.StudentECU
Complementary Square Wave Voltammetry and Tandem Mass Spectrometry Analysis to Identify and ...2023Turner, Ryne StudentECU
Complementary Square Wave Voltammetry and Tandem Mass Spectrometry Analysis to Identify and ...2023Schaaf, Nicholas J.StudentECU
Complementary Square Wave Voltammetry and Tandem Mass Spectrometry Analysis to Identify and ...2023Hindi, Thekra StudentECU
Complementary Square Wave Voltammetry and Tandem Mass Spectrometry Analysis to Identify and ...2023Rudel, David StudentECU
Complementary Square Wave Voltammetry and Tandem Mass Spectrometry Analysis to Identify and ...2023Hvastkovs, Eli G.StudentECU
Complementary Therapies for Significant Dysfunction from Tinnitus: Treatment Review and Pote...2015Wolever, Ruth Q.,Price,Rebecca,Hazelton,A. Garrett,Dmitrieva,NatStudentECU
Complementary Therapies for Significant Dysfunction from Tinnitus: Treatment Review and Pote...2015Bechard, Elizabeth M.StudentECU
Complementary Therapies for Significant Dysfunction from Tinnitus: Treatment Review and Pote...2015Hazelton, A. GarrettStudentECU
Complementary Therapies for Significant Dysfunction from Tinnitus: Treatment Review and Pote...2015Wolever, Ruth Q.StudentECU
Complementary Therapies for Significant Dysfunction from Tinnitus: Treatment Review and Pote...2015Shaffer, Janet K.StudentECU
Complementary Therapies for Significant Dysfunction from Tinnitus: Treatment Review and Pote...2015Tucci, Debara L.StudentECU
Complementary Therapies for Significant Dysfunction from Tinnitus: Treatment Review and Pote...2015Price, Rebecca StudentECU
Complementary Therapies for Significant Dysfunction from Tinnitus: Treatment Review and Pote...2015Dmitrieva, Natalia O.StudentECU
Complemented Subspaces of Locally Convex Direct Sum of Banach Spaces 2000Chigogidze, A. "Alex"FacultyMathematics and Statistics, UNCG
Complemented Subspaces of Productsof Banach Spaces2000Chigogidze, A. "Alex"FacultyMathematics and Statistics, UNCG
Complete CV - Dr. Johnny Houston2024Houston, Johnny FacultyMathematics and Computer Science, ECSU
Complete search strategies of: An integrative review of adverse childhood experiences and re...2023Haberstroh, Amanda StudentECU
Completeness Properties of the Generalized Compact-Open Topology of Partial Functions with C...2001Zsilinszky, Laszlo FacultyMathematics and Computer Science , UNCP
Complex -Glycans Influence the Spatial Arrangement of Voltage Gated Potassium Channels in Me...2015Hall, M. KristenStudentECU
Complex -Glycans Influence the Spatial Arrangement of Voltage Gated Potassium Channels in Me...2015Edwards, Michael A. J.StudentECU
Complex -Glycans Influence the Spatial Arrangement of Voltage Gated Potassium Channels in Me...2015Weidner, Douglas A.StudentECU
Complex -Glycans Influence the Spatial Arrangement of Voltage Gated Potassium Channels in Me...2015Schwalbe, Ruth A.StudentECU
The Complex Business of Marijuana: An Interdisciplinary Examination of the Consequences and ...2015Deck, Jeremy M. StudentEsther G. Maynor Honors College , UNCP
Complex Data Produce Better Characters2004Remington, David L.FacultyBiology, UNCG
Complex Data Produce Better Characters2004Richter, Scott J.FacultyMathematics and Statistics, UNCG
Complex Data Produce Better Characters2004Wisniewski, Edward J.FacultyPsychology, UNCG
Complex Data Produce Better Characters2004Kirchoff, Bruce K.FacultyBiology, UNCG
Complex determination of queen body size in the queen size dimorphic ant Leptothorax rugatul...2001Rueppell, Olav FacultyBiology, UNCG
A complex features account of the occasion setting effect1995Wine, Jennifer Ann SharpStudentPsychology, UNCG
A complex Holocene infill history of Albemarle Sound, North Carolina :an integrated seismic,...2023Sager, Eric D.StudentECU
Complex N-Glycans Influence the Spatial Arrangement of Voltage Gated Potassium Channels in M...2015Hall, Kristen,Weidner,Douglas A.,Edwards,Michael A.J.,Schwalbe,Ruth A.StudentECU
Complex pleiotropy characterizes the pollen hoarding syndrome in honey bees (Apis mellifera ...2012Rueppell, Olav FacultyBiology, UNCG
Complexation of metal ions in aqueous solution by fluorescent ligands containing pyridyl gro...2009Oscarson, Karen Anna MarthaStudentChemistry and Biochemistry, UNCW
Complexities of Disturbance Response in a Marine Food Web2023Christian, Robert R.StudentECU
Complexities of Disturbance Response in a Marine Food Web2023Lewis, Kristy A.StudentECU
Complexities of Disturbance Response in a Marine Food Web2023, et alStudentECU
Complexities Of Tourism Planning And Development In Cuba2018Kline, Carol FacultyManagement, ASU
Complexity Generated by Iteration of Hierarchical Modules in Bryozoa2003Hageman, Steven J. FacultyGeology, ASU
Complexity In Microbial Metabolic Processes In Soil Nitrogen Modeling: A Case For Model Aver...2010Gu, Chuanhui FacultyGeology, ASU
The complexity of late medication errors2022Estes, Carey J.StudentNursing, UNCG
The complexity of richness: Media, message, and communication outcomes2008Palvia, Prashant FacultyInformation Systems and Supply Chain Management, UNCG
Compliance In Preschool Children As Related To Nurturance, Nonnurturance, And Nurturance Wit...1974DeBell, Susan M.StudentPsychology - Student, ASU
A Complicated "Simple" Renal Cyst2012Harrington, Daphne M.,Meara,Alexa S.,Vaccharajani,Tushar,Desai,TejasStudentECU
A Complicated “Simple” Renal Cyst2023Harrington, Daphne M.StudentECU
A Complicated “Simple” Renal Cyst2023Meara, Alexa S.StudentECU
A Complicated “Simple” Renal Cyst2023Vaccharajani, Tushar StudentECU
A Complicated “Simple” Renal Cyst2023Desai, Tejas StudentECU
Complicated submissions : sati and subversion in three women’s novels of the Raj AND Appledo...2022Hawley, Celia LegbandStudentEnglish, UNCG
Components influencing craving in substance use disorders2014Baley, John WintersStudentPsychology, WCU
Components of the health belief model and HIV testing decisions2009Walker, Lori J.StudentPsychology, UNCW
Components of Reproductive Isolation between Subspecies of an Annual Plant2014Arthur, Evan B.StudentECU
Components Of Sexual Satisfaction As Identified By Emerging Adults2023Osborn, Ramsey McKennaStudentECU
