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There are 14 record/s using the keyword/s: plant physiology .

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TitleDateCreatorPublication TypeInstitution
The Anatomical Basis for Hygroscopic Movement in Primary Rays of Daucus Carota Ssp. Carota ...1983Lacey, Elizabeth P.FacultyBiology, UNCG
Carbon Integration in Plantago Aristata (Plantaginaceae): The Reproductive Effects of Defoli...1994Lacey, Elizabeth P.FacultyBiology, UNCG
Carbon Integration in Plantago Aristata (Plantaginaceae): The Reproductive Effects of Defoli...1994Horton, Margaret L.FacultyBiology, UNCG
Carbon Integration in Two Plantago Species1992Lacey, Elizabeth P.FacultyBiology, UNCG
A cotton miRNA is involved in regulation of plant response to salt stress2016Sun, Di StudentECU
A cotton miRNA is involved in regulation of plant response to salt stress2016Yang, Zhi MinStudentECU
A cotton miRNA is involved in regulation of plant response to salt stress2016Zhou, Zhao ShengStudentECU
A cotton miRNA is involved in regulation of plant response to salt stress2016Gao, Shuai StudentECU
A cotton miRNA is involved in regulation of plant response to salt stress2016Xie, Fuliang StudentECU
A cotton miRNA is involved in regulation of plant response to salt stress2016Zhang, Baohong StudentECU
A cotton miRNA is involved in regulation of plant response to salt stress2016Li, Hua StudentECU
A cotton miRNA is involved in regulation of plant response to salt stress2016Zeng, Hou QingStudentECU
A cotton miRNA is involved in regulation of plant response to salt stress2016Yang, Lu StudentECU
Impacts Of Polyploidy And Subsequent Natural Selection On The Ecophysiology Of Solidago Alti...2021Krogmeier, Katie StudentBiology - Student, ASU