Fawson, Peter


There are 3 item/s.

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
Solving The National And Global Issue Of Human Trafficking 2017 1834 Trafficking of persons, both for labor and sex, has been an international problem for decades. Public knowledge of the issue has only begun to surface, and until recent years, a globally accepted definition of human trafficking was nonexistent. Both ...
Exploring Effective Sex Education Programming In The United States 2016 1375 School-based sex education is a contentious issue in contemporary American society. At its most basic level, the debate centers on the division between abstinence-only and comprehensive sex education. Abstinence-only advocates promote a sex education...
Exploring Coping Skills Of Hospitalized Children: A Children’s Book Proposal 2018 1828 Hospitalization is not an easy challenge to face, especially for children. Hospital stays typically involve uncomfortable or painful procedures experienced in unfamiliar environments with unfamiliar people. Children may become fearful in anticipation...