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There are 83 record/s using the keyword/s: special education.

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TitleDateCreatorPublication TypeInstitution
The Self-Concept Of Learning Disabled Students In Two Different Service Delivery Models1979Elksnin, H.N. StudentPsychology - Student, ASU
Seven Reasons to Promote Standards-Based Instruction for Students with Severe Disabilities: ...2012Jimenez, Bree AnnFacultySpecialized Education Services, UNCG
Social Communication between Intellectually Disabled Severe Middle School Students who use ...2013Frueh, Sarah StudentCommunication Sciences and Disorders, ECU
Special education administration in North Carolina: who is leading the field?2009Tate, Alicia SalemmeStudentSpecialized Education Services, UNCG
Special Educators and Nonsuicidal Self-Injurious Behavior: Self-Injury Training, Exposure, a...2011Morris, Carrie A. WachterFacultyCounseling and Educational Development, UNCG
Sports Empowerment Program: Coordinating an Inclusive Softball Day Camp at UNCP2017Fennell, Ian StudentEsther G. Maynor Honors College, UNCP
A Study Of The Effect Of Teaching The Science Research Associates Reading Laboratory IIc On ...1966Bergl, Burkett KiblerStudentEducation - Student, ASU
A Study of the Idealistic Expectations of Preservice Teachers and How They Relate to Burnout...1986Callahan, Laura StudentChancellor's Scholars, UNCP
A Study Of The Relationship Of Emotional Disturbance And Reading Retardation1954Anderson, Mildred HeltonStudentReading Education & Special Education - Student, ASU
A study of teachers' perceptions of school-level factors affecting transition services2013Lazaroff, Kurt CharlesStudentSpecialized Education Services, UNCG
Tactile self monitoring of attention to decrease off-task behavior of adolescents with intel...2012Root, Jenny StudentSpecial Education, ECU
Teacher Implemented Pivotal Response Training To Improve Communication In Children With Auti...2011Gouvousis, Aphroditi StudentCommunication Sciences and Disorders, ECU
Teaching Functional Money Skills To Mentally Retarded Adults1984Gerhardt, David LouisStudentSpecial Education - Student, ASU
Team Teaching in an Early Childhood Interdisciplinary Program: A Decade of Lessons Learned2009Scott-Little, Catherine FacultyHuman Development and Family Studies, UNCG
Team Teaching in an Early Childhood Interdisciplinary Program: A Decade of Lessons Learned2009Hestenes, Linda L.FacultyHuman Development and Family Studies, UNCG
Team Teaching in an Early Childhood Interdisciplinary Program: A Decade of Lessons Learned2009LaParo, Karen M.FacultyHuman Development and Family Studies, UNCG
Team Teaching in an Early Childhood Interdisciplinary Program: A Decade of Lessons Learned2009Cassidy, Deborah J.FacultyHuman Development and Family Studies, UNCG
Token Economy System For Mentally Retarded Adults In A Group Home Setting1980Martorana, Guy R.StudentPsychology & Special Education - Student, ASU
Toward a free appropriate public education for African American male students with disabilit...2023Horton, Ray StudentEducational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG
Training Teachers to Follow a Task Analysis to Engage Middle School Students With Moderate a...2007Jimenez, Bree AnnFacultySpecialized Education Services, UNCG
THE TRUE ROLE OF RECESS ACCORDING TO REGULAR AND SPECIAL EDUCATORS2013Massop, Sunni StudentChild Development and Family Relations, ECU
Universal Design for Learning : Access to the General Curriculum for Students with Severe Co...2011Strickland, Anna StudentSpecial Education, ECU
Use Of Function As A Consequence In Training Receptive Labeling Of Objects To Severely Handi...1982Winship, Lynn VandiviereStudentSpecial Education - Student, ASU
Use of Strategic Self -Monitoring to Enhance Academic Engagement, Productivity, and Accuracy...2005Rock, Marcia L.FacultySpecialized Education Services, UNCG