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There are 55 record/s using the keyword/s: policy.

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TitleDateCreatorPublication TypeInstitution
Assessing General Attitudes Towards Sustainability Policies Among Key Stakeholders In Higher...2016Faircloth, Morris BrentonStudentSustainable Technology & the Built Env. - Student , ASU
Business perceptions of regulative institutions in Central and Eastern Europe2010Kshetri, Nir B.FacultyManagement, UNCG
Creating Vidant Health's Healthy Food Environment2013Gaskins, Scottie StudentECU
Creating Vidant Health's Healthy Food Environment2013Kolasa, Kathryn StudentECU
Creating Vidant Health's Healthy Food Environment2013Njuguna, Njeri StudentECU
Creating Vidant Health's Healthy Food Environment2013Simmons, Rose AnnStudentECU
Creating Vidant Health's Healthy Food Environment2013White, Andy StudentECU
Critical Issues Surrounding Test Accommodations: A Language Planning and Policy Perspective2010Schissel, Jamie L.FacultyTeacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG
The DataRes Research Project on Data Management2012Halbert, Martin FacultyUniversity Libraries, UNCG
Developing an agenda for research about policies to improve access to healthy foods in rural...2014Sitaker, Marilyn StudentECU
Developing an agenda for research about policies to improve access to healthy foods in rural...2014Sharkey, Joseph StudentECU
Developing an agenda for research about policies to improve access to healthy foods in rural...2014Pitts, Stephanie B JilcottStudentECU
Developing an agenda for research about policies to improve access to healthy foods in rural...2014Pinard, Courtney StudentECU
Developing an agenda for research about policies to improve access to healthy foods in rural...2014Kolodinsky, Jane StudentECU
Developing an agenda for research about policies to improve access to healthy foods in rural...2014Fleischhacker, Sheila StudentECU
Developing an agenda for research about policies to improve access to healthy foods in rural...2014Dean, Wesley StudentECU
Developing an agenda for research about policies to improve access to healthy foods in rural...2014Byker, Carmen StudentECU
Developing an agenda for research about policies to improve access to healthy foods in rural...2014Johnson, Donna BStudentECU
Developing an agenda for research about policies to improve access to healthy foods in rural...2014Quinn, Emilee StudentECU
Developing an agenda for research about policies to improve access to healthy foods in rural...2014Ammerman, Alice StudentECU
Emerging Services for Community-Based Long-Term Care (CBLTC) in Urban China: A Systematic An...2005Wu, Bei FacultyGerontology, UNCG
Enforcement Of Smoke/Tobacco-Free Policies At Public Universities In The US2018Seitz, Christopher FacultyHealth and Exercise Science, ASU
An entrepreneurial marketing dilemma: the case of the melted buttons2017Welsh, Dianne H.B.FacultyBusiness Administration, UNCG
An Examination of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) as a Policy Bedrock and ...2019Kersha-Aerga, Dorothy FacultySocial and Behavioral Sciences (Criminal Justice), ECSU
Failed Policy? The Effects Of Kenya's Education Reform: Use Of Natural Experiment And Regres...2019Kim, Hye-Sung FacultyGovernment and Justice Studies, ASU