The game of I am: enhancing empathy and improving attitudes toward older adults in first-yea... | 2018 | Bailey, Sara W. | Student | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
Game of love: chess and agency in Chaucer’s Troilus and Criseyde AND She will suffer no grat... | 2016 | Danner, Michelle E. | Student | English, UNCG |
The Game of United States Diplomacy Within the Ottoman Empire: How the United States’ Intere... | 2017 | Nowland, Robert | Student | History, UNCA |
Game rules and morality | 1972 | Weiblen, Joyce H. | Student | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
Game theoretic model of brood parasitism in a dung beetle Onthophagus Taurus | 2009 | Rychtar, Jan | Faculty | Mathematics and Statistics, UNCG |
Game theoretic model of brood parasitism in a dung beetle Onthophagus Taurus | 2009 | Remington, David L. | Faculty | Biology, UNCG |
Game-Theoretic Analysis of the North Korean Missile Crisis | 2023 | Jackson, Philip | Student | ECU |
The Game-Theoretical Model of Using Insecticide-Treated Bed-Nets to Fight Malaria | 2016 | Rychtar, Jan | Faculty | Mathematics and Statistics, UNCG |
The GamerGate Controversy And Journalistic Paradigm Maintenance | 2016 | Perreault, Gregory | Faculty | Communication, ASU |
"Games" | 1975 | Alvarez, Linda Rodrigue | Student | UNCG |
Games, equations and dot-depth two monoids | 1992 | Blanchet-Sadri, Francine | Faculty | Computer Science, UNCG |
Gamma Delta And Natural Killer Cells In Splenocytes Of Young Mice Protect Immunocompromised ... | 2020 | Opata, Michael | Faculty | Biology, ASU |
Gang Activity and Perceptions of Safety in Robeson County | 2014 | Scales, Kimberly | Student | Honors College, Exercise and Sports Science, UNCP |
Gangliogenesis in the Prosobranch Gastropod Ilyanassa obsoleta | 1996 | Leise, Esther M. | Faculty | Biology, UNCG |
Gangsters paradise | 2020 | Arceo, Manuel Maximilliano | Faculty | Music and Visual Arts, ECSU |
Gaps And Barriers Along The North Carolina Agri-Food Value Chain | 2016 | Kline, Carol | Faculty | Management, ASU |
Gaps and Barriers Along the North Carolina Agri-Food Value Chain | 2023 | Pitts, Stephanie | Student | ECU |
Gaps or Transitions? North Syrian/South Anatolian Ceramics in the Early, Middle, and Late Is... | 2020 | Eger, A. Asa | Faculty | History, UNCG |
Gaq And Phospholipase Cß Signaling Regulate Nociceptor Sensitivity In Drosophila melanogaste... | 2018 | Bellemer, Andrew | Faculty | Biology, ASU |
'gär-d[inverted upside-down e]n\ : playful re-imaginings of the natural environment cultivat... | 2015 | Cozens, Mary Catherine | Student | Art and Design, WCU |
Garcinia Cambogia, Either Alone or in Combination with Green Tea Causes Moderate to Severe L... | 2023 | Tillmann, Hans L. | Student | ECU |
The Garden Containing Multitudes: Proto-Transcendentalism In Paradise Lost | 2022 | Mitchell, Brianna | Student | English - Student, ASU |
Gas-phase Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopic Study of the Molecular Structure of Beryl... | 1977 | Walsh, Jerome "Jerry" | Faculty | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
The Gaseous Study: an Early History of Mathematical Logic and Set Theory | 2014 | Tuers, Douglas | Student | History - Student, ASU |
Gasoline Prices and a Lesson in Murky Internet Populism | 2001 | Brod, Andrew C. | Faculty | Economics, UNCG |
Gasper Zappula and other stories | 1973 | Hildebrandt, Hugo John | Student | English, UNCG |
