Daniel, I. Randolph


There are 4 item/s.

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
GIS BASED ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITE LOCATION MODELING IN PITT COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA 2011 746293 Archaeologists have employed Geographic Information Systems (GIS) software in the generation of predictive models for over thirty years. In the interest of creating a state wide predictive model the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT)...
Prehistoric Ceramics from the Barber Creek Site (31PT259) Greenville North Carolina 2011 746293 This is a study of the prehistoric pottery from the Barber Creek site located along the Tar River drainage in Greenville North Carolina. Stratified archaeological remains are present in a one meter deposit of sand spanning the Archaic and Woodland pe...
SHOVEL TESTING THE SQUIRE'S RIDGE (31ED365) SITE : EDGECOMBE COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA 2011 746293 In this study artifacts from the 2009 field season at Squire's Ridge (31ED365) are analyzed. One-hundred and fourteen shovel tests were completed by students under the supervision of I. Randolph Daniel that account for approximately 7000 artifacts. T...
STRATIGRAPHIC INVESTIGATIONS AT BARBER CREEK (31PT259) : RECONSTRUCTING THE CULTURE-HISTORY OF A MULTICOMPONENT SITE IN THE NORTH CAROLINA COASTAL PLAIN 2011 746293 Barber Creek is a multicomponent stratified site situated atop a relict sand dune in eastern North Carolina. Previous research has put emphasis on site formation and occupation. The focus of this study was to reconstruct the cultural chronology of th...