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There are 36 record/s using the keyword/s: racism.

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TitleDateCreatorPublication TypeInstitution
Acknowledging NCNA's Racist History, Part 1: 1902-19492023Pollitt, Phoebe AnnFacultyNursing , ASU
African American End Stage Renal Disease & Medication Adherence: What Are the Effects of Eve...2019Savage, Tamara EstesFacultySocial Work, UNCP
Amending commemoration: a toponymic case study of racism in Greensboro, North Carolina2018Hawks, Nicole R.StudentGeography, UNCG
Are College Students Colorblind? Associating Demographic Factors with Latent Racism2015Weiss, Kelsey StudentECU
Black Voices in Fantasy: Why they matter2024Turner, Mauriah "Red"StudentEnglish, UNCG
Blood Done Sign My Name.2005Arndt, Robert FacultyMary Livermore Library, UNCP
Brutal world2016Richardson, Janet MarieStudentArt and Design, WCU
Confites en el infierno: life stories of two Costa Rican families living in the United State...2011Ibarra, Laura C.StudentEducational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG
Critical Race Theory as Theoretical Framework and Analysis Tool for Population Health Resear...2011Brown-Jeffy, Shelly LFacultySociology, UNCG
Disciplinary disproportionality and the organization of power2012McCamish, Cayce M.StudentEducational Studies, UNCG
An experimental investigation of white counselors broaching race and racism2019Borders, L. DiAnneFacultyCounseling and Educational Development, UNCG
Fostering critical consciousness and agency through ethnic studies: an exploration with sixt...2018Barrett, Kia L.StudentTeacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG
The Fuzziness Of Whiteness: An Exploration Of Latinx Discrimination Through The Use Of Dehum...2019Pinto, Amanda StudentPhilosophy and Religion - Student, ASU
How can teachers teach for social justice within the confines of the No Child Left Behind er...2013Self, Patti LambStudentEducational Studies, UNCG
How Skin Color Discrepancy In Women Of Color Relates To Perceived Racism, Colorism, And Skin...2023Selani, Shraddha StudentPsychology - Student, ASU
Intersectionality matters: Gender, race/ethnicity, and sport level differentiate perceived c...2024Chu, Alan FacultyKinesiology, UNCG
Just the way things were or malicious intent?: One professor’s attempt to facilitate truth2007Mansfield, Katherine Cumings FacultyEducational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG
Lovecraft Across Time: Resonation And Adaptation In The Cthulhu Mythos2018Canino, Andrew R.StudentEnglish - Student, ASU
Mexican-origin husbands’ work contexts and spouses’ personal well-being and marital quality2018Helms, Heather M.FacultyHuman Development and Family Studies, UNCG
Neighborhood disadvantage, parenting, and obesity in the transition from adolescence to youn...2016Irby, Megan B.StudentHuman Development and Family Studies, UNCG
Post-9/11 presidential rhetoric and the ongoing reality of racism in the United States2010Wray, Alan StudentEnglish, WCU
Racism in America's Churches: A Closer Look1989Morales, Lenore L.StudentChancellor's Scholars - Sociology, UNCP
Reinvisioning the Nineteenth Century in Cherie Priest’s Boneshaker : Gender, Ethnicity, and ...2013Marshall, Amanda StudentSchool of Graduate Studies, English Education, UNCP
Remix Racism: The Visual Politics Of The “Alt-Right”2017Stanovsky, Derek FacultyCultural, Gender, and Global Studies, ASU
Role of race and appearance in the dehumanization of women and minorities2016Muse, Olivia Ateret StudentPsychology, WCU