Gastrocnemius Fascicle And Achilles Tendon Length At The End Of The Eccentric Phase In A Sin... | 2017 | Needle, Alan | Faculty | Health and Exercise Science, ASU |
Gateway to Reform? Policy Implications of Police Officers' Attitudes toward Rape | 2008 | Page, Amy Dellinger | Faculty | Sociology, ASU |
Gateways to 20th century violin repertoire: selections from Luciano Berio’s Duetti per due V... | 2018 | Reeves, Julia Sakiko | Student | School of Music, UNCG |
The Gathering--Tiger, Rice, Orange, Fish | 2008 | Saxena, Garima | Student | Studio Art, UNCG |
“Gawd Owns Them Woods”: The Intersectionality of Religion, Gender, and Class in Flannery O’C... | 2015 | Flippin, Adrienne | Student | Literature, UNCA |
The Gay and Lesbian Affirmative Development (GLAD) Model: Facilitating Positive Gay Identity... | 1999 | Cashwell, Craig S. | Faculty | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
Gay And Lesbian Identity Development: An Overview For Social Workers | 2009 | Levy, Denise | Faculty | Beaver College of Health Sciences, ASU |
Gay and Lesbian Parents: No Longer a Paradox | 2000 | Myers, Jane E. | Faculty | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
The Gay Librarian: A Comparative Analysis of Attitudes Towards Professional Gender Issues | 1996 | Carmichael, James V. | Faculty | Library and Information Studies, UNCG |
Gay, Lesbian, And Queer Individuals With A Christian Upbringing: Exploring The Process Of Re... | 2008 | Levy, Denise | Student | Beaver College of Health Sciences, ASU |
Gaze Upon My Shame: The Function of the Gaze on Marginalized Identities in Giovanni's Room | 2019 | Masanto, Alaina | Student | English, UNCA |
GC-MS with Ethyl Chloroformate Derivatization for Comprehensive Analysis of Metabolites in S... | 2008 | Jia, Wei | Faculty | Nutrition, UNCG |
GC/MS-Based Urinary Metabolomics Reveals Systematic Differences in Metabolism and Ethanol Re... | 2011 | Jia, Wei | Faculty | Nutrition, UNCG |
GC/MS-Based Urinary Metabolomics Reveals Systematic Differences in Metabolism and Ethanol Re... | 2011 | Qiu, Yunping | Faculty | Nutrition, UNCG |
gC1qR/C1qBP/HABP-1: Structural Analysis of the Trimeric Core Region, Interactions With a Nov... | 2023 | Garcia, Brandon L. | Student | ECU |
gC1qR/C1qBP/HABP-1: Structural Analysis of the Trimeric Core Region, Interactions With a Nov... | 2023 | Zhang, Ying | Student | ECU |
GCEC: Global Consortium of Entrepreneurship Centers 2017 | 2018 | Cramer, Steve | Faculty | University Libraries, UNCG |
GDP: No one metric can rule them all | 2014 | Cherry, Todd | Faculty | Economics, ASU |
GDP: No one metric can rule them all | 2014 | Neufeld , Howard S. | Faculty | Biology, ASU |
GDP: No one metric can rule them all | 2014 | Marland, Gregg | Faculty | Geology, ASU |
Gemella Species Bacteremia and Stroke in an Elderly Patient with Respiratory Tract Infection... | 2017 | Jayananda, Sriraksha,Gollol-Raju,Narasimha Swamy,Fadul,Nada | Student | ECU |
The Genasi: A Piece For String Orchestra Inspired By Bill Viola’s “Fire Woman” | 2023 | Dulaney, Rebecca | Student | Music - Student, ASU |
Gender Gender Identity and Undergraduates' Perceptions of School Psychology as a Career Cho... | 2012 | Klotz, Charli | Student | Psychology: School Psychology, ECU |
Gender and cohort differences in high school students' sex role orientation, 1984-1987 | 1989 | Beaver, Carolyn B. | Student | Human Environmental Sciences, UNCG |