Composing a “concept album” in the classical tradition: using elements of progressive rock i...2019Ward, John IsaacStudentSchool of Music, UNCG
Composing for video games2024Cooper-Volkheimer, Graeme AlexanderStudentSchool of Music, UNCG
Composing in new environments: incorporating new media writing in the composition classroom2009Virtue, Andrew StudentEnglish, UNCW
Composing music more accessible to the hearing-impaired2009Johnson, Matthew S.StudentMusic, UNCG
Composing Passionate Selves: Using Service-learning to Move Students from a Place of Conflic...2007Jackson, Michelle AntonitteStudentEnglish, UNCG
Composite of consciousness2017Gordon, Kathryn C.StudentArt, UNCG
Composition & Method for altering levels of or sensitivity to adenosine with a dehydroepiand...2003Nyce, Jonathan W.StudentECU
Composition and formulations and their use as nociceptic , anti-anxiolytic and anabolic age...2000Nyce, Jonathan W.StudentECU
Composition and formulations and their use as nociceptic, anti-anxiolytic and anabolic agent...2023Nyce, Jonathan W.StudentECU
Composition and structure of Tsuga caroliniana stands in the Southern Appalachian Mountains2021Wind, Marcus StudentGeosciences and Natural Resources, WCU
Composition as it relates to the teaching of grammar in the junior or senior high school2023Mulder, Robert GlennStudentECU
A composition comprising nerve growth factor and 2-amino-1,1,3-tricyano-1-propene useful for...1997Paul, Paul West,JrStudentECU
A composition comprising nerve growth factor and 2-amino-1,1,3-tricyano-1-propene useful for...1997Da Vanzo, John PaulStudentECU
A composition comprising nerve growth factor and 2-amino-1,1,3-tricyano-1-propene useful for...2023Da Vanzo, John PaulStudentECU
A composition comprising nerve growth factor and 2-amino-1,1,3-tricyano-1-propene useful for...2023Paul, Joseph W.StudentECU
Composition, formulations & method for prevention & treatment of diseases and conditions ass...2004Nycel, Jonathan W.StudentECU
Composition, formulations & method for prevention & treatment of diseases and conditions ass...2023Nyce, Jonathan W.StudentECU
Composition, kit and method for treatment of disorders associated withbronchoconstriction an...2000Nyce, Jonathan W.StudentECU
Compositional features in Wei Dai's music2014Dai, Wei StudentMusic, UNCG
The Compositional Techniques of Messiaen’s Le Merle Noir2001Priore, Irna FacultyMusic, UNCG
Compositions & formulations with a non-glucocorticoid steroid &/or a ubiquinone & kit for tr...2002Nyce, Jonathan W.StudentECU
Compounding the Results: The Integration of Virtual Worlds With the Semantic Web2012Hollingsworth, Yolanda A.StudentECU
Compounding the Results: The Integration of Virtual Worlds With the Semantic Web2012Lesko, Charles J. Jr.StudentECU
A Compreensão da Gratidão e Teoria da Mente em Crianças de 5 anos2012Marcovitch, Stuart FacultyPsychology, UNCG
Comprehension monitoring skills of reading-disabled/learning-disabled students and normally-...1991Schedler, Jean FryerStudentHuman Environmental Sciences, UNCG
Comprehensive analysis of TCP transcription factors and their expression during cotton () fi...2016Wang, Qinglian StudentECU
Comprehensive analysis of TCP transcription factors and their expression during cotton () fi...2016Zhang, Baohong StudentECU
Comprehensive analysis of TCP transcription factors and their expression during cotton () fi...2016Jones, Don C.StudentECU
Comprehensive analysis of TCP transcription factors and their expression during cotton () fi...2016Wang, Kunbo StudentECU
Comprehensive analysis of TCP transcription factors and their expression during cotton () fi...2016Ma, Jun StudentECU
Comprehensive analysis of TCP transcription factors and their expression during cotton () fi...2016Liu, Fang StudentECU
Comprehensive analysis of TCP transcription factors and their expression during cotton (Goss...2016Ma, Jun,Liu,Fang,Wang,Qinglian,Wang,Kunbo,Jones,Don C.,Zhang,BaohongStudentECU
A comprehensive approach to analyzing community dynamics using rank abundance curves2019Koerner, Sally E. FacultyBiology, UNCG
A Comprehensive Approach to Identify Reliable Reference Gene Candidates to Investigate the L...2014Abdel-Rahman, Abdel A.StudentECU
A Comprehensive Approach to Identify Reliable Reference Gene Candidates to Investigate the L...2014Taki, Faten A.StudentECU
A Comprehensive Approach to Identify Reliable Reference Gene Candidates to Investigate the L...2014Zhang, Baohong StudentECU
Comprehensive Assessment of Hurricane Shelters: Lessons from Hurricane Georges2003Pine, John FacultyGeography and Planning, ASU
Comprehensive Club Training Meeting the Promise of Quality and Service2021Rehkopf, Ed FacultyHospitality and Tourism Administration, NCCU
Comprehensive Club Training: Meeting the Promise of Quality and Service2021Rehkopf, Ed FacultyHospitality and Tourism Administration, NCCU
A Comprehensive Estimation of the Economic Effects of Meteorological Services Based on the I...2014Wei, Guo FacultyMathematics & Computer Science , UNCP
A Comprehensive Examination Of The Arts At Appalachian: Moving Toward An Equitable Future2021Caldwell, Shauna StudentInterdisciplinary Studies - Student, ASU
A comprehensive examination of the perception of students of color of their ninth-grade acad...2012Barnes, Jimmy AkoStudentEducational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG
A Comprehensive Graduate Orientation Program: Practicing What We Preach1998Taub, Deborah J.FacultyTeacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG
The Comprehensive Post-Acute Stroke Services (COMPASS) study: design and methods for a clust...2017Duncan, Pamela W.,Bushnell,Cheryl D.,Rosamond,Wayne D.,Jones BerkStudentECU
The Comprehensive Post-Acute Stroke Services (COMPASS) study: design and methods for a clust...2017Duncan, Pamela W.StudentECU
The Comprehensive Post-Acute Stroke Services (COMPASS) study: design and methods for a clust...2017Bushnell, Cheryl D.StudentECU
The Comprehensive Post-Acute Stroke Services (COMPASS) study: design and methods for a clust...2017Rosamond, Wayne D.StudentECU
The Comprehensive Post-Acute Stroke Services (COMPASS) study: design and methods for a clust...2017Jones Berkeley, Sara B.StudentECU
