Trathen, Woodrow


There are 5 item/s.

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
Identifying Predictors Of Young Children’s Reading Achievement 2015 1833 This study examined the relations among two strong, early predictors of reading achievement. Data from a previous longitudinal study (Morris, et al., 2013) were used to evaluate relations among sight word and spelling tasks and words read correctly p...
Reading Fluency Assessment: The Role of Word-Level Automaticity 2013 8399 This study examined the use of an isolated word recognition assessment, the Appalachian State Word Reading Inventory (ASUWRI), to assess students’ automatic word recognition. Grade-leveled lists of isolated words were flashed individually, one word a...
Between The ‘Planter & The Gael:’ A Cross-Community Education In Poetry 2023 555 This 4-article dissertation mines the sources and outworking’s of my position as a scholar-poet, one who has attempted to steer a dissenting course between the twin pillars of Ulster Protestant Unionism and Irish Catholic Nationalism - between ‘The P...
The Relationship of Prosodic Reading to Reading Rate and Other Constructs of Reading Ability 2013 6355 This study reports how well the results of an adapted rating scale of fluent reading would correspond to objective measures of those same readings. A trained investigating team listened to taped recordings of fourth- and fifth-grade students reading ...
The Systematic Instruction Of Students With Severe Reading Disabilities: Two Case Studies 1996 574 The way in which students with severe reading disabilities are instructed in a public school system was investigated. Interviews regarding the perceptions and beliefs which guide the instruction of severely disabled readers were conducted with educat...