Dickerson, Anne Elizabeth


There are 3 item/s.

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
The effectiveness of Farabloc technology with Mirror Therapy in reducing phantom limb pain in individuals with a unilateral lower extremity vascular amputation 2012 746293 Objective :the objective of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of combining two interventions Farabloc technology to eliminate electromagnetic fields and Mirror Therapy to assist in the sensory cortex reorganization to decrease or elimin...
A comparison of drivers' braking responses across ages 2012 746293 As driving is associated with independence it is important for occupational therapists to understand what skills are required to drive safely and how to assess them in order to keep older drivers driving independently as long as possible. This study ...
Heart rate as a physiologic response to scenarios on the driving simulator 2013 746293 Introduction: Since driving is such a big part of the American culture and considered an instrumental activity of daily living it is a critical area for assessment and intervention for occupational therapists. The overall goal of this study was to ex...