The Comprehensive Post-Acute Stroke Services (COMPASS) study: design and methods for a clust...2017Gesell, Sabina B.StudentECU
The Comprehensive Post-Acute Stroke Services (COMPASS) study: design and methods for a clust...2017D'Agostino, Ralph B.StudentECU
The Comprehensive Post-Acute Stroke Services (COMPASS) study: design and methods for a clust...2017Ambrosius, Walter T.StudentECU
The Comprehensive Post-Acute Stroke Services (COMPASS) study: design and methods for a clust...2017Barton-Percival, Blair StudentECU
The Comprehensive Post-Acute Stroke Services (COMPASS) study: design and methods for a clust...2017Bettger, Janet P.StudentECU
The Comprehensive Post-Acute Stroke Services (COMPASS) study: design and methods for a clust...2017Coleman, Sylvia W.StudentECU
The Comprehensive Post-Acute Stroke Services (COMPASS) study: design and methods for a clust...2017Cummings, Doyle M.StudentECU
The Comprehensive Post-Acute Stroke Services (COMPASS) study: design and methods for a clust...2017Freburger, Janet K.StudentECU
The Comprehensive Post-Acute Stroke Services (COMPASS) study: design and methods for a clust...2017Halladay, Jacqueline R.StudentECU
The Comprehensive Post-Acute Stroke Services (COMPASS) study: design and methods for a clust...2017Johnson, Anna M.StudentECU
The Comprehensive Post-Acute Stroke Services (COMPASS) study: design and methods for a clust...2017Kucharska-Newton, Anna M.StudentECU
The Comprehensive Post-Acute Stroke Services (COMPASS) study: design and methods for a clust...2017Lundy-Lamm, Gladys StudentECU
The Comprehensive Post-Acute Stroke Services (COMPASS) study: design and methods for a clust...2017Lutz, Barbara J.StudentECU
The Comprehensive Post-Acute Stroke Services (COMPASS) study: design and methods for a clust...2017Mettam, Laurie H.StudentECU
The Comprehensive Post-Acute Stroke Services (COMPASS) study: design and methods for a clust...2017Pastva, Amy M.StudentECU
The Comprehensive Post-Acute Stroke Services (COMPASS) study: design and methods for a clust...2017Sissine, Mysha E.StudentECU
The Comprehensive Post-Acute Stroke Services (COMPASS) study: design and methods for a clust...2017Vetter, Betsy StudentECU
A comprehensive review of health benefits of Qigong and Tai Chi2010Etnier, Jennifer L.FacultyKinesiology, UNCG
A comprehensive review of sport psychology doctoral dissertations completed between 1966 and...1988Selby, Martha JaneStudentHealth, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, UNCG
Comprehensive school counseling programs: A review for policymakers and practitioners1992Borders, L. DiAnneFacultyCounseling and Educational Development, UNCG
Comprehensive School Physical Activity Program and physical literacy: Exploring preservice e...2019Chu, Alan FacultyKinesiology, UNCG
Comprehensive track-structure based evaluation of DNA damage by light ions from radiotherapy...2017Friedland, W.,Schmitt,E.,Kundrát,P.,Dingfelder,M.,Baiocco,G. StudentECU
Compression Garments: Influence on Muscle Fatigue1998Triplett, N. Travis FacultyHealth and Exercise Science, ASU
Compressional resilience of selected carpeting1969Kline, Mary Jane BrittonStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Compromised N-Glycosylation Processing of Kv3.1b Correlates with Perturbed Motor Neuron Stru...2023Issa, Fadi A.StudentECU
Compromised N-Glycosylation Processing of Kv3.1b Correlates with Perturbed Motor Neuron Stru...2023Hall, M. KristenStudentECU
Compromised N-Glycosylation Processing of Kv3.1b Correlates with Perturbed Motor Neuron Stru...2023Hatchett, Cody J.StudentECU
Compromised N-Glycosylation Processing of Kv3.1b Correlates with Perturbed Motor Neuron Stru...2023Weidner, Douglas A.StudentECU
Compromised N-Glycosylation Processing of Kv3.1b Correlates with Perturbed Motor Neuron Stru...2023Fiorenza, Alexandria C.StudentECU
Compromised N-Glycosylation Processing of Kv3.1b Correlates with Perturbed Motor Neuron Stru...2023Schwalbe, Ruth A.StudentECU
Computation And Corporate Visual Identity/Computación e Identidad Visual Corporativa (Spanis...2011Tellez, Fabio AndresFacultyApplied Design, ASU
A Computational Analysis of the Hydroacylation of Aldimines in the Presence of a Wilkinson's...2019Moller, Alison StudentECU
Computational and Genomic Analysis of Mycobacteriophage: A Longitudinal Study of Technology ...2015Osler, James FacultySchool of Education , NCCU
Computational aspects of Bianchi modular forms2023Thalagoda, Kalani StudentMathematics and Statistics, UNCG
Computational Cell Biology: An Introduction To Computer Modeling In Molecular Cell Biology (...2002Marland, Eric FacultyMathematical Sciences , ASU
Computational Cell Biology: An Introduction To Computer Modeling In Molecular Cell Biology (...2002Marland, Eric FacultyMathematical Sciences , ASU
Computational genomic analysis of hemorrhagic fever viruses: Viral selenoproteins as a poten...1997Taylor, Ethan WFacultyNanoscience, UNCG
Computational identification of microRNAs associated to both epithelial to mesenchymal trans...2016Falzone, Luca,Candido,Saverio,Salemi,Rossella,Basile,Maria S.,Scalisi,Aurora,McCubrey,James A.,Torino,FrancesStudentECU
Computational Investigation of Calcium Binding Proteins Annexin A1 and Cardiac Troponin C2019Lewis, Kimberly AStudentECU
A Computational Model Quantifies the Effect of Anatomical Variability on Velopharyngeal Func...2023Perry, Jamie L.StudentECU
Computational Modeling of PI3K/AKT and MAPK Signaling Pathways in Melanoma Cancer2016Pappalardo, Francesco,Russo,Giulia,Candido,Saverio,Pennisi,Mar A.,Nicoletti,Ferdinando,Libra,MassimoStudentECU
Computational Modeling of PI3K/AKT and MAPK Signaling Pathways in Melanoma Cancer2016Nicoletti, Ferdinando StudentECU
Computational Modeling of PI3K/AKT and MAPK Signaling Pathways in Melanoma Cancer2016McCubrey, James A.StudentECU
Computational Modeling of PI3K/AKT and MAPK Signaling Pathways in Melanoma Cancer2016Motta, Santo StudentECU
Computational Modeling of PI3K/AKT and MAPK Signaling Pathways in Melanoma Cancer2016Cavalieri, Salvatore StudentECU
Computational Modeling of PI3K/AKT and MAPK Signaling Pathways in Melanoma Cancer2016Pennisi, Marzio StudentECU
