Browse Author By Last Name - W

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There are 2108 record/s.

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NameInstitutionPublication Status
Williams, Jonathan History, WCU Student
West, Ashley MicheleHistory, WCU Student
Wind, Marcus Geosciences and Natural Resources, WCU Student
Wheeler, Joseph A.English, WCU Student
Winstead, Morgan AshleyEnglish, WCU Student
Wilkie, Haylee English, WCU Student
Williams, Margaret English, WCU Student
Worley, Jarred English, WCU Student
Worsham, Charlie English, WCU Student
Woodburn, Kelsey English, WCU Student
Waters, Whitney English, WCU Student
Williams, Margaret V.English, WCU Student
Williams, Heather P.English, WCU Student
Wray, Alan English, WCU Student
Ward, Benjamin DavidEngineering and Technology, WCU Student
Walker, James PhilipEngineering and Technology, WCU Student
Waltz, Theodore HerbertEngineering and Technology, WCU Student
Wofford, Mary ClaireCommunication Sciences and Disorders, WCU Student
Wilcox, Nicholas JohnChemistry and Physics, WCU Student
Walsh, Danvey C.Chemistry and Physics, WCU Student
Wilson, Lucas E.Chemistry and Physics, WCU Student
Wilson, Terryol Chemistry and Physics, WCU Student
Weathersby, Shana Chemistry and Physics, WCU Student
Walsh, Jesse JosephChemistry and Physics, WCU Student
Willis, Timothy JamesChemistry and Physics, WCU Student