Title | Date | Views | Brief Description |
The Impact Of Evidence Presentation On False Confessions |
2016 |
5565 |
A confession is one of the most influential kinds of evidence offered at trial (Leo, 2009). The weight of a confession on trial outcomes warrants careful attention. Interrogation practices need to be carefully examined to ensure individuals are not b... |
Perceived Control And Childhood Maltreatment Predict Adult Anxiety And Traits Of Secondary Psychopathy In A Community Sample |
2017 |
1327 |
Evidence suggests that psychopathy can be divided into two subtypes by anxiety. Specifically, low levels of anxiety are predictive of primary psychopathy and high levels of anxiety are predictive of secondary psychopathy. These subtypes are also pars... |
Spare The Rod: Preschoolers’ And Their Mothers’ Perspectives Of Spanking From Within And Outside Conservative Protestantism |
2019 |
1182 |
A growing body of research suggests that corporal punishment results in an increased risk for behavioral and emotional problems for children who are subjected to it. Corporal punishment is still a widely used form of discipline within the Conservativ... |
The Effects Of Lineup Style And Instructions On Eyewitness Accuracy And Confidence |
2019 |
1427 |
Eyewitness misidentifications are the leading cause of known wrongful convictions (The Innocence Project, 2012). System variables like instructions at the time of a lineup presentation and lineup style can impact both eyewitness confidence, which can... |
Jurors’ Judgments and the Media: Is All Pretrial Publicity Equal? |
2013 |
2381 |
Previous research on the effect of pretrial publicity (PTP) on jurors’ judgments in criminal court has typically focused on prejudicial information presented about the defendant in a criminal case. This spotlight on the defendant is shifting to a bro... |
The Effects of Child Maltreatment on Fixation Patterns and Emotion Recognition |
2016 |
1735 |
Child maltreatment is a pervasive problem that affects thousands of children each year. Several studies have found links between child maltreatment and impaired cognitive functioning in children and young adults. To this date, there has been no resea... |
The Relationship Between Psychopathic Traits and Criminal Success, Criminal Behavior, and Aggression |
2019 |
3684 |
Researchers have consistently found a strong relationship between criminal behavior and psychopathic traits. However, researchers have yet to investigate potential differences in psychopathic traits among those who engage in criminal behavior and are... |
Youth With Disabilities In Foster Care: Prevalence, Barriers And Long-Term Effects |
2020 |
1833 |
This paper investigates the prevalence of youth in foster care with a developmental delay or disability, physical disability, or mental disorder, the barriers these youth disproportionately face in comparison to youth outside the foster care system a... |
Society And The Psychopath: An Examination Of Psychopathy Relating To Social Motivation And Moral Decision-Making |
2018 |
6808 |
There has been very little research conducted on the extent to which individuals who display psychopathic traits or tendencies act morally, immorally or amorally as a result of social-motivational factors, like social support and social hindrance. Th... |
The Role Of Schema Congruence In Mock Jurors’ Judgments Of Sexual Assault Cases |
2018 |
1193 |
People use schemas to categorize their informational world. Schemas allow us to appraise a current social situation, or to predict future social behaviors; schemas are cognitive shortcuts that can lead to stereotyping and other forms of overgeneraliz... |
Perceptions Of Juvenile Offenders Who Were Maltreated As Children |
2019 |
1097 |
Research shows that when a study has participants act as mock jurors and experimentally manipulates child abuse, participants tend to recommend more lenient sentences for offenders with a history of abuse. Majority of the current research uses seriou... |
An Examination Of Drunkorexia: Calorie Regulation Prior To Alcohol Consumption Among College Students |
2019 |
702 |
Due to the rise of underage drinking and disordered eating on college campuses, researchers have labeled the combination of these behaviors as "drunkorexia." It describes excessive weight control methods prior to alcohol consumption. The purpose of t... |
Modeling Help Seeking Intentions In Victims Of Intimate Partner Violence: A Conceptual Replication Of Fleming And Resick (2017) |
2023 |
320 |
Victims of intimate partner violence come forward and seek services and help for the crimes committed upon them at much lower rates than victims of other interpersonal crimes. In this study, the Theory of Planned Behavior was used to assess individua... |
Testing The Courts' Assumptions About Using Juror Rehabilitation In A Child Sexual Abuse Case |
2022 |
288 |
Biases in the courtroom come in a variety of forms which, in theory, would be revealed through the jury selection process. If biases arise, the court has a mechanism in place that is assumed to prevent bias from impacting the decision-making process.... |
Is Knowledge Power? An Investigation of Mock Jurors’ Perceptions of CSA Victim Credibility |
2014 |
1959 |
In the present study, I investigated the effects of child complainant’s age (5 years, 15 years, a “minor”), the child’s level of sexual knowledge (low, high), and the presence of jury instructions on mock jurors’ perceptions of the child’s credibilit... |
An Assessment Of Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner Experience And Training On Mock Jurors’ Decisions In A Child Sexual Abuse Trial |
2021 |
557 |
The positive impact of sexual assault nurse examiners (SANEs) in sexual abuse cases and trials is demonstrated throughout the literature. Research shows that SANEs are perceived as more credible experts than non-specialized registered nurses and help... |