Computational Modeling of PI3K/AKT and MAPK Signaling Pathways in Melanoma Cancer2016Candido, Saverio StudentECU
Computational Modeling of PI3K/AKT and MAPK Signaling Pathways in Melanoma Cancer2016Pappalardo, Francesco StudentECU
Computational Modeling of PI3K/AKT and MAPK Signaling Pathways in Melanoma Cancer2016Russo, Giulia StudentECU
Computational Modeling of PI3K/AKT and MAPK Signaling Pathways in Melanoma Cancer2016Libra, Massimo StudentECU
Computational modeling of small non-coding RNA intramolecular structures and the determinati...2018Boyd, Patricia ShaqirahStudentChemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG
Computational Science Science Visualization 2007 volume 12007Houston, Johnny FacultyMathematics and Computer Science, ECSU
Computational Science Science Visualization 2007 Volume 22007Houston, Johnny FacultyMathematics and Computer Science, ECSU
Computational Science Science Visualization 2008 Volume 12008Houston, Johnny FacultyMathematics and Computer Science, ECSU
Computational Science Science Visualization 2008 Volume 22008Houston, Johnny FacultyMathematics and Computer Science, ECSU
Computational study of RTI - 371, a positive allosteric modulator of the cannabinoid CB1 rec...2011Foster, Michael D.StudentChemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG
Computational Thinking Conceptions and Misconceptions: Progression of Preservice Teacher Thi...2017Nadir, Hamid FacultyLibrary and Information Science, UNCG
Computed NMR shielding values of unsaturated five-membered-heterocyclic ring compounds and t...2008Pittman, Eddie StudentChemistry and Biochemistry, UNCW
Computer hardware and software training needs for office employees of manufacturing firms in...2023Asby, Howard PhilStudentECU
Computer Lab to Active Learning Classroom: Lessons Learned2013Ellern, Gillian (Jill) D. FacultyHunter Library, WCU
Computer Lab to Active Learning Classroom: Lessons Learned2013Buchanan, Heidi FacultyHunter Library, WCU
Computer Science for All: Everyone can Thrive in the World of Technology2019Lovick, Ricky StudentEsther G. Maynor Honors College , UNCP
Computer Science for All: Everyone can Thrive in The World of Technology2019Lovick, Ricky StudentHonors College, Computer Science and Mathematics, UNCP
Computer self-efficacy, anxiety, and learning in online versus face to face medium2012Hauser, Richard,Paul,Ravi,Bradley,John StudentECU
A Computer Study of the Use of Khachiyan's Algorithm in Linear Programming1981Gay, Charles David StudentHonors College, UNCP
Computerized Placement Tests As A Predictor Of Success In College Level Mathematics Courses ...1997Wooldredge, Richard WistarStudentPsychology - Student, ASU
Computers and Nautical Archaeology: Characterization of the C.S.S. Georgia Wreck Site1982Baker, James GrahamStudentECU
Computing and Socio-Economic Transformations2021Kshetri, Nir B.FacultyManagement, UNCG
Computing Galois groups of Eisenstein polynomials over p-adic fields2017Milstead, Jonathan StudentMathematics and Statistics, UNCG
Computing the Partial Word Avoidability Indices of Binary Patterns2013Blanchet-Sadri, Francine FacultyComputer Science, UNCG
Computing the Partial Word Avoidability Indices of Ternary Patterns2013Blanchet-Sadri, Francine FacultyComputer Science, UNCG
COMT and anxiety and cognition in children with chromosome 22q11.2 deletion syndrome2010Kwapil, Thomas R.FacultyPsychology, UNCG
COMT Inhibition Alters Cue-Evoked Oscillatory Dynamics during Alcohol Drinking in the Rat2018McCane, A. M.,Ahn,S.,Rubchinsky,L. L.,Janetsian-Fritz,S. S.,LStudentECU
COMT-by-Sex Interaction Effect on Psychosis Proneness2015Kwapil, Thomas R.FacultyPsychology, UNCG
Con amore : exploring how Italian school leaders and teachers accommodate immigrant students...2023Di Puorto, Arianna StudentEducational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG
The CON Job scheduling problem on a single and parallel machines2009Zhou, Huajun StudentMathematics and Statistics, UNCW
Conaway, James. America’s Library: The Story of the Library of Congress, 1800– 2000.2023Jones, Plummer AlstonStudentECU
Conceiving or Misconceiving the Self: Issues in Adolescent Self-Esteem1983Demo, David H.FacultyHuman Development and Family Studies, UNCG
Concentration and the returns to R&D1984Link, Albert N.FacultyEconomics, UNCG
Concentration dependent ¹H-NMR chemical shifts of quinoline derivatives2009Beck, Adam StudentChemistry and Biochemistry, UNCW
Concentrations and sources of trace metals in water and sediments of the South Fork New Rive...2020Watkins, Xaviera StudentChemistry and Physics, WCU
Concept identification at various developmental levels as a function of simultaneous and suc...1973Wyatt, Kathryn BentonStudentPsychology, UNCG
Concept mapping for planning and evaluation of a community-based initiative2012Chiu, Korinne StudentEducational Research, Measurement, and Evaluation, UNCG
The concept of essential use for determining when uses of PFASs can be phased out2019Cousins, Ian T.,Goldenman,Gretta,Herzke,Dorte,Lohmann,Rainer,MiStudentECU
The Concept of Homology in the Development of Handedness2013Michel, George F.FacultyPsychology, UNCG
The concept of rest in the poetry of George Herbert1968Gibbons, Katharine E.StudentEnglish, UNCG
The concept of space as seen in Japanese horizontal architecture and in Roman vaulted archit...1967Helsing, Elizabeth C.StudentArt, UNCG
Concept perception in preschool children's use of stories through several media1985Bonner, Mildred J. LeeStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Conceptions of self and role : their consistency, salience, and change among nursing student...1974Fogarty, Brian EdwardStudentSociology, UNCG
Conceptions of US and Brazilian early childhood care and education: A historical and compara...2008Shelton, Terri L. FacultyResearch and Economic Development, UNCG
Conceptions of US and Brazilian early childhood care and education: A historical and compara...2008Tudge, Jonathan R.FacultyHuman Development and Family Studies, UNCG
Concepts of husband-wife roles held by boys and girls in a southern high school1950Fitzpatrick, Dorothy StudentHome Economics, UNCG
Conceptual and functional elements of university counseling centers : an ecological perspect...2023Fornaguera-Trias, Antonio J.StudentECU
