Horst, Rene Harder


There are 2 item/s.

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
A Wife's Dilemma: Legal And Extralegal Responses To Patriarchy And Domestic Violence In Colonial Lima, 1600-1640 2009 650 This thesis examines the experience of women in colonial Lima in the Viceroyalty of Peru. The patriarchal society of Latin America left women at a distinct disadvantage. They were the inferior sex, subject to the control of their male counterparts, a...
Entangled Histories: An Analysis Of The Anglophone Histories Of Science In Latin America From Dependence Decoloniality, 1950-Present 2019 1332 Science in Latin America has a rich, complex history characterized by a hybridization of multiple Indigenous, Creole, imperial Iberian and Western/Northern knowledge practices. As a result of these entangled histories, Latin American science does not...