Terrant, Jr., Frank


There are 2 item/s.

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
Habituation Of The Orienting Response (OR) In Extroverts And Introverts As A Function Of Stimulus Intensity 1978 278 Forty-seven subjects were designated as Introverts or Extroverts, according to their score on the EPI (Form A) personality questionnaire. They were presented with thirty trials of either a 60 or 100 db tone of 2-sec duration. Habituation of the orien...
Scholastic Aptitude Test Mathematics Subscores As A Subject Variable In Levine's Blank Probe Method Of Investigating Hypothesis Formation 1976 169 Under the assumption that Marvin Levine's blank probe method in hypothesis-testing theory is a viable one, this study attempted to use that method to determine significant differences in the process of learning via hypothesis formation....