A conceptual approach for determining patterns of professional preparation for women in heal...1969Galloway, June PriscillaStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
A Conceptual Approach towards Improving Monitoring of Living Conditions for Populations Affe...2023Pricope, Narcisa FacultyEarth and Ocean Sciences, UNCW
Conceptual areas of death education1980Eddy, James M.FacultyPublic Health Education, UNCG
Conceptual Combination and Language in Schizophrenia2010Wisniewski, Edward J.FacultyPsychology, UNCG
Conceptual Development Of Three- And Four-Year-Olds With Regard To Shapes And Colors And The...1977Feemster, Nancy HunterStudentEducation - Student, ASU
A conceptual framework for analyzing bureaucratic politics and autonomy1995Ellison, Brian A. FacultyPast faculty member, ASU
A Conceptual Framework for Developing and Evaluating Behavior Change Interventions for Injur...1990Ludwig, Timothy D. FacultyPsychology, ASU
A conceptual framework for elementary social studies curriculum and instruction1973Williams, Jo WattsStudentEducation, UNCG
A conceptual framework for principals' K-12 involvement in the evaluation of teachers1984Greene, Linda HincherStudentEducation, UNCG
A conceptual framework for teaching college credit courses via public radio1983Foster, Jimmy WhelessStudentEducation, UNCG
A conceptual framework of curriculum for higher education for Bendel State, Nigeria : aesthe...1983Moye, Ambrose O.StudentEducation, UNCG
Conceptual instruction in developmental algebra and its effect on student achievement and af...1993Skinner, Sara BrameStudentEducation, UNCG
A conceptual model for adult education applied to a nonacademic setting1983Miller, Richard SuttonStudentEducation, UNCG
A Conceptual Model for Counseling Adult Mentally Retarded Persons1987Myers, Jane E.FacultyCounseling and Educational Development, UNCG
A Conceptual Model For The Establishment Of Organization-Constituency Communication1982Smith, Larry DavidStudentAdmin., Supervision, & Higher Ed. - Student, ASU
A conceptual model for in-service education for community college and technical institute oc...1975Culbertson, William N. C.StudentEducation, UNCG
Conceptual Remixing in Criminology: Tracing Durkheim and Marx's Influence on Etiological The...2014Dollar, Cindy BrooksFacultySociology, UNCG
A conceptual system for identifying teacher behaviors in physical education activity classes...1974Showers, Judith CarolStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
Conceptualising and measuring cultural intelligence: important unanswered questions2020Taras, Vasyl FacultyManagement, UNCG
Conceptualizations of test bias and adverse impact : implications of recent policy proposals...1990Tesh, Anita S.StudentNursing, UNCG
Conceptualizing and investigating mathematics teacher learning of practice2018Webb, Jared NeilStudentTeacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG
Conceptualizing ethnicity, justice, and resistance during organizational change2005Dent, Eric FacultyManagement, Marketing, and International Business, UNCP
Conceptualizing Hate Speech: How The Internet Has Contributed To Antisemitism In The United ...2018Lippy, Madeline RoseStudentEnglish - Student, ASU
Conceptualizing Identity In Youth Media Arts Organizations: A Comparative Study2009Pyles, Damiana GibbonsFacultyCurriculum and Instruction , ASU
Conceptualizing outness through sexual minority disclosure narratives2021Roles, Sara E.StudentPsychology, WCU
Conceptualizing routines of practice that support algebraic reasoning in elementary schools:...2012Store, Jessie ChitsanzoStudentTeacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG
Conceptualizing sociocultural factors within clinical and research contexts.2005Mendez, Julia FacultyPsychology, UNCG
Conceptualizing a Theoretical Model for School-Centered Adolescent Physical Activity Interve...2006Chen, Ang FacultyKinesiology, UNCG
Concerns toward hiring individuals with substance use disorders as compared to mental health...2023Wright McDougal, Jennifer J.StudentECU
Concertino for double bass and orchestra. “E.L.M.”2013Miller, Keith EmmanuelStudentMusic, UNCG
Concertino for trumpet by Emil Petrovics (1930-2011): a transcription for brass ensemble2011Keyser, Allyson BlairStudentMusic, UNCG
Concerto for Solo Cello: One Stringed Instrument Takes Center Stage at the University of Nor...2004Dorsey, Sarah B.FacultyUniversity Libraries, UNCG
Conclusions: Ontological Relations and the Spatial Politics of Capital Cities2016Bogdanović, Jelena,Christie,Jessica Joyce,Guzmán,EulogioStudentECU
Concomitant use of renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system inhibitors prevent trastuzumab-induc...2019Moey, Melissa Y. Y.,Liles,Darla K.,Carabello,Blase A.StudentECU
Concomitant use of renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system inhibitors prevent trastuzumab-induc...2019Moey, Melissa Y. Y.StudentECU
Concomitant use of renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system inhibitors prevent trastuzumab-induc...2019Liles, Darla K.StudentECU
Concomitant use of renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system inhibitors prevent trastuzumab-induc...2019Carabello, Blase A.StudentECU
Concordance of Handedness Between Teacher and Student Facilitates Learning Manual Skills1985Michel, George F.FacultyPsychology, UNCG
Concreteness and imagery effects in the written composition of definitions.1997Kealy, William A.FacultyLibrary and Information Studies, UNCG
Concubines and second sons: stereotypes, transnationalism, and the production of identity2009Kuykendal, Dorothy LouiseStudentEnglish, UNCG
Concurrent schedules of reinforcement : the effects of an upper limit of reinforcement avail...1976Groves, Ivor DurhamStudentPsychology, UNCG
Concurrent validity of the paper and electronic versions of the motor-free visual perception...2023Armstrong, Lauren StudentECU
Concurrent validity of skin carotenoid status as a concentration biomarker of vegetable and ...2019Jahns, Lisa,Johnson,LuAnn K,Conrad,Zach,Bukowski,Michael,Raatz,Susan K,JilcoStudentECU
