“Say It Louder For The People In The Back!”: Analyzing The Power Of Antirape Feminist Digital Activism
- ASU Author/Contributor (non-ASU co-authors, if there are any, appear on document)
- Alexis Ann Hargesheimer (Creator)
- Institution
- Appalachian State University (ASU )
- Web Site: https://library.appstate.edu/
- Advisor
- Valerie Wieskamp
Abstract: Because of the surge of the #MeToo Movement in 2017, antirape activism has now largely established a digital presence by creating a virtual community. When the inclusivity of this movement’s community was called into question, it led me to doubt the influence of its digital presence and pose the research question for this thesis: exactly how powerful can digital activism be in resisting rape culture? Answering this required research on both the proven benefits and disadvantages of antirape digital activism. In this context, rape culture is defined as the normalization of sexual violence in American culture. Paired with this paper is an act of antirape digital activism of my own: an informational podcast on the same subject composed of audio bits from three interviews I conducted that all represent different angles of perspective and expertise regarding rape culture. The interviewees include: Dr. Amy Dellinger Page, Professor of Sociology and the Undergraduate Programs Director for Sociology at Appalachian State University; Dr. Michael Eng, Assistant Professor of Philosophy at Appalachian State University; and Sara Crouch, Outreach Coordinator for the non-profit organization OASIS located in Boone, North Carolina. This paper references these three interviews in addition to outside research to support that the power of digital activism is extremely complex. From the depth of this paper, it seems there are as many benefits as there are disadvantages. But many questions remain with much more research to be done. It is my conclusion that antirape digital activism be utilized to resist rape culture mainly because of its influence on voice; however, it cannot and should not replace the large “real work” role that antirape traditionally-practiced activism fulfills and should instead be utilized in tandem with these traditional practices.
“Say It Louder For The People In The Back!”: Analyzing The Power Of Antirape Feminist Digital Activism
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Created on 6/16/2020
Views: 898
Additional Information
- Publication
- Honors Project
- Hargesheimer, A. (2020). “Say It Louder For The People In The Back!”: Analyzing The Power Of Antirape Feminist Digital Activism. Unpublished Honors Thesis. Appalachian State University, Boone, NC.
- Language: English
- Date: 2020
- Keywords
- Digital Activism, Rape Culture, Online Activism, Feminist, Antirape