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There are 40 record/s using the keyword/s: christianity.

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TitleDateCreatorPublication TypeInstitution
Religion And Endorsement Of Same-Sex Marriage: The Role Of Syncretism Between Denominational...2012Levy, Denise FacultyBeaver College of Health Sciences, ASU
Religion and Its Effects on Organ Donation Intentions: Diversity within Non-Catholic Christi...2013Sale, Rafaella StudentPsychology - Student, ASU
[Review] Terry G. Sherwood, Herbert’s Prayerful Art.1991Hodgkins, Christopher T.FacultyEnglish, UNCG
The Self and the Sacred: Conversion and Autobiography in Early American Protestantism (revie...2010Yarbrough, Stephen R.FacultyEnglish, UNCG
Sexual Identity, Gender Identity, And A Christian Upbringing: Comparing Two Studies2013Levy, Denise FacultyBeaver College of Health Sciences, ASU
Supplementing Barth on Jews and Gender: Identifying God by Anagogy and the Spirit1998Rogers, Eugene F.FacultyReligious Studies, UNCG
Systematic Theology Vol. I [book review]1999Rogers, Eugene F.FacultyReligious Studies, UNCG
Take and Eat: Eve, Mary, and Feminist Christianity2010Diede, Martha FacultyCoulter Faculty Commons, WCU
Teaching Note -- Challenges In The Classroom On LGBTQ Topics And Christianity In Social Work...2019Levy, Denise FacultyBeaver College of Health Sciences, ASU
Thematic Structure In George Herbert's "The Temple"1969Caldwell, Wayne TroyStudentEnglish - Student, ASU
Thomas and Barth in Convergence on Romans 11996Rogers, Eugene F.FacultyReligious Studies, UNCG
Tripping Over the Technology Divide2012Arndt, Robert FacultyMary Livermore Library, UNCP
The Whale, the Whaler, and the World: An Ecocritical Evaluation of Melville's Moby-Dick2021Davidson, Matthew StudentEnglish, UNCG
The World through Easter Glasses2012Arndt, Robert FacultyMary Livermore Library, UNCP
"Yet I love thee": The "Wayes of Learning" and "Groveling Wit" in Herbert's "The Pearl"2004Hodgkins, Christopher T.FacultyEnglish, UNCG