Concurrent validity of skin carotenoid status as a concentration biomarker of vegetable and ...2019Jahns, Lisa,Johnson,LuAnn K.,Conrad,Zach,Bukowski,Michael,Raatz,Susan K.,PitStudentECU
Concurrent validity of skin carotenoid status as a concentration biomarker of vegetable and ...2019Jahns, Lisa StudentECU
Concurrent validity of skin carotenoid status as a concentration biomarker of vegetable and ...2019Johnson, LuAnn KStudentECU
Concurrent validity of skin carotenoid status as a concentration biomarker of vegetable and ...2019Conrad, Zach StudentECU
Concurrent validity of skin carotenoid status as a concentration biomarker of vegetable and ...2019Bukowski, Michael StudentECU
Concurrent validity of skin carotenoid status as a concentration biomarker of vegetable and ...2019Raatz, Susan KStudentECU
Concurrent validity of skin carotenoid status as a concentration biomarker of vegetable and ...2019Jilcott Pitts, Stephanie StudentECU
Concurrent validity of skin carotenoid status as a concentration biomarker of vegetable and ...2019Wang, Youfa StudentECU
Concurrent validity of skin carotenoid status as a concentration biomarker of vegetable and ...2019Ermakov, Igor VStudentECU
Concurrent validity of skin carotenoid status as a concentration biomarker of vegetable and ...2019Gellermann, Werner StudentECU
Concussion History, Hazardous Drinking, and BrAC Levels Among a Sample of Bar Patrons, 20152023Martin, Ryan J.StudentECU
Concussion History, Hazardous Drinking, and BrAC Levels Among a Sample of Bar Patrons, 20152023Lee, Joseph G. L.StudentECU
Concussion History, Hazardous Drinking, and BrAC Levels Among a Sample of Bar Patrons, 20152023Chaney, Beth H.StudentECU
Concussion recovery experiences of female collegiate athletes in the Division II setting2024Halvorson, Aslynn C.StudentKinesiology, UNCG
Concussion Recovery in Children and Adolescents2023Ferderber, Megan LynnStudentECU
Concussion Recovery in Children and Adolescents2023Rizk, Christina StudentECU
Concussion Recovery in Children and Adolescents2023Zsoldos, Shellie StudentECU
Concussion Recovery in Children and Adolescents2023Meardon, Stacey StudentECU
Concussion Recovery in Children and Adolescents2023Lin, Chia-Cheng StudentECU
Condition Of The Cities: A View From The CAFRs2011McSwain, Dwayne FacultyAccounting, ASU
Conditional Bethlehem2007Kaczmarek, Daniel JamesStudentEnglish, UNCG
Conditional control of equivalence and the relations different and opposite : a behavior ana...1987Steele, David LeeStudentPsychology, UNCG
Conditional Cooperation on Three Continents2008Cherry, Todd FacultyEconomics, ASU
Conditional discrimination acquisition in young children : are the facilitative of naming du...2009Stull, Anne K.StudentPsychology, UNCW
A Conditional Reasoning Measure of Goal Orientation : Preliminary Development2009Bienkowski, Sarah C.StudentECU
Conditions affecting the accuracy of classical equating methods for small samples under the ...2011Sunnassee, Devdass StudentEducational Research Methodology, UNCG
Conditions Of Defeat: The Treatment Of The Defeated In Anglo-Norman And Angevin Warfare From...2022Watts, Connor StudentHistory - Student, ASU
Conditions That Affect Sense Of Belonging In A Student Government At A Mid-Sized Private Uni...2023Wilkinson, Timothy S.StudentEducational Leadership - Student, ASU
Conditions underlying parents’ knowledge of children's daily lives in middle childhood: Betw...1999Helms, Heather M.FacultyHuman Development and Family Studies, UNCG
Condom Use among High-Risk Adolescents: Testing the Influence of Alcohol Use on the Relation...2005Rocheleau, Courtney FacultyPsychology, ASU
Conduct Systems Designed To Promote Moral Learning2012Lancaster, James FacultyHuman Development & Psychological Counseling, ASU
Conducting academic research2015Dale, Jenny FacultyUniversity Libraries, UNCG
Conducting Community Audits to Evaluate Community Resources for Healthful Lifestyle Behavior...2011Jilcott, Stephanie B.StudentECU
Conducting Community Audits to Evaluate Community Resources for Healthful Lifestyle Behavior...2011Keyserling, Thomas C.StudentECU
Conducting Community Audits to Evaluate Community Resources for Healthful Lifestyle Behavior...2011Vu, Maihan B.StudentECU
Conducting Community Audits to Evaluate Community Resources for Healthful Lifestyle Behavior...2011McGuirt, Jared T.StudentECU
Conducting economic evaluations of screening and brief intervention for hazardous drinking: ...2010Bray, Jeremy W.FacultyEconomics, UNCG
Conducting Her Destiny: The Making of a Maestra2008Elkins, Christina WilliamsonStudentMusic, UNCG
Conducting International Research in the Library and Information Science Field: Challenges a...2023Bright, Kawanna StudentECU
Conducting International Research in the Library and Information Science Field: Challenges a...2023Matusiak, Krystyna StudentECU
Conducting International Research in the Library and Information Science Field: Challenges a...2023Schachter, Debbie StudentECU
Conducting Research in Other Countries2006Murphy, Arthur D.FacultyAnthropology, UNCG
Conducting Research Related to Treatment of Alzheimer’s Disease: Ethical Issues2003McConnell, Terrance C.FacultyPhilosophy, UNCG
Conducting the Train of Thought: Working Memory Capacity, Goal Neglect, and Mind Wandering i...2009Kane, Michael J.FacultyPsychology, UNCG
A conductor’s analysis and performance guide for John Mackey’s Songs from the End of the Wor...2018Lake, William LeroyStudentSchool of Music, UNCG
A conductor’s guide to George Rochberg’s Black Sounds2022Hairston, R. ColeStudentSchool of Music, UNCG
A conductor's guide to twentieth-century choral-orchestral works in English1992Green, Jonathan D.StudentMusic, UNCG
The Confederate And Independent Signal Corps1963Ott, Thomas OliverStudentSocial Studies - Student, ASU
Confederate naval ordnance2023Gutierrez, Joseph A.,Jr.StudentECU
Confederate Wooden Gunboat Construction : Logistical Nightmare2012Edmonds, Adam C.StudentHistory, ECU
Conference record of the housing and disaster recovery in North Carolina2002Mitchelson, Ron StudentECU
Conference record of people, place, and progress: extended recovery on the coastal plain2001King, Lauriston R.StudentECU
