Title | Date | Views | Brief Description |
Identifying Predictors Of Young Children’s Reading Achievement |
2015 |
1833 |
This study examined the relations among two strong, early predictors of reading achievement. Data from a previous longitudinal study (Morris, et al., 2013) were used to evaluate relations among sight word and spelling tasks and words read correctly p... |
Reading Fluency Assessment: The Role of Word-Level Automaticity |
2013 |
8399 |
This study examined the use of an isolated word recognition assessment, the Appalachian State Word Reading Inventory (ASUWRI), to assess students’ automatic word recognition. Grade-leveled lists of isolated words were flashed individually, one word a... |
Between The ‘Planter & The Gael:’ A Cross-Community Education In Poetry |
2023 |
555 |
This 4-article dissertation mines the sources and outworking’s of my position as a scholar-poet, one who has attempted to steer a dissenting course between the twin pillars of Ulster Protestant Unionism and Irish Catholic Nationalism - between ‘The P... |
The Relationship of Prosodic Reading to Reading Rate and Other Constructs of Reading Ability |
2013 |
6355 |
This study reports how well the results of an adapted rating scale of fluent reading would correspond to objective measures of those same readings. A trained investigating team listened to taped recordings of fourth- and fifth-grade students reading ... |
The Systematic Instruction Of Students With Severe Reading Disabilities: Two Case Studies |
1996 |
574 |
The way in which students with severe reading disabilities are instructed in a public school system was investigated. Interviews regarding the perceptions and beliefs which guide the instruction of severely disabled readers were conducted with educat... |