Browse Author By Last Name - K

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There are 1507 record/s.

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NameInstitutionPublication Status
Kandhi, Vamsikrishna Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG Student
Kandil, Hossam M.ECU Student
Kane, Amelia B.Geography, Environment, and Sustainability, UNCG Student
Kane, Constance L.ECU Student
Kane, Daniel A.ECU Student
Kane, Daniel A.ECU Student
Kane, Daniel A.ECU Student
Kane, Emilie S.ECU Student
Kane, Emily English - Student, ASU Student
Kane, Michael J.Psychology, UNCG Faculty
Kane, Pamela MeysMusic, UNCG Student
Kane, Taylor R.English, UNCG Student
Kanel, Sushil R.ECU Student
Kaneshiro-Pineiro, Mahealani Coastal Resources Management, ECU Student
Kang, Gina English, ECU Student
Kang, Gina ECU Student
Kang, Ho YoungECU Student
Kang, Ho YoungECU Student
Kang, Jeongae Specialized Education Services, UNCG Student
Kang, Jin-Ae ECU Student
Kang, Jin-Ae ECU Student
Kang, Li ECU Student
Kang, Li ECU Student
Kang, Li ECU Student
Kang, Li ECU Student