Conference Report on: “Is the Journal Dead? Possible Futures for Serial Scholarship” by Rick...2012Leonard, Andrea FacultyUniversity Libraries, ASU
Confessions of Cherubino1968Wyland, Bertha HarrisStudentEnglish, UNCG
Confide with the moon2022Bondar, Hediyeh StudentSchool of Art, UNCG
Confidence in Implementing Lung Protective Ventilation Guidelines Among Certified Registered...2023Garrett, Tyler StudentNursing, UNCG
Confident Bastards: The Influence Of Advisor Confidence And Likeability On Advice Taking2020Norris III, Victor L.StudentPsychology - Student, ASU
Confidentiality and the law1994McConnell, Terrance C.FacultyPhilosophy, UNCG
Confidently Biased: Comparisons With Anchors Bias Estimates And Increase Confidence2016Smith, Andrew FacultyPsychology, ASU
A configurational approach to the intended use of IPO proceeds and performance2022Mallon, Mark R. FacultyManagement, UNCG
Configuring Symphony for Music: Lessons Learned in Year One2010Newcomer, Nara L.StudentECU
Confirmation of the Luminous Blue Variable Status of MWC 9302014Miroshnichenko, Anatoly S.FacultyPhysics and Astronomy, UNCG
Confirmatory Factor Analysis of the Anxiety Sensitivity Index-32011Zawilinski, Laci L.StudentPsychology - Student, ASU
Confirmatory Factor Analysis Of The Medical Outcomes Study -- Social Support Survey: Examini...2015Marcum, Cathy FacultyGovernment and Justice Studies, ASU
Confites en el infierno: life stories of two Costa Rican families living in the United State...2011Ibarra, Laura C.StudentEducational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG
Conflict and Coexistence: Humanity and Nature Through Visual Biomimicry2019Stuckey, Cali StudentEsther G. Maynor Honors College, UNCP
Conflict and commerce :maritime archaeological site distribution as cultural change on the R...2023Price, Franklin Haines.StudentECU
Conflict and Control: Examining the Association Between Exposure to Television Portraying In...2013Fine, Mark FacultyHuman Development and Family Studies, UNCG
Conflict and control: Examining the association between exposure to television portraying in...2012Fine, Mark FacultyHuman Development and Family Studies, UNCG
Conflict and control: Examining the association between exposure to television portraying in...2012Olson, Loreen FacultyCommunication Studies, UNCG
Conflict and Harm in the Context of Restorative School Physical Education2021Hemphill, Michael FacultyKinesiology, UNCG
Conflict and Harm in the Context of Restorative School Physical Education2021Janke, Emily FacultyPeace and Conflict Studies, UNCG
Conflict management skills acquisition and usage in student affairs mid-managers: a phenomen...2019James, Cherise N.W.StudentTeacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG
Conflict resolution in six United Methodist colleges in North Carolina : a plan1987Padgett, Patricia R. SatterfieldStudentEducation, UNCG
Conflict Resolution through Tourism Cooperation? The Case of the Partitioned Island-State of...2000Sonmez, Sevil FacultyMarketing, Entrepreneurship, Hospitality & Tourism, UNCG
Conflict Resolution through Tourism Cooperation? The Case of the Partitioned Island-State of...2000Apostolopoulos, Yorghos FacultyPublic Health Education, UNCG
Conformity Behavior In Schizophrenics1979Garner, Thomas MitchellStudentPsychology - Student, ASU
Conformity Through Communication: A Quality Improvement Project Implementing a Standardized ...2017Grissett, Christine StudentECU
Confrontation scenes in Middlemarch1970Queen, Larry TalmadgeStudentEnglish, UNCG
Confronting Confrontation in Clinical Supervision: An Analytical Autoethnography2016Borders, L. DiAnneFacultyCounseling and Educational Development, UNCG
Confronting Educational Politics with Preservice Teachers: Reactions to Waiting for Superman...2013Journell, Wayne FacultyTeacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG
Confronting Racism in All Forms of Pain Research: Reframing Study Designs2023Campbell, Lisa C.StudentECU
Confronting Racism in All Forms of Pain Research: Reframing Study Designs2023Letzen, Janelle E.StudentECU
Confronting Racism in All Forms of Pain Research: Reframing Study Designs2023, et alStudentECU
Confronting Racism in All Forms of Pain Research: A Shared Commitment for Engagement, Divers...2023Campbell, Lisa C.StudentECU
Confronting Racism in All Forms of Pain Research: A Shared Commitment for Engagement, Divers...2023Hood, Anna M.StudentECU
Confronting Racism in All Forms of Pain Research: A Shared Commitment for Engagement, Divers...2023, et alStudentECU
Confronting Racism in Pain Research: A Call to Action2023Campbell, Lisa C.StudentECU
Confronting Racism in Pain Research: A Call to Action2023Morais, Calia A.StudentECU
Confronting Racism in Pain Research: A Call to Action2023, et alStudentECU
Confronting unsuccessful practices: repositioning teacher identities in English education2016Vetter, Amy FacultyTeacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG
Confronting unsuccessful practices: repositioning teacher identities in English education2016Reynolds, Jeanie M.FacultyEnglish, UNCG
Confronting Violence in Postwar Guatemala: An Introduction2010Smith, Timothy FacultyAnthropology, ASU
Confusion and interest: The role of knowledge emotions in aesthetic experience.2010Silvia, Paul FacultyPsychology, UNCG
Congenital coronary artery anomalies silent until geriatric age: non-invasive assessment, an...2015Nanijundappa, Aravinda StudentECU
Congenital coronary artery anomalies silent until geriatric age: non-invasive assessment, an...2015Daggubati, Rames StudentECU
Congenital coronary artery anomalies silent until geriatric age: non-invasive assessment, an...2015Van Tan, Nguyen StudentECU
Congenital coronary artery anomalies silent until geriatric age: non-invasive assessment, an...2015Dell'Avvocata, Fabio StudentECU
Congenital coronary artery anomalies silent until geriatric age: non-invasive assessment, an...2015Rigatelli, Gianluca StudentECU
The Congruence Between College Students’ Twitter Identities And Self-Concepts2017Carmichael, Kara LynnStudentMarketing - Student, ASU
Congruence of the medical record and subject interview on time of symptom onset in patients ...2016Davis, Leslie LFacultyAdult Health Nursing, UNCG
