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TitleDateCreatorPublication TypeInstitution
“’Sheart, man, pass o’er the history and commence thy fabrication!”: The Two Sot-Weed Factor...2015Staton, Matthew Ryan StudentEnglish - Student, ASU
Accuracy of Prediction Models in the Context of Disease Management2005Root, Martin FacultyNutrition and Health Care Management, ASU
Action Research in Bridging the Gap Between Theory and Practice: A Study of the Evaluation a...2015Austin, Cynthia Heath StudentEducational Leadership - Student, ASU
Adding Multiple Risk Factors improves Framingham coronary Heart Disease risk scores2014Root, Martin FacultyNutrition and Health Care Management, ASU
Alcohol Use and Blood Flow in College Men: The Relationship with Personality2015Belhumeur, Jacqueline StudentPsychology - Student, ASU
AMPK regulates basal skeletal muscle capillarization and VEGF expression, but is not necessa...2008Zwetsloot, Kevin FacultyHealth and Exercise Science, ASU
Antimicrobial Properties of Native American Herbal Tea: Hypericum hypericoides2019Lee, Cheyenne StudentEsther G. Maynor Honors College, UNCP
Appalachia In Science Fiction: Cormac McCarthy’s The Road And Suzanne Collins’s The Hunger G...2015Britton, Richard MilesStudentEnglish - Student, ASU
Ascribed Versus Self-Determined Identity: Critical Interpretive Inquiry Into The Subjectivit...2015Banjoko, Tony OlaniyiStudentEducation - Student, ASU
Assessing the Efficacy of Training Targeting Contextual Comments in Behavior Based Safety Ob...2015Kretschmer , Danielle StudentPsychology - Student, ASU
Automated Beehive Surveillance Using Computer Vision2015Kale, David StudentComputer Science - Student, ASU
Autonomic Function Responses Comparing Cold Pressor and Tilt Table Testing in a Healthy, Nor...2015Inlow, Jamie Stark StudentHealth and Exercise Science - Student, ASU
Avian Guano as a Nutrient Input to Cliff-Face Ecosystems in Western North Carolina2015Langevin, Angela Elizabeth StudentBiology - Student , ASU
Bananas as an Energy Source during Exercise: A Metabolomics Approach2016Shanely, Andrew FacultyHealth and Exercise Science, ASU
Bananas as an Energy Source during Exercise: A Metabolomics Approach2016Nieman, David FacultyHealth and Exercise Science , ASU
Bananas as an Energy Source during Exercise: A Metabolomics Approach2016Henson, Dru FacultyBiology, ASU
Beyond ‘‘Does it Pay to be Green?’’ A Meta-Analysis of Moderators of the CEP–CFP Relationshi...2016Dixon-Fowler, Heather FacultyManagement, ASU
Blending Rhetorics: An Examination of Expressivist and Epistemic Rhetoric2015Schell, John Logan StudentEnglish - Student, ASU
Blood Done Sign My Name.2005Arndt, Robert FacultyMary Livermore Library, UNCP
Building prediction models for coronary heart disease by synthesizing multiple longitudinal ...2005Root, Martin FacultyNutrition and Health Care Management, ASU
“Change the story, change the world”: Gendered Magic and Educational Ideology in Terry Pratc...2015Williams, L. Kaitlin StudentEnglish - Student, ASU
Characterization of the norspermidine/spermidine ABC-type transporter, PotABCD1, in Vibrio c...2015Sanders , Blake Edward StudentBiology - Student , ASU
The Column of Trajan in the light of ancient cartography and geography2013Stephenson, John FacultyArt, ASU
Combined Fruit and Vegetable Intake Is Correlated with Improved Inflammatory and Oxidant Sta...2012Root, Martin FacultyNutrition and Health Care Management, ASU
Combining information from multiple data sources to create multivariable risk models: Illust...2005Root, Martin FacultyNutrition and Health Care Management, ASU