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There are 19 record/s using the keyword/s: ischemia.

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TitleDateCreatorPublication TypeInstitution
Cardiovascular Outcomes Following Xenobiotic Pulmonary Exposures2017Holland, Nathan A.StudentECU
EphA2-receptor deficiency exacerbates myocardial infarction and reduces survival in hypergly...2014Coburn, Anita StudentECU
EphA2-receptor deficiency exacerbates myocardial infarction and reduces survival in hypergly...2014DuSablon, Augustin StudentECU
EphA2-receptor deficiency exacerbates myocardial infarction and reduces survival in hypergly...2014Kent, Susan StudentECU
EphA2-receptor deficiency exacerbates myocardial infarction and reduces survival in hypergly...2014Virag, Jitka StudentECU
Exercise-induced QT/R-R–interval hysteresis as a predictor of myocardial ischemia2006Starobin, Joseph M.FacultyNanoscience, UNCG
In silico electrocardiogram from simplistic geometric and reaction diffusion model for detec...2021Loeffler, Shane E.StudentJoint School of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering, UNCG
Muscle cell derived angiopoietin-1 contributes to both myogenesis and angiogenesis in the is...2015McCord, Timothy J.StudentECU
Muscle cell derived angiopoietin-1 contributes to both myogenesis and angiogenesis in the is...2015Kontos, Christopher D.StudentECU
Muscle cell derived angiopoietin-1 contributes to both myogenesis and angiogenesis in the is...2015Reinardy, Jessica L.StudentECU
Muscle cell derived angiopoietin-1 contributes to both myogenesis and angiogenesis in the is...2015McClung, Joseph M.StudentECU
Muscle cell derived angiopoietin-1 contributes to both myogenesis and angiogenesis in the is...2015Brown, David A.StudentECU
Muscle cell derived angiopoietin-1 contributes to both myogenesis and angiogenesis in the is...2015Hussain, Sabah N. A.StudentECU
Muscle cell derived angiopoietin-1 contributes to both myogenesis and angiogenesis in the is...2015Schmidt, Cameron A.StudentECU
Muscle cell derived angiopoietin-1 contributes to both myogenesis and angiogenesis in the is...2015Ryan, Terence E.StudentECU
Muscle cell derived angiopoietin-1 contributes to both myogenesis and angiogenesis in the is...2015Green, Tom D.StudentECU
Muscle cell derived angiopoietin-1 contributes to both myogenesis and angiogenesis in the is...2015Mueller, Sarah B.StudentECU
The role of cardiac mitochondria in myocardial ischemia/reperfusion injury2012Frasier, Chad R.StudentPhysiology, ECU