Congruence of the medical record and subject interview on time of symptom onset in patients ...2016McCoy, Thomas FacultyNursing, UNCG
Congruity and elaboration in children's and adults' free and cued recall1976Hall, Donald MadisonStudentPsychology, UNCG
Congruity of semantic and acoustic encoding in children's memory1976Soderquist, Linda DanielsStudentPsychology, UNCG
Conjoint behavioral consultation for students with behavioral and emotional disorders: a sin...2020Colaluca, Lori AnnetteStudentPsychology, WCU
Conjoint Influence of Maps and Auded Prose on Children’s Retrieval of Instruction1994Kealy, William A.FacultyLibrary and Information Studies, UNCG
Conjugacy on partial words2002Blanchet-Sadri, Francine FacultyComputer Science, UNCG
Conjugal roles : relationship to employment of domestic help and marital satisfaction1982Eboch, Sharon StevensStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) promotes inflammation to a greater extent in human adipocytes...2011Martinez, Kristina StudentNutrition, UNCG
Conjugated Linoleic Acid Induces Human Adipocyte Delipidation AUTOCRINE/PARACRINE REGULATION...2004McIntosh, Michael K.FacultyNutrition, UNCG
Conjugated Linoleic Acid Induces Human Adipocyte Delipidation AUTOCRINE/PARACRINE REGULATION...2004Morrison, Ron F.FacultyNutrition, UNCG
Conjugated Linoleic Acid Promotes Human Adipocyte Insulin Resistance through NF?B-dependent ...2005McIntosh, Michael K.FacultyNutrition, UNCG
Conjugated Linoleic Acid Promotes Human Adipocyte Insulin Resistance through NF?B-dependent ...2005Hopkins, Robin FacultyNutrition, UNCG
Conlangtionary: Prototyping a Language-Agnostic Dictionary For The Web2016Waldon, Christopher StudentComputer Science - Student, ASU
Connaissance de Pe´guy a` travers ses oeuvres sur Jeanne d'Arc1973Hooper, Suzanne BluteauStudentRomance Languages-French, UNCG
Connect with your Users: Usability Testing and How User Experience May Actually Work for You...2016Kavanagh Webb, Kathryn StudentECU
Connect with your Users: Usability Testing and How User Experience May Actually Work for You...2016Rhodes, Tamara StudentECU
Connected Tasks: The Building Blocks of Reasoning and Proof2010Berenson, Sarah B.FacultyTeacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG
Connected Tasks: The Building Blocks of Reasoning and Proof2010Richardson, Kerri FacultyTeacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG
Connected topologies for the unit interval1971Hester, Sara OwenStudentMathematics, UNCG
Connectedness in education as a social critique of individualism: an analysis of cultural fo...2018Zilonka, Revital StudentEducational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG
Connecting communities through a passion for data visualization in libraries: The Visualizin...2020Klein, Jo FacultyUniversity Libraries, UNCG
Connecting the Dots, Building a Library for Learning2019Crumpton, Michael FacultyUniversity Libraries, UNCG
Connecting the Dots: Effects of Close Reading on Students' Comprehension of Primary Sources2016Ballance, Ann MarieStudentECU
Connecting Eastern and Western Perspectives on Management: Translation of Practices across O...2019Sarala, Riikka M.FacultyManagement, UNCG
Connecting elders to nature. A study on using biophilic design to foster successful aging at...2020Algamdi, Mona StudentInterior Architecture, UNCG
Connecting ELL students to high-interest texts and authentic writing tasks2015Donato, Leanna StudentEducation, UNCG
Connecting It All: Creating Community in Sport and Entertainment2016Dixon, Marlene StudentECU
Connecting It All: Creating Community in Sport and Entertainment2016Warner, Stacy StudentECU
Connecting Kindergarten Readiness and Food-based Learning in the Head Start Preschool Classr...2023Dixon, Jocelyn StudentECU
Connecting Libraries and Learning with Community Organizational Needs [Slides]2017Crumpton, Michael FacultyUniversity Libraries, UNCG
Connecting Libraries and Learning with Community Organizational Needs [Slides]2017Bird, Nora J.FacultyLibrary and Information Studies, UNCG
Connecting Mutations of the RNA Polymerase II C-Terminal Domain to Complex Phenotypic Change...2010Stiller, John W.StudentECU
Connecting Mutations of the RNA Polymerase II C-Terminal Domain to Complex Phenotypic Change...2010Guo, Zhenhua StudentECU
Connecting Mutations of the RNA Polymerase II C-Terminal Domain to Complex Phenotypic Change...2010Rogers, Carlyle StudentECU
Connecting real learning with social media ROI2016Crumpton, Michael FacultyUniversity Libraries, UNCG
Connecting Staff to the Cloud [Slides]2012Leininger, Lea FacultyUniversity Libraries, UNCG
Connecting Talent Management to LIS Course Descriptions [Poster]2022Bird, Nora J.FacultyLibrary and Information Studies, UNCG
Connecting Talent Management to LIS Course Descriptions [Poster]2022Crumpton, Michael FacultyUniversity Libraries, UNCG
Connecting to Community: Best Practices for Designing a Digital Branch2014Bird, Nora J.FacultyLibrary and Information Studies, UNCG
Connecting to the trail: Natural spaces as places of healing2020Harmon, Justin FacultyCommunity and Therapeutic Recreation, UNCG
Connecting a University to a Distant Neighborhood: Three Stages of Learning and Adaptation2004DeHoog, Ruth H.FacultyPolitical Science, UNCG
Connecting with nature : The effects of organized camp experiences and early-life outdoor ex...2012Garner, Margaret AnnStudentRecreation and Park Administration, ECU
Connection Between Alpha Subbands and Self-Reported Overall Health Outcomes2019Zurlinden, Taylor EStudentECU
Connection Discrepancies - Unmasking Further Layers of the Digital Divide2003Davison, Elizabeth Lynn (Beth) FacultySociology, ASU
Connections and disconnections between a college methods course and elementary classroom tea...1987Royall, Mary LuellaStudentHealth, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, UNCG
Connections between linguistic and musical sound systems of British and American trombonists...2014Cox, Katie A.StudentMusic, UNCG
Connections through narrative2022Kelsey, Kyle PatrickStudentArt and Design, WCU
Connotations of color names among Negroes and Causasians